I Can Extract Proficiency

Vol 2 Chapter 831: 18 dragons, no discount at all!


  Ouyang Feng, who has fully understood the situation, is still reluctant to give up, but he still gave up the idea of ​​continuing to send trouble to the Jiangnan Six Monsters.

  After all, in his heart, a hundred Ke Zhen's evil lives are not as important as a cold hair of Ouyang Ke.

   picked up Ouyang Ke violently, Ouyang Feng said in a cold voice: "Well, I'll take Kerr away from Taohua Island, are you satisfied?"

   Talking, holding Ouyang Ke directly, and skimming under the fingertips.

   Seeing that Ouyang Feng's father and son had left, Jiangnan's six monsters couldn't help being relieved at the same time.

   At this time, he heard the unknown night and said again, "Stop!"

  Ouyang Feng had a figure, frowned and asked, "What else do you want?"

   "Return my dagger!"

   Hearing Ye Wuming’s unreasonable unjustified request, Ouyang Feng was almost stunned on the spot and squeezed out of his teeth: "If I don’t pay it?"

Ye Weiming's smile was even better: "Why should Senior Ouyang get angry, you should also really want to feel at ease to use the exercises in the "Healing Articles" of the "Nine Yin Zhen Jing" to heal your nephew without any interference, Isn't it?"

  Yewu Ming is now grasping the absolute initiative of the scene, so that Ouyang Feng, a peerless powerhouse, has no way to take him except to do what he asks.

Hearing Ye Weiming's request for him to return the dagger, Ouyang Feng's face changed from white to black, then from black to purple, and finally he sighed helplessly, and then stretched his hands to seal several points on Ouyang Ke's body. Only then he pulled the "Guo Jing Dagger" from Ouyangke's lower abdomen and threw it aside.

   Then he started his body again and went straight to the peak.

   In fact, the matter of asking for a dagger from Ouyang Feng was not Ye Mingming who deliberately acted to bully Ouyang Feng.

   is really because of the special nature of this magical soldier.

  Under normal circumstances, the player's weapon is inserted into the NPC's body. As long as they are separated by a certain distance, they will automatically return to the player's burden under the intervention of system rules.

   was like Yin Liting, who was dribbling a layup and stabbed a sword from behind. The sword also disappeared from his body, and the blood of Yang Unrepent was splashed, and the blood dripping ceremony was completed.

   But "Guo Jing Dagger" is different, because it has a very special special effect-plot kill.

   The effect of "plot kill" is somewhat similar to a plot where a plot NPC stabbed into another NPC's body, and the damage caused is the plot damage recognized by the system. (Currently only valid for Ouyang Ke)

   Therefore, as long as the dagger is not pulled out, it will always be inserted in Ouyangke's body, no matter how far away from the night, it will not be automatically recovered by the system.

   In order not to lose this handy magical soldier, Ye Weiming could only bully Ouyang Feng with difficulty, and let the other party leave his dagger before leaving.

  If it were not so, how did Ye Weiming have the patience to let Ouyang Feng face him in the face, causing a second injury to Ouyang Ke?

  He is not a devil.

   Watching Ouyang Feng carrying his son away, Ye Yeming was uneasy to control A Hong to continue to follow him all the way from the high altitude behind him, but instructed Han Xiaoying to help put the dagger first.

  Just like this, Ye Weiming kept watching Ouyang Feng calling on the Lonely Cloud, who was fighting with Jinghu Mingyue, passed through the Peach Blossom Array, and then sailed away from the Peach Blossom Island.

   Until they sailed far away, and Ye Ming didn't confirm the direction again, this controlled A Hongzi back.

  Out of Peach Blossom Array, Wu Ming landed on the beach again at night: "Brother Ming Yue, I was stopped outside Peach Blossom Array again, and came out to pick me up!"


  As the voice of the unknown night fell, the peach tree in front of him suddenly separated to the left and right, and a path leading directly to the interior of Peach Blossom Island appeared.

  I didn't see this clearly at night, so I couldn't help seeing it.

   Say, can Jinghu Mingyue control the Peach Blossom Formation already achieve this degree?

  With such doubts, Ye Mingming stepped into it.

   Soon, he found out that he had guessed wrong, because it was not the Jinghu Mingyue who opened the peach blossom formation to let him enter the Peach Blossom Island freely, but...

"Brother Ye!" In a loud shout of excitement, a burly and strong young man rushed forward vigorously, and at night, it was a bear hug: "Thank you for saving my six masters, really thank you so much!"

Ding! You have completed the plot mission "Reversing the Heavens and Changing Your Life". Since you perfectly rescued the six Jiangnan monsters in the mission, there were no casualties in the whole process, and the mission completion degree was "perfect".

Ding! Your cheats for "Kanglong has regrets" have activated new tricks: "Hong Jian Yu Lu", "Li Shi Da Da Chuan", "Suddenly", "or Yue Zai Yuan", "Miyun is not raining", "Loss is good ", "Shuanglong takes water", "Six Dragons by time", "Yuyue Yuyuan".

   One, two, three... eight, nine!

  Nine moves!

  Nima, this is a complete nine strokes "Dragons and Eighteen Palms"!

  With these nine tricks, the unprecedented Dragon of the Eighteen Palms finally got together. It is no longer a incomplete school, but a complete set of real school!

  I have to say that the eight-star mission is awesome!

   Excited for the unknown night, patronizing and counting his fingers, he got a total of several tricks "Dragons and Eighteen Palms" in this task, but he was surprised to be the burly young man who was holding him.

   Until he counted his moves and determined his gains, he felt that he was being held by a man, and suddenly felt awkward all over him.

   looked towards the front, but he just saw Huang Rong, who was smiling and smiling, smiling at herself with a dog.

  Unknown at night, this just came back. Guo Jing, who is hugging him, should be this!

   has finished fighting, the two of you only appeared. It's really the same as the police in some gangster movies, they have appeared timely enough!

   "That, Brother Guo!"

Ye Weiming expressed comfort and patted the other person’s shoulder, pushing it away, but he couldn’t see the disgusting expression on his face. Instead, he asked with concern: "I heard that you were finished by Yan Honglie I was hurt, and I was always worried about your injury. Now it seems that it is all right?"

"I've been fine for a long time. It was Rong'er who helped me with the wound." Guo Jing said excitedly: "The previous thing, the six masters have already told me. Thank you, Brother Ye! If it's not you, my The six masters are afraid..."

   "You're welcome, we are friends, aren't we?"

  Yue Ming was very polite to cope with Guo Jing's sincere thanks. In fact, he was eager to get rid of the goods, and then he found a quiet place to learn "Jianlong Eighteen Palms".

  After all, there is nothing other than "Dragon Eighteen Palms" on this cargo that he is coveted.

   "Right!" Mu Jing's Guo Jing didn't even notice the night's scorn, and after a moment of excitement, he suddenly asked what happened: "What happened to Wan Yanhonglie?"

  Yue Weiwen said a little helplessly, "He has been defeated by us, and he was captured on the spot, and by the way, his arrogant skill was scrapped."

   "Originally, according to my opinion, this big villain who tried to cause trouble in the Central Plains was to be killed on the spot."

   "But I think Brother Guo has a feud between him and his father~www.wuxiaspot.com~ After hesitating, he decided to leave his dog's life to you to solve."

   Free door-to-door sentiments, don't give away without giving away.

Ye Weiming shamelessly made his choices for profit planning, said that he was considering for Guo Jing, and then added: "But as a public official in the court, I cannot always keep Wan Yanlie in private, and You were hurt again, and I couldn't find you."

   "So, I handed him over to the Shensi Division."

   "Want to come, has been taken by the court to exchange benefits with Jin Guo?"

   said, Ye Mingming spread his hand, and made an empathy expression to Guo Jing.

   Now that everything has been explained clearly, should it be time for me to learn all about "The Dragon's Eighteen Palms"?

   This time, Guo Jing was quite interesting, but after expressing his sincere gratitude to Ye Weiming again, he then said: "Da En does not say thanks, and I don't bother Brother Ye to do business."

   "Right." Suddenly it seemed to remember something. Guo Jing took out a dagger from his arms. The word "Guo Jing" was engraved on the handle.

After glancing at the dagger in his hand, Guo Jing said embarrassedly, "Brother Ye. The seven masters gave me this dagger before, and let me give it to Brother Ye, but this thing was originally owned by Kang Di. It’s very important to say, I don’t know if Brother Ye can cut love?"

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