I Can Extract Proficiency

Vol 2 Chapter 818: Challenge Double Envoy (2 in 1)

Seeing the appearance of the second ambassador for rewarding good and punishing evil, everyone in the Xueshan School was dumbfounded.

The two parties who were playing lively at the moment, but no one is in the mood to continue playing.

According to observations unknown to the night, this should have been a battle for power over the branches of the Snow Mountain School.

But now the people from Xia Ke Island appeared and came to find their head and Laba Congee. None of them dared to admit that they were interested in the position of the head.

Although most players know that Nalaba congee is definitely a good thing for nourishing yin and kidney, but these NPCs don't know!

In their impression, going to the knight island is like going back and forth, but the people in the rivers and lakes are afraid to go for a career.

Now these guys are in the mood, as if a few waves of customers have chosen the same princess in a high-end entertainment venue, and they have squandered each other's money, and even fought.

When the results were in a hurry, the police uncle came to fight pornography!

That scene ...

Just think about it!

Ignored everyone's expression as if they had seen a ghost, and the second ambassador had stepped into the hall. Zhang San said with a smile: "Xia Kedao rewards the good and punish the second ambassador.

Li Sibing's cold interface: "Master!"

Snow Mountain sent everyone to speak, Qi Qi stepped back.

Was afraid that he would be full, and he would be treated as a master by Xikeke Island.

At this moment, Zhang San glanced at the large piles of small bodies and mosaics on the ground, and said again with a smile: "It is no wonder that the martial arts of the Xueshan School are famous all over the world, and they are beyond the reach of other factions. At that time, it turned out to be really slashing and killing, so serious, it was really rare, I both deeply felt ... "

Li Si: "Admire!"

Hearing the two men singing one in harmony, full of artistic nature, Ye Wuyi unconsciously said, "Huh! ~~~~"


All eyes in the hall of a time are all on the unknown body, whether it is the NPC of the Snow Mountain School, or the surviving players including the landscape and food.

No one thought that at this time, there are people who dare to meet the crosstalk in front of the second envoy of the knight island!

Say, don't you really know how to write dead words?

Is stared at so much, even if the face is thick as the night is unclear, it is a bit embarrassing.

Couldn't help but spread his hands and said: "Please, the protagonist of this drama is the two messengers of the Knights Island. I can only make a sound that the audience should make."

"You don't have to shout with me to set off the atmosphere, just stare at me to see how hard it is?"

"Look at the double envoy!"

Until then, everyone remembered that the second ambassador was the protagonist, so Qi Qi set his sights on the two envoys of Xia Kedao.

Saw that Zhang San had become more smiled at this moment, his eyes swept away at the unknown male sage.

Confirmed his eyes, this person's chivalry worth more than ten thousand, can't just strike him.

Since it was determined that Ye Mingming was not the target of their attack, Zhang San immediately turned around and asked the people of the Xueshan School: "Our intention has been made clear. I don't know who is the Xueshan School, which is ...

Li Si: "Master?"

Hearing the second envoy's inquiry again, among the Xueshan faction rebels, Cheng Zizi, Qi Zimian, Liao Zili, and Liang Zijin began to point at each other frantically.

"It's him!"

"It's him!"

"it's him!"

"He is the master!"


Looking at the ugly appearance of several self-professed masters of Xueshan School, Zhang San's face could not help but sneer with mockery, but Li Si still had a cold face and could not see a little expression.

"Huh! You guys have foolishly called your seniors, and we have completely lost the face of our Xueshan School!" During the speech, a single-armed man came out of the team of the Xueshan School's head and said proudly: "I seal Wanli is the head of the Snow Mountain School! "

"No, you are not."

Zhang San shook his head: "Although there is a bit of heroic spirit in you, we, Xia Kedao, do not invite people to waste."

Li Si: "Yes!"

Feng Wanli was face-to-face, and his righteousness was indignant, but the eyes of the reward and punishment of the second envoy had fallen once again on the four Xueshan masters.

Well, these four so-called masters are all in the 70-80 level, which is at least the level of different packages and storms, which is worse than Deng Baichuan and Gongye Qiang.

But such a level, among the NPCs currently on the bright side of the Snow Mountain School, it can already be regarded as a master.

Otherwise, how to say that the Xueshan School is a small school?

This is the sorrow of the small school!

If you change Shaolin, Wudang, and Shensi Division, the ultimate BOSS of level 200 will teach them to be a man in minutes!

"I am the master!" Just when Siziqi avoided Zhang Sanlisi's gaze, when everyone was in danger, he suddenly saw the figure of an old lady coming from the sky, but it was the mother-in-law of the little fairy fairy.

Today ’s Shi Xiaocui actually turned on the Gatling model, and began to spur on the scene as soon as he appeared, spraying the rebels of the Snow Mountain School one by one, and finally cursing: "It ’s so embarrassing, I do n’t need to call Snow Mountain It ’s a pie, simply get out of pie! "

Snow Mountain "Four Selfes" were silent, but no one dared to speak.

They are not afraid of Shi Xiaocui, but they are worried that if the voice is a little higher at this time, they are recognized as the head of the Xueshan school by Xikeke Island, and they will have no place to cry even if they cry.

For Shi Xiaocui's performance, even Zhang San couldn't help but say something wonderful, and then immediately re-entered into the main question: "So I don't know which one is the leader of this **** school!"

"shut up!"

Shi Xiaocui immediately screamed and said coldly: "Is that **** pie called by you bastards? I can scold the disciples in the gate who are not able to do so. What are you, dare to insult me ​​Xueshan pie !?"

The news was not heard at night, and he couldn't help but send a message on the team channel: "Domineering! This is the first time I saw this. This rewards the good and punishes the evil and makes people scold them by pointing their noses."

Hearing the landscape and food, his face can not help but also reveal a worried look.

After being insulted by Shi Xiaocui face-to-face, Zhang Sanli Si's face has become a little difficult to look at. For a time, the atmosphere in the hall becomes solid, as if the sky may collapse at any time.

"Don't hurt my master!"

Suddenly, with a shout, a familiar figure suddenly rushed in from the window, stepped in front of Shi Xiaocui, his eyes clear and greeted Zhang Sanli Si.

"Wang! Wang! ......" Feeling familiar, Ahuang in Ye Mingming's pet bracelet turned into a white light without being summoned and ran out, rubbing against the teenager's leg.

No need to ask, who can have such an influence on A Huang, except who is the protagonist of the story of "Xia Ke Xing"?

Seeing A Zhong, Zhang San Li Si's complexion suddenly eased. The former's face was instantly cloudy and sunny, and Shi Xiaocui smiled and paid a courtesy, and then said: "So, this mother-in-law, the head of the Xueshan School People? "

"She's not!" With a roar, everyone turned around and looked at it, but they saw a man in shackles appearing outside the hall door. It was Million Swords.

At the same time, a system prompt suddenly sounded in the ears of all players present.

Ding! Trigger the hidden mission "Snow Mountain Master".

The head of the snow mountain

An infighting of the Xueshan faction, because of the appearance of Zhang Sanli and Si, became a battle for the identity of the masters. All players present can challenge a master of the Xueshan faction at will.

Mission Level: Unknown

Mission rewards: Mission rewards vary according to the goal of the challenge.

Below is a row of challenge lists, and many masters of Xueshan School are listed on it.

Is just the reward for this task this time, but it is much different from the tasks that I have never been exposed to in the past. Actually ... experience value?

Among them, Snow Mountain "Four Self" has the lowest reward, and only has experience values ​​ranging from 10% to 20% of the current level;

Feng Wanli is higher, 50%;

Challenge Million Swords, Shi Xiaocui If successful, you can directly upgrade a level ...

Pulled the long list of challenges in front of me to the bottom. Ye Ming couldn't help but shining in front of him, and then asked on the team channel: "This challenge seems to be a team, should the two be together?"


Hearing Ye Mingming's inquiries, the landscape and food can't help but be shocked at the same time.

Be good!

Does mean to take us through the task?

The foodie little fairy quickly said: "Okay, if Brother Ye takes us, we can easily get the task reward."

Meeting in the mountains and rivers also said: "Which BOSS do you want to challenge? Ye brother chooses at random, we guarantee full cooperation."

The foodie little fairy shook her head: "Actually, with or without our cooperation, I'm afraid there is no difference for Yexiong. Bring us, but only so that we can also get a benefit."

"This relationship, we two wrote down."

Yue Weiwen said frowned and said, "I advise you to dispel this idea as soon as possible. The enemy is very strong. Without your cooperation, I would not dare to challenge."

Looking at the mountains and waters and eating goods, they couldn't help but give a thumbs up for the unidentified behavior at night.

Brother Ye is righteous!

Because we have to take us through the task, it should give us face.

It ’s ... too sweet!

After exchanging his eyes, he patted his chest together and promised, "Understood, we must cooperate fully!"

"it is good!"

Unknown night After getting the guarantee from the two, he no longer talked nonsense, directly behind the group of opponents he had already chosen, and consciously clicked the "Challenge" button.

In the next moment, the hall became much cleaner all at once. All the irrelevant personnel, both the player and the NPC, disappeared, and even the big hole on the roof that was blown out by the night has become intact again .

Now in the whole hall, there are only three people left in the team of unknown nights, meets in mountains and waters, and little food fairies, and their opponents ...

Zhang San

Xia Kedao rewards the good and punishes the evil. The second makes it reward the good. The real name is unknown. Zhang San is just a pseudonym.

Grade: 130

Qi and blood: 13600000/13600000

Internal force: 6500000/6500000


Li Si

Xia Kedao rewards good and punish evil two punish evil, real name is unknown, Li Si is just a pseudonym

Grade: 130

Qi and blood: 13000000/13000000

Internal force: 6600000/6600000


Seeing the reward and punishment of the blood bar before the sight, the encounter between the mountains and waters and the little food fairy felt that his whole person was bad.

Said that when they looked at the mission before, they saw that there were millions of swords there, and they dared not continue to look down.

Unexpectedly, there is such a perverted option at the bottom of the list.

Moreover, Yexiong really chose!

Say, that's the reward and punishment of Xia Kedao!

Are you really not afraid at all?

But after all, after today ’s challenge, regardless of winning or losing, can you brag about it, and you are the one who has played against the good and punished evil?

He did n’t say much to the two teammates who were still in a state of coercion. Ye Weiming clasped his fists directly at the reward and punishment in front of him, and said in his mouth: “Since it ’s a challenge, we must of course challenge the most powerful predecessor in the field It ’s the challenge. "

"Then next, I hope the two seniors will be merciful."

According to the challenge list, of course, the stronger the enemy, the more experience points you can get after the victory.

For example, Bai Wanjian and Shi Xiaocui can directly upgrade one level after the victory, but the reward for rewarding the good and punishing evil is: according to the player's performance during the challenge, upgrade 2 to 6 levels!

Then the question is coming, is Ye Weiming very inexperienced now?

The answer is: lack!

Of course lack!

Not to mention, after the two maps obtained by the previous word Ape Fei Riyue and Qianqian Qianjun, after being merged into one, they obtained an independent copy that must be at level 70 to be eligible to enter the challenge.

It is not yet known what specific good things are in this copy. The problem now is that there is still a big gap between him and Daomei's current level and the minimum standard for entering that copy.

Moreover, the knife girl who is diligent in practicing is obviously more unknown than the one who likes to do tasks, and has some advantages in the ranks.

Don't meet the requirements of Daomei by then, but he is far worse.

That would be too embarrassing!

The challenge task that directly rewards experience is an excellent way to quickly upgrade the level.

Unknown at night will certainly not give up this opportunity.

In order to maximize the profit, he even gave up the more confident option of challenging one of the two alone, but put on two teammates who are not very powerful and face the most difficult challenges directly!

"Why do you have to show mercy?"

Hearing that Ye Mingming was completely the opening remarks of the politeness, Zhang San said very seriously: "Now you are only entering a copy of the challenge, no matter whether we kill you or you kill us, there is nothing to the outside. There is no impact on death penalty. "

"The only difference is that if the challenge fails, you will not get the task reward. Why fear ..."

Li Si: "It's there!"

Hearing what they said, Ye Wuming was completely relieved: "In other words, even if you are about to do it later, if one of the juniors is careless and accidentally hurts two seniors, the Knight Island will not treat me Guilty? "

In other words, does it not detract from the favor of Xia Kedao?

Zhang San laughed: "This night young hero can rest assured that you only need to take this challenge as an ordinary discussion ..."

Li Si: "Okay!"

"Since this is the case ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Then I will ..."

From Zhang Sanli's mouth, he got an answer that satisfied him, and the music of "Longsheng Mantra" immediately sounded in the unknown night.

From BGM!

Followed by the invisible sword he was taken out of his baggage, he threw it away and threw it into a corner of the hall.

After that, the wrist turned again, and the golden sword appeared in the palm of the unknown night.

Walked along with the sword, a trick "sword-style" straight to take Zhang San's throat.

This series of actions is troublesome to say, but the familiar night is unknown, but all the above operations are completed within one second!

It was not until this moment that his second sentence finally came to everyone's ears: "Relax!"

In the face of Ye Mingming's swift and fierce attack, Zhang San's face condensed, his body quickly dodges backwards, and Li Si on the other side immediately blasted a palm from the air, with a chilling palm power straight to Ye Weiming right Under the side ribs.

Good tacit cooperation!

Unseen at night, he immediately retracted his sword and leaned back to support the body with the sword. At the same time, Jian Feng had been tangentially facing Li Si's eyes along a strange and unpredictable angle.

Sword style!

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