I can find treasures in my dreams

Chapter 5 I have confiscated your supernatural power

Linjiang City.

Yuewan Community.

Yang Fan walked to the living room with excitement and put the Thunder Branch on the table.


A burst of electric sparks burst out.

A large black spot appeared on the table in an instant.

Yang Fan was startled and quickly picked up the Thunder Branch.

He looked at the black spot, and the corner of his mouth twitched: "Is this the Thunder Branch discharging electricity and burning the table like this?"

He did not give up, and tried again, slowly approaching the table with the Thunder Branch.

When the distance was one fist.

A red arc emerged.


The table was black again.

Yang Fan quickly took the Thunder Branch away and said helplessly: "Can't this thing touch anything?"

He was a little confused: "Why is it okay for me to hold it? Because I am the owner of the Thunder Branch?"

Yang Fan shook his head: "Isn't there any place to put it?"

As soon as the voice fell.

He suddenly felt that the Thunder Branch moved a little, as if trying to break free from his right hand.

Yang Fan subconsciously let go of his hand.

A few flashes of lightning appeared on the surface of the Thunder Branch, and it was suspended in the air.

It was obvious.

In this way, the Thunder Branch told him that this was the correct way to "release".

Yang Fan was stunned for a moment and muttered: "Awesome!"

He found another power strip and pointed the plug at the branch: "I'm going to plug it in!"

Lightning flashed again on the surface of the Thunder Branch.

Yang Fan immediately felt that there seemed to be a suction force, gently dragging the plug.

He immediately let go of his right hand.

The plug was instantly sucked over, and the three iron sheets touched the Thunder Branch.

The next moment.

The blue indicator light on the power strip lit up.

This means that the power is on.

Yang Fan laughed, "Hehe," "I didn't expect that I picked up a large power bank."

Ordinary lightning contains about 100 million joules of energy, which is equivalent to nearly 300 degrees of electricity.

Red lightning is a natural disaster, and its energy is at least ten times that of ordinary lightning, which may be as high as thousands of degrees of electricity.

Just now, hundreds of lightning bolts suddenly broke out over Linjiang City. Assuming that the strange object only absorbed one percent, that would be several thousand degrees of electricity.

The growth of the Thunder Branch may consume most of the energy, and the remaining energy is estimated to be one thousand degrees.

Even if Linjiang City is without electricity for a few months, there is no need to worry about power shortage.

Yang Fan sighed: "It absorbs one thousand degrees of electricity in an instant, it is really a strange object!"

He pulled the thick curtains in the living room, took out the laptop and projector from the space, and plugged the power supply into the power strip.

The computer started smoothly!

The projector started successfully!

Yang Fan found a science fiction movie on the computer hard drive and projected it onto the wall through the projector.

He took out an ice cream from the Space Pearl and watched the movie happily.

Outside the window.

The city was still shrouded in darkness.

In the living room downstairs.

A family of three was eating in the dark, and their mobile phones were their only lighting.

"This is the first time I've seen red lightning in my life. The scale is too scary. This power outage may be very serious."

"What if the power outage lasts for several days? Wouldn't everything in the refrigerator be ruined?"

"Oh, I hope the power comes back soon."

In the living room upstairs.

A couple in their fifties were looking out the window with worry on their faces.

At this time before, their son should have returned home, but now he has not returned and the phone cannot be reached.

The old father whispered: "The city suddenly had a major power outage. There was probably a car accident on the road. My son should have been stuck on the road. He may come back in a while."

The old mother smiled reluctantly: "I hope so."

For many people, this is destined to be a difficult night.


Three days later.

The whole community was filled with a foul smell.

Although Linjiang City has made every effort to repair it, due to too many damaged facilities, only some areas are currently powered on. Unfortunately, Yuewan Community is not one of them.

After the red lightning, the temperature quickly returned to more than 30 degrees.

After three days of power outage, various frozen meats stored in the refrigerators of the community residents are facing the threat of rotting.

Despite emergency treatment, such as pickling, on the one hand, the seasoning is limited, and on the other hand, the temperature is still too high, and a considerable part of the meat has gone bad.

After all, it is not a few clicks of the mouse, and salt is instantly sent from the place of production to the homes of civilians. Everyone is scrambling for salt, which objectively causes salt shortages.

These rotten foods were thrown into the trash can, releasing disgusting poisonous gases.

Yang Fan opened the window in the morning and planned to take a breath. He was immediately irritated by the smell above and quickly closed the window again.

He muttered "It stinks" and sighed.

Now everything is rising, and everyone's life is not easy. After a while, perhaps many people can't afford to eat meat.

So much meat has gone bad, and the people who threw the food must be bleeding in their hearts.

With full of sighs, Yang Fan took out the Thunder Branch and powered the house.

He took out two thawed steaks from the Space Pearl, plugged in the induction cooker, threw a piece of butter into the pot, and started frying the steaks.

With a glass of milk and a few pieces of bread, a nutritious breakfast was ready.

After breakfast.

Yang Fan carried a backpack, put on a mask, climbed the stairs and left the house.

Due to the power outage, the elevator could not be used, so he could only take the stairs.

Yang Fan walked a dozen steps and saw someone busy in the green belt.

He walked closer and found that they were a few old men and women. They were using hoes to remove the grass and dig up green plants.

Yang Fan thought: "Are they planning to open a vegetable garden to grow vegetables and save some money on buying vegetables?"

Although Daxia is a global power and its national strength ranks first in Canglan Star, the regional development of the land of more than 12 million square kilometers is not balanced.

Moreover, Daxia has the largest population of 1.8 billion in the world. Although there are many rich people, the absolute number of poor groups is quite astonishing.

Various disasters have occurred frequently in the past six months, making the lives of poor groups increasingly difficult.

This scene is a microcosm.


Ten o'clock in the morning.

Yang Fan walked into the Shengli Street Vegetable Market.

The vegetable market is located in another district of Linjiang City, eleven kilometers away from Yuewan Community.

He took a taxi to come here, of course, not to buy vegetables.

But - he had another dream last night.

Yang Fan walked around the vegetable market for a while, and as expected, he heard countless complaints.

"It was only five yuan a catty yesterday, why is it eight yuan today?"

"There is no way, the purchase price has increased, and we have to support our families."

"Buy one catty... forget it, half a catty!"

"How much is this?"


"Too expensive."

"You heard about the disaster in Sanliao, right? The price should go up in a few days. I advise you to buy some."

"Alas, the children at home are clamoring for meat, so let's buy three or two."

The customers who buy vegetables all look unhappy.

The vegetable vendors are also sighing.

"This morning's income is much less than yesterday, and it's not even enough to rent the stall."

"If this goes on, I will soon be unable to work."

In addition.

Yang Fan also saw that many people were picking up the vegetable leaves that the vendors didn't want.

Most of them were elderly, but there were also middle-aged people in their forties and fifties.

He observed the various states of life and sighed: "Daxia is probably about to take action."

All signs indicate that the top leaders of Daxia should have predicted the disaster long ago.

From the news, it can be seen that Daxia is accelerating the integration of domestic resources.

The giant Central Agricultural Group established last year is the most typical example.

He has a feeling that there will be big moves in the country soon.

Yang Fan walked to a position, looked around, and nodded gently: "It's here."

He glanced at his mobile phone again: "That guy is coming."

Not long.

Yang Fan found the target: "Here he comes!"

The other party is a flower-armed young man with a tuft of yellow hair on his hair, looking unruly.

The yellow-haired man is following a beautiful woman, who is about 30 years old and has a very attractive figure.

After a few seconds.

The yellow-haired man suddenly shouted: "The beauty in front, your things fell on the ground!"

The beauty turned her head subconsciously.

At this moment.

Yang Fan clearly saw that the yellow-haired man's eyes flashed a strange light.

The beauty was stunned for a moment, her beautiful eyes were blank, and her body was completely stiff.

Yang Fan was delighted: "It is indeed a superpower!"

He traveled through the original world many times in his dreams and saw many creatures with superpowers, so he could tell at a glance.


What the dream predicted happened.

The yellow-haired man smiled obscenely and put his arm around the beautiful woman's shoulders: "Beautiful woman, come with me."

The beautiful woman seemed to have become stupid, and followed the yellow-haired man's steps stupidly and walked to a remote corner of the vegetable market.

Yang Fan also saw that the yellow-haired man could not wait to stretch out a claw and knead the beauty's back.

Although he had seen this scene in his dreams, he was still shocked when he saw it with his own eyes.

Is this one of the ways to apply psychic superpowers?

Yang Fan quietly followed the yellow-haired man at a distance of nearly ten meters, watching him pull the beautiful woman into a small alley.

He smiled softly and said, "I have confiscated your superpowers!"

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