I can extract side effects

Chapter 133 Painkillers Unprecedented Great Change

A drug rehabilitation center in the suburbs of Beijing.

In a simple single room, a man was lying on an iron bed.

The man's hands and feet were bound by the bed sheet, tied in knots, and firmly tied to the iron bed, absolutely unable to break free.

His whole body was arched, trembling uncontrollably, saliva, tears, and snot crawled all over his face, soaking a lot of sheets.

After a while, the man suddenly howled and struggled frantically with his hands and feet.

The body bowed more and more, like a boiled prawn, and the sweat couldn't stop coming out of his body.

"It hurts! It hurts so much!" The man couldn't bear it any longer, and hit his head on the bed with a bang.

The muscles of the entire face trembled, and the expression was extremely distorted. Looking at it reminded people of a ghost crawling out of a frying pan.

Du Cheng stood in front of the iron gate, staring intently at the scene inside, with no expression on his face.

A staff member stood next to him and explained softly: "When I first came here, everyone would experience this kind of withdrawal reaction, every part of the body would be very painful, not only painful, but also itchy, just like ants on the skin The itching and pain of crawling and drilling into the bones."

"This process is called an acute withdrawal reaction. It is very painful. Most people can't stand it. Usually, they need to fight it by themselves."

Du Cheng asked: "Then what if you can't resist?"

The staff member was stunned, shook his head and said: "This method is a bit rough. Many people can't resist the pain during the attack, and they will self-mutilate or even commit suicide. But we pay attention to observation, anyway, no one will die."

"How long is that usually?"

"Usually the first three days are the most difficult. After 7 to 10 days, the symptoms will gradually disappear, and the effect of detoxification will be achieved."

"What should I do next?"

"After detoxification, we will provide methadone as a replacement therapy. Under our supervision, they take a small amount orally every day, then gradually reduce the dose regularly, and gradually stop taking the drug for about 30 days. Methadone can significantly reduce the withdrawal pain of patients , but if you use it for a long time, you will become addicted.”

"In this way, the most unbearable part of the withdrawal process is the physical pain?"

"That's right, it was physical pain at the beginning, all kinds of itching, pain, trembling, sweating, insomnia, and even collapse, loss of consciousness. When the body recovers, it is psychological pain. But there is nothing we can do about it , not a psychiatrist after all.”

"Okay, let's start replacing the treatment plan."


The two asked and answered, and quickly made a decision.

The staff opened the door and went in, held down the man on the iron bed, stuffed a pill into his mouth, and watched him take it.

Du Cheng walked up to the man and observed while waiting.

The patient quickly quieted down, panting heavily.

Gradually, his body stopped shaking, and his body stretched out, and he no longer bowed so hard.

Although they were still curled up together, the muscles all over the body relaxed and were no longer tense.

The man closed his eyes tightly, the sweat still rolled down from his forehead, but his breathing became softer and no longer hasty.

After a while, he made a hoarse voice: "Water! Water!"

The staff poured a glass of water and handed it over. He snatched it, drank it in one gulp, and let out a long breath.

Afterwards, he tilted his head and snored quickly and evenly. He was exhausted and fell asleep immediately.

The two came out and looked at each room along the corridor.

The basics are the same, with a struggling junkie in every room.

The staff gave a pill to the patients in each room,

Soon they regained their calmness, sleeping in a daze, in a daze, and the pain was no longer so unbearable.

Back in the office, Du Cheng picked up a stack of records and his face became serious.

"To date, fifty patients with acute withdrawal symptoms have been given the new painkiller for pain relief, with excellent results."

"The subsequent alternative therapy has also been changed from methadone to this painkiller. After one month of clinical trials, the effect is remarkable, which fully proves that this new drug can help most patients get through the withdrawal reaction period."

"Our other set of trials was using the painkiller in methadone clinics, and those were long-term ex-addicts, and they had less of a reaction and had a significant effect."

"Such clinical data are enough. In addition to the physical aspects of addiction withdrawal, there are also psychological aspects. We can only do the former, allowing patients to relieve their physical pain. The latter cannot be achieved by a mere painkiller. "

"I will submit this clinical trial report to the higher authorities. It is very beneficial for us to respond to the national addiction rehabilitation campaign. I believe it will be gradually promoted in major drug rehabilitation centers in the future."

The staff member nodded and said: "The effect is indeed very good. It is a pity that some patients are too serious. Although they survived the withdrawal reaction, the damage to the brain nerves is serious, and there is no way to return to normal."

He sighed, and said with some regret: "It would be great if there were drugs that can repair nerves. In this way, these serious addicts still have hope to become normal people."

Du Cheng said expressionlessly: "The drug research and development personnel are not gods, and they cannot save these people. It is already very rare to be able to alleviate their pain."

The staff laughed and said: "Of course, good words are hard to persuade, damn it."

He shook his head with a sigh of relief: "I've been working here for so long, I haven't seen any kind of person, poor people must have something to hate."

"Anyway, that's it. You wait for the notice from above. The new alternative therapy is estimated to be launched soon."

Du Cheng waved the document in his hand and walked outside.

Not long after receiving the clinical trial report of the painkiller from Sanqing, the higher-ups realized another use of this non-addictive painkiller.

After all, opioid painkillers have a well-known use around the world beyond pain relief.

This use has been severely cracked down at home, leading to strict regulation of such painkillers, but not abroad.

In countries all over the world, the addiction crisis caused by the abuse of opioid painkillers has always existed, and it has become a problem that plagues all mankind.

Especially in Eagle Country, this addictive drug has entered every patient's pill box and every day, disguised as a legal prescription drug.

When the anti-drug police all over the world wantonly destroyed the drug trade, they turned around and found that these things had changed their faces and swept in again, and they were still legal.

This is outrageous.

The end result is that 80% of people, the first step to become addicts, is to start by swallowing the most common painkiller.

According to a report released by the World Health Organization, 69,000 people worldwide die from opioid overdose every year; an estimated 15 million people are addicted to opioids.

There are unscrupulous pharmaceutical companies fueling the flames driven by profit, and there are also unscrupulous doctors who prescribe madly to make more money.

Among them, the most famous case is Purdue Pharmaceuticals and its core product painkiller OxyContin (OxyContin), which is a landmark case of opioid abuse in Eagle Country.

After Purdue Pharmaceuticals developed OxyContin, it encouraged pharmacies and doctors to promote it in large quantities through bribery and other means. It played an ugly role in the opioid epidemic crisis in Eagle Country. Various crimes can be described as countless.

After more than two decades of hard work, Purdue Pharmaceuticals has successfully caused the epidemic of opioids in the country, grabbed huge profits, and finally escaped all punishment at the cost of bankruptcy.

Even if the Eagle Country government later realized the dangers of painkiller addiction and fined some unscrupulous pharmaceutical companies to bankruptcy, it still could not save the situation of opioid abuse.

Under this growing trend, pharmaceutical companies actually play a key role. In addition to the bankrupt Purdue Pharmaceuticals, many well-known pharmaceutical companies including Johnson \u0026 Johnson, Allergan, and Teva are also involved.

It was originally a medicine born for pain, but in the end it became the pain of the people of Eagle Country.

Pharmaceutical companies earn a lot of money, but the final tragic result is paid by the people.

Therefore, finding a non-addictive and powerful painkiller is the dream of all pharmaceutical companies.

This is the holy grail of medicine.

Find it, not just a pain reliever, but a solution to opioid abuse.

Du Cheng looked at the report in his hand and sighed again.

Such a medicine was actually found by Sanqing.

As long as it goes on the market, it will definitely cause a sensation in the world, and the benefits it can bring will be immeasurable, and it may be able to create a new myth in the pharmaceutical industry.

From the perspective of social impact, it is no worse than anticancer drugs, and it can completely establish Sanqing's position in the pharmaceutical industry.

Just when Du Cheng was deeply moved, Zhang Chunhua had already published his paper on The Lancet.

Not only caused a sensation in the world, but also caused an earthquake in the circle of doctors.

"What, there really are non-addictive painkillers?"

"It's Sanqing again? I knew it must be Sanqing. Only Sanqing can develop this miraculous drug."

"The clinical report shows that the effect is too good, and I have some doubts about its credibility."

"Wait until it's on the market and try it, and you'll know how it works."

"I am a brain surgeon. Many of my patients suffer from headaches, and sometimes they suffer from unbearable pain after surgery. If there is such a good painkiller, it must be good news for them."

"I really want to use such a miraculous drug right away."

Not only domestic doctors and pharmaceutical companies paid attention to the news.

Foreign pharmaceutical giants and doctors also expressed their shock.

"I can't believe that Huaxia has developed another blockbuster drug."

"I am very skeptical about the description of addiction. To be cautious, I suggest clinical observation for a few years before listing."

"That's right, the problem of opioid abuse in our Eagle Country is already serious, and there is no need for an eastern pharmaceutical company to add fuel to the fire."

"Everyone, this is Sanqing. Do you remember when you suspected anticancer drugs and AD specific drugs?"

"Yes, we should respect the facts. As long as the clinical data is not falsified, we must believe in its curative effect."

"I'm from the Mayo Clinic, and I'm already on the plane to Huaxia. I must find this hospital immediately and see the curative effect on the patients myself. If all this is true, I will tell you everything I know .”

At this moment, a relevant agency in Eagle Country.

Saul, the person in charge, threw the documents in front of him to the ground and roared loudly: "Shit, this is the result of your work? I can find a dog on the street better than you."

"Sanqing actually developed such a terrible thing as a non-addictive painkiller. Isn't this against us?"

The brown-haired and blue-eyed Chris sat across from him with a panicked look on his face: "Boss, what should we do? Now the medical world has broken out, and the chief physician of the Mayo Clinic has gone to Huaxia to see the clinical results."

"If this painkiller is allowed to go on the market, it will deal a fatal blow to opioid addiction."

"And, you see, the Huaxia government is still secretly conducting cruel human experiments on those addicts, and it can use this painkiller to make them go through the withdrawal reaction period, which is simply terrible."

"That's right," Saul slapped the table angrily, shaking the coffee cup.

"Damn Sanqing, if this drug is released, what will happen to our small treasury?"

"No, this painkiller must be banned! At least within the range illuminated by the Eagle Country Lighthouse, this painkiller cannot be marketed."

After blowing his beard and staring for a long time, Sol finally came up with a clever move.

Chris was overjoyed: "Boss is wise, this trick is definitely effective, but we have to find a reasonable excuse, otherwise those nerds will definitely not be fooled and will cause us trouble."

Sol sneered: "Of course the excuse is the problem of addiction. Did he say that there would be no addiction? I don't believe it. This is definitely a lie. Sanqing dared to open his eyes and tell nonsense. He must give it a hard time." Let him learn a lesson, let them tell the truth earlier."

"When it comes to talking nonsense with your eyes open, we are the professionals."

Chris praised again and again: "The boss's idea is great, I'm going to talk to the head of the FDA."

Saul nodded with satisfaction: "Also, we also need to find some doctors and experts on our side to make some different voices. The academic circle cannot have only one voice, which is not conducive to academic development. Only by constantly questioning can we urge scientific and technological progress. progress."

Soon, amidst the heated discussions about the new painkiller, some discordant doubts emerged.

Some authoritative scholars in the medical industry put forward different opinions, saying that non-addictive issues should be handled with caution.

After all, when OxyContin first came out, there were no major problems exposed.

When many opioids were first released, they did not cause harm to patients, but only after long-term clinical and use did they discover the fatal flaws behind.

Therefore, Sanqing, a painkiller that has only been clinically used for a few months, must have unknown side effects and adverse reactions.

Clinical trials must be done for a few more years, and it can only be used on a large scale after all problems are discovered.

"We already have so many addictive painkillers out there that we don't need to add new ones to the list."

These experts said so, and what they said seemed reasonable at first glance. They belonged to the opinions of conservatives, and they were very mature and prudent.

While most people would want to use this miracle painkiller right away, it's okay to be cautious.

Just when the wind direction of the doctor's circle slowly began to change.

The FDA made an announcement that completely shocked people.

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