I Can Extract Proficiency

Vol 2 Chapter 900: Who said that the martial arts of Jinlun Temple won the 18 dragons! ?

   A wise life is sometimes reflected in a compromise.

  Unknown early in the morning before the battle began, he had already thought about what he wanted and what he could give up.

  Since the bottom line of this mission is that someone has a shot to help the players solve the trouble, then further naturally is that the players solve the trouble by their own abilities.

  However, no matter which method the player uses to solve the trouble of the Golden Wheel, during the period, it must be that the more contributions the player makes, the more rewards he gets.

   On this basis, naturally there are also the experience, cultivation, drop, experience cheats, and extraordinary chivalry value and merits that come with the killing of the Golden Wheel.

   But in this special terrain, if you want to get all the benefits into the bag, it is obviously impossible to win a Grand Slam.

   Therefore, he decided to retreat second before the night, using this special terrain that is absolutely unfavorable to the player to give the Golden Wheel King a fatal blow.

   As if he dealt with those player masters, he directly exploded his full strength and knocked him off the cliff.

   In this way, he can abandon each other's dropped items, experience cheats and chivalry value and merit, as long as the most basic kill rewards and task completion.

  Even according to the law of immortality in the world of martial arts, King Jinlun was lucky enough to escape his life, but as long as he could no longer become his own obstacle, Ye Mingming also said that it was completely acceptable!

  Want to understand all the key points, Ye Weiming made a decisive shot, and after seizing an opportunity, he launched the strongest power he could use and gave a fatal blow to King Jinlun.

   With the distance between the two now and the state where the other party is exerting their martial arts to resist the offensive of the player, even if you change the master of the five levels, it is impossible to hide the palm of the night.

   Not to mention the current Golden Wheel, conservative estimates are also lower than the masters of the five tiers by one grade, or even more than one grade.

After all, the repair of the "Dragon Elephant Borugong" is calculated according to the year, and now he is at least 30 points away from the plot point of the cultivation of "Longxiang Borugong" to the tenth level. for many years!

   Therefore, the current Golden Dragon King's "Dragon Elephant Borugong" has a high probability of only the eighth level of realm, and a small probability of the ninth level of the early stage. It can't be compared with the masters of the five levels.

   Not to mention, even after his martial arts success, reaching the five-level level is also a weak five-step style.

  However, since the King of the Golden Wheel can become the ultimate BOSS of a story line, the fighting power erupted at the time of life and death is absolutely uncommon. Feeling the endless pressure contained in the palm of Ye Mingming, the Golden Wheel prince knew that he could not evade, but he suddenly stepped back half a step and waved his palm while hitting the three-pointed two-edged sword of Zang Xingyu. It's a deadly blow unknown at night.


Under a shocking blow, the violent internal force was centered on the point where the two palms collided, and swept away quickly around the surroundings. The power of the power alone blew the surrounding players upside down, including seven Because of the position of the station, the person was directly sent out of the cliff by this aftermath of internal force, and in the screams of one after another, he fell towards the bottom of the cliff.

   However, the golden king, who was the first to bear the brunt, was also blasted with a huge mouthful of blood by Ye Weiming's powerful palm, and flew backwards.


   Seriously injured!

  After learning the "Principle of Washing the Marrow", Ye Mingming has greatly improved both his internal strength and his own strength, and even with the power of "The Devil's Disintegration", it is far from comparable before.

  In a hurry, he was born on the body of King Jinlun, and hit a crushing injury of more than 4.6 million.

  By the way, also comes with a serious injury that reduces its entire attribute by 20%!

However, due to the small step taken by King Jinlun before taking over, the angle of his retreat changed slightly. Although he still flew back toward the cliff, the distance was farther away. .

   Plus behind him, there is another Tibetan star Yu who is slamming his gun. Although the three-pointed two-edged knife in the opponent's hand makes him more seriously injured, it also offsets most of his impact.

However, Zang Xingyu is also a master of battle, and feels that his behavior may break the killing game that Ye Mingming has deliberately arranged. When he is ready to turn his gun and cooperate with Ye Mingming’s strength, he will force this arrogance in one breath. The big boss dropped off the cliff.

However, before waiting for him to put this idea into action, he suddenly felt that a great force was uploaded by a spear in his hand, but it was the special transportation of the Golden Dragon Pharaoh at the critical moment, using the "Dragon Elephant Borugong". Jin Famen, transferred his own strength to him through a three-pointed two-edged knife, and sang Zang Xingyu with a gun to the cliff.

   and himself, by the force of the reverse force, stood firm on the edge of the cliff at the time of the great deal.

   The brow frowned when he saw it at night.

   Sure enough, to deal with such a big devil, no matter how subtle the calculation is before the shot, it is difficult to guarantee absolute foolproofness.

   Just when he secretly sighed, he saw a golden flywheel in front of him, but at night, he was smashed into a white light without any accident, and disappeared into everyone's sight.

   "Everyone will work harder!"

Seeing that Ye Weiming was killed by BOSS again, Xiaoqiao, who knew he had the ability to resurrect, immediately said aloud: "Big Brother Ye has used self-mutilating killing tricks to weaken the 20% combat power of King Jinlun, we are not completely without it. Chance to win!"

   said that he had brandished a double sword and attacked again.

  However, even if a powerful presence like Golden Wheel Dharma exists, even if the entire attribute is reduced by 20%, it is still an irresistible existence for players.

  Especially in the case where the master of the player side is playing less and less, or even hangs up even if it is unknown at night, it can better resist the full impact of the masters such as Golden Wheel.

   Everyone swarmed up, but they were destroyed by this monk one after another, or they were turned into white light on the spot, or they sent down the cliff.

   saw that it was no longer difficult to resist this fierce fan monk, but behind the crowd, there was a loud dragon chanting sound suddenly.


   With a familiar figure rushing out of the crowd, everyone could only see clearly. The person who shot was Guo Jing!


   The battle begins and the battle ends.

  Originally at this time, Guo Jing's strength should not be weaker than that of the Golden Wheel Falun.

   But he was in a state of serious injury at the moment, and the cold poison of "Xuan Ming Shen Palm" in UU reading www.uukanshu.com has not yet found an opportunity to force it out of the body.

   Guo Jing in this state is naturally impossible to be the opponent of the Golden Wheel Dharma King. Just a few strokes, he was spurred by the opponent's internal forces of turmoil, and he had to vomit blood and retreat under the last resort.

   After the resurrection of the night in an unclear state, he just happened to see Guo Jing vomiting blood and flew back, so he hurriedly worked together with Xiaoqiao and Daomei to stop the Golden Wheel Dharma King and rescued Guo Jing.

Seeing that this guy who had just injured himself was resurrected again, the Golden Falun Dafa immediately stopped the offensive under the consternation, while exerting power to suppress the injury in the body, at the same time, he was extremely rampant and said: "Huh! I see " "The Eighteen Palms of the Dragon" is no different. It is simply called "Jianlong", which is far worse than our "Dragon Elephant Boruo Gong" in Jinlun Temple!"

   At this moment, suddenly a majestic voice spread to everyone's ears present: "Who said that Jinlun Temple's martial arts victory over the Dragon's Eighteen Palms!?"


   PS: It’s still yesterday’s time, or yesterday’s situation. This chapter is for [Huzhong Sun Moon, Heaven in the sleeve. 】 Plus more 22/300.

   By the way, weakly ask for a wave of monthly tickets...

  Whether you give it or not, I'm going to work. o(╥﹏╥)o


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