I Can Fish All Things In the Last Days

Chapter 283: Azure Dragon Armor

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Some men with catapults in their hands mingled among the mob behind the sick and old. They used the meat shields in front of them to quickly set up the catapult, "Shua, Shua, Shua..."

More than a dozen high-explosive grenades popped forward.

Due to lack of practice, lack of familiarity with the operation, and insufficient distance, they all fell into the crowd attacked by our own side...

Boom boom boom! !

Tao Xiaoting's eyes narrowed slightly, and he used a bright flashlight to light the lights on the 'Longwei' on both sides.

When the mob was preparing for the second wave of ejection in a panic, a falling offensive grenade appeared in front of them...

"Boom boom boom..."

The catapult and their limbs were thrown high into the air, causing a series of explosions in the crowd.

"Boom boom boom..."

There will always be some grenades that can fall on the 'Longwei' accurately, but they are blocked by the curved explosion-proof shields in time, and the bullets fall outside the fortifications, and some roll down the hillside. Some explode directly.

"Boom boom boom..." The snow and ice splashed everywhere, but no casualties were caused to the 'Longwei'.

At the same time, Tao Xiaoting used a bright flashlight to flash lights on the two wings of the mountain, telling them to give up detection and containment, because under such a large-scale impact, those tricks seemed so weak, and they were not as effective as the combination of soldiers. .

The mob continued to attack, those naked people were basically dead, and the finger of the 'Dragon Guard' who pulled the trigger had lost consciousness, and could only rely on instinctive muscle memory to repeat monotonous movements.

Six of the six-barreled rotary guns have been scrapped! The suppression of firepower has been a bit powerless.

But at this time, a large number of people with guns appeared in the mob, and they shot at Longwei randomly... From time to time, they would lose control of the recoil of their rifles and point their guns at their companions …

Nearly an hour has passed, and the firearms in the hands of the members of the 'Dragon Guard' have changed.

A star-like light shone faintly in the sky far away.

Tao Xiaoting knows,

Zhao Tianyu's side has already started to move closer to his side. According to the distance and attack intensity, it will take about half an hour for the reaction from the mob's tail to reach here.

At this time, the members of the 'Dragon Guard' on the two wings have returned to the team one after another, but sixteen members have left forever.

Yes, in the impact of hundreds of thousands of people, even if you are Changshan Zhao Zilong, so what?

There are more and more armed personnel in the mob, and cold guns are constantly threatening the safety of Longwei's life. What is even more disgusting is that in the sight of the 'Longwei', there are simple and simple vehicles similar to bulldozers, excavators, and modifications. Armored car!

The front sections of these vehicles are simply and roughly welded with huge steel plates with a thickness of 60 centimeters. These steel plates even directly cover the driver's cab!

Even the six-barrel cannon in the hands of the 'Dragon Guard' couldn't penetrate it!

The individual anti-tank missile hit the target with a strange arc, but those simple armored vehicles continued to advance after a pause.

"It must be from the side!"

Tao Xiaoting shouted loudly.

'Xun' nodded, raised the individual anti-tank launcher and was about to rush out. At the same time, five 'Dragon Guards' followed his movements and rushed out to cover fire for their team leader!

It was just six people in the mob tide 200 meters ahead, even if they successfully destroyed an 'armored vehicle', they would definitely not have a chance to leave, not to mention there were eight such simple armored vehicles in three directions. Approaching slowly!

Gu Feng, Zhang Shui, Murong Bai... all got up and picked up individual anti-tank missile launchers, their eyes were determined!

Just when they were about to rush out of the defense and work together!

A cold voice sounded:

"Back off, let me come!!!"

All the dragon guards were shocked and turned their heads one after another, all of them were shocked...

Veins popped up on her forehead, and Tao Xiaoting, who was observing the battlefield, was also shocked because she recognized the owner of the voice.

She was sure that the owner of that voice was: the highest officer of all Dragon Guards, who they swore to guard—Dragon Soul, Xiao Zhan! ! !

Tao Xiaoting turned her head in amazement, and looked at the source of the voice, but it was okay not to look at it, but she was stunned by this look!

She was deeply shocked by the 'strange thing' that appeared behind the 'Longwei'! ! !

No wonder Tao Xiaoting was shocked!

Because at this time, Tao Xiaoting's eyes actually reflected a dark light flowing, fully enclosed, two-meter-high humanoid mecha!

This is a pair of dark blue 'exoskeleton armor' engraved from head to toe with a blue dragon with teeth and claws.

The whole body is smooth, full of delicate and realistic dragon scales, and the dark streamer is surging along the black dragon of the dark mark. Although it is not very tall and mighty, it exudes this kind of explosive power and chilling air in its bones. .

A silver-and-black 'S-9 Shotgun' with a length of 110 centimeters and a caliber of 48 millimeters was perfectly integrated with the mecha on Xiao Zhan's left arm.

Strictly speaking, this 'S-9 Giant Cannon Shotgun' is out of the category of firearms. In fact, it should be called 'S-9 Giant Shotgun', but because it looks like a gun , so it is called 'shotgun' by the world!

The weight of the whole gun is nearly 50 catties, and the ammunition capacity of the roulette is 12 rounds. The powerful recoil force is enough to fly an adult man into the air without the assistance of a fixed bracket!

Therefore, it can only be viewed as a collection, because no man in this world can control it!

But on the back of the mecha are two war blades with a long and a short gleaming blue and cold light.

It is 120 centimeters long and three fingers wide. The tip of the blade slopes straight at a forty-five-degree angle, and there are serrations on the back.

The short one was only sixty centimeters, but it was a three-edged army thorn, and the deep blood groove showed a frightening dark red color!

The engraved black dragon's head coincides with Xiao Zhan's head, making Xiao Zhan look very mighty and domineering!

This mecha is exactly the "exoskeleton possessed mecha" that Xiao Zhan transformed from a second-order "Xiao Yan" after communicating with "Xiao Yan" at the critical moment!

It was named by Xiao Zhan—Blue Dragon Armor!

This mech can fully enclose Xiao Zhan in it, and it will not restrict Xiao Zhan's movements and senses in the slightest, but it only provides protection, no power, and no intelligence!

The overall weight of the mech is one hundred catties!

Its defensive power is C-level, and it can defend against the power of five tons of TNT equivalent explosion. Of course, this refers to the defensive power of the mech, but part of its impact and pressure still needs to be borne by Xiao Zhan's body.

In other words, Xiao Zhan at this time is nothing more than a closed human-shaped bulletproof suit weighing one hundred catties with extremely high defensive power. All kinetic energy and movements still need to rely on Xiao Zhan's own physical fitness and body movements to complete. .

However, the "exoskeleton-attached mecha" transformed by "Xiao Yan" can transform Xiao Zhan into a weapon within the scope of "Xiao Yan''s ability at any time in a very short moment, that is, this point and mecha can be hooked. !

The mask of the mecha was raised, revealing Xiao Zhan's heroic face inside.

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