I Can Extract Proficiency

Vol 2 Chapter 849: 3 Bao Qi, the ultimate blessing! (2 in 1)

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With a sound that made everyone's scalp tingle, a white light suddenly appeared in the elder brother's big mouth.

The charming and charming Miss Sister Cui Sier returned to the city to report for free.

Unknown at night, it was with the power of the palm that he had just lifted his body three feet high, flying straight from the top of Kwai Sier's six teammates to the back of them, followed by a blast.

Shocked a hundred miles!


In the utter sound of Zhen Tian's complete dragon chant, the six unlucky eggs that had not recovered from the visual impact of Kui Si'er being swallowed by the young beast commander, without surprise, flew out by the palm of Ye Ming, Qi Qi ran towards the tall and burly brother.

The strength of the Nian Beast Commander must be handled with care even in the night, and the strength of this group of guys is naturally far less than that of the night. Now it is bombarded by him without psychological preparation, and the result is natural One can imagine that the picture is unbearable to describe.

However, as this group of guys were all killed by the Nian Beast Commander, the 16-member squad that had been in the wait-and-see state had also come forward.

That's right, the people of this team are "rounded".

As soon as they appeared, they did not intend to attack Ye Weiming at all. Instead, they circled around behind the younger brother, and then took advantage of the hatred of the younger brother to be firmly attracted by Ye Weiming. He used firecrackers and the celestial monkey to greet his body desperately, and the blood and blood strips above the younger brother's head began to fall rapidly again.

The attitude of this group of people is very clear.

We don’t kill people, just rob them!

This group of guys, under the leadership of the first person, acted in an organized and disciplined manner, and cooperated extremely well, and the tactics were clear and undisturbed.

Ye Weiming wanted to use the brother's attack to kill them, but this group of people did not give him any chance at all.

Sealed between this group of people and Ye Mingming, there is always a younger brother, so even if Ye Mingming wants to take the initiative to PK them, there is no chance to shoot.

It is not clear at night that if the Qin king went around the column, then they would go around the column.

Although Ye Qingming's light skills are more than those of the 16 people on the opposite side, as his younger brother's main target of attack, his actions are often affected by his younger brother's attack, and he can't bring his speed advantage into play.

Seeing that under the attack of this group of people, the blood volume of the younger brother has been getting lower and lower, and Ye Mingming couldn't help but cast his gaze to the opposite commander headed.


Needless to say, the purpose of this group of people is definitely the last blow of the Nian Beast Command.

As long as they can grab the last blow, then according to the rules of loot distribution in "Heroic Eternal", they have a small chance of slashing their brother’s harvest.

By that time, even if Ye Mingming wiped out all of them, I'm afraid they might not be able to reveal the things that belonged to him.

And in the hands of these sixteen people, there must be a monkey wearing a sky.

As long as the blood volume of the Nian Beast Command drops to a certain range, the sixteen Sky Monkeys will be sent together, and they will be absolutely sure that they will be able to **** the Nian Beast Command's last blow.

Moreover, because the hatred commanded by Nian Beast is firmly attracted by Ye Wuming, this group of people can be said to have no pressure to output, and it is simply uncomfortable.

But Ye Weiming expressed dissatisfaction with this!

Seeing that the younger brother has taken a deep breath again, he is ready to breathe the fire, and Ye Wei knew that the opportunity was coming!

Immediately walking with the sword, a move "Langji Tianya" went straight to the belly of the young beast command.

Seeing the leader of the year beast, almost a subconscious paw waved out.

What Ye Ye didn't see was that a playful smile hung from the corner of his mouth, and he slammed the sword to stand up, letting Nianxiong's big paws pat on his body.

Then, without any surprise, Ye Mingming was directly shot into a white light under the invincible attack of the younger brother.


Seeing this scene, the pupil of the commander of the 16-member squad across the front shrank violently and shouted subconsciously: "Not good!"

However, it is too late!

The elder brother who had locked the hatred firmly on Ye Mingming suddenly lost his first attack target, and immediately noticed the squad of 16 people who had been madly outputting to him.


Turn back!

A mouthful, a blue fire that had been brewing, spewed out against the unexpectedly small 16-member team.

After only two seconds, the world is clean again.

After another two seconds...




The rhythmic battle begins again after the resurrection at night.

And this time, no one will bother Ye Mingming and his younger brother's fair knight showdown!

After about three minutes...

Ding! You killed 150 boss boss bosses of level 150 and received rewards: 100 million experience points and 10 million points.

Ding! Your level has increased, the current level is level 70!

Ding! You have killed a Nian Beast Commander and cannot participate in the encirclement and suppression of the Nian Beast Commander this year (any of your attacks will invalidate the Nian Beast Commander).

System Announcement: The player of Shensi Division successfully killed the 150-year-old BOSS Beast Lord at night, and obtained...

system notification:……

In the system announcement of three times, the gang chat channel of the Knights League once again boiled.

Niu Zhichun: "Brother Ye, Niu Niu!"

Non-Fish: "Brother Ye, Niubi!"


Mountains and waters meet: "Brother Ye, Niu Niu!"

Xiaoqiao: "Brother Ye, you are the best!"


Foodie fairy: "Brother Ye, you are the best!" (+1)

Why should the building be broken in the middle?

The reason is actually very simple, because the girls in the gang are relatively civilized, do not like to use the slightly vulgar word "Niu Ting", but change the way to express the same meaning.

Among these people, non-fish are more real. Although they have participated in re-reading before, they have not forgotten to ask about the official matter after re-reading.

"Unknown at night, saying that this is what made you all fight for such a long time, what kind of good thing burst out, sent out to make the brothers and sisters envy?"

Ye Weiming: "After so long a fight, it was mainly caused by some troubles. A young beast led more than 30 people to rob monsters. It took me a while to deal with them, and it took so long to delay the battle."

"So when you are killing ordinary young beasts, especially when the number of ordinary young beasts is about to meet the requirements, try to find a place that is inaccessible to brush, so as to effectively avoid the occurrence of robbery."

Knowing that what Ye Weiming said was all Jin Yuliang's words, all the friends in the gang said that they had written down carefully and would pay attention to it.

Non-Fish protested again: "After saying so much, you still didn't send out the things sent by the Nian Beast Commander. ╮(╯▽╰)╭"

Regarding this, Ye Weiming did not intend to conceal it, but he did not directly send out the things, but replied: "Wait a minute, I will touch a corpse first."

After that, he touched the body of the huge young beast leader around him.

Nianyudan: An immortal medicine that does not belong to the human world. It is made from Nianbei Nedan and Donghai Lingyu, which means "more than every year." Randomly increase the proficiency of one martial art by 20 million points. If the proficiency overflows, the spilled part will be automatically added to another martial arts until all martial arts are full or the medicine is exhausted. (No one can take one per year)

Horn of the Year Beast: A unicorn that can only be born by the commanding level of the year beast, which seems to contain some power. After the Spring Festival event, you can hand it over to the head of the martial arts, and randomly exchange for a martial arts (this randomly includes all martial arts belonging to the martial arts, including hidden martial arts, peerlessness, and other special martial arts that cannot be exchanged for by martial arts. , Each player can only use it once a year).

Shou and Tianqi (Treasure): This is a New Year blessing from Heaven, one of the three auspicious treasures. Qi blood recovery speed +100%, internal force recovery speed +100%, when life and internal force are both less than 40%, a large number of qi blood and internal force are automatically restored (the specific recovery value is the automatic recovery of qi blood and internal force within five minutes of non-combat state Quantity, CD time: Recover automatically after 5 minutes of keeping qi and blood and internal force full.)

Blessing in the Blessing: This is a versatile blessing card, which can replace any blessing card to carry out fuchsia fusion.

Buddha light relic: An unidentified relic, which contains unimaginable Buddha power. After use, players can learn the cultivation skill "Buddha" by themselves, and the initial level of "Buddha" skill is level 5. (Only for players who have not mastered the skills of "Dharma Law")

Money: 3600 gold!


The list of items that Nian Beast commanded was sent out, and the gang chat channel was again in an uproar.

Daomei: "Smelling and catching fast, the properties of your ring seem to be very powerful. In some cases, it even equals one more life!"

Niu Zhichun agreed: "No wonder Shou and Tianqi, with this, the chance of survival will undoubtedly increase significantly!"

Daomei asked again: "Smelly catch fast, under non-combat outfit, how much energy and energy can you recover in five minutes?"

Ye Weiming replied truthfully: "It must be no problem to fill the blood within five minutes. If the internal force is added, if the effect of this ring is added, it will probably recover about 80% in 5 minutes?"

Tang Sancai is extremely envious: "Wouldn't it mean that, Brother Ye, as long as you are not killed by the enemy at more than 40% of your life, you can instantly restore the full state with the special properties of this ring. Moreover, this effect Can the battle be triggered once?"

Ye Weiming rubbed his nose. He wanted to send a screenshot of the skill after the full level of the "Shen Zhao Jing". However, thinking of the invisible curse on Tang Sancai, kindness, he still decided not to sprinkle salt on his wounds.

Instead, he offered a very sincere proposal: "If Brother Tang is interested in this ring, I can't consider transferring it."

For the unknown night, the full state resurrected in situ, and after the in situ resurrected in a few minutes to automatically restore to full state, in fact, the difference is not too great.

If Tang Sancai can really show his sincerity, he would be happy to use this to relieve Tang Sancai's funeral troubles.

"Forget it." To everyone's expectations, Tang Sancai did not hesitate to refuse the proposal of Ye Ming: "My situation is special. If I really need to make sacrifices, This ring won't save my life at all."

What a painful realization!


I found that this topic was a bit too heavy, and Ye Mingming took the initiative to open the topic and said: "Don't talk about this, let's talk about the rule of the Nian Beast."

Followed by, the night was unclear, the main fighting method controlled by the Nian Beast, as well as some matters needing attention in the battle, I said it to everyone.

Then added: "This year's Beast Commander should be a New Year benefit given to all players by the system. In order to prevent people like me who are one step ahead, from repeatedly taking advantage of the information advantage, so each person can only have An opportunity to challenge the leadership of Nian Beast."

"In other words, your challenge task can only be accomplished by yourself."

"My personal opinion is that it is better to challenge separately under the premise of ensuring the victory of the battle, so that you can kill a few more young beasts, and there will be more chances to explode good things."

"However, what you should do depends on your subjective intentions and the level of mutual understanding."

"Since I can't participate in your challenge, I won't give you any ideas."

After a brief account of the things led by Nian Beast, he closed the chat channel at night and began to digest the last gift from his brother.

The first is that the ring named "Shou and Tian Qi" was worn by Ye Weiming in his hand, and he was directly resurrected in place after death, and became a resurrection in full state after death.

After that, the universal blessing card called "Blessing in the Fortune" was used by Ye Weiming as a substitute for the "dedicated blessing" to synthesize the Dafuka "family portrait", and then use the synthesized "family portrait" and "taipingfu" "And "Strengthen National Blessing", the ultimate blessing card "Sheng Ping Fu" is synthesized.

Next, we have to wait until the end of the New Year's event, after the opening of the secret realm of the former dynasty, directly enter into it to exchange for a special identity.

Following that, Ye Mingming took out the "Year Fish Pill" and swallowed it.

Ding! After you take "Nian Yu Dan", your strength has greatly increased, and your skill "Dragons and Eighteen Palms" "Yu Yue Yu Yuan" has gained 20 million points of palm proficiency.

After hearing this system prompt, Ye Mingming's expression became strange.

There are still two martial arts that have not been promoted to full rank in Ye Mingming, namely "Dragon Eighteen Palms" and "Nine Yang Divine Skills".

Moreover, the poor proficiency of the two martial arts distance upgrades happened to be 50 million points.

Originally, according to the subjective wishes unknown at night, it must be a priority to upgrade the "Nine Yang God Skills".

Although Huang Rong has hinted before, after the "Dragon Eighteen Palms" is upgraded to full level, its full-level special effects will be a big surprise.

However, in the view of Ye Ming, no matter how big the surprise is, it can only affect the martial art of "Jianlong Eighteen Palms".

While "Nine Yang Divine Skills" as his winner is a masterpiece of internal skills, what he has improved after the upgrade is his overall strength.

Not to mention ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ "Dragon Dragon Eighteen Palms" is a big surprise after the full level. Is the surprise after the full level of "Nine Yang Divine Skills" definitely smaller than it?

However, now that the proficiency of 20 million points has fallen above "Dragon Eighteen Palms", then according to the snowball theory, it can only be filled up first, and then consider "Nine Yang Divine Skills".

Shaking his head, Ye Weiming glanced at the "horn of the year beast" again. This is a random gift package, which is in line with the style of surprises sent by the New Year.

The only thing that makes Ye Wuming unhappy is that this gadget must be used after the New Year’s mission ends.

Otherwise, with the blessings of the New Year BGM, the chance of going to school at random is undoubtedly much greater.

Moving his eyes away from this temporarily useless thing, Ye Mingming released the white pigeons and sent the "Foguang relics" to Yin without loss.

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