I can extract side effects

Chapter 269 Super soybeans blooming overseas

Just when Sanqing won the patent war cleanly, another battlefield, a hidden battle, was gradually starting.

Beijing, Syngenta headquarters.

In the spacious and luxurious conference room, executives gathered together, including the seed team directly under Wang De.

Everyone sat upright, with serious expressions, but there was a hint of excitement in their eyes.

Wang De sat in the middle, showing the detailed information on the computer, and making a speech generously.

"Everyone must have known the latest news. Sanqing has developed its own gene editing technology, which is a major benefit for us. Genetic crops such as super soybeans, super corn, and super rice will no longer have any patent troubles. , can grow freely on any piece of land.”

Speaking of this, he couldn't help feeling a lot of emotion: "Actually, this wave of Sanqing can be regarded as a thunderbolt for us in advance. If Sanqing's genetic medicine is not on the market too soon, the opponent's methods will probably be used on super soybeans. These are all the tricks they are used to, and even Sanqing almost stumbled, let alone us."

"Now that Sanqing's fourth-generation gene editing technology has come out, it has completely disrupted the opponent's rhythm. In this regard, Sanqing has already won the first round, and it's time for us to play in the next round."

He scanned the audience and said solemnly: "Whether we can win this soybean war for food independence depends on us."

On a huge projection screen on one wall, information about the global soybean industry and the situation kept flashing.

"Last year, my country produced 14 million tons of soybeans, and the total import was 95.54 million tons. Soybean production is very land-consuming, and an average of eight acres of land is needed to produce one ton of soybeans. If these imported soybeans are replaced by Huaxia's own cultivation, it will consume 7.6 100 million mu of land, and the red line of agricultural arable land is 2.1 billion mu, is it possible to plant one-third of the land with soybeans? The answer is obvious.”

"Is it okay not to import? It's difficult. Because of the people's yearning and demand for a high-quality life, plant protein is indispensable, and the residue after processing these proteins can be used to feed pigs and cattle to ensure the development of animal husbandry. If If it is not imported, the prices of soybeans and their accessories will increase, which means that the prices of some necessities will rise.”

"Some people say that we are already importing to the Samba country! The problem is that a considerable part of the global soybean production is controlled by several Eagle Country companies. Almost all the soybeans in the Samba Country are produced, operated and sold by Eagle Country companies controlling."

"In this case, we have to open up new soybean importing countries."

"Just two years ago, my country signed an agreement with Tanzania in the Philippines. The agreement stated that China agreed to import soybeans to Tanzania. This is also to promote the harmonious and friendly relationship between the two countries. After that, China will provide Tanzania opens up the soybean market."

"What this means, you should be very clear."

"The soybeans we import every year, from the Samba and Eagle countries account for more than 90% of the imports. Although there are many soybean-growing countries in the Philippines, in the import of soybeans, this region only accounted for a small part of my country's imports. However, in order not to rely on these two countries anymore, we have begun to change this status quo and continue to explore new importing countries.”

"Philippines belongs to the tropics, and the climate and soil are very suitable for growing soybeans. If a large amount of soybeans are planted on the large areas of central and southern Philippines, the yield will be amazing. But there is a thorny problem at present, that is, the lack of sufficient manpower and Transportation capacity, which prevents them from being our largest supplier."

"However, the country is very determined this time. Now that the agreement has been signed, it will work hand in hand with Tanzania to provide the greatest support and maximize this potential, and our super soybean seeds will undoubtedly play the best role in it." crucial role."

"At present, Sanqing has completed the mass production technology of super soybean rapid breeding, and has also made appropriate improvements to adapt to the climate and environment of the Philippine continent. .”

"We will cooperate with COFCO to open up the soybean planting market in the Philippines. They have already made a preliminary layout and signed soybean purchase contracts with growers in Tanzania. Of course, the condition is to use the soybean seeds we provide."

"This year, the entire Philippine continent has suffered from severe locust plagues, and grain production has been greatly reduced. Growers urgently need a crop with high yield and stable orders. In the past, growers in Tanzania may have doubts about planting soybeans, but Facing this year's food crisis, they will definitely sign the contract without hesitation."

"Our goal is to open up this blue ocean and let super soybeans be planted in large quantities in Tanzania first. This is a win-win situation for both parties. If soybean transactions are booming in the future, other Filipino countries will definitely do the same. If everyone follows suit, the popularization and planting of super soybeans will be easy."

"We have cooperated with Sanqing to cultivate super soybean seeds suitable for the Philippine environment, and we have reached a strategic cooperation at the national level. We will provide funds and technology, and the Philippines will produce land. The situation is promising. The break of the food reform will start from Super soybeans in the Philippines begin."

As soon as the voice fell, there was warm applause in the conference room.

An executive said with a smile: "Mr. Wang has a good opinion, such a major event can only be successful if the industry unites."

"It is best for several major groups to cooperate across banks and have national endorsement. If we rely solely on our company, the difficulty will be greatly increased. First, the investment in seed research and development in the early stage is large, and the planting area is small. It is not cost-effective; second, large-scale land contracting I'm afraid of political risks, if people don't agree one day, wouldn't the initial investment be in vain?"

Another executive also nodded: "This can be done, the key is to look at the seeds and planting technology. In the past, high-yielding soybean seeds were all genetically modified, and they were registered with too many patents by Monsanto. You can only buy them from them. Now we own There are also super soybeans, and the preparations for many years have naturally come to fruition, and it has been smooth sailing."

"Hey, in fact, our Huaxia soybeans are the best beans in the world. Back then, we foolishly gave Monsanto some of the best seeds, but they turned back and registered the patent. If they didn't give them soybeans back then, I'm afraid they wouldn't be able to." There will be today's predicament." Someone said indignantly.

"Soybean is like this, so is tea. It was too weak before, and there was no way to be patronized by thieves. Fortunately, now that the country is strong, it can take back everything that others stole, and it has to do better than them. .”

"It is said that it is not limited to the Philippines. We have also negotiated a soybean cooperative import agreement with Mao Xiongguo. They provide the land, and we provide the seeds and funds. It is said that some well-informed people are one step ahead and have already gone to the Far East to open soybean plantations."

Everyone was chattering, and you said something to me, and the atmosphere suddenly became lively.


In Tanzania, Minister of Agriculture Kendam is browsing the news of the day in his office.

The female assistant hurried in: "Mr. Kendam, the business representative of Bunge has been calling you, asking to discuss the soybean supply agreement."

Kendam looked at the newspaper on the table without raising his head: "Reject him, I will never see any soybean traders from Eagle Country again, their reputation has been rotten in this country."

The female assistant looked hesitant and said: "But that gentleman has a very tough attitude, saying that if we don't agree to meet, our soybeans may never be sold again in the future."

Kendam took off the glasses on the bridge of his nose, looked up at her, and said coldly: "Three years ago, we reached a large soybean supply agreement with Bunge, and we paid a high price for their soybean supply agreement." Soybean seeds, but when the harvest season came, the other party defaulted on the contract and refused to pay compensation, which caused heavy losses to our farmers, and no one came to buy the soybeans they planted, and they ended up rotting in warehouses.”

"Since then, farmers have had a shadow on planting soybeans. They are very cautious. If there is no guaranteed order, they will definitely not be willing to plant soybeans on a large scale."

"So, please tell that noble gentleman from Bunge Company," he cursed suddenly with a grim expression on his face.

"Pay the fucking compensation owed before you can put that fat son of a bitch's ass on the sofa in my room."

"Otherwise tell them to go to hell and eat shit!"

"As for whether there are buyers for our soybeans, it's not their turn to worry about them!"

"Convey this passage to him exactly, don't miss a single word, do you understand?"

Ken Dumb ended the passionate conversation with a middle finger.

The female assistant had never seen Kendam so furious, and was a little terrified for a while,

Kendam put on his glasses again, and resumed his soft voice: "Honey, please arrange a pick-up at the airport at three o'clock in the afternoon. There are a group of distinguished guests from Huaxia, and I have to treat them well."

The female assistant nodded hastily, turned around and trotted, and left the scene at the speed of light.

Kendam took out a stack of thick documents from the drawer, which was a draft three-party soybean planting cooperation agreement.

The agreement clearly stipulates that Tanzania will organize farmers to plant and produce soybeans on a large scale according to the specific procurement needs of COFCO, a Huaxia soybean processing company, and export them to China.

During this process, Huaxia will provide financial and technical support, and purchase soybeans in full at a reasonable market price. If there is a breach of contract, it will pay high compensation.

Tanzania will plant the super soybean seeds provided by Syngenta, a Huaxia Seed Industry Group. This is a genetic crop with an yield of 700 to 800 jin per mu. It has high yield and high oil, and is very suitable for edible oil and breeding industries.

Since COFCO guaranteed the purchase order and was very generous in the deposit, and Syngenta's super soybean seeds were also used for free in advance, this contract seemed sincere in Kendam's eyes.

Besides, the business reputation of Huaxia Enterprises in the Philippines has always been excellent, and they are not as despicable and shameless as the Yingguo Liang merchants, who have no spirit of contract.

Therefore, Kendam attaches great importance to the arrival of the Huaxia group. He prepared the reception dinner early in the morning, and at the same time made preparations in advance. It is necessary to finalize and sign a formal contract as soon as possible.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, he arrived at the airport on time and received a group from Syngenta and COFCO.

Wang De came here in person this time, in addition to signing the contract with Tanzania, he also went to other countries to continue to expand the territory for Super Soybean.

During the locust plague in the first half of the year, the pesticides jointly provided by Syngenta and Sanqing killed many western companies and quickly wiped out the locust swarms, leaving a deep impression on the Philippine countries.

In addition, the medicine of Sanqing has also entered the Philippine market, and has gained a great reputation for its excellent efficacy.

In short, they are now very convinced of Huaxia's technical strength.

In order to deal with the increasingly serious global food shortage, they must take action as soon as possible to plant more high-yielding cash crops in order to exchange enough food for the domestic people.

Super soybeans are obviously an excellent choice, suitable for cultivation in the Philippines, with extremely high yields, and there are orders from Huaxia, so they are not worried about not being able to sell them.

This is undoubtedly a large amount of income, which can be exchanged for food, medicine, and industrial products that the Philippine countries urgently need.

The soybean itself is also very nutritious. Not only can oil be extracted, but the remaining soybean meal can also be used as breeding feed.

Of course, it can also be used as food in the Philippines, enough to feed a large number of hungry people.

It is simply suitable for self-use and export, as long as the output is high enough, it is definitely the most valuable crop.

"Mr. Wang, Mr. Ding, I am very glad to meet you and my party. On behalf of Tanzania, I would like to extend a warm welcome..."

Kendam's dark face was full of smiles, and his attitude was extremely enthusiastic.

COFCO came from a vice president who has been developing markets in the Philippines for some years, and he is familiar with Kendam.

The two sides talked very happily, and soon signed a tripartite contract.

The cooperation can be so smooth, in addition to the strength of the enterprise itself, there is also the continuous efforts of the Ministry of Agriculture of the two countries.

From the signing of the official agreement two years ago to the successful implementation of the tripartite contract, it has been a long and slow process.

First of all, the two countries need to negotiate first, then inspect the imported food, and finally sign a relevant agreement with the Ministry of Agriculture of the two sides. After that, it will take one or two years before the door to officially open the import of soybeans.

Fortunately, the result is satisfactory, the future can be expected, and a win-win situation has been perfectly achieved.

However, this is not the first time that China has imported soybeans from the Philippines. China has also imported soybean products from countries such as Ethiopia before.

Therefore, Wonder's next trip is Ethiopia.

There, the ministers of agriculture of the entire Philippine Union were all looking forward to their arrival.

This time, the person waiting at the airport was replaced by an old acquaintance, Jemore.

When the Minister of Agriculture of Ethiopia saw Wang De and the others, he waved his hands from a distance and trotted over.

"Dear Wang, long time no see. The last time I saw you was more than half a year ago. I hope this time your super soybeans will be as effective as pesticides for killing locusts and bring us surprises, hahaha!"

Jemore enthusiastically held Wander's hands, followed by a whole row of ministers of agriculture.

All of them had smiles on their faces, and their eyes were full of hope, full of extreme desire for super soybeans.

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