I can extract side effects

Chapter 257 The patent strangle against Sanqing, the first reconciliation

Eagle Country, Boston.

An ordinary restaurant in Chinatown is full of diners.

In this bustling restaurant, no one noticed the family enjoying dim sum in the corner.

After the steamed chicken feet in black bean sauce were served, a little girl playfully tapped the table with her chopsticks.

A middle-aged man in his early forties, wearing a Polo shirt and jeans, picked up chopsticks and picked up food for the little girl with a smile.

He has a plain appearance, wearing black-rimmed glasses, and his round face looks very kind. He is enjoying delicious snacks with his little daughter, wife and mother.

After dinner, he sent his family home and drove to the Broad Institute at MIT.

Here, someone is already waiting for him.

And he wants to negotiate a big deal with the other party.

Pushing open the door of the office, Dosten, with brown hair and deep eyes, stood up in a neat suit immediately, with a smile on his face, and stretched out his hand respectfully.

"Dr. Zheng Feng, it's been a long time. The last time I met you was at the Human Genome Symposium."

Zheng Feng smiled faintly: "Mr. Dosten, I have kept you waiting for a long time, let's start."

Dosten said with a smile: "I am very pleased to have the opportunity to cooperate with you. We see this cooperation as a major opportunity to advance the next generation of gene editing therapy. This is an exciting frontier of science and has the opportunity to help rare disease genes. The patient heals the disease."

"Pfizer has drawn up a contract and hopes to reach this agreement worth up to 1.5 billion US dollars to advance the new in vivo base editing program for a series of rare diseases. This will be a new opportunity for us to overtake the detour."

As soon as the words fell, the lawyer beside him handed over a thick contract.

Zheng Feng nodded with a smile, opened the contract, and looked through it quickly.

Dosten's face was calm, but his heart was a little excited.

As the chief scientific officer of Pfizer, he accepted the appointment of the board of directors and reached a cooperation with the Broad Institute, the most powerful gene editing research institution in Eagle Country, to jointly develop gene drugs for rare diseases.

Looking at Zheng Feng's oriental face opposite him, another face that also belonged to the east flashed in his mind, but the latter's face was much more handsome and younger, which made him gnash his teeth even more.

These two oriental faces have one thing in common. They are both the most outstanding geniuses in the world today, the most outstanding scientists recognized in the contemporary era, and the most dazzling scientific research stars in the biomedical field.

Zheng Feng, the youngest laboratory director of the Broad Institute in Cambridge, Massachusetts, one of the inventors of the CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing technology, and the most outstanding scientist in the fields of genetics and neuroscience.

Especially recently, he won a fierce patent battle and is about to become one of the richest scientists and entrepreneurs in Eagle Country, which is why Pfizer offered an olive branch to cooperate.

As for another oriental face, Wei Kang, the genius who caused headaches for all pharmaceutical companies, no, the devil, is simply loved and hated by Pfizer.

I love him because of the cooperation with anticancer drugs, which allows Pfizer to have huge revenue every year.

I hate him because of Sanqing's continuous research and development of new drugs, pressing every step of the way, and constantly robbing the market.

It is like a huge shadow hanging over the head, oppressing other overseas pharmaceutical giants.

"Let this terrible Oriental deal with another terrible Oriental, and we, Pfizer, can just reap the benefits."

Dosten muttered to himself as he watched Zheng Feng and the lawyer seriously discussing.

In fact, what they did was also inspired by Sanqing. Recently, Syngenta and Sanqing jointly developed genetic crops and developed super soybeans, which caused a lot of noise in the Western world and shocked many companies.

Pfizer has never given up on research on gene therapy for rare diseases, and it is quite capable. Unfortunately, compared with Sanqingyi, the gap is so big that it is simply horrible.

Moreover, he has been following from afar, and can only see his back. After a long time, the mentality of the person in charge of this business exploded.

Most outstanding scientists are arrogant and confident.

No one can bear it. Whenever I have just made a breakthrough in the research and development of a drug for a rare disease, the opponent suddenly throws a king bomb out, announcing that he has developed a genetic drug for this disease, and directly sentenced him to death.

Once or twice is enough, and the opponent is addicted to doing this, and the new medicine keeps coming out like a blowout, making them have no way to survive, and they collapse directly.

Fortunately, the Broad Institute recently took down the patent of gene editing tools in Eagle Country, so Pfizer immediately turned its attention to this talented biological scientist.

They want to perfectly reproduce the cooperation between Syngenta and Sanqing. One researches genomes and the other does medical applications. Just like the other party develops genetic crops, they also continue to develop genetic medicines for rare diseases.

It just so happened that Zheng Feng also established a biotechnology company to promote the application of gene editing technology in gene therapy.

The two sides hit it off and quickly reached this $1.5 billion cooperation agreement.

In their hearts, this is a match made in heaven, perfect.

Of course, Sanqing handled the matter of gene medicine by himself, and everyone ignored it, pretending not to see it.

Zheng Feng read the contract with the lawyer, felt that there was nothing wrong with it, and showed a satisfied smile.

During this period of time, he was proud of himself. He not only obtained a patent for the application of CRISPR technology in human cells, but also continued to expand his business territory.

Several companies under his name have received patent applications from many commercial organizations, and they can earn a lot of money in terms of patent licensing fees alone, not to mention cooperation with pharmaceutical giants such as Pfizer for clinical drugs.

CRISPR gene editing technology is a gold mine in Zheng Feng's hands. It not only gives him a great reputation and academic status, but also brings him a steady stream of money.

Soon, the two parties signed their respective signatures and reached a successful cooperation.

Dosten asked impatiently: "Dr. Zheng, since we are already partners, let me just say that we have invested a lot in genetic medicine, and it took a long time, but we gained very little. The board of directors can't wait." Now, we urgently need a new achievement to strengthen their confidence."

Zheng Feng smiled and said: "It's easy to say, my company has already conducted a clinical trial, mainly to treat congenital amaurosis type 10 by deleting the gene mutation that causes hereditary blindness, and there are also some studies on immunotherapy. The genetic modification project is underway."

"I don't know what new project you want to study?"

Dosten said categorically: "Beta-thalassemia and sickle cell disease, two diseases caused by gene mutations of hemoglobin, we have applied CRISPR gene technology and have seen initial results in clinical trials. We hope to get you With the help of the Chinese government, clinical trials can be carried out as soon as possible.”

Zheng Feng was a little surprised: "Are you also studying genetic medicine for thalassemia?"

He couldn't help laughing: "It seems that this is a popular direction, yes, after all, it is the rare disease with the largest number of people, the market potential is huge, and some people have already expanded the market."

Dosten smiled: "You are talking about Sanqing, it is said that they used CRISPR gene technology to develop thalassemia gene medicine. Since they can use this technology to achieve results, you, as the original inventor of this technology , to achieve the same results, it is certainly not a problem.”

Zheng Feng showed a playful smile: "This matter was originally difficult, but we can learn from their solutions, so there will be no problem."

"More importantly, the patent of this technology is in my hands. When we develop a thalassemia gene drug, we can completely prohibit them from using this patent, kick them out of the game, and seize all the market."

Dosten slapped his thigh and said excitedly: "This idea is amazing, we don't need to develop the market, and even clinical trials can refer to their data."

"I heard that the Broad Institute is suing Sanqing for patent infringement? Then what are you waiting for? Just let Sanqing go."

"No, No, dear Mr. Dosten, you are too impatient."

Zheng Feng looked relaxed and content, picked up the glass on the table, took a sip of water, and said, "Don't forget, we haven't really developed a thalassemia gene drug yet. You know, patent litigation is a protracted battle. For a while, I have to find Sanqing to collect patent fees."

"After all, their gene medicines are really selling well." His eyes were radiant, and his eyes instantly became extremely greedy.


Zheng Feng stood by the window, watching Dosten and his party go away.

The mood slowly returned to calm.

A big business of 1.5 billion US dollars, even though he already knew the huge potential of this technology, such a large number still made his heart beat violently.

However, he has always been a fast learner and has gradually become accustomed to such a transition from a scholar to a businessman. Even if he talks about cooperation with the world's number one pharmaceutical company like Pfizer, he can face it calmly and with ease.

"For many years, I have been studying and learning, and now, it is finally time to harvest."

Zheng Feng muttered to himself, one picture after another flashed in his mind.

When I was 10 years old, I followed my mother across the ocean and came to settle in Eagle Country. For the first time, I saw the anxiety and novelty of a strange country.

And that Jurassic Park movie I saw in middle school, that old movie about megalomaniac researchers mixing dinosaur and frog DNA to bring extinct reptiles to life.

These images left a deep imprint on his young mind, as well as a biological seed.

The seeds germinated slowly under the watering of interest, so he went to a laboratory for research on gene therapy as an intern in high school.

One autumn evening, when night fell gradually, on the way home while driving, he was deeply shocked by the sight of falling leaves.

The leaves will die in just a few months, how easily a life disappears from this world, and there is no trace from then on.

From that moment on, he made up his mind to do something in this life.

It must not disappear quietly into this world like a dry leaf.

"Doing my best and making a difference is very important to me." Zheng Feng said to himself.

Today, for anyone in science, he's done it.

His name is well-known in the academic world, and everyone knows it, and everyone knows it.

Every time I go to a lecture, countless audiences will always squeeze the room to the brim.

The media flocked to interview him and members of his lab, talking to him for hours and delving into the many details of his life that are not known to the public.

His image also gradually became clear in the eyes of the world.

A sharp-eyed but gentle scientist, an immigrant with great ambitions, a striver who hopes to climb to the highest peak in the land that accepts him, and a researcher who is slow and impatient for the development of his field .

What a wonderful and successful Eagle Country dream.

He became an academic celebrity and the spokesperson of the eagle country dream in the new era.

Fame, status, money, honor, all the things he fought for were brought up for him to enjoy.

The public admired him, his peers envied him, and his opponents hated him, but they had nothing to do with him and could only slander his academic reputation behind his back.

But why would he care?

He can get to where he is today, all thanks to his talent and hard work.

Of course, all of this is inseparable from Bole in his life, his mentor - Durand, and the power behind him.

As the director of the Broad Institute, the top biological community, and the chief scientific advisor to the Eagle National University, Durand's influence on the basic science of the White House is unquestionable.

Especially in the past one or two years, he even stepped into the room and became a member of the Grand Commander's inner circle, serving as the director of the Yingguo Science and Technology Policy Office.

This position is roughly equivalent to the Minister of Science and Technology of Huaxia. It can be said that it has a high position and is deeply trusted.

With this background, it should come as no surprise that CRISPR won the patent battle for gene technology.

Thinking of this boss, Zheng Feng couldn't help but smile.

He packed up the documents, walked out briskly, and came to Durand's office on the third floor to show him the latest results.

This grey-haired, sharp-eyed little old man, known for his rough style, has a very gentle attitude towards Zheng Feng.

Hearing Zheng Feng's excited report, he smiled appreciatively.

"Yes, you have done a great job. I agree with you very much. The cooperation with Pfizer is undoubtedly a win-win situation. It will set a perfect example of cooperation and mutual benefit for other commercial organizations."

"Your strategy for Sanqing also coincides with mine, so let's do it."

"You know that the focus of my work is no longer here, and the matter of Sanqing will be handled by you. The lawsuit must be filed slowly, and the patent fee must also be harvested slowly."

"Of course, this is not only about our self-interest, but also about my other job."

Durand's expression became serious: "China's continuous investment in the field of science and technology has overshadowed our leading position in basic science and technology. As the chief scientific advisor, I must take measures to maintain an advantage in this competition."

He emphasized: "The so-called measures are, at all costs! By any means!"

Zheng Feng secretly rejoiced, and nodded respectfully: "Okay, tomorrow is the first out-of-court settlement with Sanqing, and I will personally talk to their boss, and I will definitely bring you good news."

He laughed and showed his white teeth: "Speaking of which, I'm still somewhat curious about that young man named Wei Kang, and I really want to see with my own eyes what kind of character he is."

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