I can extract side effects

Chapter 315 Smart watches continue to save global users

Hangzhou, at the gate of Muke Cultural Media Company.

While yawning, Li Juan took out her badge and swiped it in.

With a beep, the light on the gate turned green.

She leaned her whole body forward, pushed the door open with a thrust, and walked in.

Sitting down on the seat, I felt a deep tiredness welling up, and I had to use all my strength to move a finger.

His eyelids kept falling heavily, and he wished he could immediately throw himself down on the seat and take a nap.

"Wake up!"

She twisted her thigh hard, using the pain to wake herself up a little.

Then a cup of strong black coffee was poured down, and the mind regained a bit of clarity.

Turn on the computer and start working.

Within a few minutes, I suddenly received a company email.

When I opened it, I was so angry that my nose was crooked.

It turned out to be an email automatically sent by the punch card access control system to every late employee.

"Ms. Li, hello, I noticed that your clock-in time today is 12:05. Although you have been on vacation, you are five minutes late. The system has recorded it. As a friendly reminder, half-day wages will be deducted if you are five minutes late. I hope You can pay attention next time and try to arrive a few minutes earlier."

A burst of anger rushed straight to his forehead.

In this broken company, it is normal to work overtime after joining the company. I often stay up late until five or six in the morning. After sleeping for a while, I have to get up to go to work after 11:00 noon.

He was so pissed off that Zhou Papi would kowtow and call his father when he saw him.

Li Juan really wanted to slap the table, print out this email and throw it in the boss's face, yelling that the old lady quit.

However, at this moment, his father's dark and wrinkled face suddenly appeared in front of him, and a pair of diligent and earnest eyes looked at him, and a feeling of sadness suddenly surged up.

She lowered her head, sighed, and swallowed the last sip of black coffee in her cup.

The bitter liquid slid down her throat, and she suddenly had a feeling.

This is the taste of life. I have graduated for half a year, and I am no longer a student in that ivory tower.

You can no longer be impulsive, and it's time to shoulder the burden of making money.

Her parents have worked hard for half a lifetime to bring her up. She is the only college student in the family. She should be like her parents, endure more hardships, earn more money, and let her parents enjoy the blessings earlier.

In his first job just after graduation, he can earn more than 10,000 yuan a month, which is already better than many of his peers, and it is the pride of his parents.

I can only grit my teeth and persevere, and wait until the economy is better and my parents build a big house in my hometown before considering other options.

Li Juan cheered herself up secretly, and began to work on the computer skillfully.

In this way, she persisted until the afternoon.

Suddenly, she looked at the screen in front of her and felt that the text on it was a little blurry.

Rubbing his eyes, and looking over again, he felt a little dizzy.

"No way, you actually caught a cold at this time?"

Li Juan didn't take it seriously, thinking it was because she had a cold after staying in the air-conditioned room for a long time.

She decided to buy some cold medicine at night, preferably the kind that won't make you sleepy after taking it, so as not to affect her work.

"Juanjuan, what's the matter?"

The familiar female colleague noticed her abnormality and greeted her with concern.

"It's okay, I may have caught a cold, I have a cold."

Li Juan waved her hand, and suddenly felt a tightness in her chest, and when she pressed her hand, there was still a tingling sensation.

The female colleague saw her pale face, covering her forehead with her hands, and looked painful, a little disbelieving.

"Juanjuan, your face is so scary, you don't look like you have a cold."

"Well, my new Juwei smart watch can detect physical conditions, let me try it for you."

The female colleague tore off a watch from her wrist without any explanation, put it on Li Juan's hand, and then pressed it a few times to start the test.

At this moment, Li Juan felt dizzy, her whole body was weak, and her chest was stuffy, as if she couldn't breathe.

So he nodded weakly, no longer objecting.

The two looked at the countdown displayed on the watch together without speaking.

Three minutes passed.

The watch suddenly burst into an alarm.

The dazzling red light flickered frantically.

"Dangerous! Dangerous! Extremely dangerous! Diagnosed as fulminant myocarditis, please seek medical attention immediately, please seek medical attention immediately!"

The two were stunned.

The female colleague quickly clicked on it and saw that it said.

"Fulminant myocarditis is mainly induced by viral infection. It is a disease characterized by severe edema and dysfunction of myocardial tissue. It is very dangerous. The early symptoms are similar to a cold, but the consequences are very serious. If it is not treated early, it will quickly worsen, leading to sudden death, and the case fatality rate is very high.”

The female colleague became anxious immediately: "Oh, Juanjuan, your illness is very serious, you have to go to the hospital immediately, otherwise it will be too late."

Li Juan looked confused: "No way, I am usually in good health, how could I suddenly have such a serious illness."

"Didn't you stay up late for a week in a row recently, and work until five or six o'clock every day, so your body's resistance will definitely drop."

The female colleague trusted the diagnosis of the smart watch very much, and hurriedly urged.

"If you don't hurry to see a doctor, what will you do if you die suddenly? There are a lot of news about young people staying up late and dying suddenly, so you have to take it seriously."

Li Juan still hesitated: "But if you ask for leave, the leader will not approve it, and it will delay the progress of work."

The female colleague suddenly hated iron and steel: "Oh, my life is almost gone, do you still care about work? You just graduated, and there are still good days ahead. Think about your parents. You are the only child. If something happens to you, they should How sad."

Thinking of her parents, Li Juan suddenly softened her heart. She felt that what the female colleague said was right, so she nodded.

The female colleague told her: "You just stay here, and I will help you to ask for leave. After a while, you say that you have fainted and can't breathe. The leader will definitely agree."

After speaking, he stood up abruptly and ran towards the boss's office.

Li Juan clutched her chest, feeling terribly stuffy, and her heart was beating extremely fast. She suddenly felt that going to the hospital was not a bad thing.

After a while, the female colleague came back behind a middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man glanced at her, his expression changed drastically, he waved his hand quickly and said, "Hurry up and take her to the hospital, it's sure."

After speaking, he turned around and left, running away like a plague god.

The female colleague helped Li Juan up, and seeing her paler complexion, blue-white lips, dull eyes, as if she was about to faint, she couldn't help feeling more and more anxious.

The two immediately took a taxi and headed for the nearest third-class hospital.

When I got to the hospital, I went straight to the emergency department.

At this time, Li Juan was already very weak, and appeared "ventricular fibrillation", that is, the heart twitched irregularly, which was equivalent to cardiac arrest.

He was immediately sent to the ICU, and the hospital team started ECMO (Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation) immediately, which is currently the highest life support method.

After being on ECMO, Li Juan received sufficient deep sedation, reduced the oxygen consumption of the whole body, and fully rested the heart.

After 3 days, her heart changed from beating to effectively contracting.

By this time, he was finally rescued.

A week later, Li Juan recovered and was discharged from the hospital.

She hugged the female colleague who came to pick her up tightly, tears welling up in her eyes.

"Sister, thank you. You will be my savior in the future. Fortunately, you sent me to the hospital. The doctor said that if I came one day later, I would not be able to save me."

The female colleague also felt deeply scared, and patted her on the back and said, "It's because of your luck that you escaped. Fortunately, I tested you with a watch at that time, and then I detected you. Explosive myocarditis, otherwise it would be treated as a cold and delayed."

Li Juan wiped her tears, nodded and said, "Mmm, sister, I want to buy one too, no, I want to buy two, and one for my parents."

The female colleague was full of emotions, and posted Li Juan's case on the Internet that night.

"Young people really need to pay attention to their health. They should not stay up too late. Those who often stay up late are best to buy a smart watch. It can save lives at critical times. I have a 22-year-old female colleague who has sudden explosive myocarditis. I use a watch to do it for her. After getting the test, he was sent to the hospital immediately, and stayed in the ICU for three days before saving one life."

Her speech resonated with netizens, and many people posted their own or their own examples.

"I am also a beneficiary of smart watches. I stayed up late to play online games for several days. I played until three o'clock in the morning every day. I got up early in the morning and went to work. Then I started to have chest pains at one o'clock in the evening. I passed out from the pain. My watch automatically dialed. At 120, the ambulance dragged me to the hospital, underwent coronary angiography and interventional surgery, and placed two stents to open up the occluded blood vessels, dragging me back from the edge of death."

"Don't stay up late, work and rest regularly, I am also a victim of staying up late..."

The cases of netizens were shocking one after another, accumulating more and more, getting bigger and bigger, and soon became an enduring hot topic.

Many netizens who did not buy a smart watch, saw these real-life stories of sudden death, and their hearts suddenly sounded alarmed.

Especially some young people who have the habit of staying up late, all of them are terrified, and they immediately place an order to buy a watch and wear it on their hands, so they feel at ease.

This watch, in their eyes at this time, is just like a life-saving spirit ring. If you have it, you may not be able to use it, but without it, you absolutely cannot.

A large wave of passionate feedback from real users has inadvertently boosted the sales of smart watches.

This electronic product did not gradually weaken in sales after its launch as many people expected, but started a new round of skyrocketing, showing strong vitality.


At the same time, in overseas markets, Europa, Desert Peninsula, Eagle Country, Cherry Blossom Country, and Philippines all ushered in the official launch of Juwei watches.

In the Eagle Country market, watches are not deeply tied to operators like mobile phones, so they can be sold in major retail stores, such as Amazon and Best Buy.

However, in one day, in just one day, the Juwei watch on Amazon was sold out.

This result instantly fell through the glasses of many people.

In other countries and regions, sales are also rising steadily, showing great stamina.

Overseas users have published their own experience reports online.

It can be described as rave reviews, full of praise everywhere.

"This may be the best-looking Android smart watch so far. It is really shocking. The square dial is also very unique, and people can distinguish it from a distance. I am very satisfied."

"Since it was first launched, I placed an order for the first time. I was originally an iWatch user, but Juwei's watch experience has far surpassed. I don't regret giving up the fruit. This may be the worst I have ever done. Wise decision."

"I used Fitbit Sense before, and I felt good at first, but after I bought GT4, I found that Fitbit's measurement was not accurate at all, and the heart rate measurement was too high, which affected the calculation of the ECG, so it was not of reference value."

"I am a family doctor. I have recommended this product to all my patients. Believe me, you are definitely worth it. I heard that Huaxia has many cases of saving patients from sudden death. This may be their specialty, so it causes heart disease. The diagnosis of diseases is extremely accurate, although this function is a bit overkill for us, it is very practical for middle-aged and elderly people."

"Juwei GT4, once you have it, you can never go back. Because you have entered a new era of digital healthcare."

"That's right, buddy, for $250, you will experience a whole new world, it's definitely worth the money!"

"Thanks to it, I got back the feeling of using the iPhone for the first time when I was 20 years old. It was a shocking experience."


Eagle Country, CA.

Short’s Juwei smartwatch from Amazon arrived, and he’s been using it for a week, and it’s great.

On this day, the watch on his wrist suddenly started to alarm.

"In the past 24 hours, your average heart rate was higher than 120 beats per minute. The initial diagnosis is hypothyroidism. Please go to the hospital for examination as soon as possible."

Short didn't believe it at first, and even felt like laughing.

"This is too inaccurate. I have been wearing it for a week before I started calling the police. Is there such a big delay?"

The wife on the side also heard the siren, and said with concern: "Honey, let's go and have a look, I'll call and make an appointment for you."

Short complained: "Hell, I can't even feel the beating of the heart. How can the heart rate be too high? As for hypothyroidism, it is nonsense. My body is too healthy to be healthy."

However, under his wife's repeated persuasion, he went to a clinic for an examination.

"What? What are you talking about? I'm very ill. I may even be admitted to the ICU?"

Hearing the three letters "ICU" mentioned by the doctor on the opposite side, he finally realized the seriousness of the situation, and his face became extremely exciting.

After the doctor explained in detail, Short went back in a daze.

As soon as he saw his wife, he rushed over and hugged her tightly.

"My God, Darling, the doctor diagnosed my condition and said it was a good thing it came early, otherwise it would be unimaginable if the condition worsened."

"Fortunately, I listened to your words and went to check. People like me who don't usually check their heart rate often, if they don't have the 24-hour dynamic monitoring function of this watch, if they just check in the clinic, they won't realize at all. There is such a hidden danger in his body."

On the other side of the world, in Bull Country, Jason also had the same experience as Short.

The night after he put on his GT4, his watch beeped warnings that he might have a heart condition, which he didn't pay attention to at first.

After two weeks, he began to experience chest discomfort, and the watch continued to beep every day during this time.

"Danger! Arrhythmia detected, there may be arterial blockage, please seek medical attention as soon as possible."

He clicked on the electrocardiogram, saw the detailed readings, and immediately believed it.

So he immediately called his family doctor for a consultation on symptoms and EKG readings.

The doctor affirmed the watch's diagnosis and told him that such ECG data was a sign of arterial blockage.

Jason was so scared that he ran to the clinic immediately, where he had another EKG.

After comparing it with the watch, both Jason and the doctor were surprised to find that the readings of the two were completely synchronized, and the accuracy rate was extremely high.

"Oh my God, I bought it just for its beauty. I didn't expect it to save my life one day."

Jason felt a sense of happiness of escaping death, and said with emotion.

After a period of treatment, Jason's condition improved and he finally returned to health.

And the watch no longer alarms.

He gratefully posted his story online.

He even wrote a long thank you letter to Juwei's overseas official account.

As time goes by, there are more and more such deeds, and all the rescued users are not stingy with their praise.

They share their stories on the Internet, telling the public that you need a smart watch.

Because it can often help in various ways when a person is in trouble or life is in danger, thus changing the fate of many people.

Someone compiled their stories and made a special report called "Life Saved by Smart Watches".

Once broadcast, it immediately became popular all over the Internet.

Huaxia's brand of smart watches became even more popular, and sales skyrocketed.

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