I can find treasures in my dreams

Chapter 39: Intermediate-grade supernatural power Vajra

Chapter 39 Mid-grade superpower—King Kong

This moment.

The tip of this rebar is only one finger away from the mutated macaque's pupil.

It can be considered close at hand.

at the same time.

A black shadow then appeared, holding the rebar in both hands and stabbing it hard.

It was Yang Fan.

He borrowed the power of Lingyin and quietly approached the big macaque, but the other party didn't notice it at all.


The rebar effortlessly penetrated the mutated macaque's eyeballs and penetrated directly into its brain.

The big macaque hesitated a few times, fell backwards, and fell to the ground with a thud.

It's dead.

Yang Fan exhaled and his heart dropped: "Fortunately, I prepared a back-up plan just in case."

It was his first time to participate in a head-on battle, and he was facing an extremely powerful mutant creature. How could he not be nervous?

As for the "backhand", it is naturally this sharpened rebar.

The source of this thing is a scrap collection station.

Yang Fan smiled proudly: "So what about the middle-grade superpowers? I have the Thunder Branch and the spiritual power, and I can still kill him easily!"

With a thought in his heart, he released the soul-stealing cicada.

A shadow flew past and crashed into the macaque corpse.

A full twenty seconds passed.

The soul-stealing cicada is finally back.

Yang Fan looked at the attribute list with huge surprise in his eyes.


Lingyin: Activated, low-grade hybrid ability, current evolution level is 1%.

Lightness: Activated, low-grade physical ability, current evolution level is 6%.

King Kong: Inactive, medium-grade physical power. Activation requires 20 points of spiritual energy.


Spiritual source value: 16.8

There is a new ability added to the list - King Kong!

It is indeed a mid-grade superpower!

Yang Fan glanced at the spiritual source value and smiled from ear to ear: "I actually absorbed 15.6 points of spiritual source value. I am truly worthy of being a monkey who has awakened middle-grade powers."

He was a little regretful: "The mid-level ability requires 20 points to activate, but it's a pity that it's a few points short."

Yang Fan took a few steps forward and waved to the macaque corpse.

The mutated macaque disappeared instantly, leaving only a large black spot with a radius of ten meters.

This is the impact of the aftermath of the electric light attack.

Yang Fan turned around and left. His figure quickly became blurry and then disappeared.

A line of extremely shallow footprints appeared in the snow, extending towards an open area.

"Gu! Gu!"

Birds chirped.

The footprints stopped extending.

Yang Fan knew very well that the noise caused by this battle was too great, and the officials would definitely be arriving soon.

He didn't want to reveal his identity, so he left decisively.


some time thereafter.

A series of things happened.


The three drones arrived belatedly and wandered around this area for a while before finally finding the fighting location.


A group of sharp-edged special forces members rushed over in a hurry.

This was the reinforcements summoned by the patrolmen.

The soldiers inspected the battlefield.

They looked at more than a dozen broken trees. The scene was bigger than the scene of a major car accident, and everyone was frightened.

The thickest tree is much thicker than an adult's thigh in diameter and more than twenty-five meters tall.

Even if a car hits it, it will be difficult to knock down the tree.

The captain leading the team looked horrified: "The mutated macaque can knock over an anti-explosion vehicle and knock down so many trees. Could it be a mid-level superpower?"

The vice-captain swallowed a mouthful of saliva: "Maybe it's true."

The captain's eyes twitched a few times: "We may be chasing after them to deliver food. Do you want to mobilize some armed helicopters?"

The vice-captain greatly agreed: "It is necessary."

Just then.

A soldier shouted: "Captain, there is a large black spot here, and there is a lot of blood in it."

The captain went over to take a look and immediately ordered: "Take the sample and send it back for testing!"

A drone quickly took off and flew into the distance carrying the samples.

The soldiers searched the scene carefully, and the more they inspected, the more confused they became.

The captain stared at the black spot with a solemn expression: "It seems that the terrible macaque should be dead, otherwise we will find the footprints where it left."

The deputy captain asked a pointed question: "Where is the body?"

The two looked at each other and sighed together.

This thing is really weird and confusing from beginning to end.

The captain thought for a moment, waved his hand and said, "Report it!"

The vice-captain said "hmm".

And then.

The news took on a pair of wings and flew to the distant Shangjing City.

It's still dark.

The first commander of the Kyushu Legion, Chief Wu, was called out of bed.

A colonel held a thick stack of documents and said quickly: "Chief, in Anling City, Hedong Province, a mutated macaque that has awakened middle-grade superpowers is suspected to have appeared."

Commander Wu was startled, and the remaining drowsiness disappeared.

He quickly flipped through the files, looking at the scene that looked like a large car accident, and gasped: "If I fight the mutated macaque alone, I may not be able to defeat it."

The colonel was not surprised, and just asked: "Do you think it is possible to have middle-grade supernatural powers?"

Commander Wu thought for a while, nodded and said: "The possibility is very high."

He then gave a reason: "I have undergone a month of high-intensity training. The mutant macaque awakened for two or three days at most, but its combat power is one level stronger than mine. This is the essential difference."

The colonel said another piece of news: "Bloodstains of mutant macaques were found at the scene. After repeated confirmation, the mutant macaques should have been killed."

Chief Wu was shocked: "Who did it?"

The colonel shook his head: "We don't know the other party's identity."

He changed the subject: "According to the investigation results, this person only took a few minutes to kill the mutant macaque, but he himself was unharmed."

Chief Wu was surprised: "When did such a strong man appear in Daxia?"

The colonel did not answer, nor did he know how to answer.

Chief Wu smiled: "Hehehe, God bless Daxia! The situation is difficult, and God has sent a big boss-level superpower to Daxia."

The general was overwhelmed by the huge pressure, and now he suddenly met an incredible thick thigh, and he really felt that there was hope for his life.

Chief Wu ordered: "Hedong Province, take action and invite this big guy back as soon as possible."

The colonel's face turned bitter: "We also want to invite him, but the investigation team searched the scene and the big guy seemed to have evaporated out of thin air."

Chief Wu was a little confused: "Evaporated?"

The colonel nodded vigorously: "We didn't find a single hair. No one knows how the big guy appeared at the scene and how he left the battle site."

Chief Wu didn't care: "Find a few more experts and invite a few supernatural people who are good at tracking. You must dig out the big guy."

The colonel responded helplessly: "Understood."


The news about this battle was brought to the underground secret base by General Lou.

The mermaid stared at the image of the mutant macaque with a strange look.

General Lou asked, "Miss Jana, is there anything wrong?"

The mermaid shook her head and said, "Nothing is wrong. Your judgment is correct. This is indeed a mid-grade superpower, and the combat power seems to be quite good."

She added, "But normally, mid-grade superpowers should not appear so quickly. After each civilized world descends, mid-grade superpowers are usually born three years later."

It has only been a year since Canglan Star descended, which is obviously not normal.

General Lou didn't think much of it: "Maybe it's a low-probability event."

The mermaid didn't speak, feeling a little uneasy.

She thought of the words of the Holy High Priest, and suddenly had an inexplicable feeling that a major change might happen in the original world.

General Lou asked again, "Miss Jana, what do you think of the mysterious man who killed the mutant macaque?"

The mermaid nodded a little reservedly: "Not bad!"

General Lou laughed happily.

After dealing with the other party for so long, this was the first time he heard a word of praise for Canglan people from the mermaid.


Ten minutes later.

General Lou, as if he was rushing to a place, began to preside over another important meeting.

Most of the attendees of the meeting had generals on their shoulders.

There were very few officers at the school level.

A video from the Tintra mosquito expedition team was played in public.

"This is really a ridiculous thing... Ho... Ho... I can't seem to control myself...

"I'm very sorry, everyone, I think I have to say goodbye to everyone."

So far.

The recording ended.

The whole audience was silent for a while.

General Lou broke the silence with a serious face: "Everyone, Captain Ling told us with his life that Daxia has greatly underestimated the mosquitoes."

Everyone nodded in unison.

From the current situation, when a large number of mosquitoes gather in groups, they actually have the ability to control prey.

This is really disturbing.

General Lou said again: "I declare that from now on, all military personnel's vacations will be cancelled, and the military will officially enter the first-level combat state."


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