I Can Extract Proficiency

Vol 2 Chapter 891: Nanmu Fushou coffin, the task of huju (2 in 1)

Seeing that the other party controlled the white eagle slowly falling over the woods, the night was unknown, but he suddenly jumped into a big tree next to him. He jumped on the tree crown and jumped again. Before the opponent landed, he directly overcame the back of the eagle and asked softly, "Did the previous death have the proficiency of dropping key skills?"

"not at all."

Juli slightly smiled and said: "It is only the 10% proficiency of the current level of "Ding Jia Gripper"."

"Because that kung fu I just reserved as a means to make up for my melee shortcomings, I usually use it less, and I can't practice, so this time the loss is completely within the tolerable range."

After all, he didn’t wait until the night to say anything, and he already sent him a transaction application.

Followed by, at night, he saw the other party in the trading column, neatly placed five beautifully carved Nanmu coffins.

Nanmu Fushou Coffin: A coffin made of gold silk Nanmu with pictures of “twenty-four filial pieties” inlaid with gold silk, with extremely exquisite workmanship. It can increase the mortal gain by 40% and the super effect by 20%! (Builder: Naoyu)

Looking at the slightly stunned night unknown, Lihu directly said: "When you handed me "The Secret Record of Lugong" to me, you said that you would let me build a spare coffin for you after learning these things. Is it a finished product I made, is the quality passable?"

After a slight meal, I added immediately: "But let's say in advance that these coffins are used to compensate for "Lu Gong Secret Records," so you are not allowed to pay extra."

"However, if you want to order coffins from me again, you have to pay the material fee."

Seeing this is so, the night is unclear and I feel helpless for a while.

The other party hanged it once to help him block the arrow before, and now sends his coffin for free. Although the other party has stated that this is to compensate the value of "Lu Gong Secret Record", Ye Weiming still feels ashamed.

Seeing that this is not the case at night, Luhu couldn’t help but wonder: “How come you haven’t clicked on the consent? I used to watch you use several white jade coffins to resist Zhe’s light arrows, and even even the most magnificent glass coffins were used. ."

"In my understanding of you, if there are other alternatives, you will certainly not use such expensive things to block the arrow, so you don't have a spare coffin on your body, go and install those few Yuanmeng generals?"

Ye Juming is so empathetic, what else can Ye Yan say besides clicking to agree?

After putting a few coffins in the bag, Ye Mingming didn't even mention the items dropped by Zhebe to compensate for the loss of the other party's death, because he knew that even if he did that, with pride, he would certainly not Accepted.

Fortunately, Ye Mi has already thought about another method of compensation early in the morning, and the benefits this compensation can bring to Juju will definitely be more on the pieces of equipment that Zhebe dropped!

So he just praised the other party for their skill in creating coffins, and even using gold wire and nanmu to create a powerful attribute that is comparable to the attributes of white jade coffins.

He immediately turned around and said with a serious face: "Let Xiaobai continue to fly into the sky and fly to where A Hong is. I have a very important task to give you."

After a slight pause, he added: "Among all players participating in this mission, this mission can only be given to you, so I can rest assured!"

I saw that he was serious, when even controlling Xiaobai, carrying her and Ye Mingming soaring up, she flew directly to the height of 150 meters and came near the location of A Hong.

However, Ye Mingming was a figure, jumped directly from Xiaobai's back to his double flying chair, and then turned to Aunt Guo and said with a smile: "Aunt Guo, before you left you alone in the sky, I was really embarrassed. ."

Aunt Guo quickly said it was all right.

Ye Weiming continued: "Now Tiemuzhen Daying has become a land of right and wrong. You don't know martial arts all the time, and staying can only be a drag on Guo Jing."

"So, I plan to let Juju take you back to the Central Plains first, and go to the Divine Catching Division to wait."

"Only in this way can we rescue Guo Jing without any worries."

Aunt Guo was also a man with a clear sense of affairs. Although she was a bit worried about Guo Jing, she said nothing, and nodded so readily.

On the contrary, it was meticulous. After hearing the task assigned to her by Ye Wuming, she immediately protested: "But Mrs. Guo Mingming was rescued from Tiemuzhen Camp, even if you want to send it, you should get this credit. That's right."

"If I go, who will host the big picture here?"

Ye Weiming shook his head gently, and then said: "Among the players involved in this mission, except me, only you have a flying mount, which can save all the trouble that may occur on the road."

"So, your task is extremely important, don't slack off as a credit to nothing."

Listening to what he said was reasonable, he nodded seriously.

After the two men completed the transfer to Aunt Guo from mid-air, they drove Aunt Guo directly towards the Central Plains, while Ye Ming was controlling A Hong and slowly fell.

When Ye Weiming returned to the woods, all the people had led the Shenshu Division team and others to go to the woods that Ye Weiming said before and went to ambush.

Only Xiaoqiao stayed, ready to see if there is anything else that needs help.

At night, after the bodies of Mu Huali, Bolhu, Bolshu, Chilao Wen, generals were converged with the Nanmu Fushou coffin built by Qiu, they did not immediately lead the crowd to the ambush site, but Quietly looked at the figure of Lvyu far away.

Upon seeing this, Xiaoqiao on the side couldn't help but ask, "Brother Ye, what do you want?"

Ye Weiming said quietly: "I'm thinking about something from the original story, which has nothing to do with this mission."

But Xiaoqiao heard interest immediately, and then asked, "What the **** is it, can you tell me what to say?"

Ye Weiming nodded and said, "I have seen Yin Tieying's strategy before, and I feel that Yang Tiexin is definitely a winner in life before he met Qiu Chuji. Not only is his martial arts better than Guo Xiaotian's Well, even his wife must be more gentle and beautiful."

"But after meeting Aunt Guo, I suddenly felt that compared to Bao Xi, she was the real wife and mother."

"The reason why Guo Jing's character is better than Yang Kang, in addition to the seven monsters in Jiangnan, Guo Auntie's teaching is definitely an indispensable important factor."

"Even before he knew the seven monsters in Jiangnan, Guo Jing showed his rare responsibilities and guts more than once, and these are the outstanding qualities that Yang Kang has never had in his life."

"So, it seems that Guo Xiaotian's ability to choose his wife is indeed better than Yang Tiexin."

Xiaoqiao winked at Wenyan, and suddenly asked, "What kind of wife would you choose if you changed Elder Brother Ye?"

Thinking of Aunt Guo's success in educating her children, Ye Mingming couldn't help but give birth to a longing, and then she sighed helplessly, and she said a little sullenly: "I admit, I am cheap, I like beautiful ones."

Xiaoqiao just smiled, and did not comment on his answer.

It is just silently using the points gained in the previous battle as a point, which has raised the level of "Love in the City".

With the upgrade of "Love in Allure", the charm value is increased by 1 point, which is beautiful!


At the same time, Tiemuzhen big camp, Tiemuzhen gold account.

Under the guard of two Yuanmeng soldiers, Daomei hid in a corner behind the big tent, and she felt very anxious.

The reason for her inner distress is of course not because of the two Yuanmeng soldiers who can be easily killed by the two behind them, but because of the three players who have been defeated one by one by her and killed them in seconds. Within the golden account.

With these three obnoxious guys in existence, then her next performance is bound to become extremely difficult. Even some of the tearful key links must be rearranged for specific bridge sections.

Now, she would like to immediately contact Ye Weiming to help come up with an idea.

But that is obviously impossible.

The night before now has left the area covered by Tiemu Zhenda account. It can be said that it has been switched to another "map", and even the avatars on the team channel have all turned gray.

In this state, neither team channels nor private chat can be used directly.

If you want to contact, you can only use Flying Pigeon Biography.

But now she is hidden in the big account of Tiemu as the Aunt Guo, and there are people staring at her. The extremely conspicuous function of Flying Pigeon Biography, let alone take the initiative, she is not even daring to collect it now. .

Now, she has temporarily closed the channel of Pigeon Chat!

The current Daomei can be said to be as stable as an old dog on the surface.

At this moment, outside the big account, there was a voice that made Damei more desperate: "Luo Tiandao, Human Tao, and Shura Tao seek Genghis Khan!"

Hearing these three names, Tiemu's complexion couldn't help but become a little unsightly.

After all, the three of them had been very unfavorable in the investigation of criminal matters, although the responsibility was not on them. However, if a player participates in a mission, it is the player's pot that fails.

After all, if it is completed, only the player can get the enviable task reward?

However, Temujin, as a generation of owls, should have some demeanor, but he immediately depressed his discomfort, and then said: "Come in."

After Luo Tiandao walked into the gold account, they saw Mu Huali and Zhebei who were killed by Ye Weiming and others were also in the big account. When they lamented that the system would play, they would "hunt down the criminals" The situation of the defeat simply explained to Temujin.

Tiemu really listened and didn't blame them.

After all, players join a certain camp, they all have a choice. In this case, npc wants to envelop players, and only through positive incentives, and when some serious problems are not involved, try to reduce the punishment as much as possible. . So he just nodded, indicating that he already knew.

Upon seeing this, Luo Tiandao immediately said, "The subordinates suspected that the spies might have even sneaked into our army's large camp."

Seeing Tiemu's face is not very good-looking, he quickly remedied: "This investigation is not appropriate, so the subordinates only need the help of Shura Road, Human Road, Animal Road, Hungry Road, Hell Road. Just investigate."

Tiemu Zhen's face slowly faded, and he nodded: "Be careful not to disturb my people as much as possible, let alone cause panic in the camp."

Luo Tiandao immediately nodded and said, "Subordinates lead the life!"

With that in mind, Luo Tiandao took several of his players' brothers and turned and left Tiemuzhen's gold account.

Without going far, the **** road beside him couldn't help but say: "Boss, do you really need to leave a person to stare at the situation in the gold account?"

"Staring?" Luo Tiandao said with some helplessness: "Do you think that after the success of the task of the two people, now that Tiemu really has a big account, is there really a place for us to speak?"

Hell Road was stunned for a moment, then listened to Luo Tiandao and continued: "And, you don't really think I called you all out, really to secretly investigate the situation of the enemy players?"

The hungry ghost said even more doubt: "That boss, what do you mean?"

Luo Tiandao's face showed a smile that Zhizhu was holding, and said to the five people: "It's just to find out all of you, away from the golden account."

It is not clear to everyone, Luo Tiandao can only further explain: "According to the trajectory of the original story, Tiemuzhen must surely cure Guo Jing's crime."

"And those Yuanmeng generals who watched Guo Jing grow up or grew up with him in the golden account, will Qiqi plead for Guo Jing."

"At that time, if our people were in the gold account, would you plead with Tiemu together with them?"

The five people frowned and thought deeply, not knowing whether it was pleading or not, what was important.

Luo Tiandao continued to say: "We are different from those npc who have deep feelings with Guo Jing~www.wuxiaspot.com~ In that case, if our people ask for pity together, Tiemuzhen will definitely be unhappy with us, follow That is to lose favorability. If you don’t plead, you have to offend all generals except Temujin at the same time.

"A place like this is destined to be a big pit. Do you still plan to stay inside and watch the melons eat? When you eat your own melons, will you still find this melon sweet?"

It was not until this time that the other five parties realized suddenly that the boss of the same path was brilliant. Relying on horse farts without money, facing Luo Tiandao is a crazy shot.

But at this time, everyone suddenly saw Guo Jingzheng seem to be surrounded by a large number of Yuanmeng soldiers led by Chi Laowen, but under the surveillance, he walked in the direction of the Tiemuzhen gold account.

The six sights looked at each other, and they all saw the same three sentences from each other's eyes.

The first sentence: The good show begins!

Second sentence: Unfortunately, we dare not watch this scene, nor dare we ask.

The third sentence: The king bombing that is enough to determine the world in one fell swoop is also arranged!

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