I Can Extract Proficiency

Vol 2 Chapter 853: Enter Wushuang, Nie Feng travels (2 in 1)

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In the contest between the capture of God and the capture of Saint, Ye Mingming has already won a competition.

Although in this competition, he won some inexplicable, but anyhow it was won.

In general, the God of Catching voluntarily admits defeat, of course, because his secret hidden under the iron mask does not want others to discover.

The reason why this tactic appears, of course, Yin Yin did not lose credit for the strategy, but not all.

After all, the thing of catching the gods with the iron mask to cover half of the face itself reveals a strangeness, with the cleverness of the night, even if there is no loyal strategy, you will certainly think of the same way.

But don't just lie in it, if there is no Yin Raiders to point out the key points, he will certainly have some interest in the appearance under the mask of the gods.

But after understanding the reason, Ye Mingming didn't gossip.

Then next, we have to work **** the case.

When it comes to handling cases, this is undoubtedly another tough battle!

Even more than the previous competition, the situation is even more unfavorable for the unknown night.

In this contest, the arresting **** chose an old adult case.

A few years ago, Huo Butian, the owner of the Huolin family of Huolin family, made a tragic move to kill the family, and the murderer is still at large.

Huo Butian himself will be quite famous among the rivers and lakes with his superb "Huo Family Swordsmanship", which is definitely not a mediocre. The murderer can kill him, and his strength cannot be underestimated.

Ye Yun, who has seen the guide book written by Yin Buxin, is more clear. Huo Butian refused to attract the bully and caused the door to be destroyed. The murderer behind the scenes is 100% undoubtedly a bully.

However, this case has been systematically identified as a six-star mission, and its completion conditions cannot be achieved by bringing the murderer behind the scenes to justice and being so anti-human, but only by grasping or killing the executioner who participated in the door-killing operation , You can make a difference.

Such a task is definitely difficult for the unknown at night.

In a world where there are so many rivers and lakes, if there are no resources to mobilize freely, if you want to find two unknown killers who don't even know their names, can that be done?

But for the guy who catches God, things don't seem very difficult.

After all, the other party has actually worked in the court for many years, and the accumulated contacts and resources, and in fact his airborne "catching saint" can be compared with it?

Now for Ye Mingming, it is meaningless to study Huo Jiazhuang's case. The only effect this news has on him is that if he wants to win this competition, he must choose a six-star and compare Catch the God first to complete the task. Or choose a higher level mission and complete it within 10 days!

Come to think of it carefully, the 10-day task completion deadline specified in the task reminder is a big pit dug by the system!

The purpose is to make him mistakenly think that as long as he catches the last six-star pursuit mission like the God of Capture, and he can win the victory within 10 days.

In fact, what the 10-day mission deadline is to express is not what it means!

If he wants to make a coincidence, he takes on a six-star mission and then completes it in nearly 10 days. When the results came back, I saw that they had already completed the task in one step!

That picture, just thinking about it, felt embarrassing!

It is worth mentioning that this magnificent building complex that looks like a royal palace in Yeming now is really a royal palace! In Fengyun, a wonderful and mysterious world, the existence of the imperial court can be said to be in vain, and many things of the people in the public gate are handled directly within the palace.

Among them, the office premises for capturing the gods and saints.

Return to his office according to the simple memory instilled in the system, and Ye Mingming immediately began to read the relevant files.

In fact, it is a dossier, but it is actually a list of tasks bound into a book.

For example, a few years ago, the case of Qiankunzhuang being wiped out was rated as an eight-star rating.

There are also many headless cases on rivers and lakes, and the rating given by the system is not low.

Of course, as a complete task system, the tasks recorded on the file must be distributed in a pyramid. There are many high-level tasks, but there are more low-level tasks.

Ye Mingming's gaze stayed on the Qiankunzhuang mission for a long time, still feeling that there might be a huge trap hidden in this mission, so he finally chose another eight-star mission.

Xia Zuo

Twenty years ago, the rampant rivers and lakes had hundreds of human lives. His martial arts are so powerful that even the best players on the rivers and lakes have been traumatized by many people!

Later, this summer work suddenly disappeared above the rivers and lakes, and disappeared.

The number of martial arts methods is unknown, and in the information held by the court, he only knew that this person was particularly good at mastering the Fa.

The characteristics are similar to those of Wushuang City's solitary figure. There have been rumors on the rivers and lakes that Xia Zuo may have illegitimate children of the previous generation of city owners. It's just that this kind of guessing is completely out of speculation by good people, and there is no strong evidence.

The only clue at the moment is that Xia Zuo seemed to have contact with people in Wushuangcheng before disappearing.

As a generation of saints, of course, such a murderer should be brought to justice, regardless of life or death!

Mission Level: Eight Stars

Mission Reward: The first master in the team is personally instructing martial arts.

Mission Penalty: None


This river and lake demon named Xia Zuo looks like Jiucheng, but it disappears after having contact with Wushuangcheng.

This made Ye Weiming think of a section of records that was taken in a stroke in Yin's Raiders.

When Nie Feng was a teenager, he was ordered to go to Wushuang City to deal with the Dugong side. At that time, it should be far from Nie Feng, the opponent of the Dugong side. Cut off, and then the world will return to life.

But then I learned that the hapless ghost who died under Nie Feng's sword was not really a lonely party, but just a stand-in who remained in Wushuangcheng.

It's just that the lonely deity is more unlucky than the substitute.

Because of the invitation of Jian Hui, the head of Jianzong, after leaving the surrogate, the duo went to Jianzong to witness the decisive battle between the two masters of Jianzong and the unknown army. However, he was secretly calculated by Jianhui and was permanently frozen in Within Jianzong, it turned into a human-shaped ice sculpture!

If these two things are combined, it is not difficult to draw such a conclusion there.

Du Gu found that Xia Zuo and his appearance were very similar, so he used the power of Wushuang City to recover it, making it his substitute or "shadow".

With such a "shadow" in existence, he can sit in Wushuangcheng for him when he goes out to work, or take risks on his behalf when he encounters something dangerous.

Even he can hide his shadow behind the scenes, and he may secretly practice what a martial art.

Only later, he received Jian Hui's invitation to go to Jianzong, and he never came back.

Then, the "shadow" of Xia Zuo became a true solitary party, and he is still comfortably in front of his unparalleled city master.

In this way, the context of the whole story became smooth at once.

All the clues can be explained.

Although this is only unknown at night, based on some known clues and the plot of the original book, there is no actual evidence for a hypothetical conclusion inferred.

But he felt that the truth of the matter was exactly what he had guessed.

Because it can be seen from the strategy given by Yin not losing, the story of "Fengyun" itself is a legend of the heroes of the rivers and lakes, which is dominated by martial arts and supplemented by fate.

No secret room murders, serial murders, and confusing cases... all do not exist!

Although you want to close the case thoroughly, you must produce reliable evidence. But that thing can be found directly in Wushuangcheng. Ye Weiming believes that it is not difficult to find what he wants by his means and the complexity of the world itself.

The real difficulty is, after figuring out the truth of the matter, how to bring a big boss with a strength not lower than 150 to justice!

And this point also needs to find a way to Wushuangcheng.

Since all things have to be done in Wushuangcheng, he immediately set off at night, and summoned A Hong and his single flying chair to go straight to Wushuangcheng.

To say that the design of the former secret realm is also quite troublesome. Although the map here is not as big as the main world, it is definitely not small. But there is no transmission equipment such as post to provide players with convenient travel.

From the imperial city to Wushuang City, even if Ahong walked at night, it took a full day to reach the destination.

Without such convenient transportation, I am afraid that it will take three days for one way, and one round trip, and six days will be wasted on the road.

In other words, the system gives players a total of ten days in this world!

Such a waste of precious player time, bad reviews!


Strictly speaking, Wushuang City is really not a city.

It is just the appearance of a "city", but it is not a real "city" sealed by the emperor. However, the fake city of Wushuang City is not inferior to ordinary cities.

The main altar of Wushuang City is located in Henan Yuzhou, and its branch altar is spread over more than 300 different places in the secret world. The power is extensive, second only to the world club.

In the main altar of Wushuang City, in addition to the lord of the city alone and his family, the gates are stationed, there are a few local civilians living in Yuzhou. Therefore, there are daily crowds inside and outside the gates, endless stream, good or bad lively!

Therefore, the defense of this unparalleled city is also extremely strict. Not only is the rigorous investigation conducted during the day, but even the merchants who enter and exit the city have to undergo a rigorous investigation. Even at night, there are a large number of garrisons on the city wall.

It was midsummer, and the weather was extremely sultry even if it was already night. In such an environment, the guards responsible for guards will inevitably become mentally drowsy and drowsy.


Suddenly, a whole breeze blew past, and the coolness brought up reinvigorated the spirit of several guards.

One of them couldn't help but say, "Haha! The weather is sultry and the gusty wind is so cool!"

The other bodyguard beside him nodded, then sighed again: "Unfortunately, it is too short, and it will not be cold in the blink of an eye, such a hot day is really difficult!"

The other guards heard what the two said, and they echoed in unison.

However, how could the guards know that just when they felt refreshed, they had all been neglected in their duties...


While the guards were loose in spirit, Nie Feng, who had performed his unrivaled light skills, swung into the Wushuang City from their side, and after stopping at a more hidden place, he couldn't help looking up.

But above the sky, a big red bird was falling towards the dimly lit house.

With his eyesight, it is natural to find that the big bird's feet are still holding a recliner with different shapes, and on the recliner, a person is lying!

Just when that person and bird were about ten feet away from the ground, the big bird and the reclining chair that looked very comfortable disappeared at the same time.

There was only one man in a red official uniform, which fell silently from the air.

Its body looks like a wild cat, and after landing, it is silent.

Very light work!

Of course, Nie Feng pays attention to a person, and does not care whether the person's lightness is good or not.

It’s not as good as him anyway!

What really made him care is that this suspected man in the public gate who dived into Wushuang City with himself appeared to be too chic.

Where is this person sacred?

Since he sneaked in quietly, he found another such secret place to land, and naturally he could not be Wushuangcheng himself. But are you wearing such a swagger, really not afraid to wait until dawn, will you reveal your whereabouts immediately?

Facts have proved that night is unclear!

So, after landing, he searched for someone nearby, and bought a relatively fitted piece of clothing from the clothes hanger.


Do you call it stealing?

Do not! Do not! Do not!

As a just, selfless, and kind public saint, how could it be possible that such unscrupulous thefts could be made at night?

He gave money!

This point Nie Feng can prove to him, because when he saw the fifty-two silver that was left under the clothes hanger at night, he felt that his wind was not good.

Saying that since you want to sneak into Wushuang City secretly, shouldn’t you prepare everything before diving into the city?

If you temporarily "buy" clothes like this, you definitely want to make a big news!

It may even involve other secretly infiltrated people, haven't you thought about it?

Nie Feng deliberately took away the silver that might make big news, but immediately gave up the idea that had just been born.

If he did that, would Nie Feng become a thief?

Shaking his head, Nie Feng felt that with his light work, it seemed that he was not so easily affected by others. He simply stopped looking at the disturbing silver, took out the hat prepared in the morning and wore it on his head, and walked in the direction of the unknown night.

He received an order from the domineering ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ to come to Wushuangcheng to inquire about the news of "Love in All Over the City", and there is no clear goal in the vertical and horizontal direction. It is better to look at this guy who dives into Wushuangcheng with himself. What are you going to do.

Maybe there will be some unexpected gains, maybe?

Thinking of this, Nie Feng's face could not help showing a sunshine-like smile, as if he wanted to light up the night of the Wushuangcheng.



Don’t say to me forever, forever, and never tomorrow that I want, you’ve loved me enough... (the voice is getting smaller and smaller)


The Secret Realm!

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