I can find treasures in my dreams

Chapter 19 Magnetic Storm Troopers

Yang Fan turned his head and looked over and saw a familiar face.

It was the middle-aged female neighbor in Building 12.

Just now she was scorning her fatherlessness and motherlessness behind her back, but later she was embarrassed by the snow falling from the roof.

This woman got a loudspeaker from somewhere and was complaining at the top of her lungs.

“Linjiang City Hall owes an explanation to Yuewan Community and all residents of the city!”

This woman's words were extremely inflammatory and catered to the hidden thoughts of many people.

The crowd suddenly became excited, and many people started shouting.

"That's right!"

"We want an explanation!"

The personnel sent by the city hall to distribute supplies looked particularly powerless in the face of the excited crowd, just like a few small boats facing the angry sea.

Yang Fan was speechless.

This is a natural disaster, not a man-made disaster. No one owes you an explanation!

He saw very clearly through his crow companion that the officials had been working all night to repair the power facilities, even if it snowed heavily.

Giant baby!

The middle-aged woman raised her right arm vigorously, clenched her right hand into a fist, and her voice became sharper: "We need more supply packages, at least ten supply packages per person!"

The crowd roared.

“We want supply kits!”

"Ten supply packs per person!"

Yang Fan shook his head slightly: "Sure enough, it's the urine."

Things in this world are nothing more than fame and fortune.

He had already guessed that the middle-aged woman was jumping up and down and inciting the residents of the community to cause trouble because she wanted more daily necessities.

But the question is, if the city hall meets the requirements of Yuewan Community, should other communities also distribute ten supply packages per capita?

If not, it would obviously be unfair.

If it were issued, Linjiang City would definitely not have the ability.

Because the vast majority of supplies are directly controlled by the Supreme Executive Yuan of Daxia.

Yang Fan could even imagine that according to past practice, in order to calm down the turmoil as soon as possible, a leader like a middle-aged woman would probably receive additional benefits.

The entrance to the community was completely in chaos.

After the middle-aged woman lit the fire with one hand, the residents' shouts for more supply packages gathered into a torrent.

The official in charge of this matter, Zou Jinghui, stood on the roof of the truck with a confused look on his face.

It's not that he didn't try to explain, but his voice was drowned in countless shouts, and no one heard him.

Zou Jinghui looked at this scene with a pale face, suddenly feeling a strong sense of absurdity.

The management of this city saw that Linjiang City was so severely affected by the disaster. They did not hesitate to risk being held accountable by their superiors and snatched a batch of supplies from Daxia Commercial Communication.

After discussion, it was decided to distribute the supplies free of charge to all residents in the city in the form of material packages.

Zou Jinghui never expected that giving away things for free would cause big trouble.

He couldn't help but have a thought: "If this city didn't have to work hard to raise supplies, wouldn't this kind of bad thing happen?"

The answer is obvious.

Zou Jinghui was very confused: "We obviously work hard and want to fight against disasters. Why did things become like this?"


There was a loud bang.

Zou Jinghui woke up with a start.

He was horrified to find that a gray-haired old man found a wooden stick from nowhere and hit the truck hard.

"Ten supply packs for each person. Hurry up and give them to me!"

The old man's eyes were filled with hysterical fanaticism.

Zou Jinghui instantly had a premonition - something big was going to happen!

Another thought inexplicably flashed through his mind: "No wonder the first article of the "Great Summer Emergency Act" is to recruit 20 million soldiers."

Global disasters occur frequently, and without sufficient force, social order cannot be maintained.

"Bang! Bang!"

The truck was hit hard several more times.

The words some residents shouted out became dangerous.

"Pry open the door!"

"We'll get it ourselves!"

Zou Jinghui's heart sank deeply.

It's over!

He had already foreseen what would happen next - broken doors, looting, stampedes, dead people.

outside the crowd.

Yang Fan frowned tightly. He really didn't expect that things would turn into a violent robbery.

He took a look at the squished children in the crowd and the frightened faces, and decided to take action.

The situation was extremely close to getting out of control, and no one else at the scene had the ability to prevent the tragedy except him.

He has every way to get rid of these troublemakers without exposing himself.

Yang Fan stared at the most noisy part of the crowd, and his thoughts moved slightly.

A mark shaped like a branch quietly emerged from the chest.

It is the Thunder Branch.

Yang Fan took a step forward with his right foot, and the thunder branch trembled.

A red electric light instantly flowed from his feet into the ground, swam to the target area, and then exploded silently.

Centered on the bursting point, an interesting scene appeared.

The hair of more than 300 residents around them stood up and suddenly turned into afros.

They also felt a numbness all over their body, electric shocks and pain in various parts, and completely lost control of their limbs.

The atmosphere that was about to boil suddenly cooled down rapidly.

All sounds stopped suddenly.

Everyone stared at this scene dumbly.

Only Yang Fan was very satisfied: "With my current strength, I can definitely call myself a 'magnetic infantryman'."

A second passed.

A roar spread across the gate of the community: "There is a leakage in the ground, everyone, disperse quickly."

The residents came to their senses and immediately dispersed.

Although some people accidentally fell to the ground in panic, the crowd dispersed in all directions and did not cause trampling, so no one was injured.

Yang Fan mixed in the crowd, showing a look of horror at the right time.

He looked at the sky and saw a crow flying towards the community, and the corners of his mouth slightly grinned: "This is the work of Mr. Ling Ya, and I have absolutely nothing to do with it."

Even if the official investigation is carried out afterwards, as long as this crow is seen, most people will think that this matter should be the work of Mr. Ling Ya in secret.

He turned around without hesitation and walked quickly to Building 12 where his home was.

On the top of the truck.

Zou Jinghui was also affected by the electric light, but the degree was relatively mild, and only his feet felt a little numb.

This guy shouted without hesitation: "Hurry up and report to the patrol station, there is an accident in Yuewan Community!"

He was greatly relieved.

It was great that the stampede did not happen.

Zou Jinghui's eyes swept through the crowd and remembered the face of a middle-aged woman.

He gritted his teeth: "Just now you deliberately fanned the flames, do you really think I can't see it?"

Zou Jinghui thought of the strange electric current again, and was a little doubtful: "Could it be a superpower?"



Yang Fan closed the door of his house and muttered: "Standing outside for so long, my hands and feet are frozen, it's a pity."

He moved his right hand, took out a bag of strange-tasting beans from the Space Pearl, tore open the package, and took one and put it in his mouth.


Yang Fan chewed and muttered: "It's better to be at home."

He spread an electric blanket, lay lazily on the sofa, and watched the excitement with great interest.

Of course.

The way of watching the excitement is quite different.

Yang Fan activated his supernatural power and issued an order: "Black 48, go to the patrol station."



Yang Fan saw that more than a dozen explosion-proof vehicles lined up in a long line and rushed towards Yuewan Community.


He took another bite of the strange-tasting beans and nodded with satisfaction: "Not bad! It seems that the authorities have finally recognized the situation."

Yang Fan issued another order: "Black 48, you go fly over the explosion-proof convoy."


The purpose of doing this is, of course, to "put the blame" on Mr. Ling Ya.

Although the authorities will investigate everyone present, he is innocent and the authorities have no reason to doubt.

The more "bright" part of his personal resume is that he made a lot of money in the stock market.

Later, he started a supermarket and lost a lot of money, and then traveled around the country.

All of the above.

He did it carefully.

Yang Fan didn't think that the authorities would associate a young man who liked to toss around with a superpower.

After all, the authorities are made up of living people, they are not gods, and it is impossible for them to see through everything.


A quarter of an hour later.

A large number of people rushed to Yuewan Community and forcibly dispersed the people at the door.

Faced with the fully armed patrolmen, no residents dared to make trouble, and no one had the courage to attack the truck, and they all dispersed obediently.

The authorities immediately cancelled the activity of distributing free material packages and quickly drove away the truck full of material packages.

Zou Jinghui ran straight to Building 12 of the community and knocked on the door of Room 501.

"Dong! Dong!"

He knocked quite hard, almost like smashing the door, as if venting his anger.

A sharp female voice came from the door: "Who is crazy enough to knock on our door?"

The door opened immediately.

The middle-aged woman stood at the door with her hands on her hips, with an aggressive attitude: "If our door is broken, you must be responsible..."

The words were not finished.

The voice suddenly dropped.

Because she saw that there were several patrolmen standing behind the other party.

Zou Jinghui asked coldly: "Are you Fang Shufen?"

The middle-aged woman was a little suspicious: "I am."

Her tone was raised again: "What do you want to do?"

Zou Jinghui did not speak, but just took a step back.

A patrol chief stepped forward and said calmly: "Ms. Fang Shufen, you are accused of "endangering public safety". Come back with us for investigation."

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