I Can Extract Proficiency

Vol 2 Chapter 816: Holy Fire


The swords intersect, and at night suddenly feels the internal force attached to the opponent's blade, which seems to be a vortex, removing most of the force above his sword.

This feeling of being unloaded ... is "The Great Move"!

In "Eternal Chivalry", although the kung fu that can borrow and unload force is rare, it is not unique. I have seen many kinds before the night.

But any one of these martial arts can be taken out and said things must have its own characteristics and uniqueness.

And the technique used by this person in front of him can be said to be very similar to "Qiankun Danuo" used by Pei Tugou.

Not only that, but the same effort is displayed in the hands of the person in front of you. Whether it is powerful or flexible, it is better than the previous Pei Tugou!

This guy is a Mingjiao disciple?

Just when Ye Weiming guessed the identity of the coming person, this white-player was in a sharp turn, and even with a faster speed than before, he cut his backhand towards the unknown ribs.

Judging from the speed and strength of the sword, it was actually from the attack of the genius that he borrowed a small amount of strength from a sword before Ye Ming, to bless the power of this sword.

Sure enough, there are so many masters in the world, you can't be arrogant at any time!

Sighed secretly in the heart, Ye Weiming backhanded a sword with a backhand against the opponent's swift and violent sword, the sword light passed by, and was accompanied by two invisible sword qi, swept out together.

Snow blowing and cooking tea + one gasification and three clearing!

However, in the face of the unfavorable "one gasification and three cleansings" of the unknown night, the white-player was indeed not afraid, and his double knives actually cut more than ten knives in a row.

The angle of each shot is weird and extreme, but it is extremely fast.

Stunned while resolving Ye Weiming's one true, two false and three sword qi, and Yu Li Xiang Yewei Ming counterattacked three swords.

The point where each knife is placed is very hot, but it is absolutely unexpected.

The sword technique used by this person is very different from any martial arts that Ye Wuming has seen!

Prior to this, many martial arts that Ye Wuming had seen, even strangely like the "Evil Swordsmanship" that would enter the wine, also followed the basic martial arts theory, but only after cooperating with its unique luck practice method, it made the original When the mediocre moves become weird, the opponents can often be given a fatal blow in unexpected places.

However, the sword technique used by the person in front of him has abandoned the most basic martial arts theory. It seems to be upside down and completely out of rule, but it is amazingly powerful. The word is played to the extreme.

Even with the power unknown at night, when he first encountered such a weird kung fu, he did not dare to rashly enter.

Casting the "sword-defying style" of the main defender in "The Thrilling Nine Swords", he defended more than ten strokes in a row, before gradually adapting to the opponent's rhythm, stabbed with a sword, before the opponent cut the two swords out, right in the middle Where their double swords meet.



The sword collided head-on again, and the player in white still wanted to use the force of re-applying the skill, but found that the internal force contained in the sword unknown at night was not sent out, so that he simply could not borrow it.

As he was stunned, the trend suddenly felt a huge force strike, but it was the night that the unexplained internal force was sent out suddenly.

The white player was shocked and fell back five steps in a row, before he could barely stop the backward figure.


A four-digit crushing injury was picked up from the top of the opponent's head, causing the opponent's Qi and blood bar to fall by about one-tenth. From this, it can be judged that the upper limit of the opponent's Qi and blood should be around 65000.

Good guy, it seems that this person's strength is not just a move.

Even his basic attributes are stable!

The battle temporarily entered an intermittent period. The player in white pressed the portion of the white cloak over his head a little lower and said at the same time: "It seems that there is no task on your body. Why do you have to visit this muddy water, which is a good thing for others. ? "

"Without him, help friends."

Ye Weiming understated the reasons for his own shot, and then asked curiously: "I just felt that there is an internal force characteristic of" Qiankun Da Nuo Qiang "above your blade. Are you a Ming Taoist? And the knife technique you use is really weird, can you tell me, what is that famous? "


The other party answered neatly, and at the same time, he began to recite the Ming Dynasty's unique "Holy Fire Song": "Burn my broken body, the sacred flame, how can life be happy, and death should be painful? … "

As "Life Song" sounded in his mouth, the white-player in front of him seemed to be blessed in general. His figure turned and rushed up again from a strange and unpredictable angle. It was a little bit tougher.

Yueming didn't try to play several tricks with the other party, but he felt that this person seemed to be in a state of madness. The fierce moves were fierce, and there was a trend of intensifying.

Seeing this scene, Ye Wuming couldn't help but frowned: "Is it music to improve combat effectiveness?"

"I can do it too!"

Followed, the music of "Long Life Mantra" sounded in the snow mountain hall, and the white player's offensive weakened a little bit for no reason.

But Ye Wuming took advantage of this opportunity to use a trick "sword-style" to stab the opponent's choking throat ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The white player was shocked and quickly greeted him with a knife. It's empty.

Unknown at night, this trick "sword-style" seems fierce, but in fact it is no sword in hand, it is just a flower shelf.

Taking advantage of the opponent's stab in the air, the moment when the strength was not enough, Ye Wuming was a sharp jump forward, condensed into a dragon-shaped palm power on the palm, and directly pushed back in the opposite direction.

Antelope touches the clan!



Suddenly, a crushing injury figure floated from the top of the opponent's head, but it was an invisible sword that had been in the hands of the night before, and was kicked by the opponent in the process of retreating.

When the foot fell, the white player immediately fell backwards, but the unpredictable night unknown was keenly judging that the opponent was not really falling, but using the same weird body method as before, using the fake to throw himself. Adjust his body to a posture suitable for his strokes, and give his opponent a fatal blow at any time!

Had a long-anticipated night in his heart, and of course he would not be fooled by him.

Saw that he was facing the direction of the other party's falling, and another crystal blue dragon-shaped palm blasted out, but all the roads of the other side's front, back, left, and right were blocked!

"Your martial arts are indeed strange and unpredictable, but you can't use them to learn and use them, but you waste a good set of swordsmanship."

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