Running Wolf Territory, the place of trial of the North Wind.

Lei Ze and the two gray wolves squatted on the edge of the large pit ruins, staring intently at the trial that was about to begin below.

Paimon was floating in the air holding a paper bag of potato chips bought from the Deer Hunter restaurant. From time to time he would put his hand in and eat until his mouth was full of crumbs.

She wiped the corners of her mouth, tilted her head and said with some confusion:

"Leize, do you think the Travelers have a chance to win?"

"It's so strong that no one can defeat it." The gray-haired boy wearing a hood shook his head, not optimistic about them.

"Although the North Wind Wolf King can indeed defeat so many monsters with one blow, isn't it said that it will reduce its own strength?

"So I believe the Travelers can defeat it!"

Pamon licked his fingers that were stained with grease and potato chip crumbs, and said with a smile on his fair face.

She has more confidence in everyone.

"Are you ready to accept the test?"

The North Wind Wolf King looked at the four humans in front of him with his eyes that seemed to have flowing light and said.

[Level: forty]

Li Qiuzhi looked at the North Wind Wolf King with his golden pupils, and found that its level had gradually dropped from a string of question marks to a range that he could see through.

Among the people present, he himself was level 30, Bennett was level 35, Fischer was raised to level 38 some time ago, and finally he was level 40.

Therefore, it is not difficult to guess that the Beifeng Wolf King controls his strength based on the strongest strength present.

If the North Wind Wolf King is an ordinary monster of the same level, I believe that Ying can defeat it completely, and there is no problem for Li Qiuzhi to barely defeat it.

But the essence of the Wolf King is a demon. Although it is only a remnant soul, it cannot be compared with ordinary creatures.

Therefore, if nothing unexpected happens, it will be an extremely difficult trial. Alas, we can only try our best.

For Li Qiuzhi, if possible, he would not want to face an enemy that is too powerful than himself. After all, he is not a person who likes to be abused.

"Hmph, this princess is already ready!"

Fischer flicked her right hand wearing a long black silk glove, and a purple long bow appeared in her hand.

Ying and Bennett also took out their long swords and got ready for battle. Li Qiuzhi thought about it and finally chose to take out a bow and arrow. After all, his archery skills were stronger now.

As several people got ready, the ice fog at the scene became thicker.

The North Wind Wolf King disappeared in front of everyone at some unknown moment.

"Ozzy, fly higher!"

Fischer, who has long, blond, silky hair, opened her right eye that was not covered by a black eye patch and paid careful attention to her surroundings.

After seeing nothing, he ordered his subordinate Nightcrow Oz to fly high into the sky to see if he could find anything.

"Okay, miss."

Night Crow Oz flapped his wings rapidly, but even from above, he saw still a mist of ice.

Tap tap tap, like the sound of running footsteps.

Since the ice mist was formed by elemental power, when it permeated the entire battlefield, it did cause some interference to Li Qiuzhi's golden sin-judging eye and Ying's elemental vision.

After all, both of them have the ability to observe traces of elements, but now after turning on the ability, they find that the entire field of vision is filled with ice elemental power.

It becomes like a blind man, not as useful as the naked eye.

Fortunately, he was pretty good at hearing and positioning, and could clearly tell that the North Wind Wolf King was circling the trial area, looking for opportunities to attack.

Li Qiuzhi released the fire element in his evil eyes and attached it to the arrow, and then shot it to the left with a simple prediction!

The fire element arrow disappeared into space and disappeared instantly.

"Huh?" Beifeng Wolf King's confused voice sounded, and then he said with some approval, "If you can hurt me in such a disadvantageous environment, huh, you still have some strength!"

"Haha, thank you." Li Qiuzhi said with a smile.

At this moment, the North Wind Wolf King stopped running, slightly guided the ice element, and created an ice element road extending towards Li Qiuzhi and the others.

"Be careful, get out of the way!"

Ying bent her knees slightly and jumped away, her white high-heeled boots wrapping her knees to reveal soft and clear lines. At the same time, she opened her mouth to remind.

Li Qiuzhi and the others reacted equally quickly, avoiding the "ice road" in less than a second.

Then the North Wind Wolf King rushed over along the "Ice Road", but luckily everyone escaped in advance.

After the charge, the North Wind Wolf King once again hid in the ice mist and ran.

Fischer also tried to predict the position and shoot a thunder element arrow, but unfortunately it was easily dodged due to the slow speed.

Not long after, another "ice road" spread over.

The four of them dodged the charge of the North Wind Wolf King again. Li Qiuzhi still had enough energy to shoot a fire element arrow, successfully hitting the Wolf King's tail.

The flames bloomed, causing it to groan.

"With all this mist, it's difficult for us to attack it." Bennett said, holding the dark steel sword in a posture ready to attack at any time.

"Stay vigilant, it can't do anything to us now."

Ying always paid attention to the direction of the Wolf King's footsteps, and a large number of wind elements gathered on the white palm to form a huge wind vortex.

She was trying to pull the surrounding ice fog that affected her vision and concentrate it in her hands.

Obviously, this was useful. Li Qiuzhi watched as the vast ice mist flowed towards her. It didn't take long for the thick ice mist to become much lighter.

The figure of the North Wind Wolf King can also be seen clearly.

"Hmph, doing this will only limit yourself." The North Wind Wolf King's eyes flashed, and an icy road extended towards Ying.

As the Wolf King said, at this time, she was unable to act rashly because she used the wind element to gather a large amount of ice elements that were not under her control.

If one is not careful and does not control it well, all the ice elements will explode and injure oneself.

"Throw them out!"

Li Qiuzhi saw that the Wolf King was about to charge again, and the target was Ying, so he quickly reminded him.

"No, I have no way to control it!"

Yingye also didn't expect for a moment that after the ice element was forcibly absorbed by her, it would be so difficult to control it.

Now she can only continue to maintain the rotation of the wind vortex and continue to pull the ice elements over. If she stops, the ice mist ball already in her hand will bloom in an instant.

You will be the first to be affected and engulfed.

"Human, it seems you were out first!"

The North Wind Wolf King chuckled, and his strong limbs jumped suddenly, rushing towards the girl with short blond hair.


Fischer's fair face showed some anxiety, summoned Oz to appear beside the Wolf King, and spit out magic bullets of thunder to hit it.

The tenacious young man Bennett jumped up and slashed the Wolf King with a long sword attached to the fire element. The overload reaction that occurred after that had no effect on it, and he was blown away instead.

Thanks to "Duanmu Ci 10086" for the 106 coins reward!

Thanks to "Book Friends 370****51" for the 1,000-coin reward!

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