I can extract side effects

Chapter 520 I am by the sea, so it is reasonable to discharge nuclear waste water

Beijing, Beicheng District, Deep Sea Pelagic Fisheries Headquarters.

In a staff dormitory on the 5th floor, three medical staff wearing thick protective clothing are carefully searching every corner of the room.

Not long after, several packages of dried fish were found in the employee's cabinet, and after some testing, slight radiation residues were found.

The general manager Meng Tao stood aside, sweat dripping down his forehead visibly.

An investigator turned to look at him: "President Meng, we have some questions to ask, please answer them truthfully."

While wiping his cold sweat, Meng Tao nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

"No problem, it's like this. Our company is mainly engaged in fishing in the Pacific Ocean. There are about 12 ocean-going fishing vessels, all of which are docked in Jinhai Port. The headquarters is here, but most of the employees are in Jinhai."

"The fleet catches mainly goldfish, swordfish, and sailfish. There are many kinds of fish. The company's products are very popular in the market."

"Didn't it happen that a ship came back this time, and then the company wanted to give these employees some benefits, so they arranged for them to come to the headquarters to play. I never expected that such a thing would happen."

The investigators interrupted him and asked with a serious face: "Where are the sea fish you caught this time stored? Did they flow to the market?"

Meng Tao thought for a while, a look of panic appeared on his face, and said: "It is reasonable to say that they should still be in the cold storage on the Jinhai side, and they will be sold out in a while, but the local fish market is hard to say. It is likely that a batch has already been shipped."

The investigator's face became serious, and he said in a deep voice: "Quickly stop all the goods, and all the sold ones must be recycled. They must not flow to the market, otherwise it will cause a catastrophe."

"This..." Meng Tao was stunned for a moment, then squeezed out a smile and said, "It shouldn't be so serious. If the cargo can't be sold, the company will lose a lot."

"You are still thinking about your loss. Let me tell you the truth. This time, a total of 32 of your employees have suffered from chronic radiation sickness, which is already a major public health incident."

"The dried sea fish brought by the staff from the ship was found to contain excessive radioactive substances. I think you should know how serious the consequences are."

"The higher authorities attach great importance to this accident and set up an emergency investigation team. At present, people have been sent to Jinhai to inspect the catch of the entire ship to see if all the fish have been polluted."

"Until the matter is investigated, absolutely no contaminated fish can be allowed to flow into the market."

Meng Tao was taken aback by these words, and his face instantly turned pale.

After a while, he smiled wryly and said, "It's not the company's fault either. Our fishing routes are fixed every time, mainly in the North Pacific Ocean. There have never been any pollution accidents in the past. Why did this happen this time? It's over."

He frowned, thinking hard: "What the hell is going on?"

At this moment, the investigator's cell phone rang, and when he answered the call, his face changed drastically.

"What? The fish on board also detected radiation residue?"

"The same batch of ocean-going fishing boats that came back had more or less the same problem with the catches they caught?"

"Several fishermen have been admitted to Jinhai's hospital? All of them have the same symptoms of chronic radiation sickness?"

Hearing this, Meng Tao's face turned ashen for an instant, and he sat down on the ground with a plop: "Oops, I can't go to the North Pacific Ocean."


Beijing, the health department, and the emergency investigation team.

In the conference room, the atmosphere was tense, and everyone's faces were ugly, staring at the report in front of them without saying a word.

After a while, the team leader Li Hua considered his words and spoke slowly.

"The results of the investigation are very clear. The current situation is very serious. The catches of the ocean-going fishing boats that have returned within half a month have been more or less radioactively contaminated. It is very likely that the sea areas where they fished have been polluted. .”

"Everyone knows that the harm caused by radioactive pollution will not be immediately apparent, but will have a certain incubation period."

"During this period, trace amounts of radioactive elements will accumulate in aquatic organisms, contaminate the entire food chain, and enter the human body through the food chain. When a certain dose is accumulated in the body, it will cause harm and develop into chronic radiation sickness from internal exposure. "

"That's why the distant-water fishing unions are only breaking out together now. In fact, they have been eating nuclear-contaminated food on fishing boats for several months, mainly salvaged marine fish."

"The only thing that is difficult to determine at present is which specific sea area is polluted, because these ocean-going fishing boats go to many places, and it is difficult to screen them out for a while."

"There is an even bigger difficulty, that is, where did this damn nuclear pollution come from?"

At the end of Li Hua's speech, he was obviously angry. He slammed the table and shouted: "Which bastard is throwing nuclear waste into the sea, and when he is caught, he must pay a heavy price!"

This remark immediately resonated, and everyone looked aggrieved and cursed at one another.

"That's right, it's too much. Throwing nuclear waste into the sea is simply the enemy of mankind!"

"This organization that caused seawater nuclear pollution must have worked secretly for a long time to cause such a big impact and pollute the entire North Pacific Ocean."

"I'm afraid it's not just this one. It's very likely that it will follow the ocean current to the east and then south. After a long time, the entire Pacific Ocean will not be spared."

"Nimma, is this still a human? It's just a beast, no, it should be worse than a beast. They don't know that this thing is difficult to degrade, and will it radiate for decades?"

"It's better to report this matter to the whole world, so that the countries along the Pacific Ocean can pay more attention. It is estimated that the marine fish caught recently cannot be eaten, and I estimate that some people in other countries may also have symptoms of radiation sickness."

"That's right, it's better to investigate together with other countries, so that we can find out the scope of the pollution and the time of emission as soon as possible."

"At the same time, we will also send ships to conduct field surveys along the Pacific Ocean to test the seawater."

"Okay," Li Hua nodded, and said, "I'll report to my superiors immediately and take action. I must find out this bastard as soon as possible."

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door.

A staff member walked in in a panic: "It's not good, there are already media reports on this matter, and it's all on the hot search."

Li Hua stood up abruptly, left a word, and hurried out the door.

"Time waits for no one, everyone should hurry up and give the public an explanation as soon as possible."


Just when the investigation team was in a state of desperation, the news about this matter on the Internet was overwhelming and everywhere.

Because of the large number of cases, the hospital couldn't hide it at all, and soon spread it from family members.

When the media heard the news, they came to the door. After some interviews, they learned that it was the practice of nuclear pollution in the ocean waters. They were so excited that they immediately reported it as the headline news.

"Marine fish have eaten radiation sickness, and the ocean waters are suspected of being polluted by nuclear weapons."

"The Pacific Ocean is not covered, who is poisoning?"

"Shocked, the fisherman ate seafood and was admitted to the ICU, and the man behind it was..."

The news rushed to the hot search list one after another, and almost wiped out Langbo's server.

After seeing this incident, netizens all over the country were blown up.

"What the hell? You can't eat seafood? Otherwise you'll get radiation sickness?"

"Crazy, who would be so vicious to throw nuclear waste into the sea?"

"Speechless, the reason for the extinction of human beings is actually death."

"It must be the Eagle Nation. They do it all the time."

"That's right, the submarine oil pipeline was blown up last time. This is something Eagle Nation can do."

"The cancer of the earth really deserves its reputation."

"If Trisolarans come to earth, I will be the first to lead the way. The only condition is to destroy the Eagle Nation. They really don't do anything."

"I'll go, don't scare me, I have to eat sashimi every week, I won't get this disease too."

"Brother Fu upstairs, although it is a bit unkind to say this, I still suggest you go to the hospital for a comprehensive physical examination."

"Your sister, I love seafood the most. Isn't this forcing me to go for an inspection?"

"I just ate king crab yesterday, and I was shivering, not daring to think about it."

"Let's eat river fresh food in the future. I read some information. The two rivers in Huaxia drain from west to east and flow into the ocean, so the river fresh food will not be polluted."

"After saying that, I feel relieved. I am going to leave Haishi and go back to my hometown to make a mess."

"It's terrible. What if the coastal area is also affected? What anti-radiation drugs should I take?"

"Tired, destroy it."

The netizen "Vicissitudes of Justice" is a resident of Haishi. He loves sashimi the most in his life, especially the various seafood and fish imported from Sakura Country.

After seeing the news on the Internet, he suddenly trembled and felt that his whole body was not strong.

Either dizziness and nausea, or weakness, and even a little want to vomit.

He thought about it for a moment, and trembled instantly.

Immediately, I took a taxi to Ruiji Hospital and gave myself a full physical examination. The most important thing was to detect whether there was any radioactive contamination in my body.

While queuing up at the hospital, he met many people who, like him, love seafood. After watching the news, they worried about their health and came to check them one after another.

When the test results came out, he glanced over and screamed: "Oh my god, there is an arrow in the white blood cell count, do I have leukemia?"

The more I thought about it, the more frightened I became, and I quickly took it to the doctor.

Unexpectedly, after seeing this, something really happened. Because I often eat seafood, I have already developed some mild symptoms of chronic radiation sickness.

Fortunately, it was discovered early and could be treated in time. Otherwise, if it drags on, the radioactive substances in the body will accumulate more and more, which may be life-threatening.

The "Vicissitudes of Justice" narrowly escaped death, and couldn't help but feel scared for a while, so he quickly took out his mobile phone and posted his experience on the Internet.

It instantly attracted many netizens to watch, and it became popular in the blink of an eye.

As a result, more and more people went to the hospital for examination.

Some people found out it was a false alarm, but some people really checked out for health problems.

Although it is difficult to say whether this is caused by a long-term unhealthy lifestyle, or whether it is really eating too much contaminated seafood.

But it has successfully caused panic across the Internet.

People are buying anti-radiation drugs one after another, and the iodized salt in the supermarket is even sold out.

Even the official issued an announcement to appease the public, saying that the matter is under investigation and please wait for the results of the investigation.

In this way, while grabbing salt, everyone waited eagerly, waiting for a formal investigation result.


Eagle Country, a relevant department.

Saul looked at his capable subordinate with a serious face: "Someone of us is secretly dumping nuclear waste into the sea again? We must find out quickly, this matter has become a big deal, we can't continue to do it, otherwise we will have to wipe it's ass .”

Chris chuckled and didn't take it seriously: "Head, don't worry, it's very simple, just throw the pot on the bear's head."

"It is said that they secretly transported nuclear waste to the Pacific Ocean and wanted to harm us. No one doubts it."

"As for the others, even if they guess it's us, so what, it's not like they don't dare to fart."

Sol nodded, then knocked on the table, and said angrily.

"Which idiot is this? Do you think that no one will know if you did it secretly? I'm so pissed off. We must fine him an astronomical sum of money and let him learn a lesson he will never forget."

Suddenly, the mobile phone on the table rang. He picked it up and looked at it, and his expression changed immediately.

"No, the superiors must have asked me to question again. Hurry up and mobilize all your strength to find this idiot."


In the eastern waters, a ship is riding the wind and waves, sailing on the vast open sea.

It has been several days since I left the Qingdao base. The ship has already left the Yellow Sea and came to the vicinity of Yudao along the East China Sea.

To go to the high seas, you can only detour from Yudao and rush to the North Pacific Ocean.

Several investigators came to the deck, fetched some seawater, and headed into the laboratory.

They all have the task of taking water along the way and testing the content of radioactive substances in the seawater.

As long as the polluted sea areas are clear, the culprit behind it can be found out according to the direction of the Pacific Ocean currents.

It didn't take long for the investigators to discover and ran excitedly to report to the captain.

"It is reported that trace amounts of radioactive elements have been detected in the nearby sea area, with tritium as the main component, and some iodine-129 and strontium-90, but the content is not high."

"Based on the distribution of ocean currents, it is likely that the discharge site is not far from here."

The captain was a little surprised: "Seawater pollution was found here, which means it's not far away."

His face became extremely serious: "Speed ​​up immediately and drive north along the open sea."

In this way, all the way north, the test results along the way were shocking.

The farther you go north, the higher the tritium content in the seawater. When you come to the waters near Radiant Island, although you are still on the high seas, the content of radioactive elements in the seawater is already too high to be ignored.

Investigators immediately reported this major discovery to the investigation team.

When Li Hua heard the news, he was stunned.

By the time he reacted, a series of swear words had come out of his mouth.

"Fuck, it turned out to be a good thing done by a certain country."

"These bastards should have dropped a few more bombs in the first place."

He rushed to report angrily, and when the higher-ups learned of this, they were immediately shocked and angry.

Due to the solid evidence, the matter was quickly settled, and the black hand behind it was also found out.

And after negotiations, the other party has no regrets, claiming that all this is a reasonable behavior.

This natural attitude made people's blood pressure soar instantly when they saw it.

It's outrageous. Open the door to Outrageous. Outrageous is home.

Therefore, the investigation team released the detailed investigation results to the public that day, exposing the matter to the world.

As soon as the news came out, there was an uproar all over the world.

Because it was audited, I can't say it explicitly, I can only hint it, but everyone should know it.

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