I can gain experience points in Genshin Impact

Chapter 244 The Cave in the Pot (Two in One)

Liyue Port, near Yujing Terrace.

As Li Qiuzhi and the others approached, they naturally attracted the attention of Grandma Ping and the others.

"What do you want?" The little girl with two big bells on her head asked Li Qiuzhi and the others.

"Hey, hello, my name is Paimeng, these are Ying and Li Qiuzhi, we are here to see Grandma Ping."

Pamon waved to several people and greeted them in a friendly manner.

"Hello, I'm Yan Fei,"

The girl wearing a slightly curved crown folded her arms under her breasts and asked in confusion. Her top was short and only covered her breasts, exposing her white belly.

The pants are shorts with a red front hem, and rosy-skinned legs extend from under them.

"I'm Yaoyao!"

The little girl with two big bells on her head answered with a smile, and then asked, "What do you want from grandma?"

"We came to borrow the 'Cleaning Bell' on behalf of a person named Zhongli. He said that he was a friend of Grandma Ping, and said that the 'Cleaning Bell' was needed in the 'ceremony of sending immortals'."

Paimon explained.

"Zhongli?" Neither Yan Fei nor Yaoyao had any impression, so they turned back to look at the old man and said, "Grandma, do you know him?"

"Haha, of course we know each other."

Grandma Ping lowered her eyes slightly and thought for a moment, then answered in a kind tone as if she had realized something.

"Hey, can you lend us the 'Cleaning Bell'?" Paimeng looked at Grandma Ping expectantly.

"In fact, I got the 'Dust Cleansing Bell' from an old friend. I also promised him that if someone wants to borrow the bell in the future, I won't be reluctant to part with it. But after so many years, where exactly has it been placed? Well, I am getting old. I just can’t remember clearly.”

Grandma Ping sighed and said.

"Grandma, do you need Yaoyao to help you look for it?" Yaoyao, the little girl with a round head, asked with her hands on her hips as if she was a little adult.

"Yao Yao, you girl, maybe you can go and play by yourself if you can't find it. You won't be able to delay the ceremony of sending the immortal." Grandma Ping put her hands behind her back and shook her head.

"How about this." She looked at Li Qiuzhi and the others and pointed to the teapot on the table. "All my belongings are in there. Let Yan Fei take you in to look for them."

"Okay, leave it to me, grandma. I will definitely help you find that bell."

Yan Fei opened her palms, pressed the soft skin on her waist, and assured her confidently.

"Wait a minute!" Paimon was confused as he listened to the conversation between the two, "Are you saying that the thing is in this teapot and you want us to go in and find it? We can't get in no matter how hard we try!"

Except for Li Qiuzhi who knew the specific situation, Ying and Paimeng all felt that Grandma Ping was joking.

"Haha, you will know if you try it."

As soon as Grandma Ping finished speaking, Li Qiuzhi suddenly saw the space change instantly, and the next moment they appeared in an environment with a slightly dim sky.

What he stepped on was a piece of land floating in mid-air.

Looking forward, there is a curved light bridge extending toward another land floating in the air above.

"Is this here?" The amber pupils dilated slightly, obviously a little surprised.

"Hmph, this is grandma's cave in a pot. Isn't this the first time I've seen it? It's magical."

Yan Fei crossed her arms and said with a smile.

"Dongtian?!" Paimon covered his mouth in surprise, "Isn't this kind of thing only available to immortals? Isn't that Grandma Ping?"

"Your guess is correct. Grandma also has a nickname, 'The True Lord of Gechenlang City'. Come with me, and I will take you to look around for that bell."

Yan Fei stepped on her short boots and walked towards the light bridge, and at the same time she answered without any concealment.

"We previously thought that immortals could only be found in the mountains, but we didn't expect that there are actually some hidden in the city. It's really surprising!"

Paimon spread his hands and flew to follow Yan Fei.

Li Qiuzhi and Ying looked at each other, and they could also see the surprise in each other's eyes. Of course, what surprised Li Qiuzhi was the view of the cave in the pot.

After all, he already knew about Grandma Ping's identity in the game plot.

But Dongtian came here for the first time with his feet on the ground.

"Miss Yan Fei, I don't think the two long horns extending under your hat are decorations. Could it be that you are also an immortal?"

Li Qiuzhi and Ying also followed up and started the topic.

If you look carefully, you can also find several white scales growing on the skin of Yan Fei's waist. It is unknown which fairy beast her immortal blood comes from.

"Ah, you noticed."

Yan Fei glanced at the young adventurer with a surprised expression:

"I do have immortal blood, but only half of it. According to everyone, it should be called mixed blood."

"I see. So Miss Yanfei is a superior being who combines the advantages of immortals and humans. It's really enviable."

Li Qiuzhi praised him naturally.

"Haha, you're right."

Yan Fei's immortal blood gave her the ability to distinguish between good and evil, and she was able to sense that these people had good intentions.

Therefore, under Li Qiuzhi's praise, he could not help but feel a little fondness for several people.

[Yanfei has a good impression of you and gains 160 favorability points. The current favorability level is 2 (60/200)]

The few of them chatted for a while and got to know each other.

Li Qiuzhi and the others learned that Yan Fei worked as a legal consultant, and Yan Fei also learned that they were adventurers and were helping the Goshen Hall prepare various matters for the "Immortal Sending Ceremony".

At this time, everyone walked across the light bridge and came to another floating island.

Except for two trees growing here, it is also empty. There is nothing, let alone a "dust-cleaning bell".

On the right side of everyone, there is a light bridge, just like before, connecting a higher floating island.

"It looks like we are going to continue going up." Ying seemed to be a little tired, crossing his arms and shaking his head slightly.

"Actually, I rarely come to grandma's Cave in the Pot. It takes me a while to find the 'dust-cleaning bell'."

Yan Fei didn't have any good solution, so she could only continue walking with everyone.

"Okay, I don't know if the light here is a little dark, and it's afternoon, so I feel a little tired and want to sleep."

Paimon yawned and seemed to float feebly in the air.

But just when a few people relaxed their vigilance and thought that there was nothing here heading towards the Light Bridge, they were surrounded by strange things that looked like condensed black energy unknowingly.

"Ugh, what are these!"

Paimeng quickly shrank behind Ying. It was also the first time for Li Qiuzhi to see such a strange thing.

He instinctively activated the "Dandelion Shield" and sacrificed a little strength to expand to include everyone present to avoid being attacked by surprise.

"These seem to be the demon's 'karma'. It seems that grandma hasn't taken care of the cave in the pot for a long time, and she actually allowed these things to come out!"

Yan Fei frowned, and half of the dark red magic weapon book appeared next to her, probably ready for battle.

"What is 'karma'? Is it a kind of monster? How come it appears in Grandma Ping's cave in the pot?"

Paimon looked very confused.

“‘Karma’ is not a monster, it’s like the resentment left behind by a demon after it dies.

"If you are entangled in 'karma', your spirit and mind will be tortured until you become a part of them, so don't be possessed by them.

"As for why they are here, my grandma probably sealed some demons and ghosts in the pot before. Over time, resentment breeds 'karma'."

Yan Fei explained in detail.

As she talked, those "karma" clung to Li Qiuzhi's wind element shield like black smoke, and the rotating hurricane did not throw them away.

It's like mud on the wall that can't be wiped off no matter how hard you wipe it.

"What should I do? Will they penetrate in?" Paimon was a little anxious and scared.

"Don't worry, my elemental shield is still quite strong. It won't work for a while. It's just that it's difficult for us to move now."

Li Qiuzhi maintained the shield and did not feel any difficulty.

"How do you clean them?"

Ying did not attack directly with elemental power because those "karma" were attached to the wind element shield, and she was afraid of disturbing the shield when attacking.

If you accidentally break it, you'll be in trouble.

"'Karma' is difficult to clear. I heard that the 'Great Sage of Conquering Demons' has been troubled by a lot of 'karma'.

"But that's when the invading souls have already attached themselves to the body. It's still easy to deal with them now. Just attack them with elemental power."

Yan Fei grew up in an immortal family, so she naturally knows a lot about this knowledge.

But how to attack them is a bit difficult for everyone. Fortunately, they are not "sticky" to the wind element shield, and they can induce the elemental power outside the shield to launch an attack.

Now it is the elemental shield that protects them and limits them.

Li Qiuzhi thought for a while, looked at Yan Fei and asked, "How effective are mental attacks on 'karma'?"

"'Karma' mainly attacks the human spirit and soul. Correspondingly, what they are most afraid of is this type of attack, so you can try it!"

Yanfei put her finger on her chin slightly to express her affirmation.

"In that case, let me clean them up." Li Qiuzhi said with a smile after hearing Yan Fei's words.

The only means he can currently use to cause mental attacks is his specialty "Spiritual Tentacles". The "Sword Intent of Ying" is still a physical attack for the time being, and the accompanying mental impact is only to cause memories.

It cannot cause effective harm to "karma".

But the problem is not big. Now he has about 10,000 experience points, and he only needs to upgrade the newly learned "Mind Concentration Technique" by a few levels.

After the mental power becomes stronger, the "spiritual tentacles" should be able to clean up the "karma". I wonder how effective this method of training the mental power is?

With some expectation, Li Qiuzhi put his experience points into the "Concentration Technique".

Experience Point-9999

Concentration 1 (1/1000) → Concentration 5 (0/5000)

There were only 72 experience points left in the character panel, and the skill level had also been raised to level five.

In addition to relevant skills and knowledge, Li Qiuzhi's mental strength is also improving slowly and steadily, as if he has been exercising for a long time.

Five or six seconds later, Li Qiuzhi felt the mental strength information fed back by his body.

If the mental power before strengthening was likened to a thick fog, then it is now about five times as dense as before.

Looking at the changes in the "spiritual tentacles" intuitively, Li Qiuzhi can now summon tentacles at will within a radius of fifty meters centered on himself.

And after becoming mentally stronger.

The tentacles condensed with mental power seemed to have more substance, becoming translucent and able to be directly seen by the naked eye. It should be due to the increased mental power.

As a result, the strength of the tentacles has also increased a lot, about fifty kilograms.

Of course, if you want to remain invisible, you can just reduce the mental power output. Correspondingly, the power of the "mental tentacles" will also decrease.

The strength of fifty kilograms is actually within the range of ordinary people, and I don't know if it has a good effect on "karma".

Li Qiuzhi breathed out and patted the brown short-sleeved top gently.

On the dark and windless floating island in the cave in the pot, he raised his hand slightly and made an attack posture.

Suddenly, in the space a few meters away, a dozen translucent smooth tentacles ten centimeters in diameter spread out and rolled towards the "black air" attached to the wind element shield.

They have no intelligence, so they can't hide.

With the same spiritual power, "Karma" easily grasped one by one with its translucent tentacles.

The "karma" tried to struggle, but their power was unexpectedly weak.

Li Qiuzhi caught them in his tentacles, and it felt like pinching the back of the kitten's neck. The effect of resistance was just to let Li Qiuzhi know that you were resisting.

But it turns out nothing works.

"Hey, is this a technique for releasing mental power? I didn't expect you to have such a powerful move."

Yan Fei watched Li Qiuzhi easily trap the "karma" with his strange translucent tentacles like making dumplings, and she was a little surprised.

The mainstream of Teyvat is elemental power, which can also generally affect monsters in spiritual form and without substance.

Therefore, there are very few people who specialize in spiritual power.

To the extent that others want to release their mental power, only their own mental power is strong enough to be able to release it naturally.

This requires at least six breakthroughs, or regular mental training!

Could it be that this seemingly ordinary adventurer actually has the strength to break through six times? !

"It's just my special talent." Li Qiuzhi smiled, "Now those 'karma' are bound, but I don't seem to have any way to deal with them."

After confirming that there was no potential danger, he removed the elemental shield so as not to consume too much by maintaining two skills.

However, the "spiritual tentacles" with only fifty kilograms of strength seem to be unable to crush them. If you attack with elemental power, your own "spiritual tentacles" will be attacked first.

If it becomes loose at that time, they may run away.

"Well, let me think about it." Yan Fei was also a little embarrassed for a moment. It was indeed troublesome to clear up the "karma" that even immortals were afraid of.

"Idiot, don't your arrows travel through space? Just attack directly through those mental tentacles."

Paimon complained to Li Qiuzhi.

"Oh? It seems to work, but it has to be killed with one hit."

Li Qiuzhi nodded, took out the adventurer's hunting bow and aimed at the "karma" in the air. They were kneaded together by the translucent tentacles like a ball of dark ink.

The fire element in the evil eye is constantly attached to the tip of the arrow, and its intensity is unprecedented.

There is about one-third of the total fire element in the evil eye.

Not long after, Li Qiuzhi loosened the bowstring, and the fire element arrow disappeared into the space in front of him. The next moment, it appeared directly on a black "karma" inside the translucent tentacle.


The flames exploded, and Li Qiuzhi felt a roar in his mind and was a little dizzy. This was the backlash caused by the damage to the translucent tentacles, that is, his mental power.

At the same time, a prompt popped up in the character panel:

[Defeat powerful enemies*10 and gain 20,000 experience points. 】

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