I can gain experience points in Genshin Impact

Chapter 235 Goodbye Ningguang (two-in-one)

"Then what are your plans, Zhenjun?"

Li Qiuzhi looked at her tone, maybe it was because the letter came from Ningguang.

Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng did not suspect that the Seven Stars of Liyue had assassinated the emperor as in the game plot.

I don’t know what Ningguang wrote in the letter?

After Li Qiuzhi and Ying got the letter, they didn't peek at it, so naturally they didn't know what was written in it.

"If you want to confirm the emperor's condition, you must meet his immortal body to confirm."

Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun thought for a few seconds.

"Shen He, you and the two strangers go to Liyue Port to bring a message to Qixing.

"Just say that we immortals are going to see the emperor's immortal body. After you ask for the location, wait in Liyue. We will come to you."

She ordered to her apprentice.

"Okay, master." Shen He tapped the air with his white chin to show his understanding.

"Well, by the way, you two."

Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun once again turned his attention to Li Qiuzhi and the others:

"Shen He, this child, always does things straightforwardly. She is not good at getting along with others for the time being. Please be careful and don't let outsiders provoke her."

She was worried that Shen He would take action indiscriminately and injure others.

"Okay, of course there is no problem with this."

Li Qiuzhi nodded. Anyway, he wanted to learn from Shen He how to exercise his mental strength, so he naturally agreed to this request.

"As for you, just stay here for a few days to practice. When I am free, I will teach you martial arts or immortal techniques."

Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun finally said to Xingqiu and Chongyun.

Naturally, they had no objection to this. After all, they did not participate in Li Qiuzhi's investigation into the emperor's murder.


Liuyun borrowed the power of Feng Zhenjun to bless Li Qiuzhi and others with the magic to keep flying in the air, and asked them to return to Liyue now. After all, the situation was urgent.

After Li Qiuzhi and others left, Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng also left to inform other immortals.

Only Xingqiu and Chongyun were left to meditate on the top of Mount Aozang out of boredom.

This made Li Qiuzhi extremely envious. If possible, he would also want to stay, after all, he could practice immortal magic.

"Wow, that's so fast!"

High above the clouds.

Paimon grabbed two streamers and lay on the back of Ying who was flying using the Wings of Wind.

With the blessing of the fairy magic, the surrounding wind seemed to come over and push them forward. It was so fast!

Moreover, those winds will protect them, so they don't feel like they are hit by the airflow due to their fast flight.

Even Shen He's long white hair next to him only fluttered slightly.

"At this speed, we can probably get back to Liyue Port before nightfall."

Li Qiuzhi also seemed relatively happy.

When could he control the wind element to this extent?

I don’t know if raising “Wind Element Control” to the full level will have one-tenth of the effect of this magical method.

The speed doesn't necessarily need to be very fast, as long as it can keep flying in the sky without having to come down, it would be great.

"Miss Shen He, it seems that she has been practicing immortal magic with Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng in the mountains since she was a child. Have you ever been to Liyue Port?"

Ying turned her head and looked at Shen He beside her and asked.

"Just call me Shen He. True Lord Liyue Port took me there several times, but it was too 'noisy' for me and I didn't like it."

Shen He smoothed his hair from his forehead, revealing his silver-gray eyes that were thinking about something.

"I see. It seems that I am used to the quiet life in the mountains and it is a bit difficult to adapt to the city."

Ying nodded.

Then she remembered what Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng said about Shen He being not good at dealing with people. After thinking about it, she continued to ask:

"So do you need us to help you find a quiet house to live in Liyue Port?"

"That's fine."

Shen He also knew that he might not be able to make it to Liyue Port without help, so he nodded and accepted Ying's kindness.

"Actually, there is no need to waste Maura. We will fly directly to Qunyu Pavilion to find Ningguang later. I believe she will make arrangements."

Li Qiuzhi remembered the astonishing rental prices they encountered when they first came to Liyue Port.

"Hehe, I didn't expect you, a big carrot, to be quite smart."

Paimon removed the prefix "huaxin" as agreed.

"Well, everything is fine, thank you."

Shen He has some money called "Mola" in his hand.

The master said that going to Liyue Port requires money for food, accommodation and transportation, but she didn't understand why it was so troublesome to use money.

If possible, she would also like to make it simpler.

[Shen He has a good impression of you and gains 130 favorability points. The current favorability level is 2 (30/200)]

Um? Looking at the favorable impression prompts on the character panel, Li Qiuzhi secretly sighed: Shen He finally developed a liking for him.

As long as there is a breakthrough from zero to one, the favorability will be gained faster and faster.

As a disciple of the Immortal Family, Shen He might allow Li Qiuzhi to gain abilities related to immortal magic once his favor reaches the full level.

In other words, although he does not have the talent to cultivate immortality now, it does not mean that he will not have it in the future.

Perhaps this opportunity lies in Shen He's full-level favorability skill.

Of course, this cannot be done too hastily. Things like favorability cannot be forced. It can only happen naturally to yourself in daily interactions, so you need to be patient.

Having dealt with so many girls, Li Qiuzhi is already quite experienced in this.

The bright moon hangs high in the night sky.

Li Qiuzhi and the others flew near Tianheng Mountain, and when they could see Qunyu Pavilion, it was a little later than expected.

"It's so late, I don't know if Lord Tianquanxing has rested."

Pamon lay on Ying's back and yawned.

It had been flying for a long time. Although she didn't have to use her own strength, it was very tiring to concentrate on grabbing Ying's ribbon to prevent herself from falling for such a long time.

"It's only eight o'clock in the evening, how can you go to bed so early?" Li Qiuzhi took out his pocket watch and looked at the time and said.

"That's not necessarily true. Miss Lisa said that staying up late will affect the skin. Then Miss Ningguang might also have the habit of going to bed early."

Paimon said reasonably.

"But it won't be so early."

Li Qiuzhi said doubtfully and helplessly, and at the same time, he began to descend to the Qunyu Pavilion below.

"After completing the practice of immortal magic during the day, I usually have nothing to do at night, so I will rest early, and then get up in the early morning before dawn to start practicing early."

Listening to the conversation between the two, Shen He may have developed a slight liking for Li Qiuzhi and regarded him as a relatively familiar person, so he rarely joined the conversation.

"Okay, you have such a regular schedule. No wonder Shen He looks so beautiful, like an immortal."

Several people landed on the platform outside the Jade Pavilion, and Paimeng praised Shen He with an envious tone.

"It's not like us. In order to prevent monster attacks when venturing in the wild, it's normal to take turns to rest, and it's not uncommon to stay up all night.

"That's why this guy has always wanted to learn an immortal technique called 'Inner Scenery'. According to him, this magical technique can open up the cave space. If we learn this, we can have a place to live at any time in the future!"

Paimon excitedly talked about what Li Qiuzhi had mentioned on the way to Aozang Mountain, and then felt a little disappointed when he thought that no one had the talent to cultivate immortality.

It seems that dream is shattered.

"Inner scene? The caves are generally opened in caves and can be called 'inner scenes', but Master and the others usually call them 'exterior scenes'."

Shen He put away the wings of wind that her master had made for her, and her toes, which were slightly exposed from the tight wrapping of the black one-piece leather jacket, gently stood on the stone ground.

She thought for a while and said:

“The cave where my master and I live was created using this magical method.

"But the master said that you can't use the power of exterior scenery until you reach the level of an immortal. Otherwise, I can help you open a cave to come out."

"Uh, so it was an outdoor scene?" Li Qiuzhi was a little surprised when he heard this.

Based on his previous impressions in the game, he felt that since the "Chen Song Pot" opened a cave inside, it should be an "interior scene".

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be a completely different and opposite word "exterior scene".

After all, after traveling for a long time, it is normal to misremember for a while.

After landing on the ground, Ying unscrewed Paimon, who was still trying to laze on her back, and said thoughtfully:

"Since we won't be able to learn interior scenes, er, 'exterior scenes' for a while, is it possible to ask the immortals to build a cave for us?"

Li Qiuzhi walked towards the gate of Qunyu Pavilion while thinking about what Ying said.

He seems to remember that after completing a certain task in the game, Grandma Ping, a fairy who lives in seclusion in Liyue Port, will give the player a "Chensong Pot".

There is a very large cave inside the pot, which can be used for lodging or growing vegetables. Unfortunately, it has been so long that he did not remember the details of the task.

Whether there is a chance now depends on luck. After all, you can't just run up to Grandma Ping and say, "I know you are an immortal and I want to ask you for help."

This is too reckless. Immortals have the temperament of immortals. Li Qiuzhi should not be slapped until he feeds the fish in Yunlaihai.

Regarding the Chensong Pot, we can only let it happen, like in the game plot, Grandma Ping offers to give it to her.

Otherwise, even if you get acquainted with those immortals and ask them to help open up the cave, you will still need to be paid.

You can't give nothing.

And it is difficult for them to give satisfactory remuneration to the immortals who lack nothing.

In general, you still have to rely on yourself. It would be too immature to place hope on others.

"Ask the Immortal to help?! Do we have so many moras?"

Paimon and Li Qiuzhi thought of going together, although they were not necessarily interested in Maura.

"That's right." Ying rubbed her brows and gave up the idea for the time being.

"This place is closed."

Shen He stopped looking at the beautiful door in front of him.

She lowered her arms, and her wrists were outside the round and soft lines of her hips wrapped in a tight black leather jacket.

When walking around, you will occasionally come across the snow-white skin exposed by the diamond-shaped hollows on both sides of the pelvis.

The whole person is placed under the night moon, which adds a hazy beauty of moonlight to her pure and elegant temperament.

"Yeah, Zhenhai who was on duty here during the day seems to be off duty. How about we knock on the door?"

Paimon touched his chin and made a fairly suitable suggestion.

"That's all we can do, let me do it." Li Qiuzhi nodded, walked forward, and patted the door gently with his palm.


The sound of knocking on the door came in the quiet high sky, like a stone falling into the calm lake.

It seems a little bit abrupt.

Not long after, there were hurried footsteps inside, and then it was quiet for a while, and then the sound of the door lock opening continued.


The door of Qunyu Pavilion opened, and what appeared in front of everyone was a young woman wearing a Liyue-style dress.

"Who is disturbing Lord Ningguang's rest at such a late hour?" Bai Xiao, one of Tianquanxing's secretaries, glared at the people in front of him with some dissatisfaction.

Qun Jade Pavilion is so high, and there is a protective barrier arranged by Lord Ningguang. How did these guys get up?

Baixiao looked suspicious.

"Uh, no, you really took a rest so soon?" Li Qiuzhi was a little surprised.

"This is naturally because Lord Ningguang has been worrying about the investigation of Lord Emperor these days. He is taking a bath now, so if you have anything to do, please come back tomorrow."

Bai Xiao nodded and said.

"So you are taking a shower, how about we go in and wait for a while?" Paimon spread his hands, expressing confusion.

"Of course it's not possible." Bai Xiao shook her head and refused.

"But we really have something very important to tell Ning Guang, and this is a task she ordered a few days ago. She said we must come over and tell her as soon as possible after it is completed."

Li Qiuzhi tried to use Ningguang's identity to put some pressure on the secretary. After all, it was best for the immortals to tell Ningguang as soon as possible if they wanted to see the emperor's immortal body.

This way she also has more time to make arrangements.


Secretary Bai Xiao didn't know that Ning Guang asked them to deliver a letter to the immortal, so she was a little hesitant about whether to believe Li Qiuzhi.

At this time, another Tianquanxing secretary wearing similar clothes walked out of Qunyu Pavilion.

It was the Baishi whom Li Qiuzhi and the others met when they first came to Qunyu Pavilion.

"Bai Xiao, Lord Ningguang is already waiting for them in the office. Let them go in." Bai Shi first nodded to Li Qiuzhi and others, and then said to Bai Xiao who was standing aside.

"Oh, okay, then please come in."

After Bai Xiao heard Bai Shi's words, he really confirmed that these suspicious guys were really the ones ordered by Lord Ningguang to do something.

Baishi led the way, and Li Qiuzhi and the others walked behind.

When Paimon flew over Bai Xiao, he stuck out his tongue at the guy who was embarrassing them, causing Bai Xiao's mouth to twitch.

I didn’t expect this little guy to be so stingy!

This was the thought in Baixiao's mind as she walked behind and closed the door.

Walking down the spiral staircase, Li Qiuzhi and the others came to Ningguang's office again, where they saw Miss Ningguang who was dressed completely differently from the previous days.

Maybe it's because I just took a shower.

The long, silky platinum hair was not held up with hairpins, and undulated along the curve of her back like a waterfall, falling down to her snow-white calves.

She was wearing a sleeveless lavender short cheongsam, with a golden phoenix clinging to it from her waist to her chest.

A faint smile appeared on her fair face, and her red eyes glanced at Li Qiuzhi and the others.

Then he sat down in a screen-backed wooden chair with low armrests behind the long desk, and said with a chuckle:

"Haha, you two are worthy of being honorary knights. You are really reliable. You have completed what I asked you to do in just a few days."

[Ningguang has a good impression of you and gains 130 favorability points. The current favorability level is 3 (280/300)]

Li Qiuzhi had developed a liking for them before Ningguang explained the process in detail, which seemed to indicate that she believed that she and Ying had indeed seen the immortal and brought the letter.

It is impossible to know the news in advance. After all, there is no such thing as a telephone here.

So this should be the confidence that a Tianquan star has in his own vision of people.

I believe that Li Qiuzhi and the others are reliable, otherwise it only takes about a week to complete the round trip from Liyue to Aozang Mountain. Unless extraordinary abilities are used, Liyue does not have such fast transportation.

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Thanks to "Sword of Destruction" for the 1,000-coin reward!

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