I can gain experience points in Genshin Impact

Chapter 267 Breaking the Weakness

There was a "pop" sound.

The head that looked like condensed water was penetrated and suddenly became like a headless fountain.

"D-Did it succeed?" Paimon looked at the Uzumaki Demon God with his head knocked off. He should have been defeated.

"Probably not that simple."

Li Qiuzhi shook his head. Although the "end machine" used by the immortal was powerful, it was not that easy to defeat the demon.

Speaking of which, Ningguang saw in his golden judgment eyes that there was level 88.

And it seems that her combat power is not only level 88.

Being able to use such a powerful attack may mean that her strength has reached the level of an immortal.

After blowing off the head of the Whirlpool Demon God, the immortals continued to charge the "End Machine" without stopping.

Grandma Ping and Gan Yu also continued to attack Osel. Obviously they knew that he would not be defeated just because of this minor injury.

When they followed the emperor to fight, the immortals and Gan Yu had already fought against Osel and understood how powerful he was.

Sure enough, just a few seconds later, Osel's heads recovered easily, as if they were short of water and then replenished.

But it was obvious that the attack from "The Final Machine" still caused a lot of damage to him.

Osel's eyes suddenly glowed red, and the dark clouds in the sky swirled like a whirlpool.

Then endless water bullets fell towards the Jade Pavilion below instead of raindrops.

This is also an attack that cannot be avoided, so it can only be resisted forcefully. Ning Guang stands quietly in mid-air, with his long platinum hair swaying gently in the wind.

She raised her right hand, which was covered with gold finger gloves.

Pointing his palms to the sky, he released immeasurable rock element light. The defensive array of Qun Jade Pavilion was activated, and a translucent rhombus-shaped rock element shield enveloped the entire Qun Jade Pavilion.

With the increase of the defensive array, even the attack from the demon god is powerless against Qunyu Pavilion.

Those water bombs containing divine power hit the elemental shield and were easily bounced away.

But Osel's attack wasn't over yet. Seeing that his move didn't work, he directly activated his power and created a super attractive vortex in the sea below the Jade Pavilion!

A sudden moment.

Even though the base of the Qunyu Pavilion was made of giant Mingxia floating stone, it was still slowly pulled toward the water and sank due to the huge amount of buoyancy.

Should I say he is worthy of being a demon? Seriously it's not that simple.

"Oh no, we won't sink to the bottom of the sea like this!"

Ying and Shen He were both dealing with the water elemental creatures outside, and Paimeng could only express his worried words to Li Qiuzhi, who was holding a bow and arrow at the side.

"Well this is really troublesome."

Although he, Ying and Paimon were able to use the ability of "interstellar travel" to run to Fischer, others could not.

If Qunyu Pavilion sinks, there will be heavy casualties.

Moreover, there are demon gods watching from the front. Even if there are so many immortals, they may not be able to save everyone.

Li Qiuzhi once again looked at the demon god Osel with his golden sin-judging eyes.

Since the "Return Machine" shot through his head just now was no big deal, it means that the head is not his weakness.

What he wants now is to find Osel's weakness.

Then ask the immortals to aim the "final machine" there and injure him severely. Perhaps this will interfere with his use of power.

But that's a little surprising.

Li Qiuzhi did not see any bright light spots indicating weakness in the head or body of Demon God Osel emerging from the sea.

Logically speaking, this shouldn't be the case.

Since he can see Osel's specific strength, then the effect of the "Great Illusion Dream Senluo Vientiane Violent Qi Sin-Severing Eye" to see through weaknesses should also take effect?

Could it be that the devil has no weaknesses? Li Qiuzhi thought with a bad expression.

It shouldn’t be. Everything has its weaknesses. Are demon gods a special kind?

It was at this time that the demon god Osel not only continued to use his power to increase the attraction of the whirlpool, but one of his heads also took advantage of the "end machine" to be charged before it was fully charged.

As if it could be extended indefinitely, he opened his huge mouth towards Qunyu Pavilion and bit down.

He wanted to cooperate with the attraction of the whirlpool and push Qunyu Pavilion directly into the water.

Naturally, this would not allow Him to succeed.

The Demon-Conquering Great Holy Mandrill took out a cyan spear and attached it to a huge amount of wind elements. He jumped into the sky with a slight leap and stabbed Osel's head with all his strength!

The violent hurricane pierced Osel's head, and countless water elements splashed.

When it penetrated one of Osel's heads this time, the head and the very long thing that was not sure whether it was a neck or a body turned into water and fell on the sea as if it had lost its support.

But in the next second, another sea snake-like thing appeared in the distance where Ossel was.

It seems that the attack just now was of no use.

"Damn it, is His body completely made of water?"

Paimon stamped his feet angrily, clearly seeing that his head was gone again, but it grew back again in the next second.


Li Qiuzhi replied thoughtfully, watching the scene where Osel stretched his head out of the sea just now.

He suddenly thought that Osel's weakness might be in Hai Xia's body.

The more I thought about it, the more I felt that my guess was correct. Li Qiuzhi immediately cast his gaze at Auxerre's body under the sea.

It reflected the sky, causing the equally dark water to block his view.

Not to mention Osel's body, not even a hair can be seen.

His golden sin-judging eye can see through strengths, weaknesses, and illusions, but it has no clairvoyance function.

"Young man, have you encountered any difficulties?"

Seemingly noticing what difficulties Li Qiuzhi encountered, Grandma Ping asked while continuing to attack Osel with "Grandma Ping Shock Wave".

"Grandma Ping, I have the special ability to see Osel's weaknesses. Is there any way you can help me see his body in the water through the sea?"

Li Qiuzhi remembered that immortals can bless others with immortality.

In the game plot, the traveler relies on his powerful soul to forcibly bless Ping Lao, Gan Yu, and Mandrill with their own immortal magic, and then displays his power to defeat all the incoming fools.

Therefore, he protected the "End Machine" and was able to continue to suppress the whirlpool demon Osel.

However, in reality, Qunyuge and Osel have been at war for so long, and they have not seen the Fools coming, nor do they know that they gave up because the plot has changed.

Still preparing for some big surprise.

Li Qiuzhi had no way of knowing this, so he could only continue to be more vigilant to prevent them from taking advantage of him.

"Oh? Can you actually see the demon's weakness?"

Grandma Ping was a little surprised when she heard Li Qiuzhi's words, even though she had thousands of years of experience.

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