After continuing to discuss the specific details of the operation with Diluc in the tavern, Li Qiuzhi, Ying and Paimon arrived at the Knights' headquarters.

Even though it was already late at night, Captain Qin still hadn't rested. From outside, bright lights could be seen emanating from the acting captain's office.

A shadow of a man sitting on a chair and constantly reviewing documents was elongated and projected on the window, and the single ponytail swaying slightly could be clearly seen.

Li Qiuzhi pushed open the main door of the hall, which was still open, and came to the acting head's office and knocked lightly.

"Please come in."

After a moment of silence, Captain Qin's voice came from the office.

Click, the door handle was twisted, and the wooden door was pushed open.

"It's you, what's the matter so late?" Qin raised her hands and reached to the back of her head to straighten her golden single ponytail hair. The snow-white skin under her armpits was generously displayed in the candlelight.

"Hey, good evening, Captain Qin, I'm sorry to come to you at this time." Entering the office, Paimon greeted politely, and then explained, "We already have an idea about the Wind Dragon Teardrop. .”

Captain Qin, who had finished arranging his hair, put down his hands and leaned on the table, shook his head slightly and asked:

"Have you found their location?"

"Yes, Master Diluc is really powerful. In just one day, he figured out the movement trajectory of the Wind Demon Dragon and roughly deduced the location where the red crystal may exist." Paimon nodded heavily and said with a smile.

"Well, since there are a lot of places, to save time we came here to ask for help."

Ying stood with her legs slightly apart in white over-the-knee boots, and she continued Paimon's words.

"It's best to invite Captain Kaia and the others. After repairing the Sky Piano, you should be able to summon the Wind Demon Dragon, and then let Ying try to purify the poisonous blood in its body. During this period, you may face destruction from the Abyss Cult, and even have conflicts with the Wind Demon Dragon. conflict."

Li Qiuzhi informed Captain Qin of the specific action plan that everyone had just discussed in the tavern.

"That's it, I understand."

Qin's body leaned forward slightly, she held up her hands to cushion her chest, her white chin nodded imperceptibly and continued:

"However, the Knights cannot be without someone to host it. Forget it about Kaia and Amber. I will drag Lisa to join you in the operation early tomorrow morning."

Are Captain Qin and Lisa together? With so many people and Wendy as the God of Wind around, there should be no big problem even if they face the Wind Demon Dragon directly.

Li Qiuzhi nodded and said.

At six o'clock in the morning, "Angel's Gift" pub.

The sky was dimly lit up. Generally speaking, few people would come to drink at this time, but at this time it was unexpectedly lively.

"Although Mr. Diluc's intelligence network has found a general range, if you want to accurately find the 'Wind Dragon Teardrop', you need someone who can sense it. Can any of you do it?"

Wendy touched her chin and asked everyone.

"It's easy for me to observe the general flow of elements, but the introverted condensed crystallization of wind elements is difficult to perceive unless the distance is relatively close."

The robe Lisa is wearing today and the pointed witch hat she is wearing are both purple.

She seemed a little listless, covering her mouth with her hands and yawned, showing that she was sleep deprived.

"Hey, Traveler has elemental vision and she should be able to do it."

Paimon floated next to Ying, his hands behind his back and he said with a smile.

"I guess I should be able to, too."

Li Qiuzhi showed his golden sin-judging eyes and said that many people should have seen his ability, and there is nothing worth hiding.

"In this case, two teams of people can be divided to look for it at the same time." Qin hugged her chest with one hand and pressed her fair chin with the other.

But this is still one spot short, and it seems that we can only find two of them first.

"You should be able to do it too," Diluc said, looking at the boy in green clothes.

In fact, Wendy's true identity is not difficult to guess. After all, she knows the secrets about the Wind Demon Dragon and even claims that she can call it out by playing music on the Sky Piano. How could such a being be an ordinary poet?

The only one who can connect all the above things is the wind god Barbatos.

"Oh, it seems that you have discovered it. In this case, I can no longer hide it. In fact, I am the Lord Barbatos that you have longed for. How about it? Isn't it a surprise? What a surprise!"

Wendy had some surprise on her face, then she put her hands on her hips and said proudly.


The corners of Diluc's eyes twitched. He must have guessed wrong. How could such an inconspicuous guy be the God of Wind.

"Yeah, it's really surprising~"

Lisa wasn't very familiar with Wendy, but she really didn't notice it. Qin had already made some guesses before, but hadn't made a conclusion yet.

"Although he is the God of Wind, he seems to be a very friendly guy, so just treat him with a normal attitude." Paimon was worried that everyone would be a little nervous after knowing Wendy's identity, so he jokingly said, "Master Diluc, how can you Don’t forgive him for the wine he owes just because he is the God of Wind~”

"Oh, little Paimon, how could you miss me like this." Wendy looked very hurt.

"Of course it's impossible." Diluc said calmly.

No matter how.

Wendy's revelation of his identity does not change the fact that he is just an obscure poet.

The God of Wind will never be able to sense the location of the wind element crystal, so he can find the last "Wind Dragon Teardrop".

In order to prevent an ambush from the Abyss Cult, everyone stayed in pairs as they did last time when they went to the temple.

Lisa had the experience of forming a team with Li Qiuzhi, so she took the initiative to form a team with him. Captain Qin followed Ying and Paimon, Master Diluc and Wendy.

Everyone finally agreed that after finding "Wind Dragon Teardrop", they would meet up at Star Picking Cliff.

"Miss Lisa, can't we transfer space like last time?"

The two had been walking on the road for a long time. Li Qiuzhi asked the lazy lady beside him with a little doubt.

"Oh, if the little adventurer wants to use space transfer magic, he needs to know the coordinates of the specific location. Otherwise, it is possible that he will randomly run around and directly send himself into the abyss~"

Lisa's legs wrapped in lace stockings swung back and forth, her soft lips pursed and she said.

"Uh, is that so?" Li Qiuzhi showed a little surprise on his face, and then he took out another evil eye from the fire element evil eye he was wearing, as if he thought of something.

This is the Thunder Elemental Evil Eye obtained from the Thunder Fire Warlock.

"Miss Lisa, can you please help me transform it? With two evil eyes, can I use two elements together?"

Li Qiuzhi said with some expectation, so that he could respond by himself in the future.

He himself doubted that such a thing could really be done so easily?

"Well, little adventurer, your idea is good, but that's all."

Lisa had a thoughtful look on her face, then she flipped the chestnut hair on the side of her ear, and her white ears emerged from the hair, looking ahead and said:

"Oh, this is the Qiuqiu tribe of the Black Sun tribe. Let's get the 'Wind Dragon Teardrop' in this location first and then talk to you in detail."

The second update will be later.

Thanks to "The Nameless One" for the 100-coin reward!

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