Alas~ Why are you still so stubborn?

While Captain Qin sighed, Li Qiuzhi also sighed in his heart.

Although I can understand her desire to protect Mondstadt, Qin wants to take care of herself no matter how big or small it is. If she wants to be the best personality, she would be too irresponsible to herself.

But that's right, after all, it's difficult to change your personality all of a sudden, and it doesn't need to be changed.

Because protecting Mondstadt is what Captain Qin has always believed in.

Moreover, it was only because of the recent storm disaster that the Knights did not have enough manpower, so Commander Qin was so busy.

The usual work intensity is probably within an acceptable range.

But it is also at this special time that the concern from everyone cannot be less, otherwise the leader Qin who takes on everything will be too lonely.

"I understand what you, Lisa, and Barbara think, but you can speak openly, especially don't listen to Lisa's bad ideas next time!"

Captain Qin couldn't help but feel a little angry and dissatisfied when he remembered that Lisa had used his special status as an honorary knight to coerce him.

Her best friend is good at everything, but sometimes he does things that bother her.

Especially when patrolling the city with Lisa, she would use thunder and lightning to help sober up drunk people lying in the middle of the road.

Wait until tomorrow morning, and as expected, another complaint letter appears in my office.

"Okay, I'm sorry, Captain Qin."

Captain Qin's sullen and reddish fair face was facing him. Li Qiuzhi, who felt that Captain Qin looked unexpectedly cute like this, apologized obediently.

The two walked to the bottom of the big tree and sat on a huge green tree root exposed from the ground.

The branches and leaves of the tree rustled in the wind.

Captain Qin took out a book with a cyan cover and opened it gently with his white fingers. Then he leaned his white back against the tree trunk with his shawl and began to taste the book.

After all, you have decided to take a vacation for yourself, so reading is a good way to relax your body and mind.

Li Qiuzhi also leaned on the tree. He seemed bored because he had no books to read, so he talked to Captain Qin and asked curiously:

"What book is Commander Qin reading?"

He just glanced at the cover of the book in Captain Qin's hand, which read "Girl Vera's Melancholy". He should have accidentally collected this book in the game.

But he had not opened it and did not understand the contents.

People who like reading are generally willing to share the contents of books with their friends and recommend them to read them, and Qin is no exception.

"It's called "The Melancholy of Girl Vera". It tells the story of an ordinary girl, Vera, and her friends' adventures in the stars and seas. But it's actually a love novel, eh."

As she spoke, Qin revealed the secret of her love for reading romance novels, and then lowered her head and looked to the side in embarrassment.

Of course, there might also be an honorary knight here, who might be a suitable person to talk to.

I always felt that my mood relaxed a little when I was with him.


Li Qiuzhi didn't expect that Captain Qin, who usually seemed serious and trustworthy, would have such a girly side. No, that's not right. It's normal to have that.

What I usually see is only a very small part of Commander Qin's profile at work.

She is also a girl who has come from her teenage years, so it is normal for her to like romance novels.

But as the West Wind Knight and the acting leader, she would basically give Mondstadt and the Knights the highest priority in everything, so it wasn't obvious.

Maybe she has a yearning for the delicate and fragile emotion of love.

It was obvious that Captain Qin was feeling awkward and complicated. Li Qiuzhi wisely did not ask further about romance novels. Instead, he noticed a special noun in her words:

"The realms of the Star Sea? Does Captain Qin know anything about the world outside of Teyvat?"

Li Qiuzhi's ultimate goal of becoming stronger in the Teyvat continent is actually to find a way to return home. After all, that planet still has family members that he can't let go of.

Of course, before going back, you must grow up or master a way to return to Teyvat at any time.

Because if nothing else, he has the inherent talent of "entangled affection", and he will inevitably have fate and feelings with many girls on the way to becoming stronger.

Just like little Amy now.

He thought he couldn't let her go, so he left regardless of everything.

But she also has her own family and friends in Teyvat, so she must master the skills of traveling to and from Teyvat at any time before she can consider her next plan.

Hearing that Li Qiuzhi didn't ask about the romance novel, Qin breathed a sigh of relief, then smiled and replied:

"I may not know as much about the starry sky outside Teyvat as you, a visitor from another world.

"It is said that Teyvat is just a small planet among the realms of the star sea, and such a small planet is the same as the Milky Way composed of stars that you see when you look up at night."

Li Qiuzhi nodded slightly. He actually didn't want to ask anything. After all, he didn't have the strength to leave Teyvat.

The main thing was to divert Captain Qin from her embarrassment of accidentally telling her little secret.

However, it is not bad to know that the continent of Teyvat is actually the same planet as the earth, so there is still a probability that the two are in the same universe.

As for if you want to know more about the "Xinghai Realms", then you probably can only ask Ying.

Of course, this is not urgent. The strength is not yet in place, so it is useless to ask.

Just when Li Qiuzhi was about to chat with Captain Qin, she suddenly stood up and looked back sharply.

"Come out!"

Li Qiuzhi was a little surprised when he heard this. Did any enemy appear?

And he didn't even feel anything!

"Have Jie Jie been discovered yet?" An abyss mage with an ice elemental shield suddenly appeared in front of the two of them, "This mage's luck is so good today. He unexpectedly met a weak knight leader. As long as we deal with you, Mondstadt will collapse!"

Damn it, you have such sinister intentions!

Li Qiuzhi's eyes gradually turned golden, and he opened his eyes to look at the ice abyss mage.

[Level: sixty-three]

Hiss~ Over sixty, Li Qiuzhi was surprised by the strength of this Abyss mage, but just because of this, he wanted to take action against Captain Qin. Are you, the Abyss Cult, so arrogant?

"No, you are thinking too narrowly. Neither Mondstadt nor the Knights can function without me."

Qin denied Master Abyss's statement, and then continued:

"Besides, you may not be able to solve me!"

The invisible breeze that rustled the big trees took on the form of a cyan wind element and slowly wrapped around Qin's body, which was tied with a single golden ponytail.

Like the first hurricane.

Thanks to "Ayato's brother-in-law" for the 193-coin reward!

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