I Can Extract Proficiency

Vol 2 Chapter 851: Into the wind and clouds, the famous sword saint (2 in 1)

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Suddenly dyed girl brought out a piece of ancient jade, inscribed with the four characters "Zhongshan Jing Wang".

Eastern Han Yu Gui: A piece of ancient jade handed down from the Han dynasty. It is said that Liu Bei used it to prove the identity of his Han family ancestors. Use it in the mysterious realm of the former dynasty to obtain a special identity. If you already have a special identity, you can upgrade it to a level based on the original special identity!

Good stuff!

For the average player, this thing is not very useful, and its effect is probably similar to that of a blessing in the previous New Year's campaign.

But for the unknown night who has gathered all the Foca, it is completely different.

You should know that Foca, which is unknown at night, has all been gathered, and the special identity has reached the maximum peak that can be obtained at this stage.

On this basis, what is the concept of raising another level?

This means that when he enters the secret realm, he can have a huge advantage over all other players!

The value of this thing is not comparable to that of the Swordsmen Three Treasures, which is unknown at night, but the exchange of the two is definitely a win-win situation for each.

In this regard, he said that he was already very satisfied, and clearly stated that his sister had been cancelled.

At this time, Tang Sancai said leisurely: "According to the information about the special identities published by the system. There are two kinds of special identities that players can obtain in the secret realm of the former dynasty, and they also appear randomly."

"One is to embed identity, which means that the system will set a virtual background for the entering players, such as one of the important masters of a gang."

"The other is more direct role-playing."

"The possibility of this situation is extremely small, but once the player is lucky enough to obtain this identity, it can directly replace the inherent role in the game to intervene in the plot."

Yin did not lose, but took the lead in a timely manner and said: "Brother Ye had already collected all the Fuka, and now this "East Han Yugui" is added, if the latter can be drawn in the "Fengyun" secret realm Although it is impossible to directly replace the two protagonists Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun, there are still great opportunities for other important roles."

"For example, Qin Shuang, the master disciple of Xiongba, or the successor of Huolin Sword, or Chen Chen, the successor of Hero Sword... Hey, really think about it, it makes people feel envious!"

Ye Weiming said in a hurry to stop: "Stop, light milk! They all said that the chance of getting a role-playing identity is extremely low. I don't think I'm so lucky."


After a meal, the people exchanged their messages and their views on the secret realm, and then there was a long wait and preparation time.

Because of the existence of Yin's live strategy, no matter whether he has decided the secret realm he wants to enter, the friends of the "Vogue League" have tacitly chosen to wait.

After all, the sharpener does not cut the woodworker by mistake. If you can grasp the first-hand plot information, even if you enter the secret realm later than others, you can gain a greater advantage than others.

Such a wait is definitely worth it!

Knowing that the little friends in the gang are waiting for their strategy, Yin did not lose and did not disappoint everyone. After eating, he directly asked for a room in the nearby inn and began to write a strategy.

That night, Brother Xueying distributed the two preliminary Raiders to the gang shared information.

The action is so fast, you can see that he has never rested halfway during the writing guide!

What a nice person!

After uploading the two guides, because everything is in the chest, don't make up for the information like others, Yin first entered the "Shuanglong" secret realm and became the first player to enter the secret realm.

Ye Weiming read it carefully after receiving the guide, and made some targeted preparations.

By the way, some targeted plans such as "If I Become Qin Shuang", "If I Become a Breaking Wave", "If I Become a Jianchen" were drawn up.

After three hours of rest in his courtyard house, and after adjusting his mental state to his best, he was teleported to Tianyin City through the post, and formally entered the portal to the ‘Fengyun Secret Realm’.

However, the unknown night that entered the portal did not find out that in a two-story teahouse not far from the portal of the Secret Realm, two people were watching him disappear in the portal.

These two voyeurs were none other than the two head bosses who were unknown at night, and Huang Shouzun, the number one character of the Shensi Division, swam in with the number two character.

Seeing that Ye Ming's figure disappeared in the portal, You Jin entered with some reluctance and said: "Huang Shouzun, why didn't you let me recommend'Xia Feng Mi Jing' to him before?"

After a slight meal, he added: "Know that the Foca they got in this New Year's event has different effects in different secret environments."

"The more advanced the secret realm, the lower the special status level that can be exchanged with the Fortune Card."

"On the contrary, in those low-level secret realms, just an ultimate Fuka, can give him a lot of benefits."

Speaking of which, You Jin couldn't help but look at the tea in the cup, and then continued: "Yi Weiming has not only got the ultimate Fuka before that, but also got the'Dong Han Yu Gui' from the little girl named Suran ', the two add up, and then combine many of his own characteristics, even including his name..."

"Once you enter the "Xiafeng Secret Realm", you can inherit the identity of the Son of Destiny!

"With his martial arts, mind, strategy, and calculation, once he has the status of "child of destiny", in the "secret realm of chivalry", what can he not get?"

Hearing the complaints from You Jin, Huang Shouzun smiled slightly.

First, I took a sip of clear tea, but then said: "You, your pattern is still too small."

You Jin froze for a moment, then shook her head: "I don't understand."

"For an example." Both hands respected with a slight smile, and then said: "A knife in the blood knife gate has obviously become the master, it can be said that it is impossible to cover the sky with one hand, as long as the blood knife gate is within the range allowed by the rules of heaven. Everything can be taken for her. Why should she break away from the Blood Sword Gate and join our Divine Capture Division?"

You Jin could not help but stunned: "This..."

Waiting for him to answer, Huang Shouzun has directly given the answer: "Because the heritage of the Blood Knife Gate is only that, even if she evacuates the Blood Knife Gate, the resources available to her cannot satisfy her. And in our Divine Capture Division, She can get better development."

"Blood Sword Gate is like this, so is the "Xiafeng Secret Realm"!"

During the speech, Huang Shouzun's gaze again looked at the portal to the "Fengyun Secret Realm": "What is the talent and ingenuity that is unknown at night, you and I know it well, only under the great environment like "Fengyun Secret Realm" So he can get a better performance."

"Although in the "Fengyun Secret Realm", he is destined to be unable to inherit the identity of the Son of Destiny, but with his own ability, even if he does not have that level of identity, it is definitely not difficult to get something far beyond the upper limit of "Xiafeng Secret Realm". ."

"Even if it doesn't work at once, it's a matter of going in a few times at most."

"As for the "Xiafeng Secret Realm", he is not unable to go, but he certainly cannot be the first secret realm he entered with a special identity."

"After all, the stage of the secret realm is still too small for him."

You Jinwen Yan was silent for a while, and then nodded helplessly: "Or because of my selfishness, don't you want him to experience too much wind and rain?"

"Think about it, or Huang Shouzun, you said something more reasonable, and you need to be more forward-looking."

"Why? The wind and rain of the rivers and lakes can beat others, can't you beat your unknown?" Huang Shouzun said half ridiculously, and then he stood up: "You have to watch him enter the secret realm, I will accompany you personally. It’s time to go. Now there are a lot of things in Shensi Division. Don’t be lazy, let’s go back here. Destiny.”

"Fate?" You Jin couldn't help but stunned: "What fate?"

Huang Shouzun patted You Jin's shoulder and said with a smile: "Aren't we just talking about the destiny son of "Xia Feng Mi Jing"? Isn't your father, the destiny son, destiny?"

You Jin realized that Huang Shouzun was joking with himself, and he could only say in a hoarse voice: "It is not necessarily, maybe the unknown child inherited his mother's fate."

Seeing that You Jin also learned to joke, Huang Shouzun immediately started to play, and immediately nodded and said, "Then let's go back to Shensi Division and work. Every day destiny."

You Jin: ...


"The wind is violent, the clouds flutter, the heroes are passionate, the beauties are beautiful..."

Entering the secret realm, there is a turbulent cloud in front of me, and I can't see the surrounding environment at all. In a passionate song, a system prompt came as expected:

Ding! You have entered the ‘Fengyun Secret Realm’ and you have the ultimate blessing card ‘Shengpingfu’ that can be exchanged for a special status. Is it used?


For each of the three former secret realms, each player can only choose one of them to enter the ten-day period. After that, he has to wait for three months before he can choose one of them to enter again.

Coupled with this special identity that can only be used once for the Fuka, it also destined that each player can only use one of the secret realms as their main development route, and the remaining two, at best, can only be used as supplements.

Unless there is a special reason, the first secret area to enter is a player's main secret area.

Ye Mingming is certainly no exception.

Therefore, in the face of this system prompt, he chose "Yes" without hesitation.

Ding! You have used "Sheng Ping Fu" to obtain a special status. You can also use ‘East Han Yu Gui’ to upgrade your special status. Is it used in this secret realm?



Ding! You have determined to use ‘Sheng Ping Fu’ and ‘East Han Yu Gui’ to obtain special status.

Special identity generation...

The special identity is generated!

Now you will officially enter the ‘Fengyun Secret Realm’, please be prepared.


Hearing this last system prompt, Ye Ming suddenly felt uncomfortable. It seems that you haven’t told me, what special status did I get?

However, the efficiency of the system is still very powerful, not waiting for the night to ask, the scene in front of him has changed again.

At the next moment, he sent himself in a magnificent palace complex before night.

Judging from the style of the surrounding buildings, it seems...a royal palace?

The place under his feet is like a large performance martial arts ground in the palace group.

Seeing this scene, Ye Mingming immediately recalled many of the scenes mentioned in Yin's Raiders. After a simple exclusion, only two possibilities remained.

In the early story of Fengyun, there are only two places that can have such magnificent architecture.

One is the World Club!

The other is Wushuangcheng!

Therefore, the possibility of being Jian Chen can be almost ruled out, so is his current identity Qin Shuang, a disciple of the overlord, or has he turned to the breaking waves of Wushuang City?

With such doubts, Ye Wuyi unconsciously turned around to look around, but was shocked when he turned around.

It turned out that Ye Mingming had just entered this "cloud and cloud secret realm". The sudden change of scenes made him unfit for a while, and he also had many thoughts in his mind. A person!

But he saw that this man was tall and tall, wearing a beige gown, and even his slightly fluffy long hair could not conceal the bravery from the face.

This person's appearance also seems to be strictly forbidden, with sharp edges and corners, but it is in line with his temperament.

What caused even more unclear ideas at night was the many irons carried by this person.

But I saw a large iron ring hanging on each of his shoulders, about the thickness of a bucket. What does it feel like?

There were also six iron rings on his arms, but they were just hung on his arms. They were very symmetrical, and he couldn't help making Ye Weiming think of the iron fist in Chinese martial arts.

Even his belt is composed of a series of iron rings held together by iron buckles.

In other words, how much does this buddy like the hoop?

Could it be the ferrule in the playground?

Of course, this kind of thought just flashed through the unclear mind.

Because even if he has just entered the secret realm of the wind and clouds, and has not had time to adjust his state to adapt to the surrounding environment, it is impossible for an ordinary person to be under such a short distance without being discovered by him.

His expression returned to seriousness, and Ye Ming's eyes fell on this person's face again, but he saw that his face was the same as that of You Jin, wearing an iron mask.

The difference is that this guy's iron mask can only cover half of his face, and the remaining half of the face is still exposed.

Another one with iron noodles?

In other words, is your identity in this "Blood and Cloud Secret Realm" related to Gong Men?

However, this idea has just risen, and some simple information has been directly infused into his mind by the system.

The content of the information is very simple, there are only a few simple background introductions, which naturally also include the special identity assigned to him by the system and a task related to it.

In today's martial arts, there are sayings of one person, one sword, two holy gods, and three gods.

One person refers to the overlord of martial arts now, the world will help the overlord!

One sword refers to Wucheng, the treasure of Wucheng in the city of Wushuang!

Shuangsheng~www.wuxiaspot.com~ refers to the two legends on the rivers and lakes, sword and catching!

The three gods are also one by one in the rivers and lakes. They are: the god's appearance, the god's doctor and the **** catching!

This man in front of Ye Mingming is one of the three gods.

Ye Yeming himself is the same as Juggernaut, arresting the Saint-Yeming Yeming!

After receiving the powerful identity assigned to him by the system, Ye Ming couldn't help but hold his hand.

Can I actually be as famous as the Juggernaut holding the time stop?

Look at me for it! (ノへ ̄,)

Seeing that it was not clear at night, the catching eye frowned: "Your body looks a little uncomfortable, we might as well fight another day."

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