I Can Extract Proficiency

Vol 2 Chapter 859: Grandma Ming is not under me! (2 in 1)

   Ye Ming did not leave the Wushuang Yangjian with better attributes for his own use, but sent it to Xiaoqiao together with the Wushuang Yinjian, which naturally had his considerations.

  In fact, although the attributes of Wushuang Yangjian seem to bluff, it is only slightly stronger than the sword in his sword, and the difference is really not big.

   But compared with the original two swords of Kobashi, the gap is too big.

   Considering that the next battle must be fierce, of course, it is necessary to improve the team's overall combat effectiveness as much as possible!

   Watching Ye Weiming send two Wushuang swords to his face, Xiaoqiao originally refused.

   However, I thought that the situation was complicated at this moment, and I did not know how to do it at night. I must have a deep meaning. I didn't say anything, but I obediently held the two swords in my hands.

   Then, on her pretty face, a hint of joy appeared immediately.

Ding! The two swords you now equip are one pair of yin and one yang, which are originally a pair. They are highly compatible with your main swordsmanship "Jade Girl Suxin Sword", and the "Jade Girl Suxin Sword" will be used as a unique sword. Based on the power, the base damage is increased by 50%, and the offset effect is increased by 50%!

   This increase in attributes is simply awesome!

   What basic damage represents. A long time ago, when the first introduction of "Dragons and Eighteen Palms" was introduced, detailed explanations were given, and they will not be repeated here.

   And the effect of counteracting the shock is aimed at the anti-shock force generated by the collision with the opponent.

   This anti-shock force is not very obvious in the battle of masters of the same level. But if it is a leapfrog challenge, the so-called crushing damage is caused by such anti-shock force!

  In other words, after counteracting part of the anti-shock force, the crushing damage that might have occurred would not appear.

   Moreover, the effect of this offset is only unilateral.

   In other words, the impact of her sword moves on the enemy is still retained, but the impact of the enemy on her is offset by 50%!

   This is so strong that it doesn’t make sense.

   In fact, judging from the legend of Wushuang Yinyang swords, these two swords are almost exactly the same as the concept of "Jade Girl Suxin Sword".

  The combination of the two can produce such a power increase, and Xiaoqiao is not surprised.

   The only thing that surprised her was that the magical soldiers of the level like Wushuang Yinyang Sword, who started so easily, didn’t they look too playful?

   system, will really allow her and Ye Wuming, so close to taking advantage of the general, won two magic soldiers?

  As Xiaoqiao was puzzled, Mingyue, whose sword was taken, had taken a bamboo flute out of her arms, and pulled it out of his hand, actually pulling out a short sword from the flute.

   Although this short sword is not as dazzling as Wushuang Yinyang Sword, it is not difficult to see from its blooming edge, and the quality of this sword in the flute is definitely not bad.

   Even if it is not a magic soldier, it is at least a treasure level equipment!

Putting his dagger in front of him, Mingyue didn't go to see the unidentified night again, but instead placed a hostile gaze on Xiaoqiao: "Mingqiao, you appeared with the unidentified night of arresting the night, are you going to betray Is there no Shuangcheng?"

  Xiaoqiao just wanted to answer, but suddenly the news of the night came from the team channel: "According to my prompt and tell her."

   followed, under the guidance of the unknown words, Xiaoqiao said calmly and calmly: "Sister, it is wrong for you to say this, and even makes me look down upon you."

   Mingyue wrinkled her brows: "What do you mean?"

Xiaoqiao has a pair of Yin and Yang swords in his hand at the moment, which can be described as full of confidence, and he is not afraid of the 140-level BOSS sister in front of him: "In fact, no matter whether you choose to help Nie Feng, you still insist on the stand of Ming Family City, I will admire you very much."

   "But for the stupid thing such as the double standard, please forgive the little girl for not accepting it anyway."

   Mingyue wrinkled her brows, "What do you mean?"

   "Meaning literally."

Xiaoqiao glanced at Nie Feng, who was healing at the side, and said, "Since you want to stick to the Ming family's position and stand firmly on the side of Wushuangcheng, then please lead by example and kill Nie Feng. Then come to me ."

   "After all, whether it is Nie Feng or Elder Brother Ye, they are the enemies of Wushuangcheng. Isn't it?"

   Mingyue couldn't help but stunned, turned to glance at Nie Feng, and his expression immediately became complicated.

  Xiaoqiao's words were justified.

  Nie Feng is still fortunate to use his power to heal the wounds. She really has no position to blame Xiaoqiao.

  After hesitating for a moment, Mingyue reinserted the dagger into the bamboo flute, indicating that he could not see what he could do.

  At the same time, a system prompt sounded in the ear of the unknown night:

Ding! The first hunter of Wushuang City, Mingyue, has given up on hunting you down, and now there are still two waves of hunters who want to take your life to avenge Dugu.

Ding! The next wave of killers will arrive in half an hour, please be prepared for battle.

   In other words, after solving a wave of killers, will there be half an hour to make corrections?

   This arrangement looks pretty good.

   smiled slightly, Ye Mingming had already walked towards Nie Feng.

"Brush!" When he saw Ye Ming's behavior, the bright moon that had just relaxed, immediately became nervous again. He pulled out the sword in his flute and stopped in front of Nie Feng. He looked at Ye Weiming with caution and asked, "You want What are you doing?"

  Unknown night shrugged, said calmly: "Don't be so nervous."

   "Nie Feng's face was pale, apparently suffering from an extremely serious internal injury. He just knew a little about the medical skills, maybe he can help."

   "Don't look at me with that kind of eyes, I'm really not malicious."

   "After all, your fiance, Du Guming, was injured by Nie Feng first, and then killed by me. Now, Nie Feng and I are both the objects that the Du Gu party wants to go after, and also a grasshopper on a rope."

   "Hurry up to heal his wounds is also a way for me to save myself."

   At this time, Nie Feng, who had kept his eyes closed, finally opened his eyes and said to Mingyue: "Mingyue, I feel it, this night brother is really not malicious, let him help me see it."

  Mingyue only retreated to this side, but a pair of eyes still stared at the unclear night with caution, not daring to relax.

  Because the second wave of killers arrived soon, Ye Mingming no matter whether he used "Jiuyin Healing" or "Yiyang Zhi" to save people, it will inevitably affect the state when facing the second wave of killers.

Therefore, he just used the method described in Hu Qingniu's "Meridian Acupuncture and Moxibustion" and used the method of puncturing acupuncture points with silver needles to divide the strong palm power deposited in Nie Feng's body, and then let it out of the body together with congestion .

   Fortunately, Nie Feng's foundation is good enough. If a person with a slightly weaker physique, I am afraid that after such rude treatment, he will not be able to rest for a year and a half for a year and a half, and it is difficult to completely restore his vitality. But Nie Feng just vomited a bruise, and it was no longer a problem.

  Why don't you say that people are the sons of destiny, the natural wind?

   is the cow breaking!

Ding! Because you cured Nie Feng's injury at the critical moment of the war, and received Nie Feng's gratitude, Nie Feng's favorability with you increased by 30 points. In the next wave of chasing, you will get the full help of Nie Feng!

   Hearing this system prompt, Ye Mingming's face suddenly showed a smile of relief.

  Does this mean that he and Nie Feng have already reached an initial alliance, and as long as they operate properly in the second battle, they will have the opportunity to form a strong temporary alliance with him and watch for mutual assistance?

   By that time, by virtue of joining forces with Nie Feng to kill the fake alone, it should not be difficult!

On the other side, taking advantage of the night's effort to heal Nie Feng's wounds, Xiaoqiao has explained to Mingyue that Du Gu's party is a fake, and they intend to invite Jian Sheng back to protect Wushuang City, and to find Du Gu Dream to host the overall situation, etc. The plan explained to Mingyue one by one, but it also greatly resolved Mingyue's original sense of guilt, and readily agreed to the intention of cooperation proposed by Xiaoqiao.

   is different from Xiaoqiao's identity arranged by the system. There is no sense of belonging. Mingyue is an outright Ming family. If there is really a double-quantity method in the world, she can let her live up to the wind, and Mingyue will naturally do it.

   In this way, Nie Feng, Mingyue, Yemingming and Xiaoqiao reached a temporary strategic alliance.

   watched things going along an unexpected trajectory toward their own advantage, and Ye Weiming's face could not help but shed a smile of relief.

   That's it, half an hour of preparation time is almost instant.

Almost immediately after the last digit of the system countdown was completed, outside the Ming Family Ancestral Hall, an old woman’s voice suddenly came: “What a horrible night of arrest is unknown! I didn’t expect you to hide in my Ming Family Ancestral Hall Come, really make my old lady easy to find!"

   After a slight pause, the old female voice continued: "Unknown night, come out a battle, don't disturb the peace of our Ming ancestors."

"it is good!"

Unexpectedly, Ye Mingming promised quickly, and then turned to the other three and asked: "Xiaoqiao, your identity should not be shown, and Mingyue is also true, you should stay and protect Nie Feng. I will go. Come!"

   "Wait a minute!"

   At this time, Nie Feng, who had not been seriously injured, had stood up from the ground, and he came to the night with a serious face.

  Yue was unclear at night, and his heart could not help showing a satisfied smile.

  Nie Feng really will be the same as the system prompt, regardless of injury to fight side by side with himself.

   In this way, the chances of meeting the grandmother of the Ming family suddenly increased from the previous 30% to about 90%.

  After all, the protagonist halo of the Son of Destiny is not just for fun!

However, what Ye Weiming didn't expect was that after Nie Feng came to Ye Weiming, he suddenly showed a sunny smile, and then patted his shoulder hard and said: "Brother Ye, I was just before that My grandmother was injured. Not only is she not under my own strength, she even has a glove called'Invincible Overlord', which can double her skill out of thin air. I am not her opponent at all. Be careful."

   Having finished speaking, he had already sat back on the ground again and exercised his power again.

  Unknown night:? ? ?

   No, your daughter's advice is finished?

  Is it good to help in the next hunt?

Don’t you should brace your injuries and face the enemies with me, and then you and I will unite and master together to come up with a trick that “the night wind can’t stop” Shenma, put that Ming family Are grandma and fake duo all killed?

   As a result, your full help is to pat me on the shoulder and tell me that Grandma's grandma is not under you! ?

   But this kind of thing, unless Nie Feng took the initiative to stand up, otherwise he could not force a seriously wounded to fight side by side with himself.

In desperation, Ye Mingming can only say that he can cope, and then turns around and walks out of the Ming family ancestral hall, while looking at his burden space, thinking about what poison is more effective for the old woman.


Grandma of the Ming family

   Mingyue's grandma, not only has deep skills, but also has the blessing of the invincible overlord, and the combat power is extremely fierce

   Grade:? ? ?

   Qi and blood:? ? ? /? ? ?

  Internal force:? ? ? /? ? ?


   Seeing the nine question marks above the head of the Ming family's grandma, he couldn't help but grow his head for a while before the night.

   looked at the silver glove embroidered with a green dragon on the left hand of Grandma Ming’s left hand. Ye Weiming felt a deep sense of powerlessness.

   For this invincible overlord who is said to double his skill, Ye Weiming really wanted to say the last sentence...

   This glove is destined to me!

Of course, as a person with a strong heart, no matter how drumming is in his heart, Ye Mingming still pretends to have a very calm appearance, and he has a very graceful proposal: "Since it is to fight, then we might as well go a little further. How about doing it again?"

   "Lest you hurt your Mingjia ancestral hall and increase your sins."

   heard the words, the grandmother of the Ming family just snorted, followed the movement of his feet, and already pushed back a distance of twenty feet.

   And her eyes are staring at the unidentified actions every night from beginning to end, not giving him any chance to slip away.

  Yeah, the unclear appearance just showed that he shrugged indifferently.

  Followed by the big hand, the golden sword of Porden, the golden sword, the bloodless sword, the dragon mark sword, and the residual **** sword appeared all together, and suspended above his head.

  At the same time, the sword in the sword leaps out of the scabbard and falls in the palm of his hand from the "Resurrection Mantra".

After the six portable swords were unveiled together, Ye Weiming walked slowly in the direction of the grandmother of the Ming family, and the five swords above his head also circled behind him, just like soldiers in open positions. , Loyal to the Lord!

   In this way, Ye Mingming made a gradual and gentle walk forward, and every step of the way gave people a feeling of rebirth of the sword god.

   After a short while, it was almost unclear that the night was forced to be round, and he stopped outside three feet in front of the grandma of the Ming family. With a slight smile, he said, "Grandma Ming, do you know that the loyal guardian you are faithfully guarding is actually just a fake?"

   "Even if it is a fake, he is also a hand-in-handed substitute for the lord of the city. Under the advice of the lord of the city, he will take charge of the Wushuang city. So, you don’t have to confuse the crowd, and die!

   During the speech, the surging internal force had flowed towards the invincible overlord on her left hand, and the shock was still ready to go.

   Seeing it unclear at night, he hurriedly stopped: "Slow!"

   Grandma's brow frowned upon seeing this, "Scunk boy, what else do you have to say?"

   "Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh!"

   answered the grandmother of the Ming family with five flying swords blasting towards her at different angles!

"Nothing~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The attack has been launched first, and it is unclear at this time that he slowly shakes his head and says: "It's just that you are a senior, and you are shot against the juniors, and the juniors have to grab a first mover , Lest someone will say that I don’t know how to respect the elderly. "

   "Good treacherous boy!"

   Wushuang's grandma whispered a word, the dazzling silver light had already radiated above the invincible overlord of the left hand, and the green dragon embroidered on it became more and more vivid.

Then she saw that she waved her palm, a domineering unparalleled palm power has been swayed out of the sky, and in a roll, all five flying swords controlled by Ye Ming were easily flew out, and no one could approach her. Within one foot!

   What a great grandma of Ming family, what a powerful invincible master!

  After dispersing Ye Wuming's five flying swords in a single blow, the grandma's grandmother had waved her palm and shot it directly towards Ye Mingming's chest. From far away, the powerful palm wind had made Ye Mingming difficult to breathe.

  Unknown night, he could not help but frown, and immediately walked with the sword, a move "sword-style", stabbing the throat of the Ming family's grandmother.

   Warrior's intuition told Ye Wuming that the next battle is destined to be a hard fight.

   After all, even a strong man like Nie Feng said:

   The martial arts of the Ming family's grandma is not under him! ?乛?乛?

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