I Can Extract Proficiency

Vol 2 Chapter 895: 9-character truth mark! (2 in 1)

"Guanyin has tears, tears are all suffering!"

As the eight words of compassion and mercy were recited from Tang Sancai's mouth, he saw his right hand slammed violently, and the "Gossip Zijin Dart" turned into a purple gold streamer directly towards Qiu Qiancheng at a speed beyond imagination. Heart mouth flew away.

This golden streamer is too fast.

Even as strong as Qiu Qiancheng, in the face of such means, he only had time to avoid the key to his mouth, but was punctured by Jinguang from under his armpit.


Seriously injured!

Tang Sancai's mortal blow actually killed off Qiu Qiancheng's qi and blood value of more than 5.6 million in five unique levels!

Not only that, but also a negative state of "serious injury" on the other side!

Just when everyone's doubtful eyes fell on the chief Tangmen, who usually did not show the mountains and the water, he saw a smile of relief on his face, and then said: "Guests, protect my lovely brother for me , Sisters."

At the next moment, Tang Sancai's figure turned into a white light and disappeared into the battlefield.

It turned out that this super killer called "Guanyin Tears" was developed by Tang Sancai after learning the "Jiang Fan Hai Bo", combined with the secret method of Tang Men, under the guidance of the hidden master Tang Grandma in Tang Men. One trick to kill.

Integrate all the skills of the whole body, combined with its own essence, qi, and god, into a hidden weapon that can carry this terrorist power, and attack the powerful enemy with the power of thunder!

Therefore, although the power of this trick is strong, the side effects are also terrifying.

With a single shot, regardless of the enemy, Tang Sancai, who exhibits "Guanyin Tears", is sure to hang!

Being able to develop such a move, it can be seen that our Sancai brother, who has made a fuss about his fate, has been completely appointed, and has learned to take the initiative to sacrifice.

Feeling overwhelmed by the death of Tang Sancai in his heart, he tickled his fingers indifferently at night, and somehow he was silently sliding across the ground for a distance, Stabbed on the handle of Guo Jing's dagger, and at the same time reserved the internal force of Ye Ming in the sword into the dagger.

The dagger, which had been crossed into the internal force, did not immediately shoot out of the grass, but fell asleep temporarily, waiting for the best time.

"You old bastard, let me die!"

At this moment, the non-fish that had not made any achievements since the beginning of the battle, but jumped from the ground in the roar, and at the same time raised the knife of benevolence in his hand high above his head, and the internal force of the whole body was also This jump poured into the benevolent sword of his hand, and then when there was nearly ten meters away from Qiu Qiancheng, the extremely cold and hegemonic knife did not hesitate to cut it without hesitation.

A glimpse!

This trick, dubbed "The Forty-meter Sword" by Feiyu himself, was angry, and its power was even more three-points than when he played against Ouyang Feng before!

Qiu Qiancheng saw that he was unable to dodge, and could only immediately condense his skills into his palms to face up with the fire.


Under the head-on collision of the powerful sword energy and the sturdy palm strength, the scattered energy suddenly rolled around the wild grass.

Of the first two of them, Non-Fish was of course hit with a horrible crushing damage equivalent to 70% of his upper limit of blood and blood, and fell backwards.

Qiu Qiancheng was also struck by this extremely powerful knife, and was shocked to retreat half a step backward. He was exhausted and could only charge again.

At this moment, suddenly heard two squeals of rumbling, but the two great masters of the Tomb School, Xiaoqiao and Suran, deceived themselves. The "Jade Girl Suxin Sword" and "Xuantie Sword" The trick is to attack Qiu Qiancheng at the same time.

Qiu Qiancheng had seen that the combat effectiveness of the two women could not be underestimated during the previous battle.

Among them, the "Iron Iron Sword Technique", which is suddenly dyed, is certainly fierce and abnormal, and the combination of Xiaoqiao's double swords is even flawless. hit.

So, the current head of the iron palm gang immediately performed the superb performance of "Water Drift", and his body sprinted forward, but before the two men's swords closed together, they rushed to the only remaining three. Tangmen disciples.

At this time, the player's reinforcement has finally arrived.

This time they stood up to protect Tang Men's disciples and faced Qiu Qiancheng with two familiar figures. One of them is the psychic medical monk Liu Yun, and the other is the self-propelled living strategy of the Knights League.

Seeing that the two of them actually stopped themselves, Qiu Qiancheng snorted coldly, and at the same time, his palms had gathered ten successful forces, and they slammed into the hearts of the two.

This time Qiu Qiancheng shot with all his strength, and the power was naturally far from comparable to the one that was easily blocked by Liuyun before.

If it is a hard resistance, it is difficult to dissolve it even with Liu Yun's "Cause and Effect to Change Careers". After all, it will still be hit by crushing injuries that everyone does not want to see.

However, in the face of the outbreak of Qiu Qiancheng, the two did not change their faces.

It is no surprise that Liuyun came out with the "Great Turnover" in the "Cause and Effect Turnover Strategy" and greeted Qiu Qiancheng's palms.

Yin Yin's movement was strange, but he saw his hands folded in front of him, his thumb, middle finger, ring finger and little finger interlocked with each other, leaving only two index fingers together, pointing straight to the sky.

At the same time, in the mouth of this **** brother, there was a screaming morning bell: "Lin!"

Yin does not lose this roar, it seems that it is not much different from the "Lion Roar Gong" used before, but in fact it has undergone qualitative changes.

As a senior original party, he has a better understanding of the secrets of the former dynasty, so he can better plan the best match for himself.

And this trick he is using now is one of the top-notch masters from the "Shuanglong Secret Realm", called "Nine Words Seal of Mantra"!

Many friends who are influenced by the neon country animation culture, when they hear the nine-character mantra of "advent, soldier, fight, person, all, array, column, presence, front", almost all of them subconsciously think of a neon country animation.

In fact, the real source of these nine characters is the Taoist classics of China.

Yin Buxin is also very particular about the special gestures he uses while drinking the mantra. But unlike the nine-character mantra, it is derived from nine different handprints of Buddha.

The perfect combination of mantra and fingerprint makes these two originally unrelated abilities to achieve a perfect increase between each other.

This is the horror of "Nine Words Mantra of India"!

Therefore, this "Nine-character Mantra of India" is originally a high-level martial art that combines the strengths of Buddhism and Taoism.

Those who have both "Hui Root" and "Dao Xin" at the same time cannot be cultivated.

The performance in the game is that if players want to practice this martial art, they must cultivate the two cultivation skills of "Dharma Law" and "Dao Law" at the same time to level 5 or above. The basic condition of the door **** skill.

Yin Buxiu was originally a disciple of Wudang. Before, because of "the world is not benevolent, he used all things as licking dogs" and other things, he was often punished by Zhang Sanfeng for copying the Taoist scripture. The level of "Dao Law" would not be too low.

In the New Year's event, he also received the "Buddhist Relics" donated by Ye Mingming, and after using it, he directly obtained the fifth-level Dharma, which met the conditions for practicing this "Nine-character Seal of Mantra".

After entering the "Shuanglong Secret Realm", he relied on the advantages of his original party and the contacts accumulated in the game for a long time to successfully complete a high-level task called "Sharman Protection", and finally learned this merit.

Not only that, because this product was a vocal expert specializing in "Lion Roar Gong". After learning the "Nine Word Mantra Seal", it directly integrated the proficiency of "Lion Roar Gong" into the "Nine Word Mantra Seal". In a single breath, this peerless mastery got to a level enough to fight masters.

At the moment it was first revealed, and it immediately showed amazing results.

Qiu Qiancheng was suddenly yelled by Yin Yin's truthful words, and his body was suddenly for no reason. It seemed that he was affected by some irresistible force. His palms slammed halfway, and there was no reason to appear for a moment. pause.

This is one of the characteristics of "Nine Words Seal of Mantra". It can be instantaneously disappointed when dealing with opponents whose chivalry value is low to a certain degree!

However, Qiu Qiancheng is after all a super master of five tiers. Even if he suffers too much self-infliction and is restrained by loyal exercises, the resulting pause has only lasted for a moment and has been recovered.

Qiu Qiancheng regained the Qingming, and his palms remained unchanged, and he continued to bombard the moving clouds that were greeted by him.

However, the master moves, many actions seem to have nothing to do with each other, but they actually affect each other, when accumulating force, when exerting force, there are a lot of attention. Only by keeping your own rhythm in the best state at all times can you ensure that every move can play the expected perfect effect.

Once this rhythm is disrupted, it will be difficult for any of his moves to be perfectly played before he can find it again.

Qiu Qiancheng was even in the middle before, and suddenly there was a pause. At this moment, he re-energized, as if a car was slowly accelerating, he suddenly stepped on the emergency brake, and then restarted the acceleration. This kind of nonsense is already the performance of the other party's strength without overturning on the spot. How can it not be affected at all?

In fact, Qiu Qiancheng's power has not only been affected, but also greatly influenced. When the original 10% power palm was exposed to Liu Yun's "Cause and Effect Turning Skills", it could only exert less than 70%. That's it.

Naturally, such unstoppable power cannot naturally exert the "soft power" to the extreme "Cause and Effect Turning Skills". Not only did he fail to hurt the flow of clouds, his palm strength was also biased by the strange force of the opponent's robe sleeves, his body couldn't help but step back half a step, almost fell on the spot.

Since ancient times, which of “Ikang Kerou” and “Yi Kekegang” is stronger has been a topic of debate among warriors holding their beliefs, and there seems to be no clear answer.

But one thing is certain.

That is, if the power of "gang" cannot reach the extreme, it is extremely easy to be overcome by the power of "softness".

It is the old saying that there are only exhausted cattle and no cultivated fields!

This is the case of Qiu Qiancheng at the moment.

Under the combined attack of Liu Yun and Yin Buxi, he suffered a big loss, and was immediately hit by Xiaoqiao and Suran who were then masked, and was beaten up and down.

Seeing that such a dramatic change has taken place in the battle situation, standing in the distance at night is unknown, and at the same time when I praised two brothers in my heart, my eyes flashed sharply, following my thoughts and hiding in the dark. Guo Jing's dagger has been blasted out of the grass, taking the back of Qiu Qiancheng straight!

Qiu Qiancheng had suffered successively under the joint attack of a group of player masters. At the moment, he was caught under the joint siege of the two masters of the Tomb faction. In the face of the attack that was unknown to Ye Ming, it could guarantee the previous calmness. ?

Surrounded by heavy encirclement, he could only clenched his teeth and held out several palms, forcing Xiaoqiao and the two young girls to retreat at the same time, but Guo Jing’s dagger that followed was unable to escape, and was placed on his shoulders. A blood stain was drawn on it.


Very toxic!

Many things in "Chivalrous Eternity" are used by npc and have different effects in the hands of players.

Just like the snake venom of Ouyang Feng’s golden snake, when it was used by Ouyang Feng to pit Hong Qigong, he could directly poison Hong Qigong, one of the world’s top five, into a waste person, but after he was refined and poisoned by Ye Mingming, It is used to deal with Qiu Qiancheng, who is slightly worse than Hong Qigong, but can only greatly reduce its strength, reducing its overall attributes by 30%.

In addition, the severe injury caused by the "Guanyin Tears" sent by Tang Sancai through self-sacrifice directly reduced Qiu Qiancheng's total attributes to 60%.

Qiu Qiancheng under this state is still an unshakable existence for all players, but the crushing damage he was hit when he played with him has no longer seemed so deadly.

Even the top masters of the two Tombs of Xiaoqiao and Suran, after taking turns to resist this crushing damage, can still fight while taking drugs to return to the blood.

Although it can't reach the balance of revenue and expenditure, there is no problem to hold the other party for a while.

At this time, the other two masters in the player's camp have also joined the battle group in time. The sword in the hands of Wudang Chief Yun Muan is running like a wind, and the two hands of Qiu Qiancheng are inseparable. "Thirteen Swords", practiced to the 10th level of perfection.

The person who shot with him has completely transformed into a red residual image, interspersed between the offensives of Xiaoqiao, Suran, and Yunmuan. From time to time, a sword is pierced, but it always makes Qiu Qiancheng difficult. To cope with, the poison of the starry star quenched by the black long sword in his hand further deepened Qiu Qiancheng's highly toxic state.

Now Qiu Qiancheng, an old face has been poisoned into dark green.

However, the masters of the five unique levels are different from other bosses after all. Even if their attributes are greatly reduced and their strength is difficult to play, they are still besieged by the four major players, but they can still barely resist.

Although he had to be hit with a stroke from time to time, he was not hit or hit the joints, which had little effect on combat effectiveness.

In a blink of an eye~www.wuxiaspot.com~Five people have fought more than thirty moves.

Qiu Qiancheng, who had never been able to find a chance to fight for the poison, finally gave up his plan to continue to compete with several people. He immediately struggled to count the swords into the wine, the crown of the cloud, and the small bridge. Palm, the accumulated crushing damage, finally sent the big sword girl to the resurrection point to report.

After Tang Sancai, the sudden sister was successfully sacrificed to heaven in this battle.

After killing him, Qiu Qiancheng finally took this as a breakthrough, and his body jumped up. It was indeed not far away, and the woods that Ye Weiming and others originally used to hide were falling.

Between his family's life and his glory and wealth, Qiu Qiancheng decisively chose to give up the task of Tiemuzhenren.

However, it was too late to think about retreating at this time!

At the moment, the night was unknown, but a hand was pressed on the Tibetan star feather vest which had already been bent and bowed, and was already ready to issue a killing blow. When Qiu Qiancheng forcibly broke through, Shen Sheng said: " It's now!"


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