I can gain experience points in Genshin Impact

Chapter 261 Even if you can teleport, can you still fight this fight? (make up for yesterday

Chapter 261 Even if you can teleport, can you still fight this fight? (make up for yesterday)

Several smooth translucent tentacles stretched out from the void, hugging Ying, Keqing, and Li Qiuzhi's own waists and placing them steadily on the ground.

Everyone looked up slightly and found that the "Master"'s clothes had changed significantly.

His whole body was suspended in mid-air, and the mask on his face turned red, with a "one-eye" shape emitting blue light in the middle.

The weapon he is holding is no longer a bow and arrow or a pair of swords, but a spear-like thing with something like a blade at one end.

Li Qiuzhi looked like a long-handled sword.

It can only be said that he is worthy of being a "gongzi" who has the talent to master all kinds of weapons. He seems to know all kinds of weapons.

Although Li Qiuzhi could probably do it if he wanted to, there are no obvious shortcomings in what he knows now, and learning too much will only distract from his experience points.

For now, you just need to specialize in your existing skills.

When you have some spare experience points, you can learn a little bit about other weapon-using skills, and you may be able to draw parallels to deal with related opponents, and you will be more comfortable.

"What's going on with him? He feels a lot stronger!"

Ke Qing looked at the young master whose attire had changed drastically, his fair and handsome face filled with solemnity.

"Perhaps now the 'Master' is at his strongest when he has used all his cards. Everyone, please be careful."

Li Qiuzhi breathed out silently, and held the hilt of the sword harder, ready to attack or defend at any time.

He saw that the "Master" at this time had risen to level 82. It seemed that the "Devil King's Arms" had greatly improved him.

"Haha, now it's time for me to attack!"

"Young Master" said in a strangely synthetic voice, with an obvious smile in it.

He just finished speaking.

The whole person disappeared in the original position, and appeared in front of Li Qiuzhi and the others across a long space distance with his thoughts.

The blade, which was a mixture of the two elemental powers of thunder and water, struck Li Qiuzhi and the others from left to right.

"Can you actually control two elemental powers at the same time?!"

Although Ying was surprised, her body's reaction was not slow either.

As soon as you see the attack clearly, attach the rock element to the long sword and lift it up to block.

Although the rock element is strong, Ying's arm strength is not as strong as that of "Young Master", and the Wufengjian can only be pushed back slowly while trying to hold on.

"You are too weak now!"

"Young Master" increased his strength, and the blade kept accelerating and approached Ying's neck.

Li Qiuzhi picked up the heavy sword and struck the "gongzi" in the waist. Ke Qing was also involved in the attack.

A pair of sharp purple swords that were completely condensed with the power of the thunder element emerged around her.

The tips of their swords were all aimed at "Young Master".

"Ten Thousand Swords Parade!"

Ke Qing opened her soft lips slightly, and following her command, countless purple swords pierced towards the "young master".

Facing the powerful offensive of the two men, Dadalia had to temporarily avoid the edge and disappear.

Li Qiuzhi's heavy sword and Ke Qing's numerous small purple swords were thrown into the air.

"Young Master" used the space to move to a slightly farther place, and the long-handled sword in his hand continued to chop out water blades, rapidly attacking Li Qiuzhi and the others.

Keqing also immediately changed the direction of the failed purple swords, causing them to collide with the water blades.

When the two are balanced, no one takes advantage.

Even if a water blade happened to pass through, it was blocked by several huge desolate stars that continuously rose up from the ground due to the elemental force driven by the light.

Li Qiuzhi discovered that "Gongzi" had the ability to move in space, and his mobility became super strong.

Even Keqing, who is equally fast, has a hard time attacking him.

He pondered for a moment, inserted the heavy sword in his hand on the ground, directly activated the "spiritual descending" feature of the Concentration Technique, controlled the shadow of the sword energy, and approached the "Master" to slash out the golden sword energy.

At the same time, Li Qiuzhi took out the adventurer hunting bow.

To deal with enemies who can teleport, naturally you have to use the same method to achieve better results.

He attached the arrow to the fire element released from Lisa's improved evil eye.

Li Qiuzhi aimed at the "young master" and suddenly let go of the bow string, and the arrow sank into the space. The "young master" over there just had the idea of ​​​​dodging.

He found that his eyes were blazing red, and a ball of flame exploded on his face.

However, he didn't feel any pain, and not even a little bit of skin on the mask fell off. The arrow was fast but a little weak.


Li Qiuzhi felt a little helpless as he watched the "young master" floating in the air without any injuries.

The power of a bow and arrow is greatly affected by the user and the weapon itself.

His adventurer's hunting bow is still a two-star quality weapon. If it is an ordinary enemy, it will be fine. He can use his own strength to cover up the shortcomings of the weapon.

But facing a powerful enemy like "Young Master".

Even if the elemental power is used, it seems that there is no way to cause much harm to him.

It seems that it is necessary to put on the agenda to change to a good bow, otherwise it would be a bit funny because he cannot break the defense even though he has the means to deal with the "young master".

"Not bad archery skills, I will give you an arrow in return!"

Dadalia, in the Demon King's armed form, raised his right hand above his head, and a huge elemental arrow flashed with lightning in his palm and slowly took shape.

"Hiss, what a terrifying power!"

Li Qiuzhi felt that his elemental shield could not be used hard.

He spoke to Paimon outside the Golden House through the "beacon" in his mind, asking her to allow him to transfer to her at any time in advance.

I have to say that his move was correct.

The next second, the huge arrow condensed by thunder shot over like lightning.

Fortunately, Li Qiuzhi's response was extremely quick.

Before the arrow hit Li Qiuzhi, he moved to Paimon outside.

He casually touched her head to express his gratitude, and then teleported back to Ying inside with the sound of her stomping her feet angrily in the void.

Li Qiuzhi used the teleportation ability of "Interstellar Travel" to easily dodge the powerful blow.

"Is the skill of space movement already so common?"

Dadalia was in a complicated mood, and both Yu Hengxing and Li Qiuzhi showed super-high mobility that was not weaker than his space transfer.

Then there is no need to fight anymore.

Unless the attack speed is faster than their reaction ability, it will basically not hit. Dadalia understands this well.

Continuing to fight is nothing more than a waste of strength.

This is a natural disadvantage for him because driving the "Demon King's Arms" puts a heavy load on his body. If everyone here uses teleportation to play a bullet-dodge game.

Sooner or later his body will be eviscerated.

Thinking of this, Dadalia no longer hesitated and directly released his ultimate move.

The water-colored whale rose from the ground again, and its huge body occupied the entire space and pressed down on Li Qiuzhi and the others.

Take advantage of their vision being obscured and respond to attacks.

Dadalia teleported directly to the immortal body of the Rock King, and quickly inserted his right hand into the immortal body. This time no one could stop him from getting the Heart of God!

The chapter that was due to be updated was reluctantly updated. call……

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