I can find treasures in my dreams

Chapter 236: The boss makes plans before taking action

Arctic ice sheet.

Qin Deguang buried himself in the snow and did not dare to move.

He is now hungry, cold and sleepy. The idiom "hungry and cold" is not an exaggeration to describe him.

Hungry - the dry food he carried with him has been completely consumed a long time ago, and he has not eaten for two days and two nights.

Cold - Although he has awakened the ice power, he has a very strong resistance to cold.

But he is a warm-blooded creature after all, and he can't stand being in an icy and snowy environment for too long.

Sleepy - I didn't sleep for three days and three nights, and I had to run away desperately. During this period, there were more than a dozen battles, and Iron Man couldn't bear it anymore.

Not only that.

During a battle, Qin Deguang's internal organs were shocked, and now he felt a dull pain from time to time.


Just one word - miserable!

Qin Deguang recalled the experience of the past few days and couldn't help but cursed in his heart: "Fuck you!"

When he first entered the Arctic Circle, he thought it would be a wonderful journey.

He stayed with a local family and met a beautiful girl named "Anna".

And Miss Bering's enthusiasm and initiative really opened his eyes.

The "vision" mentioned here is the real vision.

One windy and snowy night, Anna quietly sneaked into Qin Deguang's small room, and the two spent a romantic night together.

After dawn, Qin Deguang said goodbye to Anna and prepared to continue exploring his own supernatural powers.

Before leaving, he seriously told Anna that when he returns from the ice field, he will bring her and her family back to Daxia.


Qin Deguang entered the Arctic ice field alone.

After spending several days in this extremely cold place, when he was sleeping one night, a warning sign suddenly appeared in his mind.

Fortunately, he was cautious enough and arranged safe escape routes every time he went camping in the wild.

This time he dug a tunnel in the snow in advance and escaped through the tunnel in time, avoiding the enemy's attack.


This is just the beginning.

The enemy did not give up, but stayed behind. He tried his best, but still could not get rid of the pursuit.

This made him understand that the enemy must have someone with special powers who is good at tracking.

At this moment.

Qin Deguang recalled the thrills along the way, and his thoughts flew a little further.

“Recently, I have been surrounded by ice and snow all day long, and I have been wandering on the edge of life and death from time to time.

"My mental power seems to have undergone a slight transformation, and my ability level has also improved to a certain extent.

"The most important thing is that I seem to have a very strange ability to sense ice and snow.

"I have been in danger several times before. The ice and snow seemed to have warned me, otherwise I would have been cold."

Qin Deguang sincerely thanked Mr. Lingya for his advice: "Mr. Lingya is indeed right.

"Only in this extremely cold environment can my powers be best tempered."

After a while.

He felt something in his heart again, and secretly cursed: "The ghost is still lingering."

Qin Deguang quickly cleared his mind and tried to imagine himself as a piece of ice.

This is a little concealment technique that Mr. Lingcrow taught a certain psychic some time ago.

This method is widely spread among the Kyushu Legion.

He had tried it before, but it had no effect.

Now that he has been wandering around in the Arctic for a while, he has somehow mastered this knack.

This moment.

Qin Deguang vaguely felt that the ice and snow around him were breathing and looking at him.

He instinctively adjusted his breathing rate to match Bingxue's breathing.

A few seconds passed.

Something amazing happened.

Qin Deguang's body surface temperature dropped rapidly, quickly reaching zero degrees, and his heartbeat became extremely slow.

He felt like he had really turned into a piece of ice.

Another moment passed.


A cold wind swept through.

Qin Deguang vaguely heard intermittent voices mixed in the wind.

He immediately recognized it as Beringian.

He spent two days with Anna's family, and rolled under the same bed with this Bering girl, so he heard it instantly.

Qin Deguang curled his lips and said in his heart: "Sure enough!"

He had always suspected that Bai Ren was chasing him, but he couldn't find any evidence.

Now there is finally evidence.

Qin Deguang was furious in his heart: "Wait for me! If you dare to attack us Daxia people, I will definitely ask the boss to come and deal with you!"

After a while.

The sound of hurried footsteps came from far and near, accompanied by the sound of sniffing something.


A picture naturally emerged in Qin Deguang's mind.

A rather large white wolf, nearly 2.5 meters long, was sniffing around in the snow with its head lowered.

His mind moved, and he immediately thought of the name of an organization: "Druid Secret Realm."

This is the superhuman organization of the Bering Kingdom.

There are two main types of superpowers who join this organization: the plant type and the animal taming type.

This white wolf's strength cannot reach the level of mutant creatures. It is most likely a creature raised in the Druid's secret realm.


The footsteps came very close, no more than 10 meters away.

Qin Deguang's heart suddenly lifted up.

Bai Lang didn't stop and walked straight over.

Qin Deguang breathed a sigh of relief.

He muttered again in his heart: "Thank you Mr. Lingya!"

Anyone who thinks about it with his butt knows that the white wolf's sense of smell must be very powerful.

Without the stealth skills taught by Mr. Lingya, I and he felt that he would definitely die.

Another hour passed.

Qin Deguang emerged from the snow.

He shook his body a few times like a dog, and the snow dust all over his body fell down one after another.

His body temperature rose rapidly and soon climbed to normal levels.

Qin Deguang looked at the direction in which the white wolf disappeared, gritted his teeth and cursed: "You are dead in the Druid Secret Realm of Dog Day!"

He was a little distressed: "What method did Bai Ren use to keep chasing me like a dog?"

He thought about this problem for days and nights, but still couldn't find a clue.

Qin Deguang shook his head and gave up his futile thinking: "I wish I had one-tenth of Mr. Lingya's ability."

His heart moved, and two pieces of thin ice quietly appeared under his feet, and they quickly slid forward.

With the help of the superpower, the sliding speed exceeded 30 meters per second, which is about 100 kilometers per hour.


A fierce gust of wind swept through.

Qin Deguang was forced to bend down and lower his figure, and his speed suddenly slowed down by half.

He felt as if the cold had seeped into his bones, and he gritted his teeth and cursed, "It's so cold when riding a horse!"

He clearly felt that as time went by, the cold wind in the Arctic ice sheet became colder.

This is not to say that temperatures are cooler.

Instead, the cold wind was affected by unknown factors, gradually giving birth to some kind of supernatural power.

Even though he was wrapped up tightly, body heat was still slowly flowing away.

For ordinary people, this is definitely a death zone.


other side.

More than a dozen figures were trekking across the endless ice field.

Everyone was bundled up, wearing thick winter clothing, helmets and gloves.

There is only one exception.

This person is clearly a beautiful woman and the leader of this team.

Her hair was a rare ice blue, and her skin was as transparent as ice.

Many snowflakes were flying back and forth around her, like a group of elves.


There are also four snow-white wolves.

They were divided into two teams, one at the front and the other at the end.


The wind roared like thunder.

A large amount of snow was picked up by the strong wind and flew far away in an instant.

The four wolves quickly pulled their legs and dug into the snow.

The superpowers also invariably dug into the snow to reduce the area exposed to wind and thereby reduce the rate of heat loss.

Only the leader stood motionless.

After a while.

The strong wind finally passed.

The white wolf stood up and shook off the fallen snow.

The leader suddenly shouted softly, and the snowflakes around him quickly rotated and turned into a small tornado.

After a breath.


With just a soft sound, the tornado dissipated, turning into snow dust and drifting toward the southeast.

The leader immediately smiled: "We found that Daxia man!"

A strong man as strong as a bear stood next to him and asked, "Miss Velita, can we really find extraordinary objects by following this Daxia man?"

The leader nodded and said: "This is the prediction made by the chief witch, and it should not be wrong."

She paused and then said: "We have tried several times to kill this Daxia man, but this is completely in line with the prophecy.

"Oriental Daxia is far ahead of the world in the supernatural field. As long as the Bering Kingdom obtains extraterrestrial wonders, it can greatly shorten the gap with Daxia."

The strong man nodded: "We really can't miss this opportunity."

He sighed again: "The people of Daxia are always so fast. If we didn't have the help of prophecy, I'm afraid we really wouldn't know that Daxia sent people deep into the Arctic ice sheet to search for extraterrestrial objects."

The leader smiled and said: "The Daxia people have greatly underestimated us. This time we have to get ahead of them."

This is really an interesting misunderstanding.

Qin Deguang was originally looking for ways to discover supernatural powers, but he was regarded as a person sent by Daxia to search for treasures.

The leader shouted loudly: "Everyone speed up!"

The others all responded together: "Yes!"


The white wolf barked, stretched out his four legs and rushed into the wind and snow.

The team walked less than a kilometer.


Another gust of cold wind swept across quickly.

This group of supernatural beings quickly got into the snow.

The burly man seemed to be squatting half-crouched in the snow in order to show his strength, or perhaps to show off in front of the leader.

The leader just glanced and didn't say much.

A few seconds later.

The strong man's bear body trembled, and he cursed in a low voice: "This damn wind!"

He felt that he had underestimated the polar wind and overestimated his own strength.

A smile flashed across the leader's beautiful blue eyes.


Hundreds of kilometers away.


Bai Liuba shouted: "Everyone, let's go!"

Lao Lu immediately emerged from the snow and walked forward with his backpack on his back.

Just now, in order to avoid the cold wind, all the members of the advance team dug a windproof cave in the snow.

This is the knowledge point of the Kyushu Legion's wilderness survival training course.


The demonic wind screams.

Countless snow dust was swept up.

The white ice surface was instantly covered with a layer of thick fog.

Lao Lu trembled a few times, then said "fuck", took three steps at a time and then got back into the windproof tunnel.

He immediately felt a vibration coming from the snow next to him.

This is when colleagues retreat into their own "dens."

A voice floated over from the opposite side: "Is this the 'Law of Extreme Cold' that Mr. Bai said? It's really too cold to ride a horse."

Lao Lu was also very surprised: "Mr. Bai said that it was Han Yuan's power that penetrated it, and it became like this just because of the penetration. I can't believe how cold Han Yuan is."

The colleague said: "I guess only Mr. Ghost and Mr. Spirit Crow dare to go there. Weak chickens like us will be frozen into popsicles in minutes."

Lao Lu nodded and said: "Yes, I..."

The words are not finished yet.

He suddenly felt that the violent wind sound around him suddenly disappeared.

Colleagues shouted: "Mr. Linjiang has opened the windproof barrier!"

Lao Lu poked his head out curiously and immediately saw that within a radius of 500 meters, the snow and dust had calmed down.

But five hundred meters away, there was still a sight of thick rolling fog.

Lao Lu got out and muttered: "It doesn't seem to be cold anymore!"

Colleagues also came out and were full of praise: "This barrier is really awesome."

As superpowers, the two of them naturally understand what level of power the law is.

Although the extreme cold law contained in the cold wind is only a very slight wisp, it is not a force that ordinary superpowers can resist.

But the windproof barrier can suppress this law, which is very powerful.

Old Green said again: "No wonder Mr. Lingya went to such great lengths to send the tree spirits to the Arctic region.

"Ordinary superpowers can enter the Arctic ice field and last for 5-7 days at most. If they don't exit, their lives will be in danger.

"The advance exploration team is protected by a wind-proof barrier and can wander around the ice sheet for a month without any problem."

Colleagues laughed and said: "Big bosses must make decisions before taking action, unlike little minions like us who act as soon as they think."

Lao Lushen agreed: "Yes."

He had an intuition that Mr. Spirit Crow sent the tree spirit here not only to search for treasures, but also to plan something.


The crow sounded again: "Okay, everyone, stop dawdling and start on your way!"

Lao Lu turned his head and glanced at the giant tree, wondering how on earth such a big tree could move.

After all, this is a giant thing weighing more than 5,000 tons, equivalent to a destroyer.

Can you imagine a destroyer moving on land?

The next second.

Lao Lu knew the answer.


The snow shook beneath it.

Lao Lu immediately sensed that a large number of tree roots were moving rapidly under the snow, and the speed was staggering.

In less than half a breath, the tree roots jumped out more than 300 meters.

And then.

Thousands of tree roots penetrated deeply into the ice and began to slowly shrink.

Under the action of the reaction force, the huge tree spirit slid effortlessly.


This scene looks quite spectacular.

Lao Lu stared blankly for a few seconds before quickly following him.

He believed more and more in his heart: "The boss is 100% really planning to cause trouble."

As far as he knew, Daxia had mobilized many satellites to closely monitor the Arctic ice sheet.

Then here comes the problem.

The Carmeni Federation has been monitoring the movements of Daxia satellites. Would they not know?

Of course we do!

If the Carmenians discovered that Bactria actually sent a tree to the North Pole, would they be curious about what Bactria wanted to do?

Lao Lu smacked his lips: "I seem to smell a conspiracy."

But he said nothing and just followed the dryad.

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