I can extract side effects

Chapter 463 Drug resistant baby, Huang Qin's dream

Haishi, Neonatal Intensive Care Unit of Maternity and Infant Hospital.

Director Song stared at an incubator in the corner, his frown gradually relaxed, revealing a smile.

A female doctor stood by and said with lingering fear: "Almost, if it wasn't for the use of Sanqing's nano-pills, I really thought it would be impossible to save him."

She was talking about a premature baby weighing just 650 grams at 25 weeks.

A few months ago, he was lying in that incubator, being monitored day and night by countless instruments.

Not long after he was born, he developed dyspnea, jaundice and other symptoms, and was diagnosed with Streptococcus pneumoniae infection.

It is unbelievable that the first-generation cephalosporin, which is a course of treatment every three days, is ineffective.

Generally, if there is no obvious improvement in symptoms after three days of medication, the dressing must be changed.

However, the second generation of cephalosporins is invalid!

The third and fourth generations of cephalosporins are still ineffective!

In the end, the hospital prescribed the top antibiotics, imipenem, cefepime, and ceftazidime, but none of them worked.

At this point, the hospital was completely shocked.

I have seen those with strong drug resistance, but it is beyond everyone's expectations that newborns have such strong drug resistance.

The hospital urgently conducted a bacterial drug sensitivity test, and the results showed that the newborn was resistant to seven antibiotics including penicillin, benzocillin, and ceftazidime.

Faced with such a situation, the doctors were at a loss for a while.

Because there are no better antibiotics available.

Vancomycin is suitable for this kind of penicillin-resistant streptococcal infection, but this drug has toxic side effects on the liver and kidneys, so newborns should be given it carefully, let alone premature babies with low birth weight.

With the development of the disease, the baby's condition became less and less optimistic, and more than 20 serious complications gradually appeared, such as intracranial hemorrhage, systemic fungal infection, pneumonia and even shock.

Seeing all this, Director Song's heart was pierced like a knife, and his days felt like years.

She opened the address book, found out the business card holder, and called all the directors of the respiratory department that she knew and did not know to discuss how to use the medicine in this situation.

After searching several times, I finally got good news.

The nano-pills produced by Sanxin can reduce the dose to one thousandth and still maintain the efficacy.

Like a drowning person catching a life-saving straw, she immediately contacted the Sanqing Group through her relationship.

A few days later, Sanqing's people arrived as promised and brought the nano-pills she was looking forward to.

Vancomycin was mounted on nano-pills and successfully entered the patient's body through intravenous injection.

After three injections, the child's systemic infection was brought under control.

A week later, the drug-resistant streptococcus in the child's body was completely gone, and he began to recover.

This nano-pill completely conquered Director Song and made her full of praise.

At this time, Director Song was relieved when he heard the words of his subordinates: "You can't underestimate the development of science and technology. It's the luck of the medical profession to have a pharmaceutical company like Sanqing."

"A child with systemic drug-resistant infection like him is in danger, and it is really not easy to save him."

The female doctor shook her head, and said with worry on her face, "I don't know why the newborn has such a strong drug resistance. Things like this would have been on the news a few years ago, but in the past two years It is becoming more and more common, and everyone is familiar with it.”

Director Song pondered: "The reason for the newborn's drug resistance can only be that pregnant women abused antibiotics during and before pregnancy, but pregnant women generally eat very little cephalosporins during pregnancy, so there is only one possibility, that is, the meat eaten by pregnant women contains Lots of antibiotics."

"Many pregnant women have to give birth supplements, drink chicken soup, eat pig's trotters and eggs every day, but in the process of raising these animals, in order to improve disease resistance, they are fed a lot of antibiotics, which remain in the meat and eggs , When pregnant women eat it, they are likely to eat all these antibiotics, develop drug resistance, and even spread to newborns."

"I recently asked a lot of maternity and infant hospitals in the city, where antibiotic treatment was given to newborns with bacterial infections, and when they did drug susceptibility tests, 70% of them showed varying degrees of drug resistance, which is simply slippery. It's ridiculous, it's frightening."

"The most frightening thing is that these resistant antibiotics are safe for newborns, and those antibiotics without resistance are not suitable for newborns, because even a dose that is relatively safe for adults is placed on a fragile baby. In babies, hearing and liver and kidney damage may be caused, so what medicine can we use?"

She shook her head, with anger in her eyes: "Originally, hospitals used too many antibiotics, and the problem of drug-resistant bacteria was very serious. As a result, the animal husbandry industry abused more antibiotics than hospitals, and even far exceeded the sum of the amount we gave to patients. Isn’t this driving us into a corner?”

The female doctor asked: "Director, wouldn't the continuous replacement of antibiotics solve the problem of drug resistance?"

Director Song shook his head and said, "It's easy to say, but firstly, the R\u0026D profits of antibiotics are not high, and pharmaceutical companies have no motivation to develop new antibiotics. Secondly, the speed of bacterial resistance is much faster than With the speed of new drug development, it will take several years for pharmaceutical companies to develop new antibiotics, and with this effort, patients will already be cold."

After finishing speaking, she sighed heavily: "If things go on like this, we will have no antibiotics available, and human beings will go back to the beginning of the last century, when a small infection can kill a patient, and the death is very fast, it is simply worse than Terminal illness is scary."

"Ah~" Hearing this, the female doctor also let out a long sigh.


"Da da da~"

The crisp typing sound of the mechanical keyboard keeps ringing, mixed with a trace of cold air coming in through the window crack, there is a clear feeling of ice cubes hitting.

Xue Shen raised his head from the computer and glanced at the time in the lower right corner, it was already half past nine in the evening.

He looked back at the empty office and couldn't help laughing: "So it's all over now, and I'm the only one left in the whole lab."

Glancing at the screen again, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but rise: "At least the work was done beautifully."

"The second phase of the clinical trial is almost over, hehe, as expected of me, the experimental report is so perfectly written, it looks really pleasing to the eye."

He checked the report again with an intoxicated smile on his face.

"After reporting to President Wei tomorrow, the third phase of the clinical trial can be started."

"When this project is successfully completed, can I be promoted?"

Thinking of this, his heart suddenly became hot.

Since the nano-lab was established less than a year ago, there is no official person in charge, but Wei Kang's name.

There are more than 20 people in the laboratory, and he has the most impressive resume, so he became the team leader and is in charge of the nano-pill project.

He was entrusted with a heavy responsibility when he first arrived, so he was naturally conscientious and did not dare to relax for a moment.

Sure enough, the project was completed very smoothly. It can be said that it has been more than half successful in the third phase of the clinical trial, and it is only one step away from the official listing.

However, Sanqing has always been eclectic in the promotion of talents, and only depends on the results.

After completing this project, he can definitely be promoted to supervisor, and even become the de facto deputy director of the laboratory.

After one or two more projects, you can become a regular and become the director of the nano laboratory.

With such a golden road in front of him, Xue Kun just thought about it, and his whole body was as excited as a chicken blood.

Soon, after checking, he turned off the computer, turned off the lights and went out.

Before returning to the dormitory, he went to the cafeteria and bought some skewers, which he planned to have as a supper to replenish his energy.

Anyway, the money on the meal card every month is simply not enough to eat, and if you don’t eat for nothing, you won’t eat.

Humming a song and returning to the dormitory, he opened the door and saw that his roommate Huang Qin was watching the animal world in the living room with his legs crossed.

Xue Kun couldn't help thinking, this roommate is also quite strange, he has been in the company for several years, and the salary is so high, he doesn't find a girlfriend to move out, instead he lives in the dormitory every day.

Although the company’s dormitory is comparable to a hotel, it’s really comfortable to live in, but you can’t bring family members, which is very inconvenient for some employees, so those with families have moved out to live by themselves, only single dogs will live in the dormitory forever .

Seeing him coming back, Huang Qin waved his hands and greeted him warmly: "Brother Shen, you are back."

When he saw the skewers in Xue Shen's hand, his eyes lit up immediately, he rubbed his hands together and said, "Oh, I bought a barbecue, I'm so sorry, just wait, I'll get a bottle of Coke, we two eat together."

The corner of Xue Kun's mouth twitched, thinking that I bought it for myself, not for you.

But the high IQ made him swallow this sentence back, and said with a slight smile, "You didn't study in the room today?"

In his impression, this roommate is as the name suggests, very hardworking, and when he returns to the dormitory, he either reads and studies, or wears headphones to take online classes.

Huang Qin laughed: "Recently, the project has been going well, so I'll give myself a vacation."

As he spoke, he took out two glasses, poured in refrigerated Coke, and the two of them ate together.

Huang Qin ate until the corners of his mouth were oily, and asked, "Have you been busy lately? You don't come back until ninety o'clock."

Xue Shen swallowed the mutton skewers in his mouth, took a sip of Coca-Cola, and said with a smile: "It's nothing, when I was a Ph.D. student, I was much busier than this."

"Do you know how busy I was at that time? I didn't go back to the dormitory given by the school for a month. I spent 24 hours in the laboratory, stayed up late every day to catch up on the subject, and slept in the laboratory when I was sleepy. Our laboratory cleaners said Look at me like this, I will definitely not let my children study for a doctorate."

Huang Qin widened his eyes and said in shock, "Is it so hard? The salary should be good, and the results must be fast."

Xue Shen sneered and said, "You're overthinking this."

"Do you know why they are called the doctoral supervisor boss? I am a part-time job, and I still work without pay. The monthly salary is 3,000, and 007 is paid every day. The only contribution is a doctorate three years later. It is even worse than sending beggars."

"What kind of shit doctor, he wakes up earlier than chickens, sleeps later than cats, and earns that little money, even dogs are worse. In this world, dogs can eat meat every day, but I can only drink northwest wind."

"Ah?" Huang Qin was shocked, opened his mouth, but couldn't speak.

After a while, he said with sympathy: "Brother, then you are really miserable. You do so much work every day, and you are only paid 3,000 yuan."

"Hehe, yes, this is the legal exploitation of slaves by colleges and universities under the guise of education."

Xue Shen shook his head with a wry smile, and started the crazy complaint mode.

"Let me tell you, it's better to be an enterprise. It's a waste of time to study for a doctorate in China and do scientific research."

"Have you ever read the news that there was a doctor who did not get a degree after 8 years of study, and was so poor that he went to deliver food to support his family."

"My wife complained about him on the news, saying that he didn't give a dime and didn't support the family. In fact, you don't know, there is no money at all, how can it be possible to support a family, or what I said, a man has to finish his Ph.D. Only get married later, so as not to have a poor wife and children to suffer.”

"Fortunately, I finally made it through. Those who didn't have to continue to suffer."

"Like me, being able to make money quickly in the industry is worthy of years of hard study."

Huang Qin saw him spit out bitterness with snot and tears, his whole body was numb, and he said in embarrassment: "Is it so hard to study for a doctorate? Fortunately, I didn't go to study for a doctorate, and I used this time to earn money."

Xue Shen patted him on the shoulder and sighed, "You are heading straight to Rome right now, so you don't have to take a detour."

"To tell you the truth, you can learn a lot in Sanqing. It's no different from studying for a Ph. D. It's just that you lack a diploma. In fact, your real scientific research ability is stronger than many Ph. Ds."

"I have seen your project experience, and your output is better than many professors."

"Let me tell you, you go to take a doctoral exam now, and then do a project, publish a thesis, and get a doctoral diploma, it's absolutely no problem."

Huang Qin rubbed his forehead, and said with a naive smile: "Really, I am a scumbag who is both non-student, can I become a doctor?"

Xue Shen threw the sign in his hand into the trash can and asked, "Which university do you go to?"

"Ningcheng University of Technology, Bachelor of Biochemistry."

"Oh, it's okay, where's the master?" Xue Shen picked up another bunch of chicken hearts and stuffed them into his mouth.

"I only have a bachelor's degree, but I didn't pass the master's exam. My school's grades are too poor, so I'm not eligible for recommendation." Huang Qin said embarrassingly.

Xue Shen fell silent for a moment.

Huang Qin laughed at himself and said, "Brother, I understand what you mean. Dawei also said the same last time, saying that my level is as high as that of a doctor, but I know in my heart that this is just politeness and cannot be taken seriously."

Xue Shen shook his head, his expression became serious.

"I don't know if others are joking, but I am not. I have read your paper. It is no exaggeration to say that the level is really high. If it is used as a doctoral dissertation, it will be absolutely fine."

He paused for a few seconds, and added: "Even if it's a Ph.D. from Huaqing, your thesis is more than enough to get a degree, let alone a project output. The boss must love you, an old scalper."

Speaking of this, he suddenly sat up straight, and said seriously, "Huang Qin, let me ask you, to be honest, do you ever want to get a doctorate in the past?"

Huang Qin was stunned for a moment, but did not speak.

Xue Shen patted him on the shoulder and said earnestly: "Although Sanqing doesn't value degrees, there are too many talents. If you want to become the director of the laboratory, you may not be able to have a bachelor's degree in optics. If you have a doctorate, as Dr. The job of laboratory master is much less difficult."

"And in the future, I will be eligible for national awards and the like."

He suddenly laughed: "Maybe you can still be an academician."

"However, it also depends on your own ideas. If you want to be a business owner like Mr. Wei, a bachelor's degree is more than enough."

Huang Qin stared at him closely and interrupted him: "Is it true?"

"Which one are you talking about? Be the boss like Mr. Wei?"

"A little further ahead."

"Being the director of the laboratory? Or judging the national award?"

"No, a little later."

Xue Shen opened his mouth wide and stared at him blankly: "Being an academician, good guy, you really dare to think about it."

Huang Qin's eyes are as bright as light bulbs, but his face is extremely calm: "People always have dreams, I think it's okay, if they come true."

Xue Shen couldn't help giving a thumbs up: "I'm convinced, you are the god of learning, and I'm a scumbag. I only want to make money."

Huang Qin regained his naive expression at this moment, and said with a smile: "I'd better think about getting a doctorate first."

He looked up at the sky at a 45-degree angle, with longing on his face: "Thinking about being called Dr. Huang, I'm still a little excited."

Xue Shen encouraged: "Undergraduates can also directly take the Ph.D. exam, but it will be more difficult, but it is nothing more than work results and papers. I don't think this will be too difficult for you, and the rest are just some procedural things. , as long as you are willing to do it, it is a matter of time."

Speaking of this, he smiled self-deprecatingly: "Sure enough, people inside the besieged city always want to go out, but people outside the besieged city all want to come in, and they will want what they lack. This is the truth."

Huang Qin's eyes lit up and said, "Is it okay for me to take the master's and doctoral studies together? The best school is near the company, and then I can work and study well."

Xue Shen paused, spread his hands and said, "It is reasonable, but how to coordinate work and study depends on the company."

Huang Qin nodded excitedly, and drank the full cup of Coke in one gulp.

At this moment, there was a flame burning in his heart.

The cola entered the stomach, bringing a burst of coolness instantly, not only did not extinguish the fire, but it seemed to add fuel to the fire, making it burn more intensely.

Xue Shen's unintentional words completely ignited the dream in his heart.

In the past, he always felt that his grades were not good enough, he could only graduate from college, and could not develop academically.

But after coming to Sanqing, not only the project results have been produced frequently, but the academic level has also improved greatly.

He actually published an SCI paper, and even Dawei praised his scientific research level.

This gave him instant confidence, and his whole body floated up.

It seems to have returned to more than ten years ago, when he came to the county from the countryside and opened the door to a new world.

Not only is he full of motivation at work, but he also has new expectations for his life.

In other words, seeing the world and seeing the ladder, I want to climb higher.

"When a person finds the purpose of life, it is probably like this."

Huang Qin thought silently, only felt that his scalp was numb, and his whole body was numb and numb as if it had been electrified.

Every toe was trembling with excitement.

I went to the hospital to see a doctor a few days ago, so I was out of work for two days. After taking the medicine, I felt almost recovered, with only a little cough left.

Finally survived, and should be able to update normally in the future.

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