I Can Extract Proficiency

Vol 2 Chapter 868: Allure of Love, Ten Thousand Swords!

Ding! You have completed the hidden mission "Shuangsheng Zhenghui", and challenged the strongest sword saint under the afterglow success, please go to the nowhere to understand the mission reward.

  ? ? ?

   Hearing this system prompt, Ye Wuming couldn't help but frowned slightly.

   Say that our challenge is obviously the swordsman, why should we go to the nameless to receive mission rewards?

   But this is not the point!

   The end point is that he has already taken out the glass coffin, but at this time, he was sent out from the challenge copy. Who changed it, and the mood is definitely better!

  Looking at the Juggernaut who had “lived” in front of him, Ye Weiming was aggrieved in his heart, but he could only put away the worthless Liuliguan.

   Hold back!

"Brother Night!" At this time, he stepped up to resurrect the little bridge outside the challenge step, but he quickly ushered in and asked excitedly: "You actually survived the sword of 23 days. , How did you do it?"

  Yue Ming rubbed his nose, it seems that he had not shown the full-level attributes of the "Shen Zhao Jing" to his friends in the gang before.

   asked Xiaoqiao at the moment, although he was in a bad mood, he still sent a screenshot of the skill to the other party.

  Xiaoqiao saw this, his face suddenly showed a straight look.

   Sure enough, long before challenging the Juggernaut, he already thought of everything that came next. Big Brother Ye is not a loss, Big Brother Ye, is farsighted!


Suddenly, a cold hum came, but he heard Jian Sheng leisurely said: "You stupid boy, facing my sword twenty-three clearly has no resistance, but only by special means to get back to life. This is how it is Don’t you feel ashamed if you feel complacent?"


   Turned back unclear at night, this time he showed the respect he deserves for a strong swordsman: "The lesson learned from the seniors that the teaching of the seniors to the seniors must be borne in mind, and they dare not forget it at all times."

  Jian Sheng heard the compliments unknown at night. Although it literally meant to be humble and cautious, he always gave him a very wrong feeling.

   But if there is something wrong with the specifics, he can't say why.

   At this time, he heard the unknown curiosity on the other side and asked, "Secret Saint, what did you realize from the words of the sword saint? You might as well listen to it, I also feel curious."

   Ye Ming turned back and clenched his fists in the unknown: "Senior Sword Saint's meaning is already obvious. He is admonishing the younger people for a reason..."

Speaking of which, Ye Wuming deliberately paused for everyone's appetite, and the rear continued with a true tone: "Kendo, two words, one horizontal and one vertical, wrong, soaring, standing Qualified to speak!"

   listened to Ye Mingming's words, because he challenged the particularity of the copy and didn't die Juggernaut, he was almost mad at Ye Mingming on the spot.

   Which ear do you really hear?

  I am clearly saying that you guys are invincible!

   Why did you get into your mouth, it became that my old man could not afford to lose, beeping here?

   Say, is your kid intentional?

   must be intentional!

   But depressed, depressed, since the challenge has been divided, because of the rules of heaven, Juggernaut really has no way to take this abominable kid.

   And in accordance with the provisions of the previous challenge mission, from this moment on, the name of Shuangsheng on the rivers and lakes has seen new changes.

   Sacred Saint is on top, Sword Saint is down!

  Jiansheng: I will go to your MMP!

  After fiercely saying the word "Jiansheng", Ye Weiming greeted the unknown with a hand: "Just now, Tiandao seems to say, let us two find you to receive the mission reward after defeating the Juggernaut."

   "In other words, will my reward be the Sky Sword Realm?"

   Anonymous shook his head gently: "Tianjian does not mean a sword from Nine Heavens, but a natural sword. Although you have a deep connection with one of the swords, it is not born, so you cannot inherit my sword."

   "What's more, every master of kendo should eventually understand his own kendo and covet the kendo of others, and eventually fall down."

   The night was unclear, and I couldn't help but feel helpless: "Actually, I don't mind falling behind, but listening to the meaning of the unnamed predecessor, Tianjian Realm is definitely no drama."

   nodded anonymously, and said euphemistically: "Yes!"

  Yueming was helpless and said: "So, what is my mission reward?"

"I'm not in a hurry first." During the speech, Wuming had turned to look at Xiaoqiao, and said with a smile: "Mingqiao girl, you had mastered the secret biography of Ming Family "Qing Qing VII" before, and later got Wushuang Wushuang Sword, one of the city’s three great skills, is also good at the dual swords, mastering a mental method that can be used for distractions, and also cultivates the sword of love, even the Wushuang Yinyang sword, Now in your hands."

   "In addition to the previous experience in the process of dealing with the swordmaster..."

   "So, what you lack right now is just an opportunity to integrate the resources I mentioned above. Now, I will give you such an opportunity!"

  Say, the **** of the unnamed right hand slammed out, and the unbiased point was on Xiaoqiao's forehead.

   was a little unnamed, Xiaoqiao's spoiled body shivered, stunned on the spot like a lightning strike.

   After a while, her pretty face showed a look of extreme excitement, and then held a fistful of respectfully in the nameless respectfully: "Thank you Unknown Senior for your success!"

   was surprised at the unseen night. Quickly asked: "Xiaoqiao, what is the task reward you got?"

  Xiaoqiao never concealed anything about the night.

After hearing Ye Mingming’s inquiry, he immediately said excitedly: "I now have neither "Qing Qing VII" and "Unparalleled Swordsmanship" and "Left-and-Right Fight" in the skill bar. This one……"

   Between speaking, a screenshot of the skill has been posted on her and the unknown channel of the team.

  The Love of Allure

   After you got the inheritance of the swordsmanship of the Ming family and the Dukujia family, you got the nameless guidance, and finally realized the swordsmanship that belongs to you through the Wushuang Yinyang sword.

Grade 1

   Proficiency: 0/500,000

  The love of Allure is divided into three methods: inner, outer, and heart. Sword qi is cultivated inside, sword moves outside, and the mind is raised by heart!

  Special effects: Allure and absolute love.

   Allure: Charisma +1 (this attribute increases vision depending on the level of "Love in Allure"), the surrounding attribute effect increases by 23% (this attribute depends on the character's charm value)

Absolute love: When using double swords, the attributes of the two weapons will complement each other, and the weapon attributes enjoyed by each sword will be added: the attributes of the two swords will add up to 75%; if you use the male and female double swords recognized by the system, Then each sword can enjoy the final attribute after adding the two sword attributes!


   Allure sword spirit

  The male is the person who pleases himself, and the female is the person who pleases herself. The deeper you cultivate, the more powerful your sword will become, and your appearance will also change. The more handsome you are, the more beautiful you will be!

   upper limit of qi and blood +2000, upper limit of internal force +2000

  Physique +200, physique +200, body +200, reaction +200, charm +1.

   After equipping, the base damage is increased by 10% when using the sword technique.


   Allure Sword

   You are among me, and I am among you.

   Sword Attack +10%, Sword Hit +10%, two hands can play two different swords simultaneously, and the stronger the love in the heart, the greater the increase in the move!


  Love in Allure

  The ancestral swordsmanship created by the ancestors of the Ming family and the ancestors of the Dugu family is extremely powerful!

   Your current cultivation level is not enough. The sword requires a level of ≥100 in order to understand the spirit of the sword. Spontaneously launched when the level is insufficient, it will be met with a sword move.


   Seeing the screenshot of the skills posted by Xiaoqiao, Ye Weiming was shocked.

This "Love in Qingcheng" really does not deserve to be a **** of the earth, its internal power (Qingcheng Jianqi) attribute is not under the literal attribute of "Shenzhao Jing", the special attribute may not be as powerful as the original resurrection of "Shenzhao Jing", but now This exercise is only level 1! After the level is high, there are still endless possibilities.

  'S mentality seems to match his "Dai Zong How". Although there is no fatal effect of "Dai Zong How" in the "One Strike to Kill" effect, this attribute of increasing power due to circumstances seems to be quite bluffing.

   As for the last sword move, I still can't see the specific effect for the time being.

  But just imagine the power that Nie Feng and Ming Yue exhibited before, and you know that this trick is definitely not easy!

   has to say that this is indeed a set of extremely suitable for Xiaoqiao, and it can even be said to be a world-class magical skill made for her!

   The only shortcoming is that if this set of martial arts wants to reach the full level, it seems that it will be difficult, difficult...

  It is unknown at night, but I feel... a little bit greedy.

At this time, I saw my unknown wrist turned, and there was an extra book of martial arts in the palm of the same thickness as "Ci Hai". There were as many as five volumes in front and back. Holding it in my hand was like holding a pagoda, and it was unclear afterwards. A smile said: "Sacred Saint, now it's your turn to receive the task reward."


   Seeing this "respectful gift" brought out by the nameless, Ye Wuming ran fart and ran over and took the thick five cheats from his hands.

   But at first glance, the originally excited expression suddenly collapsed.

   Ten Thousand-Type Sword Base (Advanced): It records the Ten Thousand-Type Sword Skills for the introduction of Jianzong. It includes all the basic changes of swordsmanship in the world and is the foundation of Jianzong's martial arts. Training needs: none

   Seeing the attributes of "The Ten Thousand Swords Base", it is not clear at night that if you don't know that you must be able to beat the unknown, you must let him know what is called Dawei Tianlong!

But even if he couldn't beat him, he still argued with reason: "Unknown senior, Jiansheng's Desperate Jedi sword 23, but I am next with Xiaoqiao, and I am still the main force. How can she get a door The God of Awesomeness serves as a reward, and I only got a high-level swordsmanship cheat?"

   "Is your double standard too obvious?"

Anonymous Yan Yan smiled gently, and then explained: "Mingqiao girl actually has met all the prerequisites for comprehending this "Love in the Alluring City" before this. I just tried to make it so that she has It’s just an opportunity to understand this magical skill."

   "Although she got "Love in the Fallen City", she lost a high-level special skill, a high-level sword skill close to the absolute power, plus a unique mind."

   "In addition, she has a pair of yin and yang swords at hand at the moment, and also has the prerequisites for comprehension of "Love in the Alluring City", which is only under my order to realize the "Love in the Alluring City" that belongs to her."

   "Now, do you still think it's easy for her to get Love in the City?"

  Oh, in order to understand this "Love in the Fallen City", Xiaoqiao seems to have integrated even the "Left and Right Strike" that I have learned before.

   And it seems that from now on, her dual wields can only be used to perform swordsmanship, and cannot use her hands to perform two other kinds of different martial arts at the same time.

For Xiaoqiao, it may not be much, but at least in terms of mind, "Left and Right Strike" becomes "Allure Sword", which is not necessarily an absolute enhancement, but just becomes more suitable for Xiaoqiao. Nothing more.

   The truth is right, but the problem is...

  Yueming still said unwillingly: "However, I also received the 23 swords of heaven and earth and the end of the world! With such a record, you will give me a secret of advanced swordsmanship. Isn't this justified?"

   "You must not underestimate this "Ten Thousand-Style Sword Base", it is more than just an ordinary advanced swordsmanship cheat."

  Nodded unconsciously, he nodded unconsciously: "I know, there are five books."

Unknown to see him still so disdainful, can only continue to explain: "This "Ten Thousand Sword Base" is not only the foundation of Jianzong's swordsmanship, but also the foundation of all swordsmanship in the world, as long as you practice it well, any Swordsmanship can exert far more power than before in your hands."

   "Of course, the premise is that you have to cultivate it step by step to a perfect state, rather than taking exhaustive methods, at the expense of the final achievement, pile up its ranks in a short period of time."

   Even if the words were not heard at night, he could not help but stunned. Although he was still suspicious of the unnamed words, he still couldn't help but ask: "What method of exhausting and fishing?"

   "Ten Thousand Swords Reincarnation!"

On the nameless face, there was a hint of vicissitudes: "I was forced by the situation~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I had to improve my strength as soon as possible, so I took the kind of exhausting method, although with my own perseverance, I achieved Very high achievements, but after all, I failed to cultivate "Sword Base" to a truly satisfactory state. I hope you can be an exception."

   Hearing the nameless saying, Ye Weiming suddenly became interested in this "Wan Shi Jian Ji".

At this moment, I heard Wuming suddenly turning around and asked, "I believe you should have some knowledge of the background of this world before you enter here. Then arrest the Holy, you have heard of the strongest sword of our sword sect What is the law?"

   The unconscious night's unconscious opening replied: "It is "Wanjian Guizong"!"

   Wuming nodded again, and then said again: "If you don't cultivate Wanjian, how can you return to the clan?"

   The spirit was suddenly shocked at night, and the sentiment "Wanji Jianji" is also related to "Wanjian Guizong"?

Wuming suddenly looked up at Cangxiong, pulled up his erhu again, and turned away in the distance. While walking, he said: "You know the rules of the operation of Heavenly Dao, since Heavenly Dao decided to let me release it for you Mission rewards. Don’t say that I was very optimistic about you. Even if I wish to kill your sword saint now, I can’t use the inherent mission rewards as any deductions when issuing mission rewards."

  As the nameless voice fell, a system prompt immediately sounded in the ear of unknown night:

Ding! ...

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