I Can Extract Proficiency

Vol 2 Chapter 822: Wide Eyes (2 in 1)

After handing over the two precious ores and iron flame orders needed to create the Shenbing, as well as the brains of the gigantic Xiangmu Yitianjian as a template to Wu Jincao, the two men conducted specific details about the Shenbing forging Simple communication.

Wu Jincao's comments are:

First, the original Yitianjian is made of extremely rare black iron and Western fine gold, and the two forging materials provided by Ye Weiming are millennium cold iron and strange ore, with the same appearance and proportion. The finished product will definitely be different in terms of weight and attributes.

In general, the weight of the final sword must be much lighter than that of the real Yitianjian, but it is heavier than the sampled Qiuxiangmu Yitianjian.

Secondly, it is also because of the raw material problem. If the proportion is exactly the same as that of the Yitianjian, it will definitely not be able to exert the best use effect. Make some minor adjustments.

But what can be guaranteed is that these adjustments are really very subtle, and they are the kind that finds the difference when you don't see it with a magnifying glass.

Thirdly, Wu Jincao's personal small opinions and suggestions can add an additional function under the premise that the final product's power is not affected. He detailed the adjustments he wanted to make, and the details were unknown.

Unidentified After hearing the other party ’s rationalization proposal, he resolutely stated:

No problem, that's not a problem!

Anyway, I did n’t know that I did n’t know how to forge. It was the choice of smart people to give professional things full power to professional people.

Following the blind command at this time can only be a chaos!

According to Wu Jincao, it takes three days to forge a new magical soldier, so Ye Ming must leave things behind, and three days later to fetch the sword.

Ye Ming also gladly agreed to this, and then turned around and left Wu Jincao's iron shop.

As soon as I went out, I saw an acquaintance waiting at the door with a smile.

"Brother Yi?"

The person who came here was Pei Tugou, a disciple of Yang Xiao who was a bright left envoy of Mingjiao.

Hearing Ye Weiming's almost exclusive name, Pei Tugou showed a faint smile on his face, and said in a joke: "Why, Ye Brother seeing me here is very strange?"

"It's not strange." Ye Weiming shook his head: "Here is a bright roof after all. Compared with your Mingjia disciple, it's strange that I appear here."

Pei Tugou raised his eyebrows: "Find a place to eat something?"

"your treat?"

"of course!"


Said, Pei Tugou led the way ahead, and Ye Ming was followed immediately. Turning around a crossroad, Ye Mingming led by Pei Tugou entered a restaurant with a torch.

Pei Tugou seemed to have been prepared for a long time, and went straight to the door of a private room on the second floor with Ye Mingming. He first opened the door and then made a "please" gesture towards Ye Mingming.

Nodded with a smile, and then stepped in politely.

Glanced around the box, but saw a round table in the middle, full of dishes.

Say "full", in fact, there are only simple three or two meat dishes with local characteristics, such as roast lamb and chicken, but because the dishes are surprisingly large, just two or three dishes, just one The round table is full.

Around these affordable meat dishes, there is this one copper jug ​​and three bronze barons. The baron has already been filled with wine. Judging from the aroma of the wine, it can be judged that Fine sorghum wine.

There was already a person sitting on a seat near the wall. This person was wearing a white jumpsuit cloak. The upper edge of the cloak was pulled low by him, and he could only see half of his face from an unknown angle. .

Speaking of this, this player in white also recognized it at night.

Is the same guy who used to use the clubs "Qiankun Danuo" and "Holy Fire Order" that were previously planted in the hands of Ye Xiaoming in Lingxiao City.

Looking at him, it seems that he has been waiting here for a long time.

Seeing that the other party was silent, he didn't take the initiative to speak at night, when he was sitting among the three chairs, near the window. The Pei Tu dog who subsequently entered could only sit by the door.

After the two of them sat down, the white player with cloak couldn't help but ask the first curious question: "Brother Ye sees me, and he is not surprised at all. It's because the dog has already told me about it. Alright? "

Pei Tugou quickly shook his head: "I just said I would like to invite Brother Ye for a meal, but nothing else." A slight meal, and some dissatisfied protests: "Also, can you please stop calling in the future My dog? Sounds a little domineering! "

The white player hangs a slightly ridiculous smile in his mouth, and seems to want to ridicule Pei Tugou. However, he was worried about the presence of this outsider at night, and he finally refrained.

Followed, but without saying a word, turned his head to the direction of Ye Ming.

As for where he had to look with his eyes?

Because his cloak was too low, others could not see his eyes at all.

Shrugged, and Ye Weiming explained at random: "First of all, the way that Brother Zhengyi appeared today is very special. It feels like he is standing by the door of the blacksmith shop and waiting for me."

"Secondly, after we entered this restaurant, there wasn't even a buddy who greeted us voluntarily, but the brother Yi Yi led me directly to the box here."

"This shows that he has already made a reservation for this box, and maybe even the wine and dishes have been prepared, just waiting for me to appear."

"Combining the above two points, we can completely rule out the possibility of encounter. I even suspect that after I was sent to Guangmingding, I have been noticed, and where is the news to Brother Zhengyi."

Pei Tugou Wenyan not only widened his eyes and said: "Brother Ye, can you analyze these many things out of some simple things?"

Ye Weiming smiled slightly and continued: "But I guess the person who wants to find me today should not be a brother of justice, because I and I have added friends to each other. If he has something to do with me, a book of flying pigeons But, why use such trouble? "

"Combining my previous experience with the Xueshan School, and the attributes of the martial arts and the" cat's eye necklace "you dropped after death, and then associate things with your body, isn't it a matter of course?"

"Since you have already guessed that the protagonist of today's guests is you, why do you have to look surprised after seeing you?"

"Pap! Pap! Pap!"

Hearing the analysis of the unknown night, the player in white clapped three times in a row, and then said: "Wonderful! From this analysis, you can see that you can have today's achievements, which is no fluke."

"And I planted it in your hands today, and I really lost it!"

Yue Miming smiled slightly, and continued to say: "Since you lose no complaint, then I wonder if you should lift your cloak, do you see each other openly?"


Say, the white player raised his right hand, lifted the cloak above his head back, and carried it directly behind his back.

Unknown at night, this is how he looks.

Saw that this person had fair skin and a cold face. The most striking thing was his eyes.

Said that the white player's eyes are special, but it does not mean that the person's eyes are different. On the contrary, he is also a black-haired, black-eyed, yellow-skinned, authentic Chinese appearance. It's just that these eyes feel very special, with a sharpness that can't be hidden in their eyes. It seems to be very aggressive, and it's hard to forget it with a glance.

Seeing the surprise in Ye Wuming's eyes, the white-player smiled slightly, and then reluctantly explained: "This is why I must always cover my eyes with my cloak."

"In reality, it is indeed a good thing to have an impressive appearance, so that it is more convenient for others to remember themselves in interpersonal communication."

"But in this game ..."

Speaking of this, Bai Yi plus shook his head helplessly: "After all, I am a killer business in this game. Any feature that can attract the attention of others is a fatal flaw for this profession."

Yue Weiwen wrinkled his brow slightly.

Saw a smile on the white player's lips, and said: "Re-introduce myself, my name is ring finger, it is a killer."

Even if the news was not heard at night, he could not help shaking his head and said with a smile: "This romantic name was actually used by a killer. It's really a shame!"

The ring finger shrugged: "When you hear the three words on the ring finger, you will think of a wedding ring. In all cases, nine are single dogs."

The unexplained unyielding anti-lips yelled at night: "How many of you can board the spacecraft to play the game, are there not single dogs?"

"It makes sense!" The ring finger waved his hand, and his eyes became sharper: "Nevertheless, how does Yexi feel about this equipment?"

During the speech, the ring finger took out a strange shape, which was embellished with emerald silver accessories, and showed its attributes in the presence of Ye Ming.

Guangmu Wumu (Treasure): A piece of mysterious ornament from Tianzhu in the Western Regions. +300 body method, attack +100.

This accessory is familiar!

Seeing the equipment brought out by his ring finger, he suddenly felt a sense of familiarity at night.

Subconsciously glanced at the "many stories" that he carried with him, regardless of style or profile, they were all so similar!

This is the same series of equipment as the "growthless" that Yu Mako dropped.

After confirming this, Ye Weiming's subsequent thoughts were ...

This thing has something to do with me!

In my heart, I have already given birth to this "wide vision", but on the surface, Ye Ming still shows a careless expression: "This thing is more like a 'opal stone necklace' in terms of attributes. Not a small gap? "

"Brother Ye, this is a bad word." Ring finger shook his head and said: "Only in my hands can the 'opal stone necklace' exert its true power and change someone ..."

Ye Mingming didn't wait for the other party to finish talking, and immediately shook his head to interrupt him: "Even if the special attribute of 'Holy Fire Makes Divine Equivalence + 2' aside, the basic attribute of 'opal stone necklace' is stronger than this accessory some."

"Of course, this 'opal stone necklace' is obviously a special equipment that matches your attributes, and it also enjoys the beauty of being an adult. It's just ..." Speaking of this, Ye Weiming smiled slightly and grabbed a piece of roasted food. Lamb stuffed into his mouth, chewed a few bites and said "It tastes good!"

Such a posture, the meaning displayed can't be more obvious.

I want a necklace, but ...

You have to add money!

Seeing Ye Wuming put on such a picture to fix the other party's attitude, Pei Tugou on the side smiled a little and moved closer: "Brother Ye, you are wrong to say that. Although the necklace is now in your hands , But after all, you also broke out from the ring finger. "

"As the so-called friend should be solved and not to be tied, since the ring finger is willing to take out something for exchange, why shouldn't Brother Ye sell it in the next face, so everyone turns embarrassment into jade silk?"

"Is it more important for Ye Xiong to have a friend in the game than a piece of equipment that is not suitable for him?"


Hearing that Pei Tugou had already spoken about this, Ye Weiming was very cooperative in making a look that you couldn't do, and then said: "Since Brother Zhengyi has said so, what else can I say? After all, money is something outside the body, and the face of a friend must be given! "

Followed, he directly sent a transaction application to the ring finger.

Just like this, "Guangmu boundless" is at hand. Incidentally, he also attached a favor to Pei Tugou, and a share of gratitude.

This sale, earn money!

Of course, acting and trapping. After the end of the transaction, Ye Mingming continued to pretend to be the one who lost money today, and then he was shocked, just showing a pair of free and easy to come and go.

What is a powerful actor?

Seeing that the purpose of inviting Ye Wuming to come here today has been achieved, Pei Tugou, who acts as a middleman, immediately greeted the two to drink and eat food. Ye Weiming was also polite, and while chatting with the two of them, he happily laughed and cleared his hunger.

Seeing the atmosphere becoming more harmonious, Ye Weiming pretended to ask casually: "Actually, I have always been curious, like" Holy Fire Makes Divine Skill ", a martial art that has not yet appeared in the plot, how did you treat it? Did you get it? And your "Qiankun Grand Shift" seems to be even more sophisticated with Brother Zhengyi. "

"It's just a matter of personal chance." The ring finger doesn't hide, and explains casually: "Since Ye Brother already knows what martial arts I'm using, there is nothing to hide from their origin."

"Because of some language advantages I had before entering the game, I got an opportunity in the game that other people can hardly find out. It is a heritage passed from the old man of the mountain Huoshan to China, that is, the complete" Holy Order " "Shen Gong" and part of "Qiankun Great Move ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~" Is there such inheritance in the game?

Is unknown and novel, but it is not surprising to think that "Jiuyang Zhenjing" can have multiple inheritance methods, and "Qiankun Da Nian Yi" has other ways to obtain it.

Solved the biggest doubt in his mind, and Ye Mingming didn't continue to ask questions, even if he continued to chat with the two about other things.

Watching the sky close to dusk, the sunset sprinkled on the ground and the attic, reflecting a golden color.

The night with plenty of wine and food was unknown, and he immediately got up and said goodbye to the two.

At this time, the ring finger suddenly sent a friend to apply. After the night did not agree, he re-buckled his cloak on his head and covered him with a half face: "As I said before, I am a Killer. "

"In the future, if you encounter some dirty work that you are not comfortable with, you can contact us."

"I will give you a 20% discount."

Inconvenient to do dirty work, can you contact you?

Co-authoring is to hire a murderer!

Just like the unidentified and unselfish and kind, the humble and elegant and honest male sage, how can he do such a thing?

So, for the good intentions of the ring finger, he replied in a word: "A word is for sure!"

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