I can gain experience points in Genshin Impact

Chapter 265 The final machine (asking for monthly votes)

"Is this the Demon God of Whirlpool? Oh, I feel like I can't breathe just by looking at it."

Paimon hid behind everyone, a little scared.

"Well, the pressure of the ancient demon god is indeed a bit unbearable for ordinary people. Because of this, it is even more forbidden to let it get close to Liyue."

At some point, a heavy rain began to fall in the gloomy and dark sky. Raindrops as big as beans fell on Keqing, making her clothes wet.

Although the panty-style black stockings have become a little darker, perhaps it is because they cling to the legs and shrink slightly to spread the stockings, and the white skin of the legs is revealed more clearly.

"Everyone, be careful, he has discovered us!"

Ningguang flew in mid-air and saw a head of the whirlpool demon Oser. He suddenly opened his mouth and continued to use his divine power to condense it into a bright ball of light.

"Osser is about to use his breath, everyone, hurry up and defend!"

Lord Lishui Dieshan flicked his wings like sunset, and a large amount of immortal power poured out, creating a huge piece of amber directly in front of the Jade Pavilion.

Qun Yu Pavilion's flying speed is not very fast.

Naturally, it can only block the attack. It has an excellent defensive array arranged by Ningguang himself.

Generally speaking, if the elemental power is sufficient, it should not be a problem to receive the devil's attack.

However, in order to prevent accidents, it is better not to use Qun Yu Pavilion's "face-to-face" attack. After all, Qun Yu Pavilion has a great auxiliary effect.

at this time.

The breath of the whirlpool demon Osel also arrived, and an energy ray hit the huge amber directly.

Although the immortal's power was powerful, it was unfortunately still a little weaker than the real demon. Soon cracks appeared in the amber blocking the front of the Jade Pavilion.

"Xuan Ji Ping!"

When the amber of Lord Lishui Dieshan was completely broken.

The condensed light activated the rock elemental power in the body to create a huge screen that continued to block the front of Qunyu Pavilion at a certain tilt angle.

The energy ray passed through the amber and hit the Xuanji screen, then flew to the side at a certain angle and fell into the sea, instantly exploding the water in the sea dozens of meters high.

This way he finally blocked the blow.

"All the immortals, it's time for us to fight back!"

The raindrops fell on Ningguang and were instantly bounced off. She pinched a seal and put the several "Return Machines" provided by Liuyun Borrowing Feng Zhenjun into the storage space developed by her research on rock elements.

Then the condensed light transformed the seals, and a super large formation platform unfolded outwards with Qunyu Pavilion as the center.

Three "final machines" were also summoned again.

They were placed in three positions on the left, middle and right respectively. The three real masters, Xieyue, Liuyun and Lishui, also used to control one each.

The "Returning Machine" improved by Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun has a very powerful power.

Especially when used by their immortals, even demons can pose a threat to them. Of course, the disadvantage is that it takes a while to charge each time it is fired.

"Everyone, let's create a charging environment for Zuoyue and the others that won't be disturbed."

Grandma Ping said as kindly as ever.

She didn't see any big movements. She lightly slapped her palm forward, and one of the heads of the whirlpool demon Oser in the distance tilted inexplicably.


It was like being slapped in the air, water elements splashed everywhere, and was almost scattered by the shock wave.

"Wow, this is 'Grandma Ping's Shock Wave'!" Paimeng's eyes lit up as he watched this move, and then he turned back to look at Li Qiuzhi and Ying, "Speaking of which, is this level of battle really something we can participate in?"

"Well of course it's impossible. We can't even touch Him."

Li Qiuzhi's furthest attack now is the "spiritual tentacle", which can reach one thousand meters.

But regardless of whether it can hurt him, the distance between the Jade Pavilion and the Whirlpool Demon God is more than a thousand meters, and they are really untouchable.

“If you want to participate in the battle at the immortal level, you must complete at least six breakthroughs and all six destiny stars must be awakened.

"If that happens, our strength will be greatly improved. At least the attack distance will no longer be an issue."

As someone who has achieved nearly six breakthroughs, Keqing has some understanding of this in advance.

"I see."

Li Qiuzhi nodded, and then took this opportunity to use his golden sin-judging eyes to curiously observe the strength of the immortals present.

The first is Zhenjun Xieyue Zhuyang who controls the "end machine" in the middle.

The bright logo displayed on his head looks like this:

[Level: ninety-six]

The limit of human beings is level ninety. Above level ninety, it is very likely that they will gradually gain control of power. It seems that the Moon-cutting Lord is not far away from becoming a demon god.

However, immortals could join the emperor in the wars of demons thousands of years ago.

Presumably they were level ninety and above at that time.

But now, thousands of years have passed, Xieyue is still within level ninety, and has only been promoted by six levels at most. In a more extreme case, he may have been level ninety-six thousands of years ago.

It has not been improved so far.

Although this probability is very small, it also reflects from the side that every level up from level 90 is extremely difficult.

Sure enough, becoming a god is not easy.

Fortunately, he has a character panel. As long as he has enough experience points, he shouldn't have to spend thousands of years to level up.

Li Qiuzhi thought with a little relief.

Then he continued to look at the other immortals.

Compared with Zhenyue Xieyue, Zhenjun Lishui Dieshan is slightly one level lower. He is at level ninety-five.

And Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng is also level ninety-six like Xieyue.

When his eyes came to the side of the Demon-Conquering Great Holy Mandrill.

I found that he was a little more powerful than everyone in front of him, and his level reached level ninety-seven. Is he really worthy of being a Yasha who specializes in killing?

However, he is now entangled in "karma" and doesn't know how much strength he can exert.

When Li Qiuzhi looked at Grandma Ping who was fighting, she seemed to be aware of it and smiled kindly at him.

This caused Li Qiuzhi to look back a little awkwardly, as if he had been caught by the teacher for making small moves in class.

But Li Qiuzhi also managed to see the specific level of Grandma Ping, which was level ninety-eight.

This was not beyond his expectation. In Li Qiuzhi's view, Grandma Ping had the feeling of being an outsider, and it was normal for her to be stronger.

Except for the immortals, everyone present.

The most powerful one is undoubtedly Miss Gan Yu, the secretary of Yue Haiting, the whirlpool demon Osel, who is taking out her bow and arrow.

Although she is usually quiet and gentle, she is not a real immortal, but she has the blood of the immortal beast Qilin.

He has also lived for thousands of years and is a person of the same era as the immortals.

Therefore, Gan Yu's level is also above level ninety, as high as level ninety-six, which is not inferior to Zhenjun Liuyun.

It seems that although they are disciples of Zhenjun Liuyun, they are already comparable in strength, and this is understandable. After all, they are of Qilin bloodline, and it is normal for them to have better talents.

Just when Li Qiuzhi wanted to continue to see the levels of other people and Osel.

The "final machine" of the immortals has been fully charged.

Each of them aimed at one of the heads of the demon god Osel, and turned all the energy of the "End Machine" into a huge beam and released it!

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