I Can Extract Proficiency

Vol 2 Chapter 835: Come on, dry this pot of poisonous chicken soup! (2 in 1)

  Fireworker Tuo

   was originally a fireworker Tuo Tuo in charge of cooking in Shaolin Temple. He became a master of the generation because he got "Jiuyang Zhen Jing".

   Grade: 145

   Qi and blood: 52000000/52000000

  Internal force: 11000000/11000000


   For Huodao Tuo Tuo's sudden shot, Ye Wuming can be said to have been prepared.

After all, this is also a task related to the "Nine Yang Zhen Jing", if you just follow the task process previously mentioned by Huo Gongtou, you can get a top-notch Zhigong Zhigong Zhizhi from Zhiyang to Gang. Simple!

  Don't say anything about the difficulty of Wudang Qixia.

   The same difficulty, but also what is the reward!

   If the reward is "Nine Yang Zhen Jing", this difficulty is indeed too low. Even with the difficulty of getting news from Zhang Sanfeng's mouth, it is still too low!

   Let players pay disproportionately and gain, and this is the way to let players take advantage of it, this is not the system's usual operating routine.

   Therefore, according to Ye Mingming's cognition of systemic urination.

   I am afraid that Yunhua Shangxian will meet Yu Lianzhou when she goes out, which is also a surprise inherent in this task itself.

  It is not so bad for him, it is better to say that this is the original difficulty of this task!

   adds a suddenness, does not give players too much preparation time, thereby improving the total score of character completion.

  This is the insidious routine used by the system!

   After all, if you are prepared to challenge a BOSS, you will not be able to get the same success rate as a BOSS when you jump out of the way.

   Therefore, this battle is arguably the most difficult part of this mission.

   passed, you can slowly plan the challenge to Wudang Qixia.

  Can't get through, say goodbye to "Jiuyang Zhenjing"!

  However, for Ye Ming, this sudden surprise is totally unimportant.

  Because, since he has analyzed so many key issues, he is naturally ready for it early in the morning!

Seeing that Huogongtou Tuo controlled the vines from attacking himself, Ye Ming immediately started his body, evading the attack of the vines, and at the same time summoning the sword from the sword that had been bombed out, and exhibiting the "Sword of the Nine Swords" Exquisite swordsmanship, whirling with the Fireworker Tuo.

   has to say that the internal force of this fireworker Tuo is really fierce and domineering, even a strong group.

  Among all the opponents that Unknown encountered at night, any enemy who can see the blood bar instead of the three question mark is the longest he has the blood and internal force bar.

   Moreover, it is better than other BOSSs with similar levels, and it is stronger than the one that you don't know how much!

However, correspondingly, as a paralyzed person, this guy’s own fighting flexibility can be said to be extremely low, and he can only control the vines wrapped around the stone ball with a sturdy skill, and can’t cope with it. It's troublesome.

   just wants to win, it is not that simple.

   Those vines that were instilled with the Nine Yang Divine Skills are also extremely amazing. Even if Ye Mingming is in contact with it through the sword in his hand, he will be hit by an amazing crushing injury.

   Absolutely untouchable!

  At the same time, because of the opponent's body, Huo Duantuo Tuo defended his body very rigorously, and wanted to hurt his body without touching those strong vines, even if he could not know what he could do at night.

   But it doesn't matter, since you can't hit anyone, then play ball!

   Relying on his own flexibility, sharp swords, and unknown at night, he does not demand to be able to attack the fireworker Tuo Bentuo. The various killing tricks of "Jingtian Jiujian" greeted the big stone ball behind him.

  Sword style!

   Sword style!

  Broken sword style!

   off sword style!

  Sword drop!


  Under the exquisite and fierce assault of Ye Mingming, Huo Duantuo Tuo can only protect himself from the rashness of Jiuyang Qiqi, and he has no time to take care of the whole stone ball.

   Soon, the stone ball was cut with deep sword marks under the cutting of the sword gas unknown at night.

   These sword marks are horizontal and vertical, seemingly irregular, but in fact it is the result obtained after precise calculation by Ye Mingming.

  After all, after practicing "How to Daizong" for a long time, even if you don't open the active effect of this unique learning method, you will also make some simple calculations subconsciously in combat.

   And these sword marks on the stone ball superimposed, it seems that the damage to it is not very great, but it has already destroyed its surface structure to an extreme extent.

  After more than fifty strokes were attacked in a row, Ye Wuming gave the sword sacrifice in the air in mid-air, while taking advantage of the full defense of the Fireworker Tuo, and turned around to the side of the stone ball.

  Followed by the sound of Longyin between his palms, his left hand slammed on the stone ball.

   The dragon is in the wild!



   Under a single blow, the stone ball, which had already been cut and scarred and fragile, was suddenly knocked off a large gap.

  The gravel jumped around!

  At the same time, this stone ball was also spinning violently under the impact of palm power.

   And the whole person is set in the fireworker Tuo in the stone ball, because the action can not be self, once the stone ball turns, he can only follow the rotation.

  Even if he had enough skill to stop it, but he was "Nine Yang Divine Skills" no matter how strong he was, and without one focus, his due power would not be able to exert one-twelfth.

  Unknown night succeeded, of course, will not let go of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, immediately palms out, the sound of Long Yin one after another, resounding through the cliff bottom abyss.

  One wild!



   Flying dragon in the sky!

  The dragon's tail!


Because of the previous sword marks as a bedding, every palm that is unknown at night can throw away large pieces of stone chips on the stone balls. These wounds accumulate, which causes the stone **** behind the Huotong Tuotu to be visible to the naked eye. The speed is rapidly decreasing.

   one circle, two circles, three circles...

   And with the undisclosed palm power, the rotation speed of the stone ball is getting faster and faster.

   At the beginning, Huotang Tuo Tuo could barely see the surrounding things, but later he could only see a stream of light and shadow in front of him. He could do nothing but control the vines to protect himself.

   And under such a crazy rotation, he also felt a sudden dizziness in his mind, and even more Venus fluttered in front of him.

The reason why    has not spit out is mainly because there is nothing in his stomach...

  Unknown night tactics are also very simple.

   is to bully the Fireworker Tuo physically paralyzed, and the action must rely on the stone ball behind him!

  In this way, as long as the stone ball is gone, he naturally has no way to continue to move.

  Even if he has the inner strength, even a limb with all his limbs, unable to move the enemy, there is no threat to Ye Mingming!

  However, the idea is beautiful, but the actual operation, but Ye Weiming was helpless to discover that the stone ball that Huo Tuo Tuo did not know where to come from was really too big.

   is so big that he tried his best to consume about 90% of his internal force, which only reduced the diameter of the stone ball by about one third.

   Seeing that if he continues to play like this, it must be that his internal force is exhausted before the opponent's stone ball.

  This is not enough!

Realizing that it is unclear to continue to fight like this, the night is unclear. Immediately, he retreated, and even the sword in the sword suspended above the stone ball was also summoned back by him and flew back to the sword behind him. In the sheath.

  Turn off the music, and the unsettled hands of the unsettled night stood quietly, resuming the almost exhausted internal force silently.

   And Huo Duantuo Tuo is continuing to circle in place.

   Turn ah...

   turned for almost half a minute, grinding the ground out of a big pit, and the stone ball carrying the Huo Tuotuo finally stopped spinning. Followed by this, the strong man who turned the "Nine Yang Zhen Jing" to Dacheng Realm was a dizzy nausea.

   And Ye Ming is also very particular about it, did not take advantage of this opportunity to launch an attack on it, and just looked at the other person retching but could not spit out anything. With a smile on his face, he continued to recover his internal strength.

"Hello!" After a while, the fireman who had clear mind finally cleared up and looked at Ye Mingwu, asking: "How did your kid just not take advantage of Laozi's dizziness when he launched a raid on Laozi? No good tricks come in handy!"

  Unknown night calm smile, then said: "Hungry, want to eat something."

  Fire Foreman Tuo Yan sneered immediately: "Eating? Are you kidding me when my test is to drink wine with you? I will never..."

At this time, I saw a big hand wave at night, and a white stripped chicken that had been shed and cleaned has been taken out of his burden, and then said: "It is really uncomfortable to fight with hungry stomachs. I decided to go first. Stew it and wait for us to fill up our stomachs before we continue to fight?"

   Let's... shall we?

   In other words, this chicken stew also has my share!

The clear wave catches the keyword eyes in the unspoken words of the night, and the fireman's head suddenly lights up, and immediately changes his mouth and says: "I will never attack you when you cook, you can rest assured. Now!"

   The night was not heard, and his face could not help showing a satisfied smile.

   Sure enough!

He easily removed a large iron pan from the bag, and immediately put it on the ground. Ye Weiming raised his head and said to Huo Gongtou Tuo: "These things, you help me watch first, I will find some dry wood to come back. Today, I Let you see what a super chef of class 10!"

   "Okay." Huo Gongtou Tuo licked his lips and said: "No problem."

He looked forward to looking at Ye Weiming's back, but he didn't notice it at all. Ye Mingming could continue to put these things in the baggage, but he just wanted to take them out and let him look. There was something wrong. local.

  Yue Unknown's reason for proposing to invite the other party to eat, delaying time is only one of them.

   As for more ideas, we need to plan slowly.

   Now the first step has been completed, using food to lure, lower the posture of this guy, so that this arrogant guy can communicate equally with himself.

  Without a moment of effort, Ye Mingming had returned with a pile of dry wood.

Then, under the eager gaze of Huodao Tuotu, he raised a bonfire on the ground, put the iron pot on it, and filled it with water, and then cut and washed the white stripe chicken prepared before. The red **** and garlic were put into the pot, and then the lid was opened and began to wait quietly.

  In reality, if you want to boil a large pot of chicken broth, it takes a long time to simmer slowly.

   But in the game everything is simple, just a moment of effort, the extremely tempting meaty fragrance has gradually spilled out of the pot with the steam, and the spitting of the foreman of the foreman is greedy, and the image is increasingly emaciated.

At this time, I heard Ye Wuming say, "Laohuo, I heard that you were also a monk who was in charge of cooking when you were in Shaolin Temple. Tell me about how you cook at Shaolin Temple. What is craft?"

  The fireworker Tuo frowned, and said with some dissatisfaction: "Can we not mention the things in the Shaolin Temple?"

   It can be seen that the memory of this Huo Gongtou Tuo in Shaolin Temple seems not so beautiful.

   But this is also normal.

   After all, the identity of Huogongtou Tuo, even in Shaolin Temple, is probably one of the lowest monks.

  As there are so-called people, there are people, and there are rivers and lakes where there is safety.

   Although Shaolin Temple is a clean place for Buddhists, it cannot be avoided if you want to come.

   The specific kind of grievances and grievances do not need to be elaborated by the fireworker Tuo. Just imagine how the wine and meat monk in the discipline school bullied the virtual bamboo in the plot of "Dragon", you can imagine one or two.

   If it's something else, since the other party doesn't want to mention it, it will not be difficult for the strongman to do it at night.

   But what he said now is of vital significance to the next plan, so he had to ask.

  Seeing Huoguotou Tuo put on a look of past unbearable looks, Ye Mingming couldn't help but laughed: "Just tell me about it, I'm actually not interested in the past experience of my predecessors at Shaolin Temple."

   "For me, I am just obsessed with cooking. I want to know some things related to cooking. Seniors only need to talk to me about this, let me have a piece of knowledge."

   During the conversation, Ye Weiming opened the pot again, and skillfully put some seasonings such as chili, pepper, salt and so on, which instantly made the aroma of the chicken soup more intense.

  Huo Gongtou Tuo did not want to mention Shaolin Temple, but his own rice bowl is still in the hands of Ye Ming.

   People can't help but bow their heads under the canteen.

   Then sighed and said helplessly: "Tell me, what do you want to know?"

  Yue Ye heard the word brightly, and immediately asked: "I want to know what the ordinary monks in Shaolin Temple eat on weekdays, and what are the dishes that the seniors are best at?"

   "Hey..." A long sigh, Huo Duantou Tuo leisurely said: "The morning of Shaolin Temple is busy, and the monks do not care about what delicious, buns become..."

  Just like this, Huogongtou Tuo talked about his energy to cook in Shaolin Temple, but at night, he listened quietly.

The scene, at this moment, it turned out to be surprisingly harmonious~www.wuxiaspot.com~ While listening, Ye Mingming also carefully wrote down some of the key information, such as the most delicious vegetarian dishes of Huo Duantuo and his cooking Some tricks that are not influential.

   After a moment, Ye Mingming had got all the information he needed from Huo Tuo Tuo's mouth.

   It was at this time that the aroma of the chicken stew in the pot had reached an extreme.

  Unknown at this time, he lifted the lid of the pot, followed carefully to remove a delicate small porcelain bottle from his arms, and poured all the brown powder contained in it into the pot.

  In a short time, on the original rich meat, added a different fragrance, making it more attractive.

   This kind of fragrance is similar to medicinal fragrance, but it is different.

   Throw the empty porcelain bottle to the side, and Ye Weiming finally clapped his hands in the eyes that Huoguo Tuo Tuo looked forward to with great anticipation: "Now, you can eat now."

   After hearing this, the fireworker Tuo suddenly flashed his eyes, but still subconsciously asked: "What seasoning did you just put in the chicken soup last time, and the taste is so special?"

   Ye Ming replied casually: "This object is called Soul Fei Pian San in three steps. It is not only extremely poisonous, but also has a unique fragrance. It is best eaten with poultry."

   said, he also blinked at the fireman foreman: "It's delicious!"

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