I can extract side effects

Chapter 645 The correct way to open 5G: ultra-remote robotic surgery

Gan Province, Guan City People's Hospital.

In the standard operating room of 33 square meters, there is a brand new surgical robot, even the plastic film on the robotic arm has not been torn off.

Dean Feng stood at the door, looking at the busy installers, grinning from ear to ear.

A group of people surrounded him, crowding the door of the operating room, with curious gleams in their eyes.

"Dean, is this the surgical robot you mentioned? It looks so cool."

"Wow, I can use this for surgery in the future?"

"Is there any training? I don't know how to use it yet?"

"I heard that this is very powerful, and it can be used in any surgery."

"Isn't it just one? Our six departments use one in turn? Doesn't that mean that each department can only use one day a week?"

"There is a good one. Some simple operations can be done with a laparoscope. It is cheap and easy to use. It is also minimally invasive, and there is no need for surgical robots."

"That's right, I figured it out, we can use robots to perform 8 operations a day, our department doesn't have so many difficult operations in a day, it's still enough."

"It's okay, the dean said that this domestic robot is not expensive, and we will buy two more when it goes on the market. In a few years, every department will be equipped with one."

"Great, just thinking about it makes me look forward to it."

The medical staff were discussing in one go, with joyful smiles on their faces.

Seeing that the surgical robot was installed, it was turned on and debugged, and after confirming that there was no problem, everyone rushed over excitedly.

You touch it, I touch it, just like Grandma Liu entered the Grand View Garden, everything is very fresh.

Six trained surgeons, with a confident smile on their faces, explained the composition and structure of the robot to their colleagues.

Dean Feng waved his hand, and the audience fell silent.

He cleared his throat and said, "Starting in the afternoon, Sanqing's technicians will give training courses to relevant departments. First, three days of theoretical and operational courses, followed by two weeks of practical courses."

"Remember to take time to go to class, and there is an exam after class. Those with excellent grades will be rewarded, and those who fail..."

Speaking of this, he paused for a moment, showing a fierce expression, and shouted: "Heavy punishment for failure!"

These words shocked everyone instantly, and everyone's expressions became serious, and they all nodded.


"Be sure to pass the exam and not disappoint Feng Yuan."

"Don't worry, I'm good at exams."

Dean Feng smiled with satisfaction.

At this time, out of the corner of his eye, he glanced at the door, saw several staff members in telecom uniforms, and immediately greeted them.

"You are from Telecom, please come in, I am waiting here."

The one in front was a middle-aged man with a dark complexion. He immediately exclaimed when he saw the surgical robot placed in the room.

"Dean Feng, is this the exclusive 5G operating room you mentioned? This thing looks really high-tech."

Dean Feng touched the stubble on his chin with a smile, and said, "This is the latest surgical robot we just introduced. It's from Sanqing, a brand name."

"Considering that there may be a long-term need for remote surgery in the future, the hospital plans to build a dedicated 5G operating room to ensure the smooth progress of remote surgery from the site and equipment."

"You know, if there is a problem with the network signal during the operation, it will be a big accident, so it must be as foolproof as possible."

The face of the people in Telecom became serious. Although they knew that the hospital was going to build a 5G operating room, they always thought it was a remote consultation or something, but they didn't expect it to be a remote operation.

If something goes wrong, causing the network signal to be interrupted during the operation, and it goes to other places across the board, such as the aorta, wouldn't he be responsible too?

Thinking of this, they suddenly felt a lot of pressure, their backs felt chilly, and they broke out in a cold sweat.

Sanqing's technicians stood beside them, seeing that everyone's expressions were wrong, they quickly explained.

"You can rest assured that our machines have safety features, which are enough to escort the operation."

"In case the signal is interrupted and the machine cannot receive external signals, emergency measures will be taken to suspend the operation and let the on-site doctors take over and continue, instead of relying entirely on telemedicine."

"Aiming at this point, we will focus on training doctors so that they are familiar with our machine and understand this emergency measure, so that patients will never take risks, and there will be no medical accidents."

After hearing this, all the people in Telecom breathed a sigh of relief, and their hearts were finally relieved.

Dean Feng was even more satisfied, and said cheerfully: "It's because you guys are thoughtful, you are worthy of being a big company, and the technical force is strong."

Immediately, the telecommunications personnel got to work immediately and spent an afternoon installing the dedicated 5G network equipment.

Afterwards, I debugged the machine with Sanqing technicians to confirm that the remote surgery function was correct and the delay was shortened to an acceptable level, before finishing the day's work.

The next day, Dean Feng hurried to the operating room early in the morning.

Today, he is going to have a remote surgery test, and he has been in a state of excitement since he got up.

With the help of technicians, the surgical robot was adjusted to the best condition, and the hour hand also pointed to 8:30.

Dean Fang's call came on time: "Old Feng, our side is ready, how is your side?"

Dean Feng shouted at the top of his voice: "My side is also ready, let the technicians on both sides check first."

Soon, the technical teams of both sides reached an agreement, and the remote surgery experiment officially started.

Dean Feng's side is located in the northwestern border of the motherland, and the straight-line distance from Kunming City is as high as 2,800 kilometers. Such a long distance can only be performed under the high-speed 5G network.

In less than 3 minutes, the surgical robot here was connected to the console of the operating room in Kunming.

As usual, let’s start with the animal experiments. A little piglet was brought up and made a whimpering sound.

After a shot of anesthetic, the little pig fell silent immediately, and lay peacefully on the operating table, being inspected by the camera.

When the full-body image of the little pig appeared on the screen in Kunshi, the audience burst into cheers.

"The first step is successful, let's check the delay."

"Yes, even if it is 3,000 kilometers away, the robot can still transmit the patient's image to the big screen in Kunming in real time."

"With 5G technology, the time delay is shortened to 0.1 seconds, mainly due to the distance, and the fastest speed of optical fiber is like this."

"If there is a faster transmission speed, the time delay can definitely be shortened."

"However, the delay of 0.1 seconds is also very good, at least remote surgery is really usable."

"In the past, remote surgery could not be realized, mainly because the network delay time was too long, and the doctor saw the picture of the patient two or three seconds ago, so if there is a mistake in the operation, it is easy to cause a medical accident."

"Now with 5G high-speed network and AI-assisted technology, low latency has finally been realized."

"As long as the doctor is given corresponding delay training and is familiar with the operation, he can complete the remote surgery as usual."

"Of course, there's an imaging reason besides low latency."

"Because the body is three-dimensional, if it is a two-dimensional picture, it is not easy to distinguish the distance relationship on the picture, especially the three-dimensional distance. It is easy for doctors to make mistakes in judgment, which will increase the rate of medical accidents."

"The images on the surgical robot are all 3D, just like a doctor visiting the scene in person. The picture seen during the operation is clearer, and the sense of distance is closer to the real experience. The operation is naturally easier to operate, and there will be no misjudgment. .”

Dean Fang, who was far away in Kunming City, was in a good mood when he saw the pink and tender pig on the screen.

With the phone in his hand, he never stopped talking, talking incessantly.

Hearing Dean Feng's nodding repeatedly, he sighed endlessly.

"Technology has really changed the world. Think about it. In the past, when we encountered operations that could not be performed, if we wanted to find an expert doctor, we could only go to provincial capital hospitals or big cities."

"Nowadays in local hospitals, you can still enjoy expert-level surgical treatment. Patients no longer have to travel around. Not to mention saving money, it also saves a lot of trouble. Relatives can also be taken care of nearby without so much trouble."

"The doctor also saves the trouble of traveling long distances and throwing knives everywhere. In his own hospital, he can directly perform operations on patients far away."

"Remote surgery is a great thing for hospitals, patients, and doctors."

"Of course, this is the legendary triple win." Dean Fang was about to continue, when his tone suddenly changed and he shouted excitedly.

"Hey, old Feng, the operation has started, did you see it?"

"I see, the robotic arm on my side has moved, and the operation has started automatically." Dean Feng shouted excitedly.

Dean Fang stared intently at the operation picture on the screen, and felt his throat dry up for a while, unable to say anything.

From his point of view, the doctor sitting in front of the console can see the operation screen 3,000 kilometers away, operate the robotic arm, and perform the corresponding operation.

All of this is like magic, no, it’s more like playing a game, as long as you press and hold the handle, the characters in the game will make corresponding actions according to the operation and complete a series of tasks.

Especially when he saw the empty operating table out of the corner of his eye, this magical feeling became real again, which brought a great impact to his heart.

And 2,800 kilometers away, Dean Feng and medical staff surrounded the operating table.

I saw the thick mechanical arm move by itself, skillfully and slowly cut a wound in the pig's abdomen, and then sent the surgical equipment into the body.

Immediately afterwards, the robotic arm performed a hepatic lobectomy for the piglet with smooth operations.

Everyone was in a daze the whole time, falling into a dazed and dumbfounded state.

I watched helplessly as the robotic arm took out a small piece of liver, checked the results of the operation, and automatically sewed up the wound after everything was correct, and then returned to its original position without moving.

All this fell into their eyes, more mysterious than the most magical magic.

However, this is not magic, but the power of modern cutting-edge technology.

Until the end of the operation, the robotic arm recovered as before, and the machine issued a voice prompt.

Everyone is still immersed in shock, unable to calm down for a long time.

"Old Feng, how is it? Is remote surgery awesome?"

"Hey, why is there no response from your side? I have finished the operation here? Is something wrong? It shouldn't be."

Dean Fang's voice rang through the phone's speaker, and he gradually became agitated because he couldn't get an immediate response.

At this time, Dean Feng said as if waking up from a dream: "It's okay, it's okay, the main surgery effect is so good, everyone was stunned, and I didn't react for a while, hahaha."

Dean Fang breathed a sigh of relief, and said with a smile: "I see, I was almost frightened by you, and thought something happened."

"The animal experiment was very successful. After a few more hands-on exercises, after the doctor is familiar with it, we can conduct clinical trials on patients."

"In this regard, you still have to go out and find a suitable patient."

"By the way, if it is a patient's clinical operation, it can be regarded as the first remote operation in China, and it has achieved zero breakthrough."

"The higher authorities attach great importance to this point, and arranged for the media to conduct a full interview on the first 5G operation. Your hospital and mine must cooperate with the publicity."

"Relevant media should have flown to your place. Remember to receive them and let me know when you are ready. Then both sides will film the surgery scene together and make a special report."

"No problem, you just put your heart on me." Dean Feng patted his chest and agreed without hesitation.


An unremarkable weekend, when people across the country turned on their TVs and mobile phones, trying to find some entertainment.

All TV stations and Internet media began to broadcast a major news.

"Science fiction movies come into reality, how to achieve 5G remote surgery, please watch this report."

"The patient is in Gansu Province, and the doctor is in Kunming City. A 30-minute operation spanning nearly 3,000 kilometers broke through the limitations of time and space, and the limitations of hands and eyes. It actually happened in reality."

"The surgical robot that implements this 5G ultra-remote surgery was developed by my country's medical giant Sanqing Group. Its core software and hardware have broken through technical barriers, and all have been self-developed and self-produced. It is the product of the continuous cross-integration of my country's medical industry and information technology .”

"The typical characteristics of my country's 5G network, such as high speed, large connection, and low latency, are fully demonstrated in the field of remote surgery, and successfully escort the surgery."

"Next, our reporter will take you into this magical feast of telesurgery."

With the pleasant voice of the host, the screen turned and was divided into two scenes, left and right.

The scene on the left is the operating table, and the scene on the right is a surgeon sitting in front of the console.

In both scenes, there is a high-tech surgical robot that shines brightly.

In front of the camera, I saw the doctor in surgical gown staring at the screen in front of him, skillfully operating the console with both hands, performing cholecystectomy on a patient 3,000 kilometers away.

Then, the screen changed again, and the doctor and the patient appeared on the screen one by one, telling about the operation process and postoperative experience.

"The operation went very smoothly, there was basically no delay, and the robotic arm in Gan Province could almost respond synchronously to the commands I gave on the console."

Lost in memories, the doctor spoke slowly, and said the last sentence with an accentuated tone.

"This is a breakthrough in my country's robot 5G ultra-remote human liver and gallbladder surgery!"

The patient's face was full of joy, and he kept praising the remote surgery in an amazed tone.

"I was diagnosed with an acute attack of cholecystitis in a local hospital. I originally wanted to go to the provincial hospital for surgery, because our local hospital does not have hepatobiliary surgery, only general surgery. I am not at ease about the level of surgery in the hospital."

"Later, I learned that experts from the First People's Hospital of Kunming could do remote surgery, and I immediately agreed."

"I know the level of the First People's Hospital of Kunming City. Even the Cleveland Clinic, the top hospital in Eagle Country, has to come to the hospital for advanced training. You must feel relieved to perform surgery on me."

"They said that cholecystectomy is a routine operation in hepatobiliary surgery. I don't need to travel to other places. I just need to do it on a robot. It's very simple and the recovery is fast without any complications."

"The operation took half an hour and was very successful. I was able to walk the next day and was discharged from the hospital five days later."

"So far, there is nothing wrong with it. It is as if there is no disease. After an examination, it is healthy in all aspects."

"I never dreamed that in such a small place as Gan Province, there would be a top doctor to operate on me."

"Times have really changed. I heard from doctors that major surgery can also be done..."

After the news was broadcast, this high-tech operation immediately sparked heated discussions across the Internet.

"The advancement of technology is really amazing."

"If this kind of equipment is used in disaster relief, field emergency rescue, medical assistance in remote mountainous areas, or even behind the battlefield, it is simply a magic weapon."

"5G has been developed for so many years, and finally a king bomb-level application has been released."

"Grandpa, grandma, grandpa, grandma, come out and watch 5G, and you can also perform surgery in your hometown in the future."

"Ultra-remote robotic surgery, that's what 5G is really going to do."

"We are at the forefront of 5G, and surgical robots have begun to break through again. Combining the two, we are not the best."

"The rise of China is unstoppable!"

Netizens talked a lot, and they all sighed at the technological content of the combination of Sanqing surgical robot and 5G, which pushed the news to a climax again.

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