I Can Extract Proficiency

Vol 2 Chapter 523: Golden Dragon Whip

Once "Zongzong How" appeared, it often meant the beginning of the battle, and this time is no exception.

Ding Busi, an old monster, was stimulated by Xun Zong, and suddenly his eyes turned red and roared, followed by his right hand fluttering towards Ye Weiming volley, and a golden light had shot directly towards Ye Weiming's face.

This is his famous weapon, a nine-node whip called "Golden Dragon Whip"!

Ding Busi

One of Ding ’s two males, said to be less than four a day

Level: 90

Qi and blood: 880000/880000

Internal force: 350000/350000


Sure enough, it is just a weakened version of the mission mode.

Ye Weiming gently shook his head while walking with the sword. At one stroke, the sword style took Ding Bu's throat straight at a strange angle.

One of the characteristics of this "sword-style" is that it can form a line between your body and the sword in your hand, while avoiding the opponent's attack, giving the opponent a fatal blow!

Ding Bu was frightened at first sight, and immediately stunned the golden dragon whip in his hand. The gold whip that originally took Ye Weiming's door immediately changed to a stab, and smashed directly towards Ye Weiming's back.

If Ye Weiming does not move, his sword can certainly hit his opponent, but he will inevitably be hit by the opponent's golden lash.

He also seized Ye Weiming's trick of "sword-style", which was not a shortcoming.

This dagger sword style, as a wonderful killing trick in "Jiu Tian Jiu Jian", its biggest feature lies in a "strange" word.

Swordsmanship, known for its weird changes, needs to be fast in order to make the most of its power. From an unexpected point of view, the opponent can't react at any time with the speed of thunder.

During the show against the enemy, the opponent is often too surprised to react before they are shocked!

And such a characteristic is doomed, it can only exert its maximum power when the short soldiers meet.

But because the nine-section whip used by Ding Busi was a long weapon, Ye Weiming shot in advance and shot in advance in order to seize the opportunity, which also gave the opponent time to react.

But even so, Ding Busi was able to make such a good remedy in such a short period of time, and even after the night was unknown, he had to praise in his heart: Ginger, it is still old and spicy!

It's obviously not wise to exchange damage with a level 90 boss.

However, Ye Weiming was not willing to be forced to give up the offensive.

So he chose the best of both worlds!

However, he saw that he suddenly loosened his sword-holding hand, and at the same time stepped on the ground with his right foot, his body suddenly backed away from the attack range of Ding Bu 49 knot whip, but the handle in his hand was released by him. Canyang Lixue sword, but still stabbed forward in the same way, in Ding Busi's frightened eyes, swiping past his throat.


Ding Busheng was screamed suddenly in pain. However, his movement was not slow at all, while whipping the golden dragon in his hands into layers, while roaring at Ye Weiming, "Smelly boy, although you hurt me with the previous sword, you lost the weapon. I see how you and ... "

Before Ding Busi's words were finished, he suddenly heard that the evil wind behind him was not good. Out of the instinct of the warrior, he subconsciously hid sideways, but it was the blood-stained sword on the shoulder that was returned by the remnant sword.

Because the exterior of the Shangfang sword is only effective when the sword is equipped on the body, the sword is now out of the body, naturally showing its dazzling scenery.

And Jin Hong's sword body brought a scene of blood flowers, obviously particularly gorgeous!


However, this is not the end. After two swords in succession, Ye Weiming, the right-handed sword of Xu Kaikai, has pointed out the virtual painting, and the Yangyang Lixue sword is like a spiritual one. Several sword tricks have been changed one after another. Each of the moves looks very powerful, similar to the "Yue Nu Sword Technique" and "Quan Zhen Sword Technique" learned by Ye Weiming. Compared with the original moves, it is more dangerous and fierce!

This is the most terrible part of this trick "off the sword".

Whenever a warrior holds a sword, he must inevitably have one offense and defense in his moves. You ca n’t stop the sword on your opponent's body, but the opponent's backhand is hit by a knife first, which is not good.

Even the "Dugu Nine Swords", which is known as having no offense, must attack the enemy and save it, or use the offense instead of defense.

But Ye Weiming ’s move "sword-style" is because his body is still far away at this moment. There is no need to consider any defensive and self-protection issues. Any sword move can be abandoned in this regard. Say hello to the opponent's key points and the most uncomfortable place to defend the enemy.

However, in order to do this, you must thoroughly understand a set of swordsmanship, and the 9th level of the Yueyue Swordsmanship and the Full True Swordsmanship of the Night Unknown Battle cannot be completely thorough. .

It's just that the slight flaws and jerky points in it can't be accurately grasped by Ding Busi's ability.


On the battlefield side of Ye Weiming, Ding Busi was bewildered by Ye Weiming's exquisite "off-sword style", scrambling around.

On the other side of the battlefield, A Zhong's situation is not much better than Ding Busi.

Even just looking at the war situation, it seems even worse than Ding Busi.

But Wolverine is just a performance, and its actual situation is stable!

Stone Breaking Sky

A mysterious teenager with a mysterious life, Shi Potian is not his real name

Level: 80

Qi and blood :? ? ? /? ? ?

Internal force :? ? ? /? ? ?

(PS: Shi Potian is just a pseudonym temporarily compiled by Shi Zhongyu as the leader of Changle Gang. It is by no means the original name of A species, but Jin Lao has always used the name of Shi Potian in his narration, so he also uses this name here.)


Why don't you say that they are positive characters, and what is the main character?

This is plainly telling you that although we only have level 80 now, you can't see the upper limit of my blood and internal force!

Want to kill me, there is no door!

However, even if he has deep blood and internal force, A kind's level is only 80. After analyzing according to the theory of measuring the strength of BOSS, it is enough to show that he is really garbage in terms of moves.

At present, all the martial arts techniques are the "Ding Family Catcher" that he followed for a few days, as well as the "Snow Mountain Sword Techniques" that he learned during his sword practice. They are all unfamiliar and seem clumsy to use. Incomparable.

And his two opponents, since he was on the boat before, can stand on a three-legged situation, naturally they are also the best players.

Shaolin Xiaochen's "Shaolin Dragon Claw Hands" has already gotten a certain degree of warmth ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The moves are extremely skillful. And the word of the sword of Hui Jianmen is so fierce and extremely powerful.

A kind of one enemy and two, they were beaten up and down.

Fortunately, his internal force is high enough, and he can often turn the danger into danger. For example, sometimes, he was clearly held by the laughing "Shaolin Dragon's beckoning" acupuncture point, but as long as the internal force is shocked, you can easily get out of sleep, and sometimes you can At the same time when the internal force shocked the opponent, he was thrown out as a hidden weapon and smashed Dugu to ask for votes, which made the two players masters extremely depressed.

Even, the two of them have already made a desperate calculation problem in their hearts:

My fighting power is only 6000, he is at least above 10,000!

Then he took a peek at Ding Busi's side and the two guys' desperate heart suddenly became even more desperate.


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