Liyue, Shimen.

As a transportation hub between the two countries, it is very prosperous, and you can often see people wearing clothes from different countries.

It’s not just Liyue and Mondstadt.

There are even people from Inazuma, Sumeru, Fontaine and other countries.

They were probably businessmen or tourists, so they came to Shimen, a relatively prosperous transportation hub.

After all, this is the last town in Liyue on the way to Mondstadt, and it is also the first town that Mondstadt encounters on its way to Liyue.

No matter which way you go next, resting and replenishing supplies are inevitable here.

After Li Qiuzhi and Ying ran away from the "Teleport Anchor Point", they first walked around the Shimen.

Had some snacks and drank a bowl of tea at the tea stall.

Then prepare to continue to Liyue Port.

The two followed the pedestrians on the dirt road to Liyue Port.

The next destination is Dihuazhou. Although it is a wild area, there are many people coming and going close to Shimen, so there should be a hotel or something.

If we can get there within today, we probably won't have to sleep in the open.

Just at this time.

Li Qiuzhi and the others saw a group of people gathered around the road, which seemed very lively.

"What are they doing around here? How about we go over and take a look?"

Paimon was flying in mid-air and pointed over there curiously.

This guy is a person who likes to join in the fun, and Li Qiuzhi and Ying were also a little interested, so everyone came closer to see what was going on.

"Anyone who is passing by, please come and take a look.

"The half-immortal fortune teller is accurate in everything. He is not allowed to ask for money. He does it for no other reason than to help the world.

"If you encounter any problems, just tell us!"

A middle-aged man wearing a gray square hat, with two black beards on his upper lip and a long beard on his chin, sat behind a stall and laughed.

There were two flags erected on both sides of him, one on the left and one on the right saying:

【The True Biography of the Emperor】

[Half Immortal Strange Man]

After reading it, Paimeng was shocked: "W-what, we haven't even arrived at Liyue Port yet, yet we unexpectedly met the disciple of the Rock King Emperor by chance!"

Listening to what Paimon said, Ying couldn't help but put her hands on her hips and sighed. It was obvious that this was a lie, and Paimon, the idiot, actually believed it.

Li Qiuzhi also nodded in agreement.

It's not easy to see an immortal, and he even comes out to tell people's fortunes in public.

By the way, this guy is really brave, actually using the name of Emperor Yanwang to cheat.

"Are you really a half-immortal?"

Of course, not everyone can recognize this simple scam. For example, a gray-haired old woman in the crowd asked with a doubtful expression.

"Yes, we have never heard of any true legacy of the Emperor?!"

A middle-aged woman dressed in a simple and Liyue style obviously didn't believe it.

Their doubts also made more people look suspicious. Although everyone was old and had not read many books, not everyone could be deceived.


The middle-aged man who claimed to be the true successor of the emperor stroked his long beard on his chin, shook his head slightly and said with a smile:

"You guys, I don't understand the details, and I don't blame you for the offense.

"Since I have doubts, I will tell you the story of how I became a disciple of the Emperor."

His confident look seemed to make everyone believe him unconsciously, and those who were watching out of curiosity motioned for him to continue speaking.

The middle-aged man wearing a gray square hat continued to stroke his beard, squinted his eyes and smiled as if he said knowingly:

"That year was when I was young.

"At that time, there was a flood in Guiliyuan, and the thick yellow turbid water submerged the village where I was.

"Fortunately, it was discovered early and no casualties were caused, but the crops in the village were flooded and washed away, leaving nothing behind."

Having said this, the middle-aged man paused and wiped the tears that overflowed from the corners of his eyes.

Seeing this explosive performance, Li Qiuzhi would have almost believed it if he hadn't seen this routine too many times on the Internet before.

"Ugh, how pitiful. If the crops are gone, won't there be no food for the next year?"

Paimon and some other elderly people seemed to be moved by what the middle-aged man said, and the crowd of onlookers became much silent.

Maybe they have had similar experiences before.

"Because there is no food, the villagers have no choice but to throw their young and ignorant children into the wilderness and let them fend for themselves, and I am one of them."

The middle-aged man calmed down and continued.


"How could this happen? It's so pitiful. How can a young child survive in the wild?"

The old people and children who were watching were talking about it.

The middle-aged man took in everyone's reactions and sneered in his heart with disdain: What a bunch of stupid guys, you deserve to be deceived.

As a professional liar, learning to exploit the empathy of others is the most basic operation.

He continued to pretend to be pitiful:

"Sigh, if this continues, I and several of my companions in the village may not even survive the first night, and they will be eaten by monsters and beasts."

"Then, what happened next?" a little boy who came out to play with his grandmother asked curiously.

The middle-aged man adjusted the gray square hat on his head and continued to talk:

"Yes, what follows is what you thought, a scary-looking monster appears and wants to eat me and my companions in the village!

"And this time.

"A divine dragon emitting dazzling golden light was attracted by our cries. He blew out two breaths from his nostrils and blew away the monsters. Yes, he is our beloved emperor!"

"Shenlong! It is indeed the Emperor!" The little boy's eyes seemed to glow with golden light.

No one in Liyue dared to pretend to be the emperor, so everyone became a little more convinced. Seeing this, the middle-aged man continued:

"The follow-up is the story of how the Emperor saw that we were pitiful, so he took us to his dojo and accepted us as his disciples.

"But I am the smartest among them, so I can become the true successor. As for where the dojo is and how to learn the immortal magic, I cannot explain it. It involves the secret of the emperor!"

"So that's it. It seems that you are really the true disciple of His Majesty the Emperor. Moreover, after completing your studies, you can tell fortunes for free. You choose to give back to the world. It's really great!"

The speaker was a young man in the crowd with a red headscarf tied on his head. He looked a little excited.

Li Qiuzhi's eyelids twitched. No way. Elderly people and children are easily deceived. How can you believe this at such a young age?


This blowing is too stiff, not natural at all. Is it a "trust"?

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