I can gain experience points in Genshin Impact

Chapter 255 Done (please vote for me~)

Liyue, Qingce Village.

At night, on the star-filled water surface of the terraced fields, a few sparkling fireflies were reflected, and they seemed to be brighter than the stars at the moment.

Qingce Village is located on the left side of Wuwangpo. It is a relatively less energetic village.

Because most of the people staying in the village are old people, and there are very few young people, most of them have gone to the city to make a living.

"Thank you. It's so late and I need your help to go upstairs and take back the bacon. You were just asking where there are those strange devices with unknown uses. Just keep walking along the road in the village and you can see them."

An old woman stood at the door and said to the blond-haired girl and the flying humanoid elf.

"Hey, you're welcome!"

Ying and Paimon said goodbye to the old man and walked in the direction pointed by the old man.

When they left Wuwangpo and came to Qingce Village, they saw some old people in the village enjoying the shade and chatting. One of them stopped them and asked why they came here.

Ying and Paimon said that they were adventurers, and the old man understood.

As adventurers, they are running around in the wild anyway, so it is not surprising to come here at this time. The old man also asked them to help collect the bacon on the rooftop upstairs of his house.

I said that I chatted with everyone too late today, and my legs and feet were too slow to climb stairs.

During this period, Ying also asked the old man if there was any strange device like a teleportation anchor point in this village, and the answer was naturally yes.

"Hey, I think I saw the teleportation anchor point!"

Walking across a wooden arch bridge, next to it is a huge water wheel, which should be used to deliver water to farmland or for your own use.

After walking across the arch bridge and flying in mid-air, Paimon discovered the teleportation anchor point standing on the edge of the cliff not far ahead.

"It's true. Let's go over and take a look."

Ying also noticed the red light emanating from the unlit anchor point, and accelerated his steps a little, until he almost reached the top of the steps on the path.

She suddenly received two requests to be teleported to her.

To this, she agreed without thinking.

It was obvious that this was Li Qiuzhi and Hu Tao's application. If they didn't communicate with her in advance, it might be too late in case of some emergency.

This has been agreed upon by several people in advance.

In an emergency, when using "Interstellar Travel" to run away, you can transfer directly without notification. In other less urgent situations, you need to notify in advance.

This way you can avoid wasting time trying to save someone by wondering who it might be.

Therefore, after Zaiying agreed, Li Qiuzhi and Hutao appeared beside her in an instant, both looking slightly relieved.

"Wow, you are back. Did you gain anything?"

Paimon didn't look surprised when the two people suddenly appeared. After all, she could also use such abilities now.

Ying also cast curious glances at Li Qiuzhi and Hu Tao.

"We encountered a relatively powerful enemy. We hurried back to avoid being discovered. The reward is to confirm that those green-eyed crows are indeed from the beast realm."

Li Qiuzhi told Ying and Paimeng what had just happened.

He is somewhat confident in the skill of "Form Concealment", and he is standing relatively far away, so things on the other side of the space crack should not be able to detect him.

But the guy over there who doesn't know if he is a crow-type "Golden King Beast" can actually use his mental power to break up his own sword intent.

I think he is much better than me.

I'm afraid that if it finds out, it will give me such a blow and I'll be in trouble.

The negative balancing characteristic that "Reconciliation" just obtained has not yet been explained and used by Ying and Fischer.

Even if they want to help share the hurt, they can't.

In this case, of course there is nothing you can do about it, your life is at stake, so run first out of respect!

“I see, it seems that your actions of cleaning up those crows attracted the attention of the more powerful enemies on the other side of the rift.

"They shouldn't be able to make any waves in a short period of time."

Ying hugged her chest, put her right index finger on her lower lip and thought for a while before saying.

It would take a lot of time for the Beast Realm to continue sending more green-eyed crows. That would be enough time to notify Ningguang Keqing and other seven stars and ask them to send Qianyan Army to deal with it.

"Maybe, but there are still less than half of the green-eyed crows that have not been successfully eliminated, which is a bit of a pity."

The one who spoke was Hu Tao, who spread his hands and looked helpless.

As a Liyue native, she naturally didn't want any dangerous factors to exist in her country, so she had a slightly better impression of Li Qiuzhi, who had done a good job just now.

[Hutao has a good impression of you and gains 180 favorability points. The current favorability level is 4 (170/400)]

"Well, it's getting late, let's go back first."

Li Qiuzhi nodded and said.

Just cleaned up so many crows.

His experience points were only 7,000 when he improved the "Concentration Technique", and now they have surged to more than 60,000.

The reason why I didn't get as much as when I was besieged before was probably because I didn't have any help in cleaning up.

The title of Knight of Honor does not serve its purpose.

Now wait for the enemies on the other side of the space rift to slow down. Next time you come over, if they are still there, continue to cause trouble for those crows. I hope you can gain so many experience points.

Ying lit up the teleportation anchor point of Qingce Village and took everyone back to the Alchemy Platform Square. It was already nine o'clock in the evening when they returned to the Rebirth Hall.

Perhaps because he sensed the return of several people, Zhongli stood in front of the door of the Hall of Rebirth and waited in advance.

Crossing my arms and looking at the gentle sound of the stream below the guardrail, I felt like I was thinking about some philosophical truth about life.

"Oh, Hall Master, you are back." Zhong Li looked at the few people and said, "How about it, are the Immortal Incense and Glazed Lily ready?"


Li Qiuzhi just wanted to speak.

Hutao put his hands on his waist and interjected with some dissatisfaction:

"King Qing Zhongli, why do you ask this as soon as you come up? This hall master has just come back, can't you prepare some good tea before we chat?"

"Yeah, that's right. I didn't think it through well. Hall Master and everyone, please come in."

When Zhong Li heard Hu Tao's words, he touched his chin and thought about it seriously, then nodded and turned around to walk towards the Shengsheng Hall.


Well, Hu Tao is the only one who can really treat Emperor Yanwang as his subordinate.

Seeing that Zhongli really wanted to make tea, Li Qiuzhi said quickly: "Haha, Mr. Zhongli, don't go to such trouble. It's not early now. We'll go back as soon as we give you the things."

Ying also took out the longevity incense and glass lily at the right time and handed them to Zhongli.

"Well, the ceremony of sending immortals will also start tomorrow. Remember to come and take a look." Hutao waved to Li Qiuzhi and others who were about to leave.

"Okay, no problem." Li Qiuzhi nodded his head lightly.

The two then returned to the Alchemy Platform Square and used the anchor point to teleport back to Mondstadt.

Thank you all for your support. The monthly ticket has reached 1,000 for the first time. I will try my best to write more updates in these two days. (Thank you with all sincerity)

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