I can gain experience points in Genshin Impact

Chapter 115 The incoming wind disaster

As expected, it was Wings of Wind, and Li Qiuzhi remembered it correctly.

"Paimon also knows this. With this traveler, you can fly in the sky like me!"

Paimon clenched his fist and said with a smile.

"It can't be as good as Paimon, and it has to slide down from a high place. You two, hurry up and try their performance!"

Amber showed her white teeth and smiled, then put two Wind Wings into Li Qiuzhi's and Ying's hands respectively.

"Uh, since you have no merit and no reward, is it really okay to just give me a gift like this?" Li Qiuzhi said a little politely.

Although I know that the Wings of Wind are not a valuable thing.

The ordinary Wind Wings sold in the store only cost 20,000 to 30,000 yuan, and the more expensive ones, 50,000 to 60,000 yuan, were affordable to ordinary Mondstadt citizens.

He had wanted to buy one a while ago.

It was just a little delayed because of the successive adventures. After all, it doesn't mean that you can use the Wings of Wind directly after you get it. Although it is not difficult to operate, it is like learning to ride a bicycle.

How to keep your body balanced after your feet are off the ground also takes a while.

If you don't have anyone to guide you and you try to figure it out on your own, unless you are extremely talented, you will inevitably fall down several times. And if you fall down while using the Wings of Wind, even if you don't fly high, you will probably be injured for a long time.

Amber is warm-hearted and generous, so it’s okay to give a Wing of Wind to a friend.

But that's how interpersonal relationships are. Li Qiuzhi couldn't say that just because he was a friend, he accepted Amber's gift as a matter of course.

After all, he wasn't like Ying, helping her clean up the Qiuqiu camp.

If Li Qiuzhi really wanted to accept it, he would still have to be polite.

Otherwise, in the long run, he will only ask for things from his friends without giving anything in return, and he will easily be disliked.

In order not to let the hard-won favorability decrease, Li Qiuzhi felt that it was better to be polite.

After all, there is a maximum level of favorability. As long as you are not disliked and the time you spend together increases, no matter whether you experience big or small things in daily life, you will eventually gain the power of the Seat of Fate.

"It doesn't matter. Didn't I meet you and Sugar outside a while ago to collect materials in the wild? At that time, I saw that you haven't learned to use the Wings of Wind yet. Now, let me, Teacher Amber, give you some guidance. Bar!"

Amber patted the soft chest wrapped in the knight's uniform top, revealing part of the white skin, and said confidently.

"I see. If that's the case, then I'll leave it to you, Amber."

Li Qiuzhi nodded slightly and said.

"Hey, please come to us too!" Paimon said with a golden crown floating on his head, and Ying also nodded.

"Okay, let me teach you how to properly equip the Wind Wings first!"

Under Amber's guidance, Li Qiuzhi and Ying easily equipped themselves with the Wings of Wind, and then pushed them to the high edge of the street.

"Ah? Amber, is this the guidance you're talking about?" Amber eyes looked nervously at the ground below.

"It's like a baby bird learning to fly for the first time. Its mother will push it down. What you need most is courage. And at this height, you won't be hurt if you fall!"

The red bunny ears hair knot moved slightly, Amber touched the goggles hanging around her neck and said.

"I didn't expect you to think like this. What do you mean it won't hurt? It hurts. Amber, are you a devil?" Li Qiuzhi visually inspected the ground to be at least two or three meters away from where he stood.

"Hmph~ You said something bad about me, then you are the first one!" An Bo came up behind Li Qiuzhi and pushed him gently on the back.

Li Qiuzhi's center of gravity became a little unstable, and then his whole body suddenly fell into the air.

Just when he thought he would suddenly fall, a rising force from behind slightly held him up and slowly lowered him. This made Li Qiuzhi say in surprise:

"Is this what flying feels like? It's really good!"

At this time, he dropped about two meters in height, and it seemed that he could somewhat grasp the key to controlling the wings of wind.

Just as he was about to look back and above him to thank Amber, his body suddenly lost balance because the Wind Wings tilted too much.

Li Qiuzhi turned over on his back and fell to the ground with a thud.

My back, which had just healed from the scratch, started to hurt again. I looked helplessly at the three people who were sitting high on the guardrail above the street, holding back their smiles.

[Amber has a good impression of you and gains 90 favorability points. The current favorability level is 4 (50/400)]

[Ying has a good impression of you and gains 75 favorability points. The current favorability level is 2 (35/200)]

[Paimeng has a good impression of you and gains 60 points of favorability. The current favorability level is 2 (50/200)]

Several favorable impression prompts popped up on the character panel, and Li Qiuzhi, who probably knew what was going on, showed a helpless expression.

Because his embarrassment caused them to make fun of him, and they found him interesting. The increased favorable impression made them feel a little depressed for some reason!

Ying supported her knees with both hands and tilted her body slightly. Along the graceful lines of the white over-the-knee boots on her legs, she could see the snow-white skin of her legs and the blooming shorts under her skirt.

She coughed lightly, suppressed her smile and said, "Hey, Li Qiuzhi, are you okay?"

"Of course not!"

Li Qiuzhi stood up, rubbed his back and shook his head.

"Then, the next one is the traveler!" Amber patted Ying's white and soft shoulder with her gloved right hand and said with a smile.


The two quickly became familiar with the use of the Wind Wings, especially Ying, who could fly before she lost her power.

Equipped with the Wings of Wind, you can directly control the speed of light.

Seeing that everyone was basically familiar with the Wings of Wind, Amber took Li Qiuzhi and Ying to glide over a long distance from here to the fountain square below.

"Very good, you both deserve it." Just when Amber wanted to praise the two of them.

A gust of wind blew her long dark brown hair down her back and covering her hips, blowing it back to cover her face. Ying and Paimon raised their hands to block the blowing sand and dust.

The skirt of the backless dress swayed violently, and her white thighs were slightly exposed.

Li Qiuzhi watched as the dark clouds in the sky quickly gathered, covering the sun that was about to get off work in advance. Then the wind became stronger and stronger, and some unstable roofs in Mondstadt were instantly rolled up and blown away.

The citizens of Mondstadt walking on the streets also panicked and quickly found shelters to hide.

Sure enough, the dragon disaster is coming!

"Ah, it's such a strong wind!"

Paimon's body was relatively light and he was still floating in the air with no point of strength. He could only hold on to the white ribbon on the fluorescent dress.

When she could hardly open her eyes, she suddenly saw a huge fantasy creature roaring angrily in the sky above the city gate.

"Look, traveler, it's the giant dragon we met in the woods earlier!"

Thanks to "Chen Yao Hall Master" for the 100 coin reward!

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