I Can Extract Proficiency

Vol 2 Chapter 865: Dawei Tianlong, the world sacred possession... (2 in 1)

   For Ye Feng to be able to say in a word, he is not a deity, the fake Duguo Xia Zuo did not feel any surprises.

   After all, he is not a fool.

   had previously determined that one of the two people who secretly infiltrated Wushuangcheng was arresting the holy night, and he had already thought of this possibility.

   But the same, for the identity of being exposed in public by the night wind, the false alone is not very concerned.

  After all, at this time and here, apart from the three enemies in front of him who have not been removed by luck, there is one remaining one, all of whom are his men.

  Not to mention how high their loyalty is, but at least these people are powerless to rebel!

   He is the biggest in the audience!

   As long as you look back and wipe out everyone except yourself today, then no matter whether he is Xia Zuo or the only one, he is still the master of this unique city!

   It’s just that the night of arresting the night, which controls the body of Nie Feng, who is enchanted, is unknown, and it looks a bit difficult to deal with...

   But it does not matter.

  Anyway, these cannon fodder that heard something that should not be heard is destined to be killed by oneself. Then let them make some contributions to Wushuangcheng before they are killed.

   aware of the undisguised killing intention in the eyes of the false alone, the smile on Yefeng's face was even better.

   Good intention to kill!

  As long as you have the intention to kill, you still want to do the thing that kills and kills your mouth, and continue to be comfortable as your Wushuang city master, then you must not escape, destined to **** battle to the end!

  So, he did not give any specific evidence, but decided to add another fire to the other party: "Bold summer work, I want you to be exposed!"

Hearing that Ye Feng had further stated his original name that he had not used for more than ten years, the false solitary party knew that it could not continue to wait any longer, otherwise it would be possible to bring these unclear situations and cannon fodder. Choose to wait and see, or even turn to each other!

  In order to avoid the worst result, the false solitary order immediately ordered: "Go! Everyone give me a go, kill this crazy guy!"

   Hearing the restrained order of the false solitary side, the faces of the top five players under his command also showed a disdainful look.

  The other party said you were fake, and you don't refute it. Does this mean that you know that as long as you refute, the other party can come up with solid evidence to make you speechless?

   So, did you choose the default and choose to kill?

  Since this is the case, why should we rush up to be cannon fodder at this time?

  As long as the excuse that you can't confirm your identity is used as an excuse, you can temporarily stand still and choose to sit on the hill and watch the tiger fight. After the situation is clear, choose the team no later!

   In fact, these players have no loyalty to Wushuangcheng or the false solitary side.

  When the obvious harm is greater than the benefit, it will naturally give priority to its own interests.

  However, what made these people unexpected was that the next time the voice of the false duo fell, a system prompt sounded in the ears of five of them at the same time:

Ding! You have received the compulsory camp mission "Eliminate Night Wind"!

   kill the night wind

  Regardless of all costs, beheaded the sorrows of Wushuangcheng, and controlled the night of the night of arresting the night of the demon Nie Feng, which is the night wind!

   Mission Level: Nine Stars

   Mission reward: Three unique skills of Wushuang City "Wushuang Swordsmanship", "Wushuang Fingerings", "Dragon Dragon Legs" randomly get one of them

   Mission punishment: If you die in battle, the siege mission rewards will be cleared; if you leave the battle line or do not listen to the military order, you will be expelled from Wushuang City, deprived of all the factions accumulated by the previous camp, and will be pursued by Wushuang City!


   Seeing this mandatory assignment, the top five player masters of Wushuang City are still reluctant, but they are helpless.

   After all, the mission punishment for escape and non-movement must be far higher than the death penalty, which is tantamount to directly smashing their wishful thinking.

   And the reward of this task seems to be enough to force.

   After all, that's a stern school!

  So, the five major players looked at each other, and then together with the other three NPC masters, led the surviving Wushuang city gate survivors under the love of Allure City, and rushed towards the night wind.

   Facing Wushuangcheng, a master camp formed by the combination of eight players and NPCs of the False Alone, namely: thunder, wind and fire, yaksha, evil spirits, deity, demon, hell, and ghost siege.

  Yefeng is not afraid, now he has unprecedented strength.

   Even, even he himself, could not see exactly what his current attributes are. I tried to check it before, but the result is...

  Yefeng (Moxindu)

   Grade:? ? ?

   Qi and blood:? ? ? /? ? ?

  Internal force:? ? ? /? ? ?


  I have seen so many unfathomable super bosses, and today it is finally my turn to be unfathomable once!

   "For the tiger, kill!"

  Declaration of death, scarlet eyes flashed, the figure of Ye Feng has disappeared.

At the next moment, they appeared among the eight people, rushing in front of the thunder and wind and fire, and the sword in their hands swept one by one. The two powerful enemies have turned into white light representing death and resurrection. , Go back to Wushuangcheng resurrection point to report.

   "Thunderbolt, kill!"

   Lightning and wind and fire were easily killed by the night wind, but they did not frighten other Wushuang city gates. They had already been trained by the lonely party to become dead, and they still killed the night wind.

  However, the bravery of a dead person cannot change the difference in combat power!

  With the sword light in Ye Feng's hands, those who were besieging the unparalleled city gates actually had no one enemy.

   As long as the player is under one face, it will be white and easily cut into white light.

   Any NPC will turn into a dead body with one move!

   "Yaksha evil spirits, kill!"

   "Mozun demon, kill!"


  Under the merciless killing by the night wind, in the enemy's camp, two people finally became afraid. They are officially alone, two of the top five player masters, one hell, one ghost.

Seeing that Yefeng showed such arrogance and unreasonable power, he pushed all the horror strength horizontally. After a simple exchange of two sentences on the team channel, the two bypassed this while taking advantage of Yefeng’s siege. The invincible super master turned towards the body that was unknown at night and could not move.

  Theoretically, as long as this guy's body can be eliminated, is it also a task?

   The behavior of the two of them, naturally can not hide the keen sense of overnight wind.

Aware of the two's intentions, Ye Feng's mouth hung a sneer at the corner of his mouth, and the sword light in his hand suddenly skyrocketed, but thirty-six swords were stabbed in an instant, each sword stabbed, and there were two more Burning sword gas.

  Thirty-six to Jianguang, with these seventy-two sword qi, centered on the place where Ye Feng was, quickly spreading in all directions.

  In an instant, the open space in the forest seemed to explode a dazzling firework, where the fireworks passed, and all the siblings of Wushuang City who were unknown at night were besieged by sword gas without exception!

  After doing all this, he saw the night wind violently throwing his opponent, the sword in the sword has been turned into a match, and the volley went towards **** and ghosts to kill the two.

  The two of them saw the great overnight wind. Although they had other strategies, they were always on guard against the movement on his side.

  After discovering the flying sword from his sacrifice, he immediately stopped his body and used his own housekeeping skills, struck out a flying knife and a quiver.

  Do not seek to block the power of Ye Mingming's flying sword, as long as they can slightly affect it and change their trajectory, they will have the opportunity to attack Ye Mingming's body!


  Unknown at night this time but did not plan to continue to drop ten times.

  As his thoughts moved, the sword in the sword had been separated in the air, the outer blade was ejected first, and the hidden short sword also followed.

  The sword in two divided into two swords, easily bypassed the secret weapon issued by the two, destroying the general, passing through the heart of **** and ghost.

   "Hell ghost, kill!"

  As the sound of the night breeze echoed through the forest, the last two masters of the lonely man had also turned into white light, returning to live to find some of their companions.

   instantly solved all the accomplices and deceased persons under the false dugong, and turned his head back suddenly at night, without the slightest affection of his eyes.

   "I don't know if the sky is thick and thick, I'm not even looking at me!"

Seeing this, the lonely party was in a hurry, and could not bear it anymore. He rushed towards Ye Mingming immediately, and while rushing, his hands waved out one after another, with a strong or weak palm shadow from his palm. Booming out, overwhelming, sweeping towards the night breeze.

  However, in the face of this terrible attack, Ye Feng only slammed a palm in his hand, and a three-foot air wall had been formed in him.

  See the dragon in the field!

   Among the dozens of solitary powers from the solitary side, the ordinary power from the left hand fell on the air wall, just like a mud cow entering the sea, and there was no trace of waves. Even the horror of the right hand after the increase of "Invincible Overlord" can only arouse a slight ripple on the air wall, and it can't shake its point!

   "A little skill in carving insects, how dare you get an axe?"

   The night breeze at this moment, I feel a little sorry. May not be able to inherit the martial arts of Nie Feng, otherwise, under the state of mad blood, but try the feeling of wielding a 40-meter sword.

   But just thinking about it now, Nie Feng seems to have not yet learned the "Aohan Six Tips".

   Therefore, even if he inherited Nie Feng's martial arts martial arts skills, it is impossible to say that the 40-meter sword would be turned up...

  Forget it, let's solve the battle with your own martial arts.

  Thinking in this way, Ye Feng's figure has jumped, more than seven feet into the sky.

   Sure enough!

  With Nie Feng's body, exerting light power is such awesome!

The night breeze in the midair, the internal forces on and around Zhou began to burn violently, and the fiery waves spewed out of his surrounding body, only a moment, then he put his upper body clothes and that dashing The blue robe burned into fly ash.

   Only the pants and shoes of the lower body are protected by some kind of supreme harmony, and there is no damage.

   The shirtless upper body of the night wind shook his arms, and a dragon-shaped energy had quickly appeared between his palms.

   "Dawei Tianlong!"

   At the next moment, the dragon-shaped air was strong and strong, and after surrounding it for a week, it had become a golden dragon with a length of ten feet.

   "Shizong Jizo!"

  The dragon of the golden snake continued to hover in the air, and its body continued to soar. After circling around him again for a week, it had changed from the previous ten feet to a twenty-foot monster.

   At the same time, the dragon's whole body also burned a blazing flame and turned into a huge fire dragon!

   "Pan Ruo Buddhas!"

   High in the sky above Qi Zhang, the night wind looked down at the lonely side below, as if looking at a trivial ant.

   "Phaneroba Makong!"

Then, the figure twirled suddenly in the air, and then swooped down towards the false solitary solitary side below, waving his arms together, and the fire dragon suddenly felt a roar that sounded through the world, toward the false solitary solitary side below. Rush down.

   "The flying dragon is in the sky! Go!"

Just seeing the prestige of this palm, it’s easy to know that this trick can never be hard-wired, but the palm power and momentum that have not been known at night have already locked him firmly, but let him shine. Avoid it!

  Because at this time, once he was resigned from his heart and weakened, he could only die faster and worse!

  Unfortunately, the false alone can only put his palms on top of each other, and at the same time mobilize his whole body's internal force, facing the flaming dragon that swoops down, blasting the strongest palm of his life!


Under the impact of the huge fire dragon, the body of the false solitary side was instantly submerged by this incomparably huge force. The aftermath of the impact diffused and destroyed the grass, wood, bamboo, and stone within ten feet of the surrounding area. Exhausted.

   When the dust was gone, the night breeze still stood proudly.

   and the false solitary side, the breath at this moment is already extremely weak, but still relying on the "invincible hegemony" on the right hand, maintaining a standing posture.

   But the blood constantly flowing from his eyes, ears, mouth, and nose has already shown that the false solitary side at this moment is already the end of the strong crossbow!

   Even the "Invincible Overlord" on his right hand has broken apart in such a fierce internal force collision. However, it is the false solitary side who has been implicated in the militia because of its incompetence.

   Seeing that this false solitary solitary party could hardly take one of his own efforts without dying, but he had entered a state not far from death, and Yefeng's face could not help revealing a playful smile.

  Because he thought of a wonderful attention, and still one, a wonderful attention that can maximize the harvest!

Just think about it~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The night that controls Nie Feng’s body is unclear, and a trace of mind is immediately divided. Before the control was ordered by him, Wushuang Yinjian... Cough, after the moon was rescued, it was a A Hong, who was standing under the cliff, fluttered his wings, so he grabbed the bright moon and flew up directly under the cliff.

The bright moon that escaped from the dead naturally didn’t know what was happening on the cliff. When he saw that Ye Mingming was sitting cross-legged, he looked like he didn’t know about life and death. Xiaoqiao was guarding with his two swords, and immediately began to look around and find out The trace of Nie Feng.

   Soon, she saw Nie Feng, naked and topless, who was holding hands with Du Gu.

   Suddenly, Mingyue's mouth made a very excited cry: "Wind!"

   Hearing this sound, Ye Weiming turned his head in coordination and looked at Mingyue.

   At the next moment, the mad blood subsided, and Ye Ming's spirit was also ejected directly from Nie Feng's body and returned to his body.

Ding! Because the moon is not dead, Nie Feng's crazy blood is suppressed by the front, and the state of "Moxindu" ends early...

  However, the night of returning to the body is unknown, but it is not in the mood to listen to the system at all.

   Almost at the same time when his thoughts returned, his figure immediately rose from the ground like a sharp arrow off the string, rushing towards the false solitary side.

  At the same time, a deep dragon yin has been condensed between his palms!

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