"... Are there high-quality thunder element materials that store elemental power properties... Hmm, okay."

Li Qiuzhi nodded to express his understanding.

It seems that this kind of material is not something that can be found in a short time. It really depends on luck.

We can only do what Lisa said and pay more attention during our daily adventures.

The terrain of Star Reaching Cliff is higher, and the sound can be carried farther by the wind. This is why Wendy wants to summon the Wind Demon Dragon here.

After all, the prerequisite for calling is that people receive the signal that someone is calling.

Miss Lisa has been here before, so she just used magic to transfer here without running away.

On the star-picking cliff.

Ying, Paimon and Captain Qin had been waiting here for a long time. When they saw Li Qiuzhi and the others, Paimon came closer and said with a proud expression:

"Hmph, it seems like it's still a little slower than us."

"If I remember correctly, this is not far above the Thousand Winds Temple. It's easy for you to come here. Isn't it normal to hurry up?"

Li Qiuzhi said with a smile.

"Hehe." Pamon didn't feel embarrassed and stuck out his tongue.

"Lisa, are things going well?"

Captain Qin moved her legs in white tights and walked over. Her lips were slightly parted and she asked.

"Fortunately, we encountered some small troubles, but they were all solved." Lisa hugged her chest with her white arms and nodded her head lightly.

"So, the only ones missing are the singer and Mr. Diluc."

Paimon, who was floating next to Ying, clapped his hands and showed excitement.

"Oh, I seem to hear someone calling me~" A clear young voice came from down the mountain.

Everyone looked over and saw Diluc in a black coat and Wendy in green beside him slowly walking up.

"Aren't you the God of Wind? Why are you slower than Li Qiuzhi and the others?" Paimeng asked curiously.

"We have already flown all the way back. How could we be so slow? This result could occur. Of course, sister Lisa's space transfer magic is more powerful~"

Wendy said with a smile on her face.

"Lord Barbatos is really good at talking~" Lisa covered her mouth with her right hand wearing a black glove and chuckled.

"Hey, okay, take out the Tevarin tears you collected. We still have to save poor Tevarin."

Paimon said urgingly with his hands behind his back.

"Okay." Li Qiuzhi nodded, then turned to look at the elegant lady beside him, "Miss Lisa, please take out the treasure box."

"Hmph~ Got it."

Lisa's purple eye of God resting on the soft white skin on her chest flashed imperceptibly, and a treasure box appeared under her feet wearing black high heels.

"Wow! It's a precious treasure chest!" Paimon's eyes were like stars in the sky.

"It would be great if there really was a treasure chest."

Li Qiuzhi opened the lid of the treasure chest and revealed the red crystals lying on a pile of unrefined ore in front of everyone.

"Pfft, why are they all stones?"

With white petals pinned to her golden hair, she couldn't help laughing.

"Maybe this is the helplessness of life." Li Qiuzhi sighed a little, and then said to her, "Please purify it quickly, and then repair the Sky Piano."


The wind on Zhaixing Cliff was relatively strong, and Ying's skirt was gently blown up, and the white thighs exposed above her over-the-knee boots seemed to dim the surrounding light.

She held the red crystal in the treasure box in her hand.

After a while.

The gloomy and filthy energy on the crystal was "evaporated" visibly to the naked eye, turning into a clear "Wind Dragon Teardrop".

"No matter how many times you watch it, you will always feel it's magical. The traveler with this kind of power will definitely shine in Teyvat in the future!"

Wendy was quite emotional. After all, what polluted Tevalin was the power of the abyss that even a god like him felt troublesome about.

"Forget it if I shine, I just want to get my brother back."

After Ying purified the "Wind Dragon Teardrop", he stretched out his hand to Wendy to indicate that he would give her the red crystals he collected.

As for the one she and Captain Qin got at the Thousand Winds Temple, it had already been purified.

Wendy handed the red crystal to Ying, and the purification was quickly completed. He continued to take out the Sky Piano. As the "Wind Dragon Teardrops" dripped, the Sky Piano was refilled with pure and highly concentrated wind elements.

"It feels like this is what it should have been like." Qin looked at the youthful Qin in the Sky and said with emotion.

Diluc, who had red hair and a black coat, nodded:

"Can this be used to summon the Wind Demon Dragon?"

"Of course, Twalin will definitely appear when you hear this familiar and beautiful music." Wendy said with a smile.

"Hehe, okay, I can't wait."

Paimon twisted his body in mid-air with his small fists in his hands.

"The current Wind Demon Dragon is probably on the verge of mental collapse due to the poisonous blood in its body and the curse of the Abyss Mage. Dialogue may have no effect. As soon as it appears, everyone will find a way to control it and let Ying purify it! "

Li Qiuzhi gave everyone his suggestions based on reasonable speculations based on the game plot process.

"Even if Tevalin is in a weak state, it is still very powerful. It is difficult for us to control it directly. If we force it, we may hurt it, which will quickly worsen Tevalin's injury."

Wendy spread her hands, looking dejected.

"Oh? Is there no other way?" Qin's shawl kept swaying in the mountain wind, and her snow-white back and round shoulders were looming in it.

Wendy touched her chin and thought for a moment, then looked at the blonde girl wearing a backless white dress:

"There are ways, but it requires travelers to take certain risks."

"Ah, are travelers in danger? Or should we forget it?" Paimon quickly waved his hands and said with some concern.

Ying crossed her hips and stared at the green grass on the ground. She glanced from left to right. She thought for a while and said:

"I don't want to see 'separation' or even 'loss' happen before my eyes again. This opportunity to save Tevarin is rare, and I am willing to give it a try."

"Oh~ You are such a brave little cutie. Sister, I am so touched."

A smile appeared on Lisa's fair face. Her legs, wrapped in over-the-knee black lace stockings, turned from bottom to top and looked at the boy in green:

"Then what is Lord Barbatos' solution?"

"It's very simple. When Tevalin is summoned, Ying first hides. As soon as it appears, find an opportunity to climb on its back and quickly attack the two stingers there to purify them!"

Wendy nodded and explained.

After listening to this, everyone felt that it was indeed a simple yet dangerous method. The Wind Demonic Dragon could control the wind element, so it was not too easy to fight back the firefly that climbed up its back.

It also takes a certain amount of time to purify the stinger. During this period, they must contain the Wind Demon Dragon to prevent her from being harmed.

Thanks to "His Majesty the Movie King" for the 100-coin reward!

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