I can gain experience points in Genshin Impact

Chapter 238 Rumors of Wind Dragon Ruins (2-in-1)

Moreover, even his normal attacks will generally be more powerful than his own level after being blessed with weapons and expertise.

Therefore, this is relatively useless and can only be eliminated first.

As for the second option, Li Qiuzhi thought about it for a while. If he was a member of the treasure stealing group, then this strengthening direction would still be very attractive to him.

A must-have for sneaking around.

If you are short of money, you can sneak into the homes of some rich people without knowing it and take whatever you want to rob the rich and give to the poor. Then you will basically not be short of money in this life.

Of course, he is not such a bottomless person.

Moreover, "Form Invisibility" has one hour of invisibility at the first level, which is enough for anything.

So he chose the third one based on current needs.

[Form Concealment·Secret Tradition 10 (Field)]

With the completion of the skill enhancement, the various usage knowledge of this full-level skill was also formally fed back into Li Qiuzhi's mind.

It is indeed no different from the description of the option. When activating "Form Concealment", a field can be opened, and Li Qiuzhi can hide anything within a radius of three meters.

At the same time, the skill has been upgraded to the full level, and its duration has also been extended a lot.

From one hour at the first level, it became five hours at the full level. This time was indeed what he thought, and it was enough for basically anything.

After walking on the street for a long time, a few people finally saw the familiar wooden arch bridge.

"Okay, we are almost there, but it seems that some people are borrowing the alchemy platform."

Paimon flew higher and looked ahead, saying with some surprise.

"Well, I guess I accepted the request and the adventure group that will go on an adventure in the wild tomorrow is preparing supplies. How about we wait until they leave before going there."

Ying tapped her chin lightly and said.

"No, I just absorbed the energy of the original stone and became a little stronger. Now I can use my invisibility skill on you."

Li Qiuzhi said with a smile.

"Wow, so we can use the teleportation anchor at will without worrying about other people's attention!"

Excitement shone in Paimon's starry eyes.

"Well, of course." Li Qiuzhi nodded with a smile.

"Stop talking nonsense, let's try it now."

Ying parted her soft lips and spoke in an urging tone.

"Okay, although this is my first time using it, I think there should be no problem." Li Qiuzhi nodded and led the two of them to a secret corner where no one could see.

Then activate the skill "Shadow".

Suddenly, Li Qiuzhi discovered that he could "perceive" things within a three-meter radius, including himself, Ying, Paimon, the walls of the house behind him, and the ground.

As long as he wants, he can give them "invisible" status.

It seems that this "invisible field" is more powerful than imagined, and you can think of many application scenarios with just a little thought.

For example, secretly "invisibly" close the bathroom door while Ying is taking a shower and watch her angry expression.

Ah, why was this the first thing I thought of? My thoughts are so dirty!

Li Qiuzhi glanced at Ying secretly and relaxed slightly when he found that she was not aware of his dirty thoughts.

If she knew that she had such thoughts, she didn't know if she would beat him up.

Suppressing the random thoughts in his heart, Li Qiuzhi selected himself, Ying, and Paimon to be given "invisibility" status. The next second, they blended into the environment silently like water drops falling on the lake.

"So they can't see us?"

Paimon didn't seem to feel any special changes in himself, and he could also see Ying next to him. Could it be that this guy's ability was not successfully used?

"The range of this 'invisibility field' is three meters in radius. We can see each other within it. We will know whether it is successful or not later on when we walk over there and see."

Li Qiuzhi smiled and walked towards the wooden arch bridge.

After hearing Li Qiuzhi's words, Ying and Paimeng quickly followed to avoid exceeding the range of invisibility.

Not long after, Li Qiuzhi and the others walked across the wooden arch bridge, came to the alchemy platform specifically, and walked around in front of this strange adventure group.

Sure enough, no one noticed them.

After testing and confirming that there was no problem, Li Qiuzhi and the others walked directly to the teleportation anchor point.

Ying took Li Qiuzhi's hand and motioned for Paimeng to catch her. Then she gently put her other hand on Anchor Point and chose to teleport without hesitation.

It appears again at the teleportation anchor point in Mondstadt's Fountain Square.

At this time, the lights on the streets here were still the same as those in Liyue Port, and there were still a few pedestrians walking back and forth.

However, none of them noticed the sudden appearance of Li Qiuzhi and others.

The skill effect of "Form Concealment" did not disappear due to the teleportation. Li Qiuzhi was very satisfied with this.

He used the wind element to blow the wings of the wind and hurried on, and it took him more than ten minutes to get back to his home on Luoluoberry Street.

From the outside, it looked like the lights in the house were on. As expected, Fischer should be inside.

It is said that because she went to Aozang Mountain to search for immortals in the past few days, she was unable to return home to stay. I don't know if she missed him.

Li Qiuzhi smiled secretly.

It would be great if Teyvat had something like a phone, so that Fischer could keep in touch with him at any time, and he could also tell her the news that he would not be able to come back from his adventure in the wild.

So as not to worry her or anything like that.

I don’t know if there is any magical method for remote contact? When you go to find Shen He tomorrow to learn how to exercise your spirit, you can ask him by the way.

Li Qiuzhi and the others, who had already removed the "invisible realm", opened the door and walked into the living room, where they saw Oz the night crow standing on the table eating beans.

"Oh, Your Excellency Li Qiuzhi, you are back."

Oz said slightly surprised.

"Good evening, Oz." Li Qiuzhi greeted with a smile, and then continued to ask, "Where is Fischer?"

"Miss is taking a bath, do you want to come with her?"

Oz swallowed a bean and answered with a slight smile.

"Well, that's a good idea." Li Qiuzhi touched his chin, his eyes brightened, and he looked sideways at Ying and asked, "Do you want to take a shower together, just the three of us."

To hear this guy put it so bluntly.

Ying folded her hands and placed them under her chest. Her amber pupils looked at Li Qiuzhi with the disgust of looking at garbage:

"Humph, idiot!"

After saying that, she walked upstairs to avoid being taken advantage of by Li Qiuzhi if she stayed here.

Obviously, Ying, who knew Li Qiuzhi's petty thoughts, was not mentally prepared to have a further relationship with him, and moreover, he was with other girls.

Although Ying's favorability is high enough, Fischer can also tolerate him being in love with other girls.

But this does not mean that she is also intimate with other girls. To achieve a beautiful life of sleeping together, he still needs to work hard.

Li Qiuzhi thought thoughtfully.

"Let the brilliance of the princess glorify the world here."

From the bathroom, Fischer hummed something, and she lay in the bathtub, wiping her body with a towel and disturbing the water.

Li Qiuzhi stood outside the door and coughed lightly to cover up his restless heart, knocked on the door and asked:

"Your Highness, can I come in?"

"Humph, you shameless person, I won't allow you to come in!"

The bathroom is not far from the living room.

With Fischer's good ear, he naturally knew that Li Qiuzhi and the others were back, and also heard the conversations between several people.

Li Qiuzhi twisted the door handle and found that it was locked from the inside.

But this certainly doesn't trouble him. His spiritual tentacles can be placed within a radius of five meters, and he can naturally summon them from the other side of the door to open it.

He thought so and did so.

"Crack" As the bathroom door opened, the layout of the scene inside also appeared in Li Qiuzhi's field of vision.

The bathroom is about five square meters.

A small part in the front is a squat toilet, and a little further forward is a glass door, and inside is a relatively large bathroom with a bathtub.

"Ah! Idiot attendant, you cheated!"

Because the steam adheres to the glass wall, the view inside can only be blurred.

Fischer, who was soaking in the bathtub, folded his white hands and covered his chest, sitting on the edge of the bathtub against the wall, and said shyly.

Li Qiuzhi smiled slightly.

Now I feel that the universal energy consumed by my previous "Reconciliation" expertise has been almost recovered.

It should be possible to test its effect with Fischer in another way besides kissing.

Li Qiuzhi pushed open the glass door, picked up Fischer who had nowhere to escape, spread and held her white and soft thighs, and leaned against the wall.

"Well, it's so cold."

Fischer's back suddenly touched the smooth tiles on the wall, and the cold touch made her body tremble.

Then he felt his mouth was blocked.

Time flies by like the hot water flowing out of the faucet here. I don’t know how long it has passed.

Fischer exhaled warm breath from his soft lips, put his arms around Li Qiuzhi's neck a little tiredly, and lay on his shoulders.

The two bodies were submerged in the water of the bathtub, with only their heads emerging slightly. Li Qiuzhi looked at little Amy with his golden sin-judging eyes.

[Level: Thirty-nine]

Maybe Fischer was about to level up before, and after absorbing the universal energy of the "Reconciliation" specialty, he just crossed that threshold.

It seems.

As long as Li Qiuzhi uses "Reconcile" on Fischer a few more times, she can be promoted to level 40.

Then let her absorb the four-star quality thunder jade, so that she can probably complete the second breakthrough.

The effect of the "Reconciliation" specialty is indeed good.

After experimenting with both Ying and Fischer, Li Qiuzhi summed up some experience.

First, based on his physique and the bonus of his specialty "Abundant Life".

It only takes about two hours to recover after using "Reconcile".

And it will recover faster as you get stronger.

"Talking" once can probably save them two or three days of exercise time, and it also takes into account all-round growth of both physical and mental health.

The growth rate in two or three days was not as great as expected, but it was satisfactory enough.

In order to prevent themselves from catching a cold while soaking in the water, Li Qiuzhi and Fischer did not stay together for long.

I put on my pajamas and went back to the room to blow-dry my hair with wind elements, then lay on the bed and fell asleep hugging each other.

During this period, Li Qiuzhi's hands were still moving somewhat dishonestly.

The long night has finally passed.

The sunlight passed through the gap between the curtains and fell on the bed in the bedroom. Fischer sat on Li Qiuzhi's belly and propped up his body, rubbing his slightly confused eyes.

Looking at Li Qiuzhi's sleeping face, she remembered that this guy had bullied her while sleeping last night.

He was so angry that he leaned over slightly and pinched both his cheeks with both hands and pinched them.

Li Qiuzhi woke up from the pain.

When they went downstairs to have breakfast, their cheeks were still a little red and swollen, and both Ying and Paimon couldn't help laughing.

"Dear Your Royal Highness, are you free today? Do you want to go on an adventure with us to Liyue?"

Li Qiuzhi asked the girl next to him with a smile.

"...Hmm." Fischer rubbed his chin and thought for a moment, shook his head and said, "Recently, an adventurer discovered that the wind wall on the side of the Wind Dragon Ruins suddenly opened. As an investigator, I naturally need to go and investigate. "

"Wind Dragon Ruins?" Of course Li Qiuzhi knew that place. It was the lair of the Wind Dragon in the game plot.

If they hadn't directly defeated the Wind Demon Dragon at Star Reaching Cliff at that time, they probably would have needed to go to the Wind Dragon Ruins to duel with it.

Normally, the Wind Dragon Ruins are surrounded by wind walls formed by hurricanes, making it very difficult to enter. In the game plot, it was Wendy who took action to break the wind wall.

But now it suddenly turns on. Could it be that there was an accident, or was it just something that Wendy, the fish-catching wind god, felt bored and did casually?

"Well, in short, this princess will not have a vacation until the investigation is completed." Fischer nodded, took a bite of the soft bread in his hand and said.

"Okay, then I'll give you this. The thunder element energy in it should be enough for your second breakthrough in the future."

Li Qiuzhi also expressed his understanding, and then handed Fischer the four-star quality thunder jade he had previously obtained at Shimen.

"Oh? You did a good job, attendant." Fischer put on the long black silk glove and took the thunder jade with his left hand, carefully feeling the thunder element energy inside.

She found that it was indeed full and full, enough to help her achieve a breakthrough.

"Hmph, I'll give you all the rough stones that the princess has discovered in her adventures these days."

Fischer happily put away the thunder jade, and then took out three rough stones from the Eye of God that were originally intended for Li Qiuzhi.

These she found in two ordinary treasure chests.

"Thank you, Your Royal Highness, for the gift!"

While Li Qiuzhi took the original stone with a smile, he lifted her hand and kissed the fair skin on the back of her hand.

"Please also ask Her Royal Highness to help me pay attention to the original stones when exploring the Wind Dragon Ruins. How about I come back and explore the Wind Dragon Ruins with you in a few days after learning the mental training method?"

Li Qiuzhi talked about his plan.

"Huh, whatever you want!" Of course Fischer wanted Li Qiuzhi to accompany her, but she still sounded a little arrogant when it came to her words.

"Hey, how can we go on an adventure without the great adventurer Ying and her best guide? When the time comes, we will go too!"

Paimon, wearing a tiara, took a sip of milk and said.

"Well, there doesn't seem to be any progress in finding my brother in Liyue. It's better to go on an adventure to relax first."

Ying also took small bites to make a crescent moon on the bread, but she accidentally let some crumbs fall into the gap where the white and soft skin on her chest squeezed out each other.

A little itchy.

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