I Can Extract Proficiency

Vol 2 Chapter 838: What is life, who can answer me?

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For the convenience of players, the location of the "New Year Mission Manager" is not hidden at all. It is in the middle of a square in the middle of the most prosperous street in Bianjing City.

When the night arrived, it was found that the "New Year's Mission Manager" in red was already packed with all kinds of players, and the ray of upgrades was flashed on these players, which reflected the entire square extremely beautifully.

Because the New Year mission is a large-scale system activity mission, it is impossible for the "New Year mission administrator" to talk to each player to issue rewards.

If that's the case, in addition to queuing, players may only cause a big mess that sensationalizes the entire game.

This is seriously inconsistent with the happy and peaceful New Year atmosphere!

After a certain distance from the New Year's task administrator, a system prompt will pop up in the system interface that is unknown at night:

Ding! Close to "New Year Task Manager", what is your choice?

1. Receive half-year awards and New Year's red envelopes.

2. Compete in four art competitions.

3. Synthetic Foca.

4. I'm just a beautiful man passing by.

It's really convenient and intimate!

Ye Weiming smiled slightly and immediately chose the first option.

As the choice was not known at night, three white lights immediately rose from his body and rose three levels in a row!

At the same time, in the baggage unknown at night, a beautifully shaped New Year's red envelope has also been added.

After opening, get a firecracker and a "friendly blessing", and 10,000 experience.

In general, chat is better than nothing.

After all, it's a red envelope. It's a festive thing. No one really expects it to make a fortune.

After receiving the red envelope, the four choices became three, and Ye Weiming chose the "Four Arts Competition" without stopping, and then the sound of "Boom" was transferred to an independent mission space by the system.

The space in which he is now looks very festive, as if it were an independent loft, which is well-decorated and decorated with bright lights and looking out through the window. It is also a booming New Year scene.

In front of him, there are four rooms, and above each room door, there is a large gold character with a silver hook and iron painting, which are written-piano, chess, book, painting.

Ding! You have entered the "Four Arts Competition" assessment level, you can evaluate the four arts separately, and the system will eventually reward you based on your total score in the four challenges.

But Siyi's promotion assessment was separated.

In other words, even if you get a perfect score in one of the three, the other three may not be able to enter the next round of the promotion exam.

This rule is also reasonable.

Ye Weiming smiled slightly and stepped to the first room, which was in front of the gate with the word "Qin", and then pushed in.

Then, before dawn, he felt his eyes light up.

It turns out that these four arts test levels are the same as the four copies of Wei Xiaobao's back garden. Inside and outside the door are two completely different worlds.

As the night passed by, she found herself in a quiet and elegant mountain forest. The forest was misty, like a fairyland, and there was a burst of crisp sounds from the front of him.

Following the guidance of the piano sound, dozens of steps forward, Ye Mingming finally saw the appearance of the person who played Fuqin.

It was a mature and dignified woman in blue. The woman was very well-dressed, and Ye Ming was very sure she had never seen it.

But vaguely, it gave him a strange sense of familiarity, as if somewhere he had seen the opposite.

Hearing someone coming in, the woman in blue gently raised her head and glanced lightly.

This single look made Ye Weiming feel an unusually fierce and fierce momentum.

Unexpectedly, the tiger body was shocked by the unknown night, and was actually frightened by the other party's momentum, and subconsciously stepped back!

Where is the look that a woman should have?

Even among the heroes and mixed-headed heroes that I haven't seen at night, very few can match the girl in front of me in momentum!

Who is she?

At the same time when this idea was born in his heart, Ye Mingming had no reason to think of it when he was doing the Perak Hall mission with Daomei on the sea, he was rescued by them on the deserted island of the rogue, and he offered them on the way Xue Qianxun with a song came.

This association is simply unreasonable, and even very funny.

After all, this woman not only looks like Xue Qianxun at all, its power is stronger, but also better than countless men in the world, is it a poor woman like Xue Qianxun who can be compared with it? ?

But at night, it is unknown that these two people are very similar. This feeling is so real, as if everything should be the case, and does not require any explanation.

Really strange, strange!

Just when Ye Mingming was shocked by the momentum of the blue woman in front of her, the other party had withdrawn her eyes and asked calmly, "You are here to challenge the "qin" level in the four arts ?Sign up for registration!"

Ye Weiming had recovered from the initial shock at this time, and Wen Yan slammed into the other party with a fist: "Under the Xia Shen arresting Si Ye Ming, I don’t know how to call the girl’s name?"

At this moment, the blue-clothed woman's eyes have once again fallen on the Guqin in front of her eyes. Wen Yan just quietly spit out three words: "Huang Xuemei."

Huang Xuemei?

Ye Weiyuan wrinkled his brows.

A strange woman who is so outstanding in temperament, how can the name reveal such a strong rural flavor?

Just when Ye Yuming knew the name of the other party, Huang Xuemei once again said: "Although the name of this pass is called "Qin", the test is not limited to piano skills, but the temperament."

"If you have a built-in musical instrument, you can take it directly to play, or you can choose a musical instrument to borrow from here, or just sing, but I won't score for you, you can only choose a cappella."

Ye Weiming immediately looked in the direction of the other person's finger, but saw that there were three rows of instrument racks not far from the two, which can be described as a variety of instruments.

Not only is the piano flute common in rivers and lakes, there are even a lot of strange styles of painting, also on the list.

For example, electric guitars, drums, harmonicas, chimes, etc...

At the same time, the system was too thoughtful at the same time, but he shook his head gently and said, "I am just a warrior, and I don't know how to use those elegant instruments, so let me play the sword and sing how is it?"

Huang Xuemei nodded gently: "Yes."

At the next moment, the sword of the sword rises to the sky, and the Brahma sound of the "Long Life Mantra" lingers in the forest.

Huang Xuemei heard the Fanyin, but Liu Mei immediately frowned, and then caressed on the strings.


A relentless and powerful air knife suddenly blasted in the direction of the unknown night!

The night when I just took the sword in my hand was unclear. When I saw it, I quickly blocked the sword, but at the moment when the sword and the air blade contacted, I felt a surging force passed into my body along the sword body, and followed the whole body Then he flew backwards involuntarily.

When he was down to earth again, he found that he had returned to the loft where he chose the level.

But it was a piano tone that was lightly described by the other party, and it came out directly from the evaluation copy!

At the same time, Huang Xuemei's voice suddenly sounded, but it seemed to whisper in his ear.

The other party only said four words, but it was justified and well-founded, so Ye Weiming couldn't refute at all.

"It's shameful to cheat!"

In this regard, Ye Mingming, besides bitter smiles, what else can be done?

After all, the other party was right.

He used the special ability of Shang Fangbao's sword scabbard to play the "Sincerity Mantra". It was not his own operation at all, but the sword scabbard was automatically completed after being activated by internal force.

This is no different from the fake singing in reality.

Shaking his head helplessly, Ye Ming didn't realize that in the four rooms in front of him, the "Qin" level had disappeared.

With a shrug, Ye Wuming then entered the second level, which is the "Chess" level.

This time, I saw a bluestone high platform with a few feet high. Ye Ming was under the high platform. He could only see the neat stone steps straight up in front of his eyes, but he could not see the scene above the high platform.

Without any hesitation, Ye Mingming directly picked up the steps, and the scenery above the platform gradually emerged with his footsteps.

But I saw that the rooftop was completely paved with marble, and the surrounding area was empty. The central position was a small platform, which was nine steps above the large platform outside. In the center of the small table, a wooden chair with fine carving skills was placed. A tall man on the wooden chair leaned comfortably on the back of the chair, squinting his eyes, as if admiring the clouds on the horizon.

In front of the man, there was a round stone table with a burning incense burner and cigarettes overflowing.

On the opposite side of the round table, there is a chair of much poorer quality, empty above it.

Seeing this at night, he couldn't help but secretly despise it in his heart.

This guy is too good to pretend to beep?

But then he heard the man say leisurely: "What is life, who can answer me?"

Ye Weiming's brows could not help but frown, didn't he say that it was a good test to play chess, how did this change into a philosophical discussion?

Ding! Please answer Fu Cailin's question. Only the answers have their own unique insights. For convenience, you will make some concessions to you at the beginning according to the answers you give.

Was the name of the pretending perpetrator named Fu Cailin?

Ye Mingming walked forward slowly, and said casually: "Play chess directly, don't neglect the ones that are not there. If you discuss the topic of life in detail, it may not be finished for three days and three nights, I don't have So I have been discussing these advanced knowledge with you for a long time."

Ye Mingming is too lazy to beep with the other party because he knows his level.

Even if Fu Cailin asked him eight words, he could not win the opponent.

Because he would never play Go!

In that case, why talk nonsense?


Fu Cailin's narrowed eyes suddenly opened, nodded at night, and then said: "Your statement is straightforward. Since that is the case, I will let you take the lead."

"Thank you!"

Ye Weiming had sat down opposite Fu Cailin during his speech, and took out a white letter, and at the same time thought in his heart: Fortunately, I had the experience of working with the guy of Shengtian Banzi before, we know that the first step is to use white Chess, otherwise you will be embarrassed if you get it wrong.


Without any hesitation, Ye Wuming's white letter has fallen on "Tianyuan".

When Fu Cailin saw it, he raised his eyebrows gently, and then dropped a sunspot in the upper left corner to get three or three.

Ye Weiming continued to drop the pawn, and placed the second **** in the upper left corner of the first pawn.

Following this, Fu Cailin dropped the second piece in the upper right corner.

The third chess piece unknown at night fell on the upper left corner of the second.

Fu Cailin took another corner.

The fourth chess piece unknown at night also fell in the upper left corner of the third.

After Fu Cailin occupied the fourth corner, he just wanted to say something, but he saw that the fifth chess piece fell into the upper left corner of the fourth piece, and the five sons were connected in a line diagonally down.

Then Fu Cailin clenched his fist: "Concession!"

Fu Cailin was surprised for a moment, and then he laughed and said: "Interesting, interesting. It's also blamed that I didn't tell you the rules in advance, so I reluctantly gave you 30 points. This is a reward for your wit's reaction, not an example. "

After talking, Ye Ming only felt that the surrounding scenery had changed, and he had returned to the attic again. After two exams, he finally got a good score of 30 points!

But he was not proud, and instead walked directly to the third room.

The third test is calligraphy. The brush words unknown at night can only be said that it is not too ugly, and it is really not related to the two words of calligraphy. So when he was assessing, he played a little cleverness, simulating the technique of "Ying Tian Tu Long Gong".

Although Ye Mingming didn't learn this martial art, but fortunately, his martial arts state was enough, and he saw Zhang Cuishan and Xuan Xiaobi have used it more than once. With his memory, he can also simulate the third point of "Eternal Dragon Sword" Shen Yun.

Well, it's 100%.

So, Ye Mingming also barely scored 30 points at this level.

Then, Ye Wuming entered the fourth hurdle.

Then, he was kicked out with a good score of zero.

Therefore, Ye Mingming got 60 points in the first round of preliminary exams. The final settlement reward was: 600,000 points of experience, 60,000 points for repairing, plus a new year's special food "New Year Bacon".

Withdrawing from the challenge level of "Four Arts Competition", Yun Mi immediately found out in the gang channel, Yun Mian just sent a message: "In other words, the task of "La Ba Porridge" on Xia Ke Island should not be started before the eighth day of the twelfth lunar month. Is it? Why is it all New Year now, and the task has not yet moved?"

As a veritable player master brother of Wudang, he is also qualified to go to the knight island to drink porridge.

"The time paradox in the game is chanting. Anyway, as long as the pre-quests are not completed, the follow-up plot missions will definitely need to be hacked." Ye Weiming replied casually: "And once the pre-quests are completed, any day can be Laba ."

"Why, worry?"

Yun Mian replied helplessly: "Can you be in a hurry? I can't hear it~www.wuxiaspot.com~ There is also a "Xia Ke Xing Jing Gong" on Xia Ke Island, which is amazing! I can't wait to open it An eye-opener."

After a slight pause, he asked again: "What is Brother Ye going to do next?"

"What else can you do?" Ye Weiming replied casually: "Kill the New Year Beast, open the treasure chest, go to Wudang Mountain to worship Zhang Sanfeng's New Year before dark, and challenge Wudang Qixia by the way."

"I rely on!" Yun Mian and Yin Buxin simultaneously uttered swearing. The latter couldn't help but ask: "You are too big for the New Year, don't you?"

Ye Weiming glanced at the content of the Jiuyang Zhenjing again, and then replied: "Why not? I am in a hurry!"


PS: The second one is more, by the way, ask for a wave of monthly tickets, touch it!

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