I can gain experience points in Genshin Impact

Chapter 162 The Return of the Wave Knight

Li Qiuzhi has already experienced the disgustingness of elemental shields or shields.

Especially when facing abyss mages, the advantage of this specialty is too great. Their weak defense relies entirely on elemental shields.

Without a shield, they are just like ordinary people and can easily suffer fatal injuries. Of course, their shields are relatively strong.

And now.

After Li Qiuzhi has the character specialty [North Wind], there is a small chance that his attacks will turn into the north wind when faced with elements such as elemental shields and shields, penetrating through and directly attacking the main body.

It has to be said that this expertise is very practical. It is a pity that it is a small probability event.

It's impossible to penetrate every attack, and it all depends on luck to make it work.

However, as the number of attacks increases, it can always work once. As long as it works, you won't be helpless in the face of those shields and the like.

Although he now has the evil eye of the fire element and the power of the wind element mastered through his expertise, he can basically deal with most elemental shields.

When encountering a relatively stable rock element shield, you can also prepare heavy weapons to break it.

But these are not as good as [North Wind]. After all, the above-mentioned ones require a process of using elemental reactions to consume the shield.

Facing a stronger enemy, the thicker the elemental shield is, it may take a long time to break it, and during this period, the enemy will have to face counterattacks.

Very dangerous.

As for the specialty of [North Wind], you don’t need to worry about this at all.

Hiding in the distance and shooting arrows, as long as one arrow hits, the monster hiding in the elemental shield can be injured.

Even if he doesn't die in this way, it will greatly affect his subsequent performance and provide Li Qiuzhi with a very large first-mover advantage.

This expertise is very stable

Li Qiuzhi, Ying and Paimeng walked into a Monde department store on the street and bought some cream, eggs, flour and other ingredients for making cakes.

After returning home, they started preparing the cake happily, while Li Qiuzhi lay on the light blue sofa and looked at the character panel.

[Experience Points: 7760]

These experience points are obtained by defeating monsters in the Beast Realm when you are harassing them.

According to the previous idea, I would first increase my swordsmanship level and see if I could fuse another secret-level skill.

Experience Point-4499

Rhine's One-Handed Sword Skill 1 (1/100) \u003e Rhine's One-Handed Sword Skill 10 (Gas Accumulation/Can Be Fusion)

The extraordinary characteristic of "Qi Accumulation" allows him to accumulate momentum when using swordsmanship moves, and then swing out an extremely fast and earth-shattering sword.

According to the knowledge that comes to mind, this sword can even cut through steel without causing much damage to the sword itself.

This is an extraordinary characteristic that greatly increases his swordsmanship.

Li Qiuzhi integrated it with the "Xifeng Clan Swordsmanship", but unfortunately the new skill did not evolve to the secret level.

[Clan One-Handed Sword Skill 10 (Flashing Candlelight, Stop the Wind Realm, Accumulating Qi)]

It seems that it just has an extra extraordinary characteristic, and the name has not changed much, but it is true that the power has become stronger.

It feels like ordinary people who are not very strong can navigate most areas in the wild with such level of swordsmanship.

There were still more than 3,200 experience points, but Li Qiuzhi didn't keep them and immediately invested 3,000 experience points into the level.

As the warm current appeared in his body, it didn't take long for his body to complete another strengthening and reach the thirty-level level.

Just when he was happy.


Suddenly I heard the sound of breaking glass and the girl's little exclamation.

A piece of glass shard hit Li Qiuzhi. He caught it with quick eyes and hands, then sat up straight and looked at the two people preparing the cake on the other side of the table.

"What's wrong?" Li Qiuzhi asked Ying and Paimeng doubtfully.

"Uh, I accidentally used too much force."

Ying removed the vortex formed by the wind element on her hand, wiped the foam on her face with the back of her white hand and said with some embarrassment.

"You don't know how to use wind elements to beat egg whites, do you?"

Li Qiuzhi knew that making cakes required beating egg whites into a fine foam, which was a troublesome task.

I didn't expect that Ying could use the rotating wind element to solve this whimsical idea, but he didn't grasp the power well and broke the bowl used for whipping.

"Ugh! The traveler is an idiot, the foam got all over me!"

Pamon said angrily with his hands on his hips.

"Ha ha"

Ying wiped off the snow-white foam on her chest with her hands, imitating some unknown bard and sticking out her pink tongue in a pretentious manner in an attempt to get over it.

"Let me help you clean up." Li Qiuzhi said with a smile.

Since she had no experience in making, Ying was covered in all kinds of egg white foam, and it took her an afternoon of tinkering to finally get the cream cake out.

In the early morning, the gorgeous sunshine shines on Li Qiuzhi through the window.

Even though he woke up, he still delayed for half an hour before successfully getting up. However, Ying and Paimon had already gotten up early to make breakfast.

He came to the front yard and stretched out, squinted his eyes and yawned. When he opened his eyes again, he saw two figures standing outside the iron gate of the wall, saying hello to him.

Amber has long dark brown hair tied with bunny ears.

It’s been a while since we last saw Yula, who was wearing a tight leather jumpsuit and over-the-knee black high-heeled boots as always.

"Amber, Youla, why are you here?" Li Qiuzhi walked over, opened the door, invited the two of them in, and said.

"Good morning, Li Qiuzhi. I'm here to give you your pilot's license. As for Youla, I said I'm here to test your swordsmanship or something."

Amber pressed her hands on her soft waist and said with a smile on her fair face.

Yesterday, he did hear Captain Qin mention that the guerrilla team would come back to rest, so it was not beyond his expectation that Yula, the leader of the guerrilla team, would come back.

But he remembered that Captain Qin would arrange for her to clean up the beast realm monsters in the Benlang Territory.

Since it is a relatively urgent mission, the guerrilla team will only be given half a day at most to replenish supplies before setting off.

Unexpectedly, Youla would not take advantage of the time to take a rest, but would come over to test his swordsmanship. Li Qiuzhi was naturally moved by Youla being so enthusiastic about him.

Fortunately, his swordsmanship has reached a very powerful level, and he has lived up to her training!

"Humph, I just came to see if you were slacking off. If so, I will hold a grudge!"

Yula folded her hands and pressed slightly on the light blue tie with gold patterns hanging in front of her along the curve of her chest. The tie just covered the semi-transparent black silk in the middle of the one-piece leather jacket that showed the color of her skin.

"Of course, my current swordsmanship will definitely surprise you." Li Qiuzhi said with a smile.

"Okay, please wait for the swordsmanship test. I'll give you my pilot's license. After finishing Commander Qin's instructions, I'll go to work first."

Amber took out two pamphlets from the Eye of God and handed them to him.

When Li Qiuzhi took the pilot's license, he also noticed another thing she said:

"Captain Qin, does he have something to ask us about?"

I'm going to be the best man, and it's more likely to be later.

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