I Can Extract Proficiency

Vol 2 Chapter 855: The plan is set, the legs are competing for power (2 in 1)

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I heard that I really wanted to fight against the unknown night, but Xiaoqiao's heart was originally rejected.

Moreover, she doesn't think she will be tracked and monitored by others without realizing it.

However, if this sentence is from the unknown, it is another matter.

Because Xiaoqiao knows one thing better than anyone else, Big Brother Ye’s wisdom can never be measured by himself!

Seeing Ye Wuming's attitude is so firm, although Xiaoqiao was reluctant, he immediately took out the swords of Zheng Feng and Leng Yue, followed by a move to the end of the world, and the double swords stabbed into the night.

According to Xiaoqiao's original thoughts, with her unclear ability, she can surely draw back the sword after she has done it.

Then, the two people made a few tricks with their eyebrows, and they fooled the people who might be under surveillance.

Unexpectedly, Ye Weiwu saw her sword, but she greeted her with her body, and she used her chest to hit the two treasure swords in her hand!

Upon seeing this, Xiaoqiao was shocked, and he had to close his sword and retreat.

But how can her reaction speed come faster in the evening?

Just when the idea of ​​wanting to collect the sword was born in her mind, Ye Mingming's body had hit the blade of two swords in her hand.

Left shoulder, right rib, blood splashes!


Suddenly struck by this, Ye Ming immediately screamed. Following a flick, he broke the window and escaped to the street outside.

With only a dull little bridge left, he stared blankly at a message that just popped up on the team channel.

Ye Weiming: "Catch up, let's go to a safe place outside the city to discuss in detail."

Xiaoqiao knew that Ye Weiming wanted to complete the full performance, and shouted, "Little thief! Where to run?" Then he jumped from the window that Ye Mingming broke into the street, and then fled towards Ye Mingming. The direction of the past.

The unsung light at night is undoubtedly a lot higher than Xiaoqiao. If he really wants to run, Xiaoqiao will certainly not even see the rear lights.

However, who caused Ye Wuming to be "injured"?

According to common sense, after a person is injured, his actions are affected, and the speed of light work is slowed down. Isn't it all a matter of course?

Even at night, in order to take care of Xiaoqiao's acting skills, Ye Ming deliberately controlled his speed to be almost the same as the upper limit of Xiaoqiao's speed when he was running away.

In this way, Xiaoqiao can rest assured to catch up at full speed, starring with the least flaws to conquer the audience.

Therefore, the two men chased and fled, and they quickly crossed the wall of the slack defense of Wushuang City and fled easily outside the city.

There are mountains and water all around Wushuangcheng, and at night, it is not clear that it first came to a hill with a wide view, which finally stopped.

From here, within a few miles, others can easily see the silhouette of the mountain, but if someone is tracking, it is also the same as the escape from him and Xiaoqiao!

Turning back, he looked at the small bridge that followed up the mountain and stopped three feet behind him. He said nothing cool at night, and only sent messages on the team channel.

This time, Ye Mingming came straight to the point: "Our mission crashed."

Xiaoqiao froze for a while, then smiled, and answered the message and asked, "What do I need to do?"

Ye Weiming couldn't help laughing: "You don't seem to be worried at all."

"What's there to worry about?" Xiaoqiao blinked: "Brother Ye can still sell me?"

Ye Xiaoming felt relieved at the trust of Xiaoqiao’s sister, and his expression had returned to seriousness: "I forgot to tell you before, my identity in this "Fengyun Secret Realm" is one of the Central Plains double saints, The task this time is to bring to justice Xia Zuo, a villain who is a singular leader of Wushuang City, regardless of life or death."

Xiaoqiao nodded and heard a serious look.

Because she has read the "Initial Guide to the Fengyun Secret Realm" uploaded to the gang database, she will not be shocked or surprised by the fact that the alone is fake.

Feeling this kind of face-to-face message, it was indeed weird. I looked around at night, and after confirming that there was definitely no third person within a few miles, he finally said: "So on the surface, our task is to The car crashed. But think about it carefully, as long as your task is not to clearly indicate that you want to protect the false solitary solitary party, there is still room for manoeuvre."

Xiaoqiao continued to nod, looking very clever.

Anyway, looking at the appearance of Brother Ye, she had already thought about the plan, and then she would do as long as Ye Wuming said.

At this time, he heard Ye Wuming's remarks and suddenly asked her, "Xiaoqiao, how many resources are available to you now? I mean, who are the contacts you can reach?"

After a slight pause, I added a sentence: "Whether it is a player or an NPC."

Xiaoqiao pondered for a moment, and then said: "In terms of players, although there are a lot of players in the alone, they have joined the camp of Wushuangcheng, but none of them can be trusted."

"Compared with NPC, there are more NPCs. There are grandma, Mingyue, Du Gufang, Du Gu Ming, Duan Lang... Um, the two or five cubs in Duan Lang are not trustworthy, so they are not counted."

It can be seen from Xiaoqiao's tone that she is very disdainful of the character of the broken wave.

However, after Ye Weiming heard the words, his eyes lit up, and he said excitedly: "Why not break the waves?"

Xiaoqiao couldn't help but stunned for a while, and for a time he didn't know how to answer the question that Ye Ming didn't know.

Ye Weiming said very firmly: "Among the names you just mentioned, the most reliable one is the breaking wave!"

Xiaoqiao shrugged, expressing his willingness to hear.

Ye Weiming said leisurely: "According to the strategy provided by Xueying, when the change of the character of the broken wave is ignored, regardless of whether he is good or bad, there is an advantage that others do not. Yes."

"That is whether he is a very pragmatic person before or after getting bad!"

Embracing his hands around his chest and subconsciously tapping his biceps on his left arm with his right index finger, Ye Weiming continued: "First, let's be clear."

"That is to resolve the contradiction between you and me. While eradicating the false solitary side, we must not let Wushuangcheng break the fireworks."

"So Du Guming we can protect and protect, we must not let him have an accident within these ten days."

"In addition, if you want to make the bully dare not act rashly, even the current false solitary solitary party is too weak, and even solitary solitude and breaking waves do not have this qualification."

"And looking at all the people associated with Wushuangcheng, there is only one person's deterrent force, which can make the bully dare not act rashly without full grasp."

Xiaoqiao immediately frowned at Wenyan: "Brother Ye, is the man you said the sword saint?"

Ye Weiming shrugged his shoulders: "Apart from the old guy who shares my name, does anyone else have this skill?"

Seeing Ye Tianming’s shameless look, Xiaoqiao still felt very handsome, and he laughed at him with a pouting smile, and then he showed his face in disbelief: "But the person who is the sword saint, the elder brother Ye Ye, you know, he Not only is his whereabouts secret, but he only has his swordsmanship in my heart. I am afraid I am not sure enough to persuade him to return to Wushuangcheng to preside over the overall situation.

"No, you are wrong."

Ye Weiming said very firmly: "Although Juggernaut is intoxicated with kendo, he is not really without Wushuangcheng, otherwise he will not have the act of challenging the hegemon before death."

"It's just that in his heart, his sword will always be ranked before Wushuangcheng."

"As long as the matter of returning to Wushuangcheng itself does not conflict with his own philosophy of pursuing kendo, I believe that Juggernaut is still willing to contribute to Wushuangcheng."


Speaking of which, Ye Weiming suddenly laughed: "I didn't intend to let you persuade the Juggernaut."

Xiaoqiao shouted: "Brother Ye, you are playing me!"

"It's not." Ye Weiming shook his head seriously: "This thing, not only you can't do it, but even if you go alone, it's mostly useless. The whole Wushuangcheng up and down, can have the opportunity to do this thing, only one person -Breaking waves!"

"So, I hope you can find a way to arrange for me and Duanlang to meet each other, the sooner the better."

"Is this a problem?"

"That must be no problem!" Seeing the difficulty of the mission suddenly changed from persuading the sword saint to go to the mountain, instead of arranging to break the waves and meet the night unknown, Xiaoqiao said that this was not a matter at all.

But immediately following, she asked a little mysteriously: "Brother Ye, when do you and Nie Feng plan to shoot?"

Ye Weiming couldn't help but stunned: "Nie Feng?"

"You don't know yet?" Xiaoqiao said with some surprise: "The little handsome guy who appeared with you on the street that day and rewarded Mingyue is Nie Feng!"

"I thought you two not only knew each other, but also had an alliance in private."

The conscience of heaven and earth, was unknown by Ye Feng at the time, and the other party was not found along the way. It wasn't until I met Mingyue and Xiaoqiao on the street that I had seen each other's first side, but they followed each other again.

During this period, he and Nie Feng did not have any intersection!

He just vaguely felt that the little handsome guy was a little unusual, but he really didn't expect the other party to be Nie Feng.

Now it seems that the other party is still an NPC who intends to grab the head with himself!

However, with Nie Feng's kind-hearted person, if someone is willing to do the work for him, he certainly would not mind letting Ye Weiming kill him alone.

In this way, there is really a possibility of cooperation.

So Ye Weiming said at once: "In this way, you are more familiar with Mingyue, and Mingyue and Nie Feng are also more familiar. See if you can pass Mingyue and find something that Nie Feng has been in contact with."

"I can find Nie Feng through those things, try to communicate with him."

"Hey..." Xiaoqiao smiled at that moment, but took out a silver of about twenty-two pieces from his arms and sent it to Ye Mingming: "This is the silver that Nie Feng rewarded Mingyue that day. , I think it might be useful, so I took advantage of Mingyue's inattention and secretly gave away the bag. Is this possible?"

"No problem at all!"

Ye Ming was excited to take the silver, and even if A Huang was released, he turned on the hound tracking mode.

And Xiaoqiao continued to "hunt down" the night behind him.

Holding A Huang in his arms, Ye Mingming showed off his light skills and chased along the smell, but he couldn't help but feel a little surprised.

Because according to the direction pointed by A Huang, Nie Feng was not in the city at the moment, but appeared in a direction outside the city.

After another walk, Ye Mingming and Xiaoqiao finally stopped outside a forest ten miles away from Wushuang City.

From here, you can hear faintly, there is a fierce fighting in the woods.

Because in Yin Yin's guide, there is no specific description of the war in Wushuang City, so he can't infer what happened in Lin.

However, with his own experience, Ye Weiming still made the most cautious choice in the first time: "Let's move separately and take a closer look to see what is going on?"

"If our goal is exposed, you remember, you must pretend not to know me, and you can even attack me when necessary, but you must not cause the solitary suspicion. I have my own way of getting out."

Xiaoqiao hesitated, but nodded happily: "Okay!"

After the words, the two have performed their own light skills and jumped into the canopy, and then under the cover of dense foliage, they quietly moved towards the direction of the sound of fighting.

After a while, they finally saw a brilliant leg match!

The two people who fought against each other were young and handsome. Sixteen or seventeen-year-old boys look more like eighteen-nine-year-old boys. But the two of them are ashamed to see the darkness.

Nie Feng

The world will help the master to dominate the three disciples, the **** of the wind

Level: 150


Du Guming

The only son of Wushuangcheng

Level: 140


Because the movements of the two people in front of them are so fast, even the BOSS data with their heads is constantly moving fast, without stopping for a moment. Even with the eyesight unknown at night, they can only barely see their levels. The specific values ​​of Qi and blood and internal force cannot be accurately distinguished.

These two people are masters of leg technique. Nie Feng’s legs are elegant and flexible, and they appear extremely smooth and natural between every move. It is endless.

And Du Guming's legs...

Ye Weiming rubbed his chin and watched this guy's leg moves. How does it look like my "Dragon Dragon Eighteen Palms"?

Around them, there were no more than a hundred bodies lying on the ground, some wearing standard clothing of the Wushuangcheng gang, and the other wearing plain clothes. I think it was undoubtedly a spy from the world.

Among the living people, in addition to Nie Feng and Du Guming, there are also six players who are also playing vividly.

Among the six players, five of them are a gang, cooperating with each other to attack the last person. However, the player in a red suit does have the shape of electricity, even if it is not as good as Nie Feng, I am afraid that it is no longer weaker than Du Guming.

In addition, his swordsmanship is tricky and fierce, and it can often be pierced from an angle that is unexpected or difficult to prevent when thinking of others, which is also extremely powerful.

Even with one enemy against five, it didn't even fall off. Even in terms of blood volume, it still has some advantages over the other five in the opposite side.

It was just that when the night saw the inner bar he got, he shook his head helplessly and said on the team channel: "Nie Feng has an absolute upper hand, but Brother Yunhua will lose for a long time."

That's right!

The red player who is fighting is the heir of Putian South Shaolin, Yunhua Shangxian!

Unexpectedly, he even entered into the "Unexpected Realm" ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I don't know if he is on the side of the unparalleled city, or is it the world?

"Slap!" At this moment, Nie Feng and Lonely Ming's feet slammed together, and after a crisp sound, they floated and retreated.

After Du Guming landed on the ground, his body was back three steps again, covering his chest with his right hand, followed by a mouthful of blood that could not help but spit out, as if he had suffered an internal injury.

Nie Feng just took a deep breath and calmed down the breath inside, and then turned to Yunhua Shangxian and said: "Wen Chouhou, don't love war."

"You leave with information and I will break it!"


PS: Don’t tell me forever... (fast forward)

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