I Can Extract Proficiency

Vol 2 Chapter 710: Grew's flaws

The dragon is in the wild!


Two fields!


"Boom! Boom! Boom! ..."

Ye Weiming shot angrily, fighting against this guy called Gru in one breath.

However, due to the large gap between the enemy and the opponent, the night and the night did not account for any advantage in such a match, but they were hit by a series of crushing injuries by the other party ’s powerful palm.

The damage of the seven palms accumulated, and he was shocked by the qi and blood of about 20,000 at night.

You know, this is equivalent to a quarter of the current limit of qi and blood that is unknown at night!

This is not the way to go.

Ye Weiming frowned after fighting against the seventh palm, his body flew back by the force of the anti-seismic force, and at the same time, he was mastered by the Sanskrit, and said: "Sword!"


In a high-pitched sword-sounding sound, the blood-stained sword in the scabbard rose behind the sky!

Then there was the sound of "Qiao!", Nailed to the beam above his head, motionless.

This is so embarrassing!

"Hahaha ..." Seeing Ye Weiming angry, he made such a funny big oolong, Gluhaha smiled, and then said: "Funny boy, don't you want to laugh at me, and then grab me Is the cheats of "Dragon Elephant Pragmatic"? "

The same Chinese is spoken from Gru ’s mouth, but it needs to appear much more round and round, completely unable to hear any alien foreign accent.

Seeing that Ye Weiming was deflated, March and the same side of the scene were both coincidentally shot with reinforcements.

A pair of poisonous palms, a giant sword, Qiqi attacked the key point of Gru Shenhang.

However, there is no use of eggs.

With just one face-to-face, March was forced to retreat by Gru Kuairuo's palm power.

The situation is even worse.

She is good at playing hard and fighting hard, and only one hard fight with the other party, she was hit with a crushing injury equivalent to one-fifth of the total blood volume.

Fortunately, her "Xuan Tie Sword" has the characteristics of "overlord", otherwise, under such a huge attribute gap, it would be strange not to be blown out by the other person with a sword!

This is the horror of the 121-level BOSS, which is not something that ordinary masters can contend with at this stage.

But at this time, he saw that Wu Ming's wrist had turned over, and the Dragon Mark Sword had been taken out by him.

With a sword in his hand, a confident smile appeared again on Kendo's face: "Stingy monk, do you think there is only one sword on Master's body?"

After all, he had already walked with the sword, and the long-lost "Xizi holding heart" took the opponent's heart.

At the same time, quickly posted a message on the team channel: "This guy's physical attributes are far more simple than level 121, but the status of the other party is" severe injury "plus" cold poison ", I think it is probably a senior BOSS, seriously injured It's dragged down to the current level. "

"However, when the system evaluates the BOSS level, it will never mess up."

"Since the system says that he is level 121, under the concealment of his tyrannical attributes, there may be an unknown flaw."

"I used to think that the two negative states of" internal injury "and" cold poison "on his body were his biggest flaws, but I just struggled with it, but I failed to cause his internal injury."

"Since this is the case, there are only two possibilities."

"First, his flaws did not come from those two negative states, but this makes no sense."

"So, I am more inclined to the second possibility. I tried to activate the side effects of his internal injuries in the wrong way."

"Since it's hard to fight, then everyone will try it!"

The above content was already summarized as long as he pulled his sword and forced it, but it was only sent out at this moment.

Therefore, sending a message did not affect the speed of his sword!

Gru saw a sneer sneered at the sight of Ye Mingming's sword.

Immediately shot with a palm, he intends to use the power of volley to shoot Ye Mingming and others with a sword and fly away.

However, at the same time when he hit with a palm, Ye Mingming suddenly withdrew his sword and flashed his body, while avoiding the opponent's volley palm power, his left hand volleyed out a semicircle, followed by a move "Kang Long regrets "Trusted out."

"Oh! ~~~"

Seeing Ye Weiming suddenly withdraw his sword and palm, Gru also frowned, and could only wave his left palm to meet Ye Ming's "Kang Long has regrets".



Another crushing injury, rising from the top of the night unknown.

However, at night, he did not retreat. He took advantage of the opponent's hands to give back his palms in a moment, and he was short of breath. His body slammed into Gru's heart and waved his elbow. , Another dragon-shaped palm burst out.

The sheep are touching the land!

"Awow! ~~~"

This move, "Antelope Touching the Clan", was originally one of the last three palms of "Eighteen Palms of the Dragon", which was unknown to Qiao Feng's original heritage.

And the biggest feature of this palm is that when calculating the power of this palm, it is not mainly to look at the attribute of physique, but to see the combined effect of the two attributes of physique and body method.

For Ye Ming, who has the highest physical attributes, he can undoubtedly enhance his power again.

Coupled with "Kanglong has regret" as a pre-skill, under the 20% damage bonus, it is even more powerful.



This time, in the face of this change, Ye Mingming actually hit a crushing injury on Gru's body!

Not only that, he was shocked by the unexplained domineering body, and the whole person fell back.

However, Ye Mingming succeeded in a blow, but took a backstab with a sword, taking advantage of the moment the opponent's posture was disintegrated, and stabbed fiercely on his right shoulder.



Another killer succeeded, but the expression on Ye Mingming's face was unhappy and frightened.

Because he was just a sword, he clearly stabbed the opponent's joint with unprecedented precision, but failed to play the expected effect of breaking the tendons.

In other words, how stiff is Gru's muscles?

Shocked at the bottom of my heart, the successively attacked Grew has begun to wave counterattacks. Ye Weiming immediately used a "sword-swinging" move. While striking a sword on the other person's left shoulder, his figure was backward Retreat.


And this sword is also not surprising, and did not play the expected effect of breaking the tendons.

Grue was hit again and again, but immediately waved his counterattack, and March and Suran were rescued again, and he was bombarded by him.

At the same time, when the two before the Yangyang Blood Sword, which was inserted on the roof of the house, started to shake from the left and right, the two of them quietly pulled themselves out of the wooden beams. .

Just when Gru was completely irritated, it seemed that when he was attacking according to the unknown night, he suddenly rushed from behind and took the meeting between Gru's legs!

Realizing the bad wind behind him, Grou sneered from the corner of his mouth, and just wanted to dodge, but his body stiffened for no reason.

His stiffness ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ only lasted less than half a second.

However, it was only half a second, which made him miss the only chance to avoid the unseen sword of the night!



"Ah! ↗↘↗↘↗↘↗ ......"

In the scream, Grew had recovered his backhand and pulled out the residual Yangli blood sword that was inserted into the key, and threw it aside.

But Ye Mingming turned his eyes on, and put away the Dragon Mark Sword, and recalled the Canyon Lixue Sword that had just been thrown out by the opponent. A confident smile hung in the corner of his mouth.

So, he immediately sent a message on the team channel:

"I have seen his flaws, what the **** is going on!"

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