I can gain experience points in Genshin Impact

Chapter 111 The Core of the Wind

A slightly drier place above the depression at the end of the cave.

Everyone once again expanded the three campfire frames into a circle, about five or six square meters, and set up two adventure tents in the middle, and a circular stove built with branches and sticks.

Three fire slimes happened to be stuffed into the stove. At this time, they had all been knocked unconscious by Li Qiuzhi with the hilt of his sword.

There are heat sources in the middle and around, so even if there is a storm outside, it will not feel so cold here.

From this point of view, this is considered a qualified small camp.

"Well, everyone should change your clothes as soon as possible. If you continue like this, you're going to catch a cold!" Erin, the only one who wasn't wet, said worriedly.

"Yeah! I've already felt uncomfortable all over!"

Paimon, who was floating in the air and still dripping with water, shook his little head and said with a smile.

"But we don't have any clothes, right?" Ying raised her right foot, grabbed the sides of the high-heeled shoes and took off her white over-the-knee boots, revealing her slender and soft snow-white calves.

Then the boots were hung on a simple clothes drying rack built by Li Qiuzhi using branches and sticks. The beveled boot opening on the inside seemed to contain the sea, with a steady stream of water dripping down.

She has been wandering around in the wild since she woke up. Where did she get any other clothes except this one?

"Yes!" Paimon covered his head in confusion.

"This is easy to handle. You just need to take off your clothes inside the tent and wrap them in a thin quilt, and then I will be responsible for drying them!"

Eileen is still very friendly to the two new friends she just met.

"Well, that's all!" Ying and Paimon looked at each other, and then nodded. After getting along just now, they felt that these people were trustworthy.

At this time, Fischer had already changed clothes and came out of the tent. She put on a black sleeveless vest and her pants turned into light boxer shorts.

Because the short boots were also wet, I had to walk barefoot on the ground before drying.

Fortunately, the ground here is not too wet, and there are fire sources around, so you won't feel cold or uncomfortable when walking barefoot.

As for Li Qiuzhi, there was absolutely nothing he could do. He didn't carry any clothes in his damaged backpack, so he could only wear wet clothes. It was a bit uncomfortable, but with his strong body, he wouldn't get sick because of this.


While the girls were busy changing clothes, Li Qiuzhi briefly dealt with the wild forest boar he defeated at the beginning with his long sword.

With his superb swordsmanship, he has no problem cutting pork into crystal clear slices.

After comprehensively asking everyone's opinions, we finally decided to make large pieces of fried meat and pork soup. Fischer's Eye of God brought pots, cutlery and a few seasonings.

There is a pool under the depression at the end of the cave. It is raining heavily outside, so getting clean water is not a problem.

So all the conditions were met, and soon the fried meat and broth were ready, and the aroma of meat filled the cave.

"Wow! It smells so good!"

Pamon popped a head out of the tent and said as if drool was coming from the corner of his mouth.

"Paimon, be more reserved!"

A white hand stretched out from inside and pushed her head back.

"It doesn't matter. Your clothes are almost dry. If you dry them for a while, there will be no problem."

Erin said, standing next to a campfire.

On the simple hangers made of branches and sticks, in addition to hanging backless dresses and over-the-knee boots, there are also white bloomer shorts worn under the skirts and a bra-wrapped blouse.

Speaking of clothes, Li Qiuzhi cooked soup and fried meat next to the slime stove for a long time, feeling that his own clothes were also dried.

Night has completely fallen.

A group of five people sat around the slime stove and drank a bowl full of broth. Everyone felt that their whole bodies were warming up!

“It’s amazing that we can eat such delicious food in the wild!”

Paimon, wearing a golden crown on his head, happily flew up in the air and said.

"Well, the fried meat tastes a little salty." Irene chewed a piece of fried meat and gave her own thoughts.

“The broth is really delicious!”

Ying glanced at Li Qiuzhi with amber pupils and said.

"My craftsmanship is not good, I really need to improve." Li Qiuzhi said with a smile. After all, he is not a chef who specializes in cooking, so it is not surprising that he sometimes performs abnormally.

"My princess feels pretty good."

Fischer placed the round bowl of hot soup on his two snow-white thighs that were close together and held it slightly, feeling the heat transferred from it.

In the friendly atmosphere where everyone talked, laughed, and understood each other, time passed suddenly like a pocket watch being adjusted.

In the early morning, the heavy rain yesterday afternoon had already stopped.

The bright sunshine spread through the clouds again and fell on the faces of the few people who had arrived at the entrance of the cave.

"Miss Ying, are you going to Mondstadt next?"

Erin asked Ying and Paimon.

"Yes, yes, after all, she still wants to find her brother!"

Paimon put his hands behind his back and said with a smile, while Ying nodded silently.

"In this case, we can only say goodbye here. We still have one last thing to finish!"

Li Qiuzhi smiled and said.

He was talking about going to the "Windmill Garden" directed on the treasure map. After all, from the map, it seemed to be located in the Cape Lookout area, right next to the Valley of Fallen Stars.

And since they are already here, I might as well go over and look for them.

To avoid wasting too much time on the road next time.

"Well, let's have a chance to eat together again in Mondstadt in the future!" Pamon said with a smile.

"Of course there is no problem with this. I am an investigator of the Adventurers Association. You guys can find me if you talk to Catherine."

Fischer put on the short skirt that was dried last night, put her hands on her hips and puffed out her chest slightly.

"Catherine?" Ying said with some doubts.

"She's the receptionist of the Adventurers Association, Miss Ying." Nightcrow Oz, who had already recovered and reappeared, explained on behalf of his lady.

"I see."

Ying blinked her amber eyes and nodded, then waved her hand, moved her legs wrapped in pure white over-the-knee boots, and continued towards Mondstadt following Paimon's guidance.

After Li Qiuzhi and the others watched the two people's backs disappear from sight, they also set out according to the instructions of the treasure map.

In the wilderness after the storm, there were very few wild beasts and monsters. When they arrived at the "Windmill Garden" at noon, they only met a few water slimes along the way.

When Li Qiuzhi turned on Golden Judgment, he saw that he was only at level seven or eight. He didn't give many experience points, so he continued to let Aileen practice.

"Huh? Isn't this called the 'Windmill Flower Garden'? Why isn't there even a single windmill flower?"

Erin looked at the grassy plain in front of her, which was basically no different from other environments in the Mondstadt area.

"This princess will never look for the wrong place!"

Beside her was Fischer, who was flying with Night Crow flapping her wings. She folded her hands under her breasts wrapped in black stockings and said.

"Hey, maybe there's a little kid who's causing trouble?"

The sound of a chuckle reached everyone's ears along with the gentle breeze.

Before the surprised Li Qiuzhi could look for the source of the sound, the gentle breeze around him suddenly turned into a violent wind.

A strange creature with a cyan ball in the middle, a hard shell on the outside, and a wind element visible to the naked eye appeared in front of everyone.

Wind core? !

Li Qiuzhi, who has played games, certainly knows this kind of monster, but he didn't expect to meet it here!

He looked up with golden eyes, and a number appeared above it.

[Level: forty-three]

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