I Can Extract Proficiency

Vol 2 Chapter 880: Causal change, the golden sword makes arrows! (Add for [Huzhong Sun Moon]...

Chapter 884: Causal Change, Golden Sword Makes Arrow! (For [Huzhong Zhongyue] Gaeng 16100)


With the sound of the Buddha's exit, Liuyun's body seemed to bloom with a solemn and easy-going soft light.

Even if a fierce book such as Ouyang Feng's final BOSS was suddenly deterred by the bodhisattva light emanating from him, he did not hurt him in the first place.

Perhaps it was because he felt that he should not be too embarrassed by such a true monk who had no dispute with the world. Ouyang Feng stopped subconsciously, frowning and crying, "Give up!"

"The donor." Not only did Liu Yun not give up, but he said calmly: "You can't do it, you can't talk, you can't enjoy the blessings, the rules are not feasible, everything is too exhausted, and the fate will be exhausted early."

"Since the "Nine Yin Zhen Jing" is not related to the donor, why bother to force it?"

"It's better to take a step back from the little monk's words and leave yourself a margin."

"A nonsense!" Ouyang Feng was unmoved: "I have been pursuing the pinnacle of martial arts all my life. For martial arts, I lost my family and my sister-in-law. Now even my son has died, and I have retired. Refundable!"

"No one can stop me from getting the "Nine Yin Zhen Jing"!"

Ouyang Feng's tone was fairly peaceful at first, but when he talked, he couldn't help becoming excited. At the end, it became a hysterical roar: "If you refuse to let go, then die for me Right!"

In the roar, the murderousness of Ouyang Feng's body has exploded again, and he slammed a stick, tracing a snake-shaped trajectory in front of him, pointing to the face of Liuyun.

At the same time, another small golden snake within his snake's wand has protruded his head, vomiting the letter, and is also ready to give a fatal blow to the little bloodless monk in front of him at any time.


Seeing the clouds, he could only sigh helplessly, and then moved his arms to the left and right, and his body turned sharply, bringing a thick and steady energy around the body. Although it is also majestic, it does not contain a trace of it. Contemptuously, so tepidly turned to meet Ouyang Feng's snake stick.

At the same time, the night when the sword had arrived was unknown, but he suddenly said, "Hold the idiot Neme, buy Neme for a while. Aimuli Lei, Suya!"

Ouyang Feng was shocked when he heard the words. The first sentence of these two sentences was the Jiuyin scripture chanted anxiously when he was in Taohua Island, but the latter sentence was completely unheard of. The failure is also one of the words that Guo Jing intentionally missed when he was forced to write scriptures by himself?

There was hesitation in the heart, and the murder intention suddenly became no longer pure, and the power of the rod urged by the murder intention was also reduced by half.

At this moment, the snake rod finally collided positively with the cyclone emitted by Liuyun!

When the two contacted at first glance, Ouyang Feng suddenly felt that his skill attached to the snake's stick was like a mud bull entering the sea, and he disappeared instantly. Followed by this, he got a snake stick, and his body could not help being lifted up by this force, a short floating state appeared.

Empty chest exposed!

On the surface, Ouyang Feng has already suffered a big loss under this move.

that's the truth.

But it is strange that under this move, although Ouyang Feng's offensive was completely deflected by Liuyun, he did not receive any slight damage.

If it is only Ouyang Feng, it can also be understood as his own skill.

But even his little golden snake that had protruded out of the snake's wand, and was more energetic in the air, was also unscathed. It can only be explained that the trick of the moving cloud is under the indomitable appearance. , And no lethality at all.

However, Liu Yun's moves are not lethal, which does not mean that Ouyang Feng will be able to survive the crisis.

Just when he was entrapped with energy and exposed an unprecedented huge flaw, a red Qianying was suddenly blasted from the side, and before the person arrived, the heavy knife shadow had already attacked, and the dense curling direction was floating in the air. Front.

Seeing this scene, March next to Ye Mingming couldn't help but admire: "Quick knife!"


Hearing this, Ye Weiming couldn't help feeling a little funny.

It is undeniable that the speed of the knife skill that the sword sister is now casting is indeed surprisingly fast. But the true subtlety of this knife is far from being described by the word "fast".

Each of her knives came out, seemingly overlapping, irregular, but in fact it implied heaven and earth, as if the trajectory of the celestial body in the vast universe is generally mysterious.

With such a wonderful knife technique, the result was that in March, there was only one word “fast” left. It seems that this girl, in addition to being obsessed with the task, really needs to improve her vision of martial arts.

Thinking in this way, Ye Mingming had caught a golden lotus seed between the thumb and **** of his left hand. As he flicked gently, the golden lotus seed suddenly turned into a sharp sound of breaking the sky. The golden streamer blazed straight towards Ouyang Feng's crotch.

The fourth move of the tactical theory system of "Sun Tzu's Art of War".

Ouyang Feng suddenly panicked when he saw it.

In the face of the next three-way attack in March, he had to make some responses only because of face considerations. However, the "Finger of the Sword", which was released by Ye Yiming with all his strength, was not the power of March. Can the word "nine dozen" be compared?

If this time is hit by the key point, Ouyang Feng will no longer have to plan what "Nine Yin Zhen Jing", go directly to study "Sunflower Collection"!

In order not to let his goal of lifelong struggle change from "Nine Yin Zhen Jing" to "Sunflower Treasure", Ouyang Feng was stunned by other shocking cultivation behaviors due to the temporary change in the original situation, which led to the extremely unfavorable situation Borrowing from the blood knife during the confrontation of the knife and stick, in a near impossible situation, the body moved to the left by half a foot, dangerously and dangerously escaped the story of the unknown son of the unknown son of "Dangling Divine Sword" .

However, master tricks, the difference is a thousand miles, a half-foot difference is a big flaw!

As the blade of the blood knife bloomed for a long time, Ouyang Feng's left shoulder immediately suffered a strong knife!

Almost at the same time, Daomei's follow-up knife posture was also defeated by Ouyang Feng's refreshing swipe.

At the next moment, the shadow of the sword was scattered, and the blood spilled into the sky!


Broken ribs!

Ouyang Feng, who had a knife in the shoulder, was suddenly hit by a "knife edge will" with a terrifying broken tendon effect, and the entire left arm could hardly gather a little force.

The Daomei was only under the counterattack after Ouyang Feng hit the sword, was hit with a crushing injury, and lost nearly one-third of her blood.


At the next moment, two masters of one game and one N flew backwards away.

The difference is that during the retreat of Daomei, she suddenly felt a soft force coming from behind, but it was the follow-up change of the special skill that Liuyun used before, and cleverly helped it stabilize her body. shape.

Behind Ouyang Feng, an invisible sword appeared silently, spurting toward a local key located in the lower back of his body.


With a curse, Ouyang Feng slammed the snake stick with his right hand, knocking on the tip of the invisible sword at the moment of a thousand shots.

When the invisible sword was hit by this, the tip of the sword sank immediately, and the hilt of the sword rose upward.

Ouyang Feng took the opportunity to step on the newly raised sword hilt, followed by violent force to step down, and the forceful force suddenly shot the invisible sword into the ground.

Ouyang Feng himself used this stepping force, and his body-shaped sword generally flew away in the distance. Immediately after landing, he began to walk around the snakeskin. Immediately, he had drilled into a nearby wood. , Completely disappeared in the eyes of everyone.

Ouyang Feng, actually escaped!

Seeing this scene, Ye Weiming was just calling, and the invisible sword that Ouyang Feng had deeply stepped on the ground was immediately drilled out of the soil and fell back into his palm.

Re-receiving the invisible sword as a burden, Ye Weiming said helplessly: "Unexpectedly, Ouyang Feng's strongman at this level actually chose to escape after discovering the unfavorable situation in the battle. It was really shameless."

"The faces of the five must-does in this world are all lost to him!"

Guo Jing, who was next to Ye Mingming, heard him say this, but he didn’t feel that way. He opened his mouth and wanted to refute it, but found that with his own language organization ability, he didn’t know how to argue with it. Said nothing.

In fact, even Guo Jing can see it.

Ye Weiming had no awe at all for the so-called masters of the five abilities. So when he faced Ouyang Feng, he would develop such a rogue tactic.

If in the situation just now, Ouyang Feng retreated without any difficulty, he is more determined. Ye Weiming will never spare him because of Ouyang Feng’s martial arts. Okay, kill it all!

Such a simple reason, even Guo Jing can see, not to mention Ouyang Feng?

So when he knew that the governor could not do anything, he escaped without any hesitation, and he even refused to leave a ruthless speech.

Ding! Your team successfully completed the seven-star task "Rescue Guo Jing" and received task rewards: 30 million experience points and 5 million points. The remaining rewards will be distributed by Guo Jing.

Ding! Your level has increased, and it is now level 74!

After two consecutive system announcements, in disguise, everyone in the Shensi Division was told that Ouyang Feng had really run away and could not be back.

However, now Ye Mingming and his friends are not in the mood to care about Ouyang Feng's stay, but Qi Qi has set his sights on Guo Jing, the honest child.

Seeing that he became the focus of everyone, Guo Jing immediately smiled and took out five light-sized gold knives. He smiled and said: "Before I helped Khan break through the city of'Samarkand," Khan insisted on giving me something Reward, but I really can’t figure out what to ask for, so this promise has been idle."

"Thanks to Big Brother Ye and several young heroes for their righteous rescue today, I was able to successfully escape from Ouyang Feng's hands. These golden swords and arrows were given to several young heroes.

During the talk, the golden knives of the size of the lighters were distributed to the people one by one.

The Golden Arrow Commanding Arrow: Presented by Guo Jing, it represents the commanding arrow of the golden sword consort. With it, you can go to Tiemuzhen Great Camp and exchange a treasure in Tiemuzhen's treasure house.

Looking at the properties of the Golden Sword and Arrow in his hand, Non-Fish couldn't help but send a message on the team channel: "We took this'Golden Sword and Arrow' to Temukjin to exchange treasures, and then turned back to take the exchanged treasures Against Temu, is this a bit..."

Daomei took the lead: "Shuangwaiwai?"

Ye Weiming is a calm return: "We have just gone through a **** battle, and you only repelled Ouyang Feng when you almost died in the office, and removed the iron sword real horseman from Ouyang Feng's tiger. Was it too much to rescue him and pay him a treasure?"

After a slight meal, he added: "As for saying that we will return Guo Jing to the Central Plains with the "Wu Mu's Legacy" in his hands afterwards, it is a matter of family and national significance, and it is naturally another matter."

"The two should not be confused."

Non-fish could not help but blinked.

Nima! This guy makes a good point, I can't even refute!

At this time, I saw the honest child Guo Jing bent his right index finger and put it in his mouth. Then a whistle slammed, and he saw a fiery red horse galloping at a very fast speed. After a while, he came to Guo Jing Stopped in front of him.

Guo Jing reached out and stroked the head of the red horse, then immediately turned his horse, and then waved at the unknown night and other people: "Several, I have been missing for several days before. In order to avoid my mother’s worry, I will come back first. Yes. Remember to come to Tiemu Zhenying to see me, and by the way, I also redeemed the task reward."

After all, his legs were pinched, and the red horse hissed suddenly, galloping in the direction of Tiemuzhen. The speed was so fast that Ye Weiming and others felt that they had spent a lot of money on it before. The horses of war are no longer fragrant.

After a while, he still had a flying mount. He didn’t take back his gaze to Guo Jing’s BMW. He said, “Don’t look at it. The sweaty BMW is the rare BMW horse in the world. I am afraid that the difficulty of starting is not under an ordinary magical soldier. Compared with it, I am still most interested in the trick that Brother Liu Yun used to resist the Ouyang Fenggan method before. I don’t know what it is?"

Liu Yun did not conceal, and immediately said: "The skill I used was "Cause and Effect". In addition to the player's own attributes, its strengths and weaknesses also value the cultivation of the Dharma, and must have a very high "Buddha Law" can only exert its true power. Moreover, this practice will also produce different characteristics according to the different understanding of the user in terms of Buddhism."

"After I practiced, it combined with the special effect "My Buddha Compassion" that I produced after the full level of the "Dharma", and derived the characteristics of immunity to crushing damage at the expense of all attack power."

After Ye Mingming had heard it, he suddenly lost interest in this skill.

If you want to learn this "Cause and Effect Turning Skills" by him, I am afraid that the traits will be restored by resisting the opponent's attack to restore his own energy and blood, which is simply tasteless.

After all, he has to recover his ability, which is enough!

Shaking his head, Ye Mingming also called out the warhorse and said: "This is the case, we also pay close attention to the camp of Tiemuzhen, use the "Golden Knife and Arrow" before the two sides completely tear the face, and then save " The soldier Guo Jing's mission is completed."

"Don't think that we have repelled Ouyang Feng, so we take care of the following tasks lightly." Ye Weiming has already turned his back on his words: "The lethal force of Yuanmeng Army is absolutely stronger than an Ouyang Feng."

"The real challenge is just beginning now!"

Everyone heard that they also stepped on the horses of war, and Liu Yun said, "Although I don't want to kill, I believe I can also contribute to the next task."

Daomei showed a smile full of war intent: "Let me kill the life!"

The non-fish echoed: "Of course, this kind of thing is indispensable to me. My 40-meter big knife is already hungry and unbearable!"

March: "I listen to Amin!"

Seeing a few friends so high in fact, Ye Yeming suddenly jumped from the war horse.

Then in the eyes of everyone's doubts, the goods grabbed the seven inches of the golden snake that was dropped by Ouyang Feng before hiding in the grass, and then took out a large wine jar and moved the golden snake to Put a stopper inside the wine jar, and then re-cover the wine jar.

Get it done!

Satisfied, the wine jar was returned to the baggage, and Ye Mingming once again climbed into the warhorse. Then he said excitedly: "Big guys set off, it is time to challenge the really increased difficulty!"

"Oh..." answered him with four weak voices.

There is no way, the emotions that have been brewed by the friends~www.wuxiaspot.com~ are all consumed by the rumors of the unknown night.

I saw someone in the morning chapter asking who the old cow is?

Then please listen!

Now that you have asked your questions with confidence.

I will tell you what I promise.

Lao Niu is the starting point of the top writer Tie Niu Xian. His serialized work is "The King of Online Games Is Not Bad".

Attached link.

In addition:

Thank you book friends [Book Friends 140602203155728] for the 100 starting coins!

Thank you book friends [Green Mia] for the 100 starting coins!

Thank you book friends [KahnAn] for the 1,000 starting coins!

(End of this chapter)

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