I can gain experience points in Genshin Impact

Chapter 228 Harvest (two in one)

They controlled the wings of wind to stop in the air and land slowly.

Ying's feet in white over-the-knee boots rested gently on an uneven stone. Her skirt, which was slightly raised by the airflow, slowly fell down to cover the exposed white skin of her thighs.

Li Qiuzhi, Xingqiu and Chongyun landed on her right side.

Paimon's magical flight using his phantom limb is much freer and more flexible than the wings of wind, so he has been waiting here for a long time.

"Hey, I've looked around, and there are no monsters. Maybe they are hiding in the cave. You go in first, I don't dare."

As expected of Paimon, he naturally told the truth about his cowardice.

Ying put her fingers on her hips and pressed a few soft depressions in the lower abdomen covered by the dress. She looked at Paimon with a helpless expression.

"Aren't you a guide? If you don't walk in front, you are not a qualified guide." Ying raised the corner of her mouth and said jokingly.

"What, it should be that if you want to be a qualified tourist, you must stand in front and protect the guide. Otherwise, if I am eaten by a monster, who will be your guide?"

Paimon retorted with reason.

"That's right. Paimon is an emergency food during travel. I haven't tasted it yet. How can it be eaten by monsters? As expected, it's better to hide behind us."

Ying Shen nodded in agreement, and then walked towards the cave in the gap in the mountain.

"Hey! I told you, Paimon is not emergency food!"

Pamon stamped his feet in mid-air angrily and flew after Ying.

"Haha, Paimon is really cute when he's angry. Come on, let's go there too." Xingqiu sighed with a smile, and then he and Chongyun also walked towards the cave.

Li Qiuzhi looked around and made sure there were no other monsters nearby, then followed the last one and walked over.

When coming outside the cave.

Sure enough, you can feel the hot environment inside, and the heat rushes over you like waves.

"So hot, so hot!"

Chongyun seemed to have encountered something terrible, so he quickly moved away from the entrance of the cave and ran outside the gap in the mountain to make ice cubes to cool himself down.

"Eh? What's wrong with him? In fact, it's just warm here and not too hot. Is it that exaggerated?"

Paimon touched the white hair on his head with some confusion.

Ying stretched out her hand into the cave. The heat wave hit her hand, which was indeed just warm, not "hot".

And it is even more strange for the holder of the Eye of Ice Elemental God.

"This is because Chongyun has a special 'Pure Yang Physique'. Although this will give him a powerful blessing in dealing with demons, it also makes him like a pot of oil, boiling at the slightest touch.

"In other words, he will be very sensitive to 'heat', and eating spicy food will even cause his temperament to change drastically."

Xingqiu took out a paper fan, unfolded it, and fanned himself with the words "take a break from work".

His divine eye contains many paper fans with different sentences written on them.

"Is this really the case? What's the reason for the drastic change in temperament?" Paimon was a little curious.

"Haha, I'll hook up with you and have a drink."

Xingqiu said with a chuckle.

"Well, it's really unimaginable." Ying Ye said with emotion. This has indeed changed a lot for Chongyun's current temperament.

"Then Chongyun probably won't be able to enter this cave. Let him stay here and watch out while we go in."

Li Qiuzhi seemed to vaguely remember that his pure Yang physique was indeed such a thing.

In order to prevent Chongyun from being affected by the heat and having strange changes in his temperament, which would lead to an accident while exploring the cave, it was better not to go in.

"Yeah, I think so."

Xingqiu nodded in agreement, then walked outside to talk to Chongyun.

Naturally, Chongyun didn't want to embarrass himself, so he immediately agreed to the task of guarding, lest monsters or unscrupulous treasure thieves come and cause damage.

Li Qiuzhi, Ying, Paimeng, and Xingqiu walked into the cave against the heat wave.

The cave is very wide, about three meters.

At the same time, the ground and walls seemed very dry, and the shoes collapsed and shattered like sand when they stepped on the soil. This should be due to the lack of moisture.

The passage seemed a bit dark, and the heat wave coming out of it for some unknown reason was much higher.

After walking a few dozen meters, Li Qiuzhi and the others saw several red flame flowers in front of them that emitted the light of the fire element in the dark environment. They were exactly the same as those at the entrance of the cave.

"Wait a minute. Based on the lessons learned from the Aurora Adventure Group, we should probably try first to see if these flame flowers are disguised as monsters."

Xingqiu raised his palm slightly, and traces of water elements gathered into a water ball in his palm.

"Yeah, well, He Ying's experience of taking many risks tells me that I need to be more cautious."

Paimon, who was wearing a tiara, nodded in agreement.

Xingqiu swung his hand forward hard, and the blue water ball was immediately given a considerable initial speed and flew straight in the air.

In less than two seconds, he flew above several flame flowers.

Then it suddenly burst like a balloon, and the scattered water poured onto several flame flowers. The two plants on the left and right among them withered instantly.

The one in the middle seemed to have no influence at all, still quietly emitting a blazing red light.

"Generally, the flame flower will temporarily wither when it comes into contact with the water element, so this one is"

Paimon's eyes widened.

"Yes, it must be a monster, but he didn't even react. He seems to be a slow guy."

Li Qiuzhi smiled.

"Then I'll leave it to you." Ying folded her long-sleeved arms on her upper abdomen and glanced at him and said.

Li Qiuzhi can use bows and arrows for long-distance attacks, so it is naturally appropriate to leave the matter of dealing with monsters to him.

Of course, Li Qiuzhi would not refuse.

His eyes gradually turned golden, just like little Amy and Ying's hair color.

Many bright light spots appeared on the "Fire Flower" in his field of vision.

There are two in the buds and two on the rhizome.

Li Qiuzhi thought for a moment and made the decision to attack the rhizomes of the "Fire Flower".

The wind element condensed on the ordinary arrows, and then swept towards the "Flame Flower" like a roaring storm, and dryness and mud flew up.

Perhaps it was because of the too much noise. The Liar Flower disguised as the "Fire Flower" finally reacted and suddenly shrank into the ground.

The arrow passed through the air, hit the rotating wind element on the cave wall, and directly opened a large hole in the wall.

The cheating flower popped up further inside the cave.

It glanced at Li Qiuzhi and seemed to feel that this human being was a little too powerful for him to defeat, so he got into the ground again and ran inside.

"Yeah, let it run away, why don't you use an arrow that can travel through space?"

Paimeng put his hands on his hips and looked at Li Qiuzhi with some confusion.

If this guy uses space shuttle arrows, he can hit it in one click and won't be run away by it at all.

"Shouldn't we make more noise to see if there are any monsters hiding nearby? Anyway, it's still in this cave. If it can't escape, let's catch up."

Li Qiuzhi put away the adventurer's hunting bow and walked slowly in front, looking around warily from time to time.

Ying, Paimon and Xingqiu also followed behind, observing from time to time.

He deliberately held back a hand, but actually he also meant to let the blazing deceiver run ahead to explore the way. After all, this strange cave was a little unusual.


If it hadn't escaped just now and wanted to fight back, it would have been a pity to defeat it.

"Wait, what are those?!"

A look of surprise appeared on his fair face.

After walking in the cave for a long time, the temperature in the environment became higher and higher as we continued deeper into the cave, and no one found any trace of the previous cheating flower.

But just after turning a corner, a pair of densely packed red eyes stared at them from top to bottom.

"Ugh, what terrible eyes."

Paimon was startled, covered his mouth gently, and quickly hid behind Ying.

"They seem to be fire-eating bats?!"

Xingqiu touched his chin with his index finger, looking at the small monsters with red eyes and bodies hanging upside down on the cave ceiling, and said with some uncertainty.

He had only vaguely read the description of this creature in a book called "Liyue Dang Mo Lu", but had never seen it with his own eyes.

If Chongyun is here, then he must know him.

"Squeak! Squeak!"

Perhaps the arrival of a few people disturbed these red bats. They screamed angrily, just like the sounds made by mice.

"Yeah, they seem to be ready to attack, let's run away!"

Paimon, who was not afraid of anything, even the stars and the abyss would follow Ying, but he seemed a little unexpectedly timid when he encountered such a dense bat monster today.

Li Qiuzhi thought a little funny.

"It's already too late. Besides, no matter how much we run, we won't be able to fly as fast as they can."

Xingqiu watched the fire-eating bats swoop down towards them, quickly guiding the water elements to form a thin film to wrap everyone.

This is not an elemental shield and does not have a strong defensive effect.

However, small gregarious monsters like fire-eating bats are very afraid of water, so simply wrapping everyone with water elements eliminates the need to worry about them attacking forcefully.

And that's exactly what happened.

These little crimson bats stopped flying when faced with the water curtain that could pass through with just a slight collision, and could only rage helplessly outside.

"Oh great, they can't come in." Pamon patted his chest and breathed a small sigh of relief, "But they don't seem to have left yet, what should we do?"

She looked at the blond haired girl.

Ying clenched her fist slightly against her waist, stared at the ground with her amber pupils and thought for a moment, then raised her head and turned her gaze to the young adventurer beside her and asked:

"Are your arrows strong enough? Can you shoot down all these monsters?"

"My arrows?"

Li Qiuzhi briefly took a look at the storage status of the arrows in Lisa's modified evil eyes.

First of all, there are still more than 30 water element arrows made by Wagner using water element ore a long time ago.

The main reason is that after he has mastered the wind element, unless he encounters special circumstances, it is usually enough to attach the wind element to ordinary arrows.

Therefore, this specially crafted arrow is not consumed much.

There are only more than 120 ordinary arrows, and these arrows can be used to deal with the same number of crimson bats.

"It should be enough." Li Qiuzhi nodded towards Ying.

"Okay, then I'll leave the arduous task of shooting them down to you." Ying said with a faint smile.

Li Qiuzhi also had this intention.

He took out the adventurer's hunting bow again, attached an ordinary arrow with the wind element attached to it, and aimed at the bats walking outside the autumn water curtain. "Whoosh" was an arrow that traveled through space.

A fire-eating bat fell down and hit the ground with a "snap".

[Defeat powerful enemies and gain 276 experience points. 】

Looking at the prompt that popped up on the character panel, Li Qiuzhi was a little surprised. It seemed that these fire-eating bats were no weaker than some giant slimes.

One has an experience point of two to three hundred, and a rough estimate here is that there are probably more than a hundred.

If they are all defeated, there must be at least 20,000 to 30,000 people.

For a moment, Li Qiuzhi looked at them as if he had encountered a big treasure, and the arrows in his hand shot out continuously.

As each fire-eating bat falls, experience point reminders also follow one after another.

Experience points +222

Experience points +301

Experience points +241

When Li Qiuzhi had used up most of the ordinary arrows, the remaining fire-eating bats seemed to finally realize that something was wrong.

If you can't get through the water curtain, wouldn't you just be targeted by the hateful humans inside? !

After instinctively figuring this out, the remaining fire-eating bats began to escape further into the cave.

Li Qiuzhi increased his speed and shot down a few more, but there was nothing he could do. They had completely disappeared from everyone's sight.

"He is indeed the marksman among us, he is really powerful!"

When Paimon saw how easily Li Qiuzhi had driven away so many terrifying monsters, he couldn't help but clapped his hands and praised him.

"Hmph, take it easy." Li Qiuzhi puffed up his chest and felt proud.

Ying held her forehead and glanced at him, then moved the blond hair on the side of her face behind her fair and delicate ears. She looked at Xingqiu with her amber pupils and asked:

"What are the uses of these fire-eating bat corpses? Are they worth anything?"

Xingqiu held his arms with one hand and put his chin with the other, thinking for a moment:

"According to the records in "Liyue Dang Mo Lu", the fire-eating bat likes heat and is afraid of water. The fire element it absorbs cannot be released outside and accumulates in the body to form fire poison, so it cannot be eaten.

"Alchemists or pharmacists can extract the fire poison in their bodies to use as ingredients for certain medicines. Ordinary people should not try it easily."

After hearing this, Paimon tilted his head in confusion:

"Can poison be used as medicine? Isn't this too dangerous?"

"Haha, it won't happen in the hands of a highly skilled pharmacist, so the corpse of the fire-eating bat is still of some value and is worth collecting."

Xingqiu smiled and said.

Li Qiuzhi nodded slightly when he heard this. Sugar must be very interested in this strange bat, and he would bring it back to her in a few days.

There are a total of fifty or sixty fire-eating bat corpses here. The three of them collected a part each, and they were almost finished.

After defeating so many bats, a total of more than 19,000 experience points were obtained.

In addition to what he had gained previously, the experience points on Li Qiuzhi's character panel became rich again.

[Experience Points: 23675]

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