I Can Extract Proficiency

Vol 2 Chapter 903: There is a girl named Wanjun (2 in 1)

   Speaking of this, the BOSS killed by the four teams in this operation is not just a Qiu Qiancheng.

However, other BOSSs including Zhebei do not need four teams to co-operate. Instead, one of the four teams, or even a single player, should not take out the loot. Uniform distribution.

   And Qiu Qiancheng dropped a total of six items, including three high-level martial arts cheats and three pieces of superb equipment.

  Unknown at night, I reissued the attribute links of all items again, and then said: "About this item, we still follow the previous distribution method, how do you feel?"

   "Previous distribution method?" At this time, a black and straight girl in the Tangmen team asked curiously, "What is the distribution method?"

   For the questions raised by this black long straight girl, the masters present more or less felt a little uncomfortable.

This girl's performance in the entire battle seemed quite satisfactory, and there was no place to stand out. It basically belonged to the type of hiding behind and listening to Tang Sancai's orders, and then shooting with Xiongjian "biu!biu!biu!" with Tang Sancai. The presence of the whole battle is very low, it can be said that there are not many of her, not many of her.

   In the minds of many small friends, they belong to the kind of Tangmen comrades who are not worthy of having a name.

   The result is such a comrade who is not worthy of having a name. He actually has doubts about the team's long-term distribution model, and he said it bluntly. Is it a bit too self-confident?

   Of course, this kind of thought was only a flash in the hearts of the little friends, adhering to the principle of participation and having the right to speak, but also to give Tang Sancai face, everyone did not say anything.

  Tang Sancai, as a qualified disciple of disciples, answered the question of Hei Changzhi very patiently and gave a detailed answer.

But after listening to Tang Sancai's explanation, the black long straight girl actually asked again: "Don't you think that this kind of distribution method is very wrong? IMHO, the distribution method that the master said is from the beginning to the end. There is a lot of unfairness in the trust and carelessness between you."

  Tang Sancai saw that she was talking more and more vigorously, and she couldn't help giving her a wink, signaling her that it was enough.

   turned out to be unknown at night. She was aroused by her question and asked a little funnyly: "Then I don't know how this girl feels about our distribution. What's wrong?"

  Hei Changzhi's sister once again refuted: "I'm not called this sister, my Zhuge Wanjun."

   "Well, Wanjun sister." Ye Weiming shrugged, and then continued to ask: "You haven't said, what is the problem with our distribution method?"

  The black, long and straight Zhuge Wanjun nodded in satisfaction, and then said, "The reason why I say that your distribution method is unfair is to make it too even. It's just making a big pot of rice."

   "Regardless of strength, contribution, or both, they are all distributed according to a uniform standard. It is only suitable for use when three or two players who trust each other in a team form a team.

Does    Zhuge Wanjun's words make sense?

   Of course makes sense!

   The problem is uneven distribution. There must be a distribution that everyone can accept?

   Moreover, this distribution method must be more reasonable!

   Seeing the other party's chest looks like something, Ye Wanming couldn't help but look forward to it: "So for this task reward distribution, what good proposal does Wanjun girl have?"

Hearing the inquiries from Ye Ming, Zhuge Wanjun suddenly became energetic, and there was a feeling that Maxima finally met Bole. So he immediately said: "My opinions are naturally distributed according to everyone's contribution. The specific way is, First make a rough estimate of all items dropped by BOSS. This estimate does not have to be very accurate, as long as it is roughly the same, so that it can be recognized by most people."

"Then, the contributions of everyone in the battle are summarized to get the share that everyone deserves. This share does not necessarily have to be exactly equal to the total value of the items, more or less can be followed The allocation process will be completed, and the gap can be adjusted according to the actual situation."

   "This time everyone is fighting against Qiu Qiancheng's battle is a good example. It contains too many variables and special circumstances, but it can take more factors into account."

"First of all, in this battle, only a few of the four teams actually played a role. More people actually did not play a decisive role, but because of the need to challenge Qiu Qiancheng, everyone needs to Undertake greater risks than challenging other bosses, so... nagging, nagging..."

   said that Zhuge Wanjun still felt that the description of words was not vivid enough, so he directly removed a quiver from his bag and wrote on the ground.

  Unknown to see this guy in a very professional manner at night, he immediately took out a set of tables and chairs, plus the four treasures of the study: "Don't paint on the ground, use this."

"it is good!"

   Zhuge Wanjun was also polite. After answering, he sat down on the chair in a big way and explained his thoughts while listing a professional-looking table.

After everyone saw them, she felt that her statistical method was very interesting. Instead, she was a sister of the Tomb School, and she was slightly dissatisfied and said: "Look at you with a good look, I still think that you will fight for more for yourself. The benefits come. Co-authoring According to the distribution ratio you mentioned, we, those with poor strength, can only get a little bit of soup?"

"Unable to make more contributions, of course you have to take less when you distribute rewards." Zhuge Wanjun said very calmly: "In any cooperation, the distribution according to work is the most reasonable distribution method. ."

   "It's like you and me. In this battle, without any outstanding performance, we have already obtained the massive experience and cultivation of the team to kill Qiu Qiancheng to play BOSS at this level. This is obviously already very advantageous."

   "Of course, or our existence can attract a part of Qiu Qiancheng's firepower, but there are some people who can do this."

"If we are still greedy on this basis, we still have to fight for so much more than our contribution. Next time, if we encounter the same task, or even need some cannon fodder to attract firepower, why do people rely on it? Want to take you, instead of choosing one with similar strength, but cheaper?"

   Hearing this, Ye Weiming and others finally saw the true purpose of Zhuge Wanjun.

   It is clear that this black, long and straight girl has a much longer-term vision than others.

  Although this cooperation made her gain a lot, but she did not intend to go for more things, but focused on the possibility of future cooperation.

   In fact, her performance did win the favor of many masters present, including the unknown night.

  After briefly listing a table and giving a detailed explanation, Zhuge Wanjun began to evaluate the value of the treasure this time and the performance of each of the four teams.

   And in these two aspects, because of her own strength and vision, the surface nature is worse than before.

   But a group of masters who have already recognized this sister's heart, they are actively speaking. For example, in March, they have the deepest understanding of price, and Ye Mingming and Daomei are the first-hand analysis of the battle situation.

   In this way, it took everyone more than an hour to complete the above work completely.

   Among them, the person with the highest contribution is naturally unknown.

  Because he not only played a vital role in the battle, but also in order to deal with Qiu Qiancheng, he pulled out a magic weapon-level arrow from his own pocket. Although the arrow is only a one-time consumable, its value is naturally extremely high due to its unparalleled power, and this loss must of course also be included in the final formula for calculating reward distribution.

  Secondly, through self-sacrifice, Tang Sancai, who laid the foundation for everyone to kill Qiu Qiancheng in one fell swoop.

   After that, everyone's contribution data values ​​were all calculated, and every valuation seemed reasonable and convincing.

After   , it is the link of reward distribution.

  Everyone distributes goods according to their respective valuations, and those who contribute more have the right to choose, which is also reasonable.

   After some intense competition, the final distribution pattern is as follows:

   The super-precious treasure necklace "Ji Yun's gall" was acquired by Ye Wuming.

   Use it to replace the previous Senrow necklace, which immediately made the basic attributes of the unknown night have been significantly improved.

The only pair of boots "Hero Boots" among the dropped items, because they lack the almost standard "light power level + 1" attribute in the treasure boots, the valuation is not very high, but even so, its value is also Exceeds the distribution valuation that most people deserve.

  Finally, the girl was taken into the bag at the price of 1,000 gold.

   "Tie Palm Palm Method" and "Tie Palm Palm Method" in the case of supporting practice, can play the equivalent of terrible power of horror, but unfortunately many experts present are not very interested in these two martial arts.

   After all, after playing the game for more than a year, the real masters have their own development directions. For martial arts that do not match their own attributes, no matter how powerful they are, they will not arouse their interest.

  Of all the masters, the only thing that matches the attributes of these two martial arts is the night and the moon.

However, the former itself has a full set of full-scale "Dragon Eighteen Palms" beside it, naturally it is not good for "Iron Palm", the latter is now majoring in martial arts, and it is more powerful than "Iron Palm" "Xuan Ming Divine Palm", in "Mysterious Realm of the former Dynasty", got the "Xuan Bing Jin" which is extremely consistent with it, and naturally it is also impossible to watch "Iron Palm".

   In the end, it was a tomb girl who didn't deserve to have a name. He took out two good-quality equipment, added some small money, and put two cheats into his pocket.

   So far, the cheats of the inner and outer merits of the iron palm in the prize pool have become...

  Chiguo invincible (treasure): A piece of mysterious ornament from Tianzhu in the Western Regions.

  Strength +400, defense +300.

   Manna bottle (treasure vessel): A peculiar bottle made of sheep fat white jade. It contains water and can be used as a hidden weapon.

  Increase in internal force +100%, +2 for martial arts class of hidden weapons.

   Of these two pieces of equipment, the invincible state of the country was won by Ye Weiming without accident. After all, this thing looks too familiar, and it is completely foreseeable that it is a piece of equipment that is matched with much smell, growth, and a wide range of eyes. Although I don’t know how these four accessories, which are also accessories, will play a role in the suit, but Ye Weiming was still instinctively redeeming it, ready to wait to go back and ask Huang Shouzun.

   And the attribute of that manna bottle is super BT, as a treasure, but it possesses the basic attributes of the Divine Soldier, it is simply ruthless.

   But the Tomb Girl who took out this equipment has already said that this thing is actually not convenient to use. She even got this thing for a while, but she didn't know how to use it.

After Tang Sancai got the bottle, he just placed it in his hand for a moment, followed the index finger of his left hand sharply at the bottom of the bottle, and a drop of water was immediately sputtered from the mouth of the bottle, followed by a copy of the right hand. Above your middle finger.

   The tomb girl shook her head immediately when she saw it: "Whether it is to use the water in the bottle as a hidden device, or to throw the bottle filled with water as a hidden device, I have tried it and it is useless."

Tang Sancai didn't move at all, but when he saw him gently throwing it, the drop of water immediately turned into a streamer and flew out. The water drop seemed to pass silently and silently, and it was indeed a distant one. The root of the pine tree with a thick bowl shot a pair.

Seeing these achievements, Tang Sancai's face couldn't help but show a satisfied smile: "It should be a matter of hidden weapon tactics. Your ancient tomb school's hidden weapon tactics are only Yufeng needle and ice soul silver needle, which are not suitable for this. There is no fixed form of water drops to display, and naturally the usefulness of this manna bottle cannot be found."

   "And our Tangmen has a variety of hidden weapon tactics, which can naturally find out the tactics that can exert the power of this nectar bottle." After a slight pause, his eyes could not help revealing a trace of excitement:

   "More importantly, I found that the water droplets in this manna bottle can be used with Guanyin tears, even more powerful than the gossip purple gold dart I used before!"

"As for the specific effect, I need to go back and find a competition platform that will not have any loss after death to verify it~www.wuxiaspot.com~ 》Senior light skills cheats, and “Ghost Remnant Ghost Hand” of the militia level.

   Among them, light skill is the same as internal skill, because it can build attributes, even among the most valuable martial arts cheats, it also belongs to the most expensive branch. In the end, Zhuge Wanjun won the price of 5,000 gold.

   And the "Tian Can Ghost Hand" was started with the help of a group of experts who had enjoyed many of the benefits brought by Yin Yin, at the price of 3,000 gold.

  The degree of brutality of these gloves, although not very high in conformity with his "Nine-character Seal of Mantra", is extremely consistent with his kung fu, which is another master.

   That is... Tiger Claw Absolute Gauntlets!

  With its special characteristics of being highly coincident with the "Boten Golden Sword", once caught, it can definitely make the enemy feel twice the pain. As a user, of course, he can feel double happiness.

   After all the equipment is divided, the rest is naturally about the distribution of money, which is not detailed.

  After distributing the money, Ye Weiming suddenly said with a smile: "In addition to these things before, I am more interested in two other treasures."


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