I can gain experience points in Genshin Impact

Chapter 253 Negative Balance (please vote for me~)

Completed level up.

Li Qiuzhi felt a steady stream of energy overflowing from his body. This wonderful feeling came and went as quickly as it came.

I carefully experienced the changes in my body.

Li Qiuzhi found that there were great improvements in various aspects such as strength, speed, physical strength and even vitality and mental strength.

There is nothing to test strength and speed, so it is difficult to feel it yourself.

It should be no problem to lift several tons with one hand.

By directly using mental power, you can compare the growth rate compared to level 50.

For example, at level 50, his spiritual tentacles and level 5 "Concentration Technique" can be used to summon people at will within a range of 50 meters centered on himself.

Also able to lift fifty kilograms.

Now at level 60, Li Qiuzhi can summon spiritual tentacles within a range of 500 meters and lift objects weighing 300 kilograms.

Some ordinary monsters that are not very strong basically cannot withstand a full blow from the tentacles.

Mental Tentacles, an ability that basically has good performance in all aspects, can finally be brought to the table. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a magical skill.

At the same time, Li Qiuzhi felt the changes brought about by the level improvement.

The character panel also popped up a voice asking him to select "racial expertise":

[Your level has increased to 60, your evolution has reached a new stage, and you can obtain a "racial expertise", please choose! 】

As usual, three options are given, namely:

[Thousand-Year Body: You have evolved even more perfectly. Your vitality has been greatly increased, and your lifespan has increased tenfold. 】

[Anti-conduction skin: Physical damage that does not exceed its own limit will be reflected back to the opponent. 】

[Super self-healing: In the absence of severed limbs or more serious situations, all injuries received can be healed within a few seconds, including mental injuries. 】

One is to gain extra life, one is to rebound physical damage, and the other is the very powerful body's self-healing ability.

When Li Qiuzhi saw the first racial specialty, he felt that he should choose this.

After all, life expectancy increases tenfold, who doesn’t want to live longer!

Since Li Qiuzhi's level improvement is an all-round improvement to his body, after reaching level 60, according to the information given on the character panel, he can live for three hundred years without injury or disease.

If he chooses the racial specialty "Thousand-Year Body", his lifespan will immediately increase to three thousand years.

As you level up in the future, your lifespan will be multiplied by ten!

Moreover, it will also greatly increase vitality. The higher the vitality, the faster the body's self-healing ability will naturally be, so the third specialty seems a bit useless.

Of course, its advantage is that it can restore mental injuries, which is indeed very good.

However, he usually pays great attention to protecting himself. Even when fighting, he is very cautious to open the shield first. If he feels that he can't beat him, he will run away.

Therefore, it is enough to rely on your own spirit to heal yourself.

As for the second option, it's also pretty good.

If you choose it, you will basically not be able to harm Li Qiuzhi if he is weaker than him later, but unfortunately, it limits physical damage.

Teyvat's main extraordinary power is elemental power. The effect of choosing this does not seem to be very big.

Li Qiuzhi finally chose the "Thousand-Year Body" after careful consideration.

In an instant, huge vitality emerged in every cell of his body, as if he was refreshed, full of vitality and unable to detect the decay.

Finish selecting racial expertise.

Li Qiuzhi discovered that when his racial specialty called "Reconciliation" broke through at level 60, the "universal energy" in it also had an additional characteristic.

In the past, it had three functions: relieving fatigue, healing injuries, and improving absorption.

Corresponding to level 20 breakthrough, level 40 breakthrough, and level 50 breakthrough respectively.

Now, the level 60 breakthrough has gained the fourth characteristic - negative balance.

The main effect is that when girls such as themselves or those who have had close contact with Fischer receive negative effects, the effects will be shared equally among several people.

For example, Li Qiuzhi was hit by a wild forest boar.

If you are hurt and feel pain, you will divide the pain into three parts. One part is still felt by yourself, and the other two parts are transferred to Fing and Fischer respectively.

The same applies to the negative effects such as damage suffered by the two of them.

How to put it, this is a characteristic of both prosperity and loss.

And if you accidentally cut the skin on your fingers while cutting vegetables.

After the damage that can scratch the skin is weakened three times, it will only be a little felt at most, and it will definitely not bleed or anything.

Right now, only Ying and Fischer have confirmed their relationship. In the future, if there are more people, they will be evenly weakened to one-quarter, one-fifth, and one-sixth.

If you receive any fatal damage, a small percentage of the damage will be distributed evenly to others, and you may not even feel it.

The only thing to worry about is.

Being killed in one blow by an enemy who has surpassed him too much, and no one can withstand his evenly weakened strength, it is really a loss for both sides.

But this probability should not be high, so there is no need to worry too much.


Others can also choose to accept equal sharing of injuries or not, and there is no compulsion.

After understanding the changes in his body, Li Qiuzhi continued to wait in the woods for about an hour, and finally saw the green-eyed crows starting to move.

He quickly slapped Hutao awake.

"Ah, what's the matter? Is there any movement?"

Hutao opened his mouth and yawned, feeling a little dazed.

"Follow her quickly, those crows are going back." Li Qiuzhi didn't give Hutao time to wake up from her sleep, and pulled her and quickly chased after her.

The green-eyed crow was like a fish in water in the dark and gloomy surrounding environment. If he didn't have good eyesight, it would be difficult not to lose him.

"Yeah, don't run so fast, this hall master is about to fall."

The road surface was uneven, and Hutao accidentally stepped on a sunken place while being pulled along, causing her to stumble a little.

It didn't take long.

The two people in hiding followed the group of crows to a denser place in the woods. The surrounding trees were filled with dense rows of crows.

Their eyes glow green in the dark, looking very strange.

"This seems to be a space rift, are they coming from the opposite side?" Hutao withdrew his hand that was a little sore from being caught, and said while rubbing it while looking at the scene in front of him.


Li Qiuzhi and Hu Tao stood in front of a space crack, and the green-eyed crows didn't seem to see it at all.

The last time I saw this kind of space crack with a golden edge in Benlang, I didn't have such a powerful invisibility ability, so I didn't get close to it.

Now it seems that there is no doubt that these crows came from the beast realm.

Those beast realm monsters have been trying to come over there.

This crack is much smaller than the one on the Benlang collar, only the size of a door crack.

No wonder only such a weak green-eyed crow, um or rather a crow from the beast realm came over.

Li Qiuzhi suddenly felt that he could handle this trouble on his own!

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