I Can Extract Proficiency

Vol 2 Chapter 841: Happy New Year first, then hit the field? (2 in 1)

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"Zhen Zhenren, the younger generation is here for you!"

I came to the apse of Wudang Mountain as unimpeded as if I were going home, and after seeing Zhang Sanfeng here, I prayed before the night, and the number of gifts was very thoughtful.

Seeing that it was not clear at night, Zhang Sanfeng immediately stepped forward to help, and said with a smile in his mouth: "Looking at you, you should have received the task related to the "Nine Yang Zhen Jing" from Huo Gong Toutuo?"

"In other words, are you sure that you came to Wudang Mountain for the New Year's Day, not to smash the field?"

Ye Weiming smiled and said: "How can I? Let's go to the New Year first!"

Zhang Sanfen continued to laugh: "After hitting the scene?"


Ye Weiming continued to pretend to be stupid: "Actually, there are three main things for the juniors to come today."

Zhang Sanfeng couldn't help but feel shocked: "So what is the other two things except New Year's greetings?"

Ye Weiming raised a finger: "The first one is about Yu Sanxia's injury."

"When the juniors treated Yu Sanxia at the beginning, he thought he still owed some heat to his skills, so he could not cure Yu Sanxia's injury once and for all."

"Now, the skill of the younger generation has improved, and he already has the confidence to completely heal Yu Sanxia's injury."

Hearing the words, Zhang Sanfeng was suddenly shocked.

And Yu Daiyan, who was sitting on the side, shivered slightly, but immediately frowned.

Because he and Zhang Sanfeng thought of a possibility at the same time, Ye Mingming Bacheng wanted to challenge his Wudang Qixia one by one in exchange for a complete cure of his injury.

In this way, although Wudang's face was damaged, Yu Daiyan's injury was also a happy event. Even if Wudang lost the battle, no one could blame him.

It seems that such a two-for-one outcome is definitely a consistent style of behavior that is unknown at night!

Compared with his fame and fortune, Wudang has lost face and gained luck.

For Zhang Sanfeng, how can his face be as important as the apprentice's body?

So thinking of this possibility only, he was heartily happy.

For Yu Daiyan, this is not the case.

Although he can stand up now, he is also very grateful for the unknown night, but for him, the teacher's face is greater than the sky!

If the price of allowing him to completely restore the martial arts is to damage Wudang, and even the face of Zhang Sanfeng, then this martial art, he Yu Daiyan would rather not restore!

So, the Yu Sanxia first clenched his fist towards Ye Weiming, and then said righteously: "Yue Shaoxia's kindness, Yu Daiyan leads, but..."

"Daiyan." Yu Daiyan didn't wait to finish his speech, but was interrupted by Zhang Sanfeng's hand: "Yue Shaoxia's words haven't been finished yet. What are you anxious? It's very impolite to interrupt others. I haven't taught them. You?"

Of course, Yu Daiyan did not dare to say something like "You have interrupted me too" and Zhang Sanfeng raised the bar, only to say a little unwillingly: "Master, I..."

"Don't speak first." Zhang Sanfeng once again interrupted Yu Daiyan's speech impolitely, and then continued to hold Ye Mingyan's hand. He asked softly, "Yo Shaoxia, what is the last thing?"

Ye Weiming smiled slightly, attached his mouth to the ear of the old man, and whispered a few words in a voice that only the other person could hear.

Hearing the words, Zhang Sanfeng's eyes suddenly lighted up, and he laughed with old relief: "Haha... Ye Shaoxia is really resourceful. Even this kind of thing can make you come up with the best of both worlds. The fellow Huang Chang is really enough. lucky."

"Then the competition will be done according to what you said, and I will let Yuanqiao they start to prepare!"

Ye Weiming smiled slightly, and immediately turned to Yu Daiyan: "Yu Sanxia, ​​now that Zhang Zhenren and I have reached a consensus, you don't have to squeeze anymore. Let's find a place to fix the wounds on you seriously. "


Tiandu Peak is one of the three main peaks of Huangshan Mountain, which is as famous as Lotus Peak and Guangming Peak. Of course, the shining summit of Huangshan Mountain has nothing to do with the rudder of Mingjiao, it is just a name collision.

On the mountainside of Tiandu Peak, in an unremarkable cave, a fierce battle was taking place at the moment.

The two sides of the battle are five male players dressed in red and a big beast.

"Everyone is off, I'm going to fly the sky monkey!" With Yun Mian's reminder, the other four players immediately dodged sideways.

Immediately following, with a crackling whistle of "咻", a light spot blasted out of Yunan's hand, hitting the back waist of the big beast in front of him.

Since this big year beast is called the "big" year beast, its size is naturally much larger than that of the ordinary year beast. Its size is almost the same as that of an adult bull, but it is fatter and more garden than the adult bull. The goal is even greater.

Even if Yun Mian, the Wudang master, has not practiced any hidden weapon skills, at such a close distance, there is no possibility of getting off target.


As a burst of light burst, a huge amount of damage immediately appeared above the big beast's head.



As a result of this blow, the Dainian beast wailed with pain, and had fallen into a state of weakness.

Immediately afterwards, the little friends in the team immediately held their swords, and all the moves were greeted, and a brain greeted the big beast.





As this big beast fell into a state of weakness, not only did the special protection on its body that could offset 90% of the player's damage disappear, but it also caused a negative state where all parts of the body were broken.

Just go ahead and get 100% crit!

The duration of this state is the same as firecrackers, also 10 seconds.

Obviously, compared to the one-time damage of 500,000, such a continuous state of being 100% crit is the most fatal blow to the big beast!

This attack lasted less than 10 seconds. The old beast that had already been remnant blood finally issued a reluctant roar under the joint siege of several small partners. Then his body turned yellow for a few moments, and then he fell to the ground all his life.

Ding! Your team...

System announcement: Wudang faction players...

In a series of three system announcements, Niu Zhichun started to touch the body.

For the strange luck of the goods, the other four friends in the team are also known, but they are not kind enough to deprive the unlucky right to touch the body.

It was a good negotiation, after killing the big beast, five people in the team took turns to touch the corpse.

In this way, you can minimize the impact of Niu Zhichun's strange luck on everyone's harvest. At the same time, if he had to put away an occasional outbreak, everyone could follow along.

I have to say that this is a two-way option that minimizes the impact, but retains the possibility of surprises at any time.

However, the effect of touching the body this time was not unexpectedly bad.

New Year's Big Red Envelope × 5: A mysterious big red envelop with rich blessings from the New Year!

Patriotic blessing × 5: A blessing card full of positive energy.

New Year Chicken: One of the ingredients of the New Year, it is the material for making New Year's Eve dinner.

Skywalker: This is a magical skywalker, which can explode the flashing light ball and can cause terrible damage to the year beast!


In addition to the big red envelopes and fuchs that are destined to be dropped every time a big year beast is killed, there is also only a must-have New Year ingredients and a sky-walking monkey.

Other than that, nothing exploded!

In the activities like the New Year’s mission, such as system welfare, it is possible to control the explosion rate of the Dainian Beast in such a terrible range.

However, after several rounds of killing, everyone has become accustomed to the amazing performance of this brother Niu, and does not think there is anything worthy of fuss.

It's just that Yin is not losing, and some embarrassed said: "Well, can this New Year's Chicken be given to me? I just received a task from a teacher, and I just need this thing."

Hearing the words, Yun Mian on the side said without any surprise: "Blood earning, did you receive such a task?"

Yin couldn't help but stunned: "Master, do you also have?"

Yun Mian smiled slightly, and then said, "Just when we were fighting this big beast, I was suddenly given a division mission, but what I need is New Year Ham, New Year Honey Juice, and New Year Brown Sugar. The material for making honey ham is different from your needs."

After a slight meal, he added: "From this point of view, Brother Ye wanted to find New Year green peppers and New Year eggplants, and it should be the items needed for the division's mission."

Yin nodded and nodded, followed by saying: "All I need is New Year’s Chicken, New Year’s Dried Mushrooms, New Year’s Potatoes, New Year Vermicelli and New Year’s Dried Red Peppers. There are many things. I think it’s my master who wants to make... chicken stew mushroom?"

Yun Mian then smiled and said: "But one thing is said, this division task of collecting ingredients is still very good, and the reward is very powerful. And the materials required for each division task are different, which also So that everyone can communicate with each other."

"Since this is the case," Tang Sancai proposed at this time: "Let's say hello in the gang chat channel. If anyone receives a similar task, please report the list of materials. Everyone will look at it together, so that it can be more effective. How about completing everyone's collection tasks quickly?"

Tang Sancai's proposal was unanimously endorsed by the team's small and medium partners.

So, the gang chat channel of the Knights League started a heated discussion about the tasks of the teacher related to the New Year ingredients.

However, until the evening of the west, no one except the two players of the Wudang faction received such a division task that everyone uniformly regarded as "random".

Seeing that the deadline for the delivery of the task was approaching, Yun Mian and Yin Buying had to say goodbye to a few friends in the team, intending to return to the division door first and hand over the task of collecting materials.

But at this time, I heard from the other team, said: "I don't plan to continue for the time being. I have been tossing in the game for a year. Tonight I want to take a good rest and see the carefully planned Spring Festival Gala. Party, give yourself a holiday."

Non-Fish heard the words and immediately suggested: "Since this is the case, let's merge the rest of us into a group."

"Sorry." At this time, Xiaoqiao also issued a message: "This Spring Festival Gala will be more important to me, so I don't plan to continue."

Niu Zhichun heard not only felt a little helpless: "You also want to see the Spring Festival Gala?"

"No." Xiaoqiao said quietly: "I'm going to the Spring Festival Gala."

As soon as this remark came out, all the unknowing buddies in the gang were shocked and quickly asked what Xiaoqiao did.

At this time, the sudden dye was a hey smile, to make up for the knife: "My situation is the same as the master sister, and we still want to participate in the same program!"

Tang Sancai was shocked: "Are all the sisters in our gang so powerful that they can even have the Spring Festival Gala? You know, that's Spring Festival Gala!"

After hearing about the fact that Xiaoqiao and Suran were going to the Spring Festival Gala, all the friends in the whole gang, no one had any thoughts, and then went to trouble those bad luck beasts. Everyone was unanimously rushing towards the nearest big city, planning to find a pub or tea house, and enjoy the first Spring Festival Gala in this game.

If it is just the Spring Festival Gala, for everyone, the difference between seeing and not seeing is actually not very big.

But having an acquaintance on the stage of the Spring Festival Evening is another completely different situation.

Even the three foreign aids invited from here, Jin Jiu, Zang Xingyu and Yunhua Shangxian, together with the landscape and food, set up a room in the nearby tavern, ready to admire Xiaoqiao and Suhe Dye the performance of two girls.

What is even more rare is that the two men, Jin Jiu and Yunhua Shangxian, who met each other at once, felt that they were sympathetic and finally had the opportunity to sit down and cheer on the wine!


Wudang Mountain, inside Yu Daiyan's bedroom.

The hard-working night is unknown. At this moment, he is sitting cross-legged on the bed with a middle-aged man in his forties. He grows in the way of using the palm to counteract the internal power of the "Healing" of the "Nine Yin Zhen Jing" to replace the other party. Luck healing.

Fortunately, the "healing articles" are not too harsh on the practitioner and the recipient's requirements for exercise. Except that both of them must sit cross-legged, they can't move at will, and their palms can't be separated. There are no other hard requirements.

Therefore, whether it is the practitioner or the recipient, you can do something else with your colleagues in Yungong.

For example, talk and talk, and then watch the live broadcast of the party.

It’s all possible.

Even at night, no matter how disheartened Yu Daiyan was when he couldn’t watch the live broadcast, it seemed that it was 8pm. Even when he opened the live broadcast channel alone, he enjoyed the first Spring Festival Gala of Chivalry Eternal Come.

"New Year!"

The New Year Gala of Chivalry Eternity still adheres to the consistent style of more than a hundred years in reality. At the beginning, a group of brightly dressed and beautiful children ran and cheered to celebrate the arrival of the New Year.

Then there is a series of New Year's songs, all of which are kebabs of classic old songs.

For example, a pair of "Doll", a girl group known as the leader of the Tianchi killer, sang "Fortune and Fortune Chinese Year";

Middle-aged Yang Guo sang "Gong Xi Fa Cai" after changing into a red Tang suit;

There is also a NPC called Feng Yuxiu sang "Rich and No Money to Go Home for the New Year";

and many more……

It only took a few minutes to completely mobilize the joyous atmosphere of the New Year~www.wuxiaspot.com~ followed by a bunch of NPC hosts who were unknown and unknown at night.

After that, Huang Rong, who was dubbed as a "model worker" because he was often invited to be the host of various variety shows, took a step forward and proficiently announced: "In the past year, "Chivalry Eternal" The players in NPC and NPC can coexist peacefully, help each other and love each other, leaving many touching stories."

"And the next show is a dance performance performed by NPC and players."

"Let's applaud and welcome three beautiful dancers today...

Shi Jian!

Transparent flyover!

Suddenly dyed! "

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